11069/Buffy, Bob, Bstchelors

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Buffy, Bob, Bstchelors
Date of Scene: 14 February 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Karrin and Harry's V-day plans change, thanks to Buffy
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy, Buffy Summers

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry's office/lab gets cold in the winter. Not having any form of centralized heat, he has to rely on the large wood burning stove in the kitchenette area and the fireplace in the living room. Both have been lit, and yet there is still a nip in the air.

Harry is down the hall in his lab, his heavy bathrobe wrapped around him for an even extra level of warmth, for all it helps.

"Bob, it's valentines day. I am not about to let you out. I still have regrets about the last time!"

"Oh come on, Harry! It was just a little orgy. They probably would have all ended up like that anyway."

"No, Bob! Just because it was an adult film convention it doesn't make it ok! You not getting out, and that is final!"

The skull's teeth chatter a bit as the orange lights flare slightly. "Fine. See if I help you with any potions today then."

Harry rolls his eyes and tosses a pencil at the skull as it shifts and turns to face away from the wizard. "You are such a pain in my ass."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"So what did I walk in on?" Karrin asks from outside the lab, wearing a winter coat. She's absolutely dressed for the weather. And, due to the day and date. Has a box of chocolates for Harry and a bunch of flowers. Because. Valentine's Day. Fortunately. Nobody got massacred. Though if Bob doesn't quit it, Karrin may end up massacring that skull...

Poking her head around the door,Karrin looks from Harry to Bob. "Hey Harry. Happy 'free chocolate and flowers from your significant other' day" she says and does air quotes with her fingers with one hand.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Bob was wanting a 24 hour pass for help brewing a couple of potions." Harry explains as he shoves some papers to the side of his lab desk. "I told him no way in hell, and now he is all butt hurt."

"I am not butt hurt, Harry. I have no ass to hurt...you won't let me go get one for the day."

Harry tosses another pencil at the skull, beaning it off the back of it. "Exactly! Because who knows WHAT you would do with it." He pauses, "Actually I have a pretty good idea, and that is even worse!"

He looks over to Karrin, and runs his fingers through his unkempt hair. "Uh..." he starts off looking a bit sheepish, "Right. We are doing that, aren't we. Totally. I have something for you too, it's just...not here yet." He is the best liar.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph grins. "Yeah we are, Harry. And no. Bob is not leaving the lab, or getting access to the equipment. God knows what he'd do with it" she says and glares just a little at Bob. "You don't neeed an ass. You need locking in a soundproof display case if you cause trouble" she says wagging a finger at Bob, as if scolding him. Yeah like that's a good idea.

"Oh we're doing this, Harry. We are dating after all. I know. Not conventional, but I was thinking. You. Me. Dinner tonight" she offers, fixing Harry with a look as if she's calling him out on his lies. "You ordered something and it's not here yet? Postal service is that slow?" she wonders, curious what Harry got her.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "Dinner? Like you mean out at a restaurant kind of thing? I am going to assume you don't mean Burger King." Harry stammers as he combs his fingers through his hair again, "Uh, yeah. Sure. I think doing dinner is something we can do. One does have to eat after all."

He turns around to face his desk, moving a few things around as he looks for something in the piles of papers and containers, "So, where did you want to go for dinner?" he asks, casually sidestepping the question of non-existent gifts in transit. "You know I don't have a lot, but I am sure I can scrape up enough to take us out somewhere decent enough...if I can find a place that still has a table left.""

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph grins, "Yeahuh, you, me, dinner. Somewhere classier than Burger King" she nods keenly. "There's a restaurant I've got my eye on. Or, hm...we could go to new York or Bloodhaven" she offers too, looking over to Harry. "You get to finding a table" she nods. Somewhere has a table left, right? Right?

Somewhere should. Because no, no fast food will be rammed.

Watching Harry, Karrin smiles. then watches Bob for a moment again. "Nou are not invited" she adds to Bob.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry sighs, searching around under papers and boxes until he finds what he is looking for, an old rotary phone. He pulls out a think yellow paged books and starts to thumb through it, "Which place did you want to go? I can start there, but if it is popular I doubt there is going to be a open table."

