11177/Little Costume Shop 5

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Little Costume Shop 5
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Little Costume Shop, Flatbush
Synopsis: Adrian needs a costume... copy of his Beta Flight uniform. So he visits Alice.
Cast of Characters: Red, Flex

Red has posed:
There's that costume shop close to mutant town, and it advertizes on the net that they do custom stuff there. It has also big lettering on the window, and a neon sign tells it is open. And while the small front seems devoided of life or attendants, there is certainly somebody there as the hiss of an airbrush, interrupted by the hum of the compressor comes from the closed back room door.

Flex has posed:
Flex checks the card he was given, the address is right. The police were not really happy to have to deal with the aftermath of his fight with the Punisher, not in the least because he had finished the fight naked and had to tie the scraps of his clothing around him. Once he was released from interrogation, he was given a card for this place. He is hoping it can help.
Flex walks in and the door chimes the theme from "Gone with the Wind" to indicate it has opened, he pauses to look around. Costumes yes, but can anthing here withstand his power?

Red has posed:
The trumpets and strings from the small speaker draw out Alice, hanging up an apron right next to the door. She's clad in blouse and Jeans, a tag on the left proclaiming 'hello, my name is Alice', the upper part printed, the name handwritten. Some breathing protection dangles around her neck, and she even still wears the safety glasses. "Ahh, hello, what can do for yea? Looking for something specific or you have a preorder or you want something custom?" she greets as she settles in behind the counter, the compressor humming a last time before it stops.

Flex has posed:
Flex produces a card from his pocket, it has his picture in a red and silver costume, and a Canadian maple leaf holograph. It reads Flex in large letters, and in smaller letter it says, Adrian Corbo, Department H, Beta Flight along with a lot of numbers and an address in Toronto. He says, "Hi, I am Adrian. I am an agent with the government of Canada, currently on sabbattical to study here in New York. When they granted me leave, they did not allow me to take my costume with me, as it is for officially sanctioned missions. I was hoping you could help."

Red has posed:
Picking up the card and eying it, then flipping to the back to check that before putting it down again. "Well, depends a little. I can't sanction vigilantee work, that's after all illegal, but if you need some fac simile for press or something, sure, I could make something. It wouldn contain any of the governemental gadgets though, if you had any."

Flex has posed:
Adrian states, "As a sanctioned agent of a foreign power, I have a degree of diplomatic immunity, especially when acting in self defense or to protect the lives of others. What I really need is a costume that can withstand my powers. It does not actually need to be unstable, but it does need to be able to stretch considerably and withstand wear and tear."
Adrian decides to give a demonstration, and rolls up his left sleeve. He transforms his arm from an inch below the elbow to the fingertips into a diamond-shaped metal shield.

Red has posed:
"Diplomatic immunity, isn't that for diplomats only? I thought Policework is different. I think... something about exchange or something, but anyway. I am just saying, that I can't legally support vigilates, because it's illegal." Alice remarks, binking as he talks about unstable. "Not sure what you mean with unstable, but I can make something durable and wear resisant. I mean, Neoprene and spandex and kevlar are after all options to work with." she says just before Adrian starts to alter his left arm.

"I see, so you need something in the elastic department for the sleeves, but I can't really make it immune to cuts. Possibly resistant, but that might be a liability if you are trapped in it.

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "I mostly only do sharp edges on my hands and feet, those are my main striking surfaces. The hands may be left bare, but I need some kind of shoes that will last if I have to use them. The rest of the costume simply has to flex with me. I can flex any part of my body into flattened metal plates...which is not as useful as either stretching or being able to be an animated metal statue in some ways. Just for a note, Diplomatic Immunity also covers bodyguards like Secret Service agents from the US while in foreign countries."

Red has posed:
"I'm not a diplomat anyway, but yea, just try not to get the cops on you for doing their job, ok? Some are rather trigger happy..." Alice notes, pointing on a few spots where, under some paint, there's a tiny shimmer of bullet holes from weeks ago. "So, shoes... that could be a problem. I mean... Are you comfortable with going barefoot? I could manage to hide a pocket for some rubber socks somewhere, but I don't think I can manage to keep a costume intact if it's kicked into a blade from the inside. Also, I'd need your measurements and some reference photos. To make it fit and look like the real thing for your press shoots and stuff."

Flex has posed:
Adrian considers with a frown, "I need shoes I can wear when I go indoors...perhaps open toes, I think sandals are allowed to wear in most places. Measurements are fine, even pictures can probably be arranged. Beta Flight may not get the press time Alpha does, but there have been a few case where we have been involved." He is not really the legal expert here, but the police did give him a few basics. They said going into the building to investigate an explosion for hurt civilians was legally fine. Going in to look for evidence without a warrant would not have been.

Red has posed:
Alice says, "Well, I mean, I can manage to get yea shoes, but I just can't guarantee that they will withstand your bladed feet poking from the indide. I meant the rubber socks for that case, if you destroy your shoes. Do you need an estimate for billing?" Alice asks, nodding at his assertion about the references."

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "If you can make them flexible enough so I can make my feet into stilts, skis, or snowshoes without falling off...and still be legal to enter a store with, that is all I can ask. I will try to restrict actual edges to my hands."
Not that he has actually done the skis or snowshoes publicly yet, but he can do them...

Red has posed:
"I might manage." Alice notes, tapping her chin. "Though, maybe a quick detatch for the shoe, so you can take it off almost instantly? Like a velcro holding sole and top together. Wouldn't be entirely watertight though."

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "It might work, most shoes designed to be flexible are not really water tight anyway. Just put a decent highly elastic liner inside and I can put the velcro back on after I morph my feet back to normal."

Flex has posed:
Adrian adds, "I do have access to my bank accounts, I do not think my government will cover the expense because this is not official buisness. How much will it cost?"

Red has posed:
"Kinda like that. 2 flaps, parting for whatever shenanigans you plan, and then reassemble after that." Alice notes, shrugging. "Well, depends on material and stuff. I mean, I can make an estimate and call you about it later, after I had a chance to see over the design? A lot of it depends on the design after all."

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "It should look as much like my standard costume as possible, people have to recognize me...well at recognize that I am a Canadian hero. Recognizing me as Flex, that is likely to take a bit more publicity. I can give you the number of my hotel. If I find a longer term place to stay I can drop in and give you a number for that, when I have it."