11173/A Talk With Diggle

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A Talk With Diggle
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Queen Mansion, West Vancouver
Synopsis: Diggle dishes on Oliver's chili to Vanessa
Cast of Characters: Copycat, Green Arrow
Cast of NPCs: John Diggle

Copycat has posed:
Evening tonight consisted of a drive around Star City, showing the town to Vanessa. Dinner at a nice restaurant, and then more of the drive, this time along the waterfront. With John Diggle driving it let Oliver and Vanessa rubberneck at the sights of the pristine waters reflecting the various lights along the bank.

Now, back at Oliver's family home, Vanessa steps out of the vehicle, her breath misting in the cold air as they walk over towards the house. Diggle accompanies them, walking just a bit behind. "John, are you going to come inside for something warm?" Vanessa asks, turning and walking backward as she addresses him. "Coffee? Hot chocolate? Tea? Glass of something warming but not due to the temperature of it?" she asks with a grin towards him, then smiles over to Oliver. She's gotten to know John only a little so far, but the two seem to hit it off well enough.

Green Arrow has posed:
It had been making Oliver curious, just how Vanessa and Diggle had been able to become fast friends like that. His bodyguard and friend was normally dour, specially to the women he used to date in the past. Of course there had been exceptions, and perhaps even some he had hoped would had turned into something other than normal work colleagues. But fate had led elsewhere.

Oliver looks up and towards the house, smiling. He feels good here. Home. With people he cares for.

"Yes, join us John." he says in agreement to Vanessa's invitation. The bodyguard nods, that faint smile of his appearing to his lips. "My pleasure then, I will have some tea." not the type to drink on the job. And chocolate ..., he ain't getting any younger!

And then he speaks up. "How have you been enjoying Starling so far, Ms. Carlysle?"

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa does that turn again to face him as they walk to the steps up to the front door. "The best days of my life," she tells him, doing nothing to hide the magnitude of the smile that confirms her words. Vanessa casts that smile over to Oliver, leaving it abundantly clear why she feels that way.

"Thank you for driving tonight," she tells him, even though it was part of his job. "Starling is a beautiful city. New York has a lot of great places to it. But it's kind of lacking the rest of the view outside of it that you have here," she says as she looks around at the surrounding hills and forests, which the mansion is set amongst.

"So Oliver was mentioning you two go pretty far back. What will it take for me to crack that discretion of yours and get some Oliver stories out of you?" she asks Diggle with a grin before turning back to Oliver, sliding a hand along his shoulder as they head up and to the front door.

Green Arrow has posed:
That seems to make Diggle's grin to grow wider. He nods at her assessment, clearly in approval. He couldn't really answer the same though, as afterall he was always getting into some kind of danger or another. Or well, Oliver dragged him to that danger. But still, he felt he had found a home here.

Oliver's smile matches Vanessa's when he hears her say those words, walking closer to her to give her a one-armed hug about her waist. He doesn't seem to have much of a problem with public displays of affection. "It hasn't fully turned into a steel city, like New York. Though I wonder for how long we can keep it at bay." for as long as he lives, he hopes.

The mention of stories makes John look at Oliver, then at Vanessa, "I am not sure which stories I would be able to share that Oliver hasn't already." then a pointed look at Oliver. "But I can tell you one, don't trust his chilli." a warning.

Copycat has posed:
There's definitely a genuineness to Vanessa's affection for Oliver that is easy enough for Diggle to pick up on. She smiles and leans her head against Oliver's shoulder as they pass inside the house. "I'll go ahead and make the tea, you two get comfortable," she offers.

Oliver gets a kiss on the cheek and then she heads for the kitchen. "Oliver's chili? Now he's made some good things so far. Is this a bad cook sort of thing, or is he turning out bowls of 11-alarm fire chili that make you run to drink out of the faucet for a few minutes?" Vanessa asks, raising her voice a bit so it's easy for them to hear.

Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver is actually proud of that damn chilli, so he seems a bit affronted when Diggle says that, giving him a counter-pointed look. They seem to have a lot of those. Staredowns. But this one at least seems in good humor. "I will let you know that I make the best chilli on the surroundings. I never had one complaint."

"Because they are all in the kitchen drinking gallons of water." Diggle replies with a tsk, confirming Vanessa's suspicions.

Oliver just shakes his head. "Don't believe him, he is just being difficult. You will love it." oh no.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa comes in from the kitchen, with a tray with three teacups and a teapot in which the teabags are steeping. There's honey and milk on the tray as well as she brings it over to where the boys are sitting. The young woman's face is just beaming with her grin as she listens to them.

"So does Oliver handle his own chili well? Or is it one of those where the person's face turns bright red and they are sweating, and talking casually about how mild this batch is?" she asks as she sets the tray down between them. She moves over to sit beside Oliver before pouring the tea for each of them, giving John Diggle the first cup.

"I always liked the thick chili," Vanessa says. "Like so thick it's more of a dip than a soup. With those big frito corn chips that are shaped like scoops? That's perfect on a cold winter day," she says.

Green Arrow has posed:
The looks that Oliver gives Diggle is one of triumph when Vanessa mentions how she likes her chili. Yes, he can make those. Oh yes, he can. "See, Diggle..?" he leans over to reach for one of Vanessa's hands when she is done pouring the tea, placing a kiss there.

Diggle just lets out a sigh. "I am doomed. Means we will have chili sometime soon.." a defeated droop to his shoulders but then he is shaking his head and chuckling. A thankful nod for the tea and he takes a brief drink. "What about you, Ms. Carlysle? Any interesting stories of your past you'd like to share?" it's not as if he knows much about her past, or anything really. He and Oliver and haven't spoken about it that much.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa's smile grows at the gentlemanly kiss. "Of course, if he burns my lips off, I won't be able to give any of those in return," she says after the kiss, with a playful grin to Oliver. "Or are you just not even a chili fan at all, John? I know some don't care for the taste of chili powder. I grew up outside of Cleveland though, so kind of used to those hearty meals in winter."

John's question causes Vanessa to rub at the back of her head for a moment. "I nearly shot my friend's friend. I was staying with her, April, the one who visited? I was staying with her in the summer, when it was 102 degrees out and my air conditioning was broken. And she has a friend who makes himself known by coming up the fire escape and knocking on the window. Well, it's not really the best neighborhood to start with so I was a bit freaked out to suddenly see his face there at the window while I'm trying to sleep on the sofa," she says.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Well, I was sort of joking. Oliver does make quite the mean chili. I never heard any complaints from any of his .., friends." The pause there means Diggle means some kind of special friends? Whatever it is it makes Oliver's look to become a touch more somber, another look to Diggle. They have a lot of those 'looks'.

"It's been a while though." Oliver says, to which Diggle answers. "Maybe you should try visiting again." but that goes unanswered. Instead Oliver's attention goes to Vanessa. A furrow of brows. "April did say she had Harley Quinn over. Do you mean she has -other- friends that go up her window to visit?" fine, he does the same when he's Green Arrow but ....

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa adds a little milk to her tea and takes a sip. "Well, I don't know that I'd call Harley Quinn her friend. Someone who showed up uninvited, wanting to make use of her as part of the press, is more like it. But yes this was an actual friend. Part of the neighborhood watch there, which kind of makes it even more ironic," she says.

Vanessa glances at the looks between John and Oliver, but they just make her smile softly, enjoying seeing Oliver having a close friend like that. "April's a really good one though. She's been a good friend to me," she says with a gentle smile. "I'm glad she was able to come out here to visit," Vanessa says. "I hope they can schedule the trial soon. I guess those things don't move too fast usually, do they?"