The skull turns to face Karrin, and the orange eyes in it's eyes flash. "Such a party pooper, Karrin. I don't know what Harry sees in you."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Yeah I am" Karrin says to Bob, watching Harry digging around for a phone. A....rotary phone, too.

Harry and tech don't mix. Much to Murph's quiet confusion. "Well, is there anywhere local? Mac's?" she suggests. She smirks, the idea of a romantic meal at Mac's....nah.

Karrin looks pleased. There is no way. No freaking way, she's going on a romantic date with Harry. To Burger King. Just. No. Freaking. Way.

Hence why she's pacing the lab and office, watching things happen. See, Murph knows this place very, very well. Setttling on the couch, Murph considers options re: food.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hasn't visited Harry at his office in a while, but she was growing ever anxious about her missing friend, and hoping beyond hope that maybe he had found something, anything, that might help. And so she is here, knocking impatiently on his door, hoping she isn't about to interrupt something else.

"Hello? Harry? Are you in?" oh yeah, she can totally hear voices on the other side..

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph leaps up before barking becomes a thing and opens the door. "C'mon in Buffy" Karrin says with a wave, resuming her spot on the couch. "Harry's here yep. I'm here and....bob" she says, that last word all but spat. Stupid skull. "Happy Valentine's Day, Buffy" Karrin smiles, setting Harry's gifts on the desk finally. Watching Buffy, Murph looks to the kitchenette. "You want anything?" she asks, then looks frustrated. "You know anywhere good to go tonight food wise?" she asks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers breaks out into a smile as she sees her bff and steps in, glancing around, "Hii Karrin! Happy Valentine's day! Soo did you get Harry anything? Did you even manage to convince him to go out on a date for Valentines? Because that'd be a feat..." she pauses, peering around, "Soo, who's this mysterious 'Bob' I keep hearing about, anyways?" she follows Karrin into the kitchennette and shrugs, "Sure, I could always use a good stiff coffee..Got anything to eat? Early morning patrols are the worst.." As for places to go, she just shrugs. "Places for a date..? I dunno, you looking for classy or casual? Club Lux is kinda cool.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
The skull sitting on the shelf turns around of its own volition, pinpoints of orange light in the sockets. "Oh, whose the dish?!" comes a vaguely British voice emanating from the bleached bone. "Is she MY Valentine? Karrin, you shouldn't have."

Harry continues to look though the ancient tome of yellow pages, searching for some hidden text. "Mac's? Mac's is a normal weekday kind of thing. I would think you would want something more special."

He glances up as Buffy makes her way inside, flipping a hand up in a wave as he ignores Bob. He looks to Buffy and holds up a finger, "Yeah...give me a sec."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph looks to Buffy with a nod. "Classy" she says then nods to Harry. She too is ignoring Bob. So, Murph smiles then looks to Bufy and Harry. "Yeah I got Harry something. But his gift's still in transit" she says, echoing Harry's words. Gift's 'in transit'.

Karrin's okay with it, mind. And she's totally and utterly ignoring a Bob. Because she's better than arguing with Bob.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers turns to *stare* at the talking british skull..Thing.."Uh....Okaay Harry, that's definitely the weirdest paperweight I've ever seen.." she smirks, "What, was it a tacky Halloween gift that you just HAD to keep?" she chuckles, walking over to it and peering at it, trying to figure out how it talks. Probably magical.

And then it says THAT and she rolls her eyes, "Um. No? I'm NOT your Valentine..I actually have a date for Valentine's...Or, I will, if he gets back from his super important business trip in time.." she sighs softly, clearly sadenned by the fact that Thomas' work sometimes keeps him busy, and sometimes away from her, often at important times. Like today..

She smiles and nods to Harry, openning her mouth and shutting it quickly. Looks like he's in the middle of..Something?

