11483/Enchanted Armour

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Enchanted Armour
Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Buffy meets with Harry to discuss an enchantment spell. Muffins are handed out.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had called Harry ahead of time, wanting to discuss something that might be useful in future battles. As the current battle seems to be reaching a climax, she is growing ever more concerned about keeping herself protected against a growing threat.

And so she arrives a few hours later, knocking on Harry's door, and hopefully maybe this time he wont be turned to stone or something worse. Who knows? He's an odd guy..

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is there behind his desk, reading a paperback novel and generally doing a lot of nothing as he waits for Buffy to arrive. At the rapping of the door, he looks up and dogears the page he is on, the monster. "Hey, Buffy. Come on in and lets talk. What is it you were looking for again?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, stepping in, waving to him cheerfully, "Hi Harry! How's it going? Have you eaten yet? I brought snacks!" she holds up a paper bag from Tim Hortons, full of coffe and muffins. Hey, at least they're healthier than donuts!

"Well, good to see you didnt turn to stone again." she teases gently but her smile is at least kind. "Hmm, well..." Buffy rests the paper bag on the desk, within easy reach of them both before settling into a chair across from him.

"Actually I was wondering how enchantments work. I don't know much about magic myself, even though I'm often left to run the financial end of the magic shop. Or rather, I know a bit of theory, but not enough to actually enchant an object. But y'know, those ghouls are pretty tough, and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them. I think it's about time I got some more protective gear, and then I was thinking, I wonder if you are able to enchant stuff like jackets, make them a bit tougher against claws, guns even, I dunno. Hey, I'd be willing to pay you well.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden blinks, holding up a hand and chuckling as Buffy goes off on her spiel. "Woah, woah...slow down. I'm an old man to your young college types. I don't process as fast. Now, let me get this straight, you are asking about enchantments. Sure, I can enchant a jacket and make impervious to claws or bullets or whatever. That isn't a problem. I'd need the item in question and the time it takes to carve the symbols, and enchant it for a few nights to get the charge up. It's the maintenance that is an issue. Most spells die at dawn, so it would have to be maintained daily, which is why I don't usually offer that type of service. I have a hard enough time maintaining the duster." He leans back into his chair, folding his arms over his chest, "If your asking for a one time thing for battle though, I can manage that I think."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, pulling out a muffing, pulling out another for Harry. Because he should eat more. She pulls the coffees out next and takes a sip. Hey, looks like she's borrowing a page from Karrin with all the goodies.

What he says does c ause her to frown a bit, nodding between mouthfuls of muffin. "Ahh, I see. Hmm.." she frowns, "That's a lot of work, but you know what? Even for like, an epic final battle, that'd be super helpful, y'know? And like I said, things are going down soon, and I'd really appreciate something of that nature."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I guess the question is, when is this epic battle you are planning going to take place, because I need the jacket ASAP to get working on it if it is anytime soon." Harry explains. "I'll need at least a three or four day lead time.""

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins and nods, pulling up a bag from the floor and pushing it over. "Got my combat jacket here. It's just leather, but would be nice if it were you know, tougher against those nasty ghouls, and maybe can absorb bullets and what not, even if a little."

She bites her lip, pondering that next question, "Well, let's see, I'm looking at at least two, three days from now to raid that place where I'm sure Armastus' men are hanging out. Saturday or Sunday at the latest. What else do you need and how much will this cost?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I'll slap the same enchantment that I have on my duster. Claws, bullets, knives...hell anything short of a .50 cal round should be stopped. It will still HURT like hell form the blunt force trauma, but it won't penetrate." Harry says as he picks up the jacket and looks at it. "I'll start working on it now, and hope you don't need it till I'm done."

HArry stands, "As far as payment, how about not dying. That will be payment enough.""

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "I'll take my chances, I suppose most demons wont be lugging guns around with their super strength, but you never know right?" she smirks. "Soo, you're saying it'll only last like, 24 hours then? Sounds like a lot of work for a short amount of time.."

With a shrug, Buffy pushes the muffin closer to Harry, "c'mon, eat up, and sorry, but I'm not gonna take your charity, just cuz I'm a friend. I may not be as rich as Thomas, but doesn't mean I'm not willing to pay.."