She nods to Karrin and sighs. "I have Thomas' gift...Just hope he gets back in time..Today's his birthday too, y'know.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"The sex vampire was born on Valentine's day? Well of course he was." Harry says with a smirk and shake of his head, "And I can guess what his birthday present is going to be."

"You were born on Halloween, Harry." the skull explains, "What does that say about you? Are we going to go down that rabbit hole, it will be so. much. fun." The little orange glows roll around the eye sockets before they cast a glance back towards Buffy, "Oh yes. Do tell, what is his gift...is it going to be you, wrapped up in a bow? Do you need help getting into the outfit? I can help."

"Bob, shut up." Harry says as he runs his fingers down the listings in the great yellow paged tome. "Buffy, that is Bob." the wizard says. "Bob is an asshole, but also a very, very valuable asset, or I would have likely smashed him with a hammer by now."

The skull turns and looks at Buffy again, "Her name is BUFFY?! Oh, now I have to help..."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"No, BOb. I'm not buying Harry a pumpkin farm" Karrin jibes and raises a hand to flip the skull off. Not the first time, either. So, Yorick, how many fingers am I holding up?" Karrin asks.

Looking to Hary, Karrin nods. "Yeah, mac's is weekday thing. We need somewhere better. Though not too highbrow" she ads with a smirk, the idea of Harry getting....oh, dressed up for it, minus the dustr? That's scary. Stilll, she looks to Buffy. "Any good ideas guy" she asks, middle digit still extended toward Bob. She's making a point of flipping him off.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers positively GLOWERs at Harry when he calls him that. "Excuse me but his name is Thomas. NOT 'Sex Vampire'." she rolls her eyes, "Sheesh, give him a break already, Harry.." she takes several breaths, trying to keep from punching Harry. Which she really, REALLY wants to do right now.

Instead, she focuses on the skull. Who at least has a sense of humour, if nothing else. "Nooo, I 'm not gonna dress up in a bow." although honestly Thomas would probably really like having HER as a gift. "But anyways, nice to meet you Bob. Why are you a skull? Where's the rest of your body..?" she smirks, "Hi, I'm The Slayer. Maybe you've heard of me?"

To Karrin, she shrugs, "Really? Mac's is like totally casual. Trust me, club Lux is way more highclass." she chuckles, "But seriously, I'd LOVE to see what Harry looks like in a suit. Do you even wear suits, Harry? Ooh, did you get her a gift too?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"What? It's what he is." says Harry matter-of-factly with a shrug. "I call em as I see em, can't blame me that he is who he is."

"Bob shifts back to Karrin and rolls the eye-lights again, "Classy, Karrin. Really classy. I can see why you have made your way up the ranks of the police department. With a stunning wit like that, your are going to go places."

The skull turns to Buffy and the jaws opens up into what could be construed as a grin, "Oh, the Slayer. Yes, I have heard of you. Every generation, blah, blah, blah. But you should. I am sure that this Thomas would just love to unwrap you. Deliciously ironic that the Slayer is dating a vampire." Bob's eyelights flare a bit brighter, "I know I would. But to answer you question, I am a spirit of intellect. I was never human, the skull is just my...bottle."

Harry just shakes his head trying in vain as he keeps calling various places to be told no tables. "Yes, I've worn suits before." he says grumpily, "I clean up quite nice, but the tuxes I have worn don't seem to survive very well."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin hides a 'sexpire' behind a cough. She's agreeing Thomas is.....something else. "Is he animal, vegetable, or mineral?" she wonders aloud, looking to Buffy. "Hey what about the Blue Lady? Think you could swing us a table?" she adds and looks hopeful. Great, go have a romantic dinner in the sexpire's lair, Karrin.

She's studiously ignoring Bob, too. And she's also looking highly amused at the banter.

"Harry. Tux. I never thought those words would go in the same sentence. Or is that Harry, tux, surviving?" she adds speeculatively, racking her brain trying to think just where to get a table...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "Okay fine, so maybe that was his birthright, Harry. But he really IS trying to be a better person in spite of all of that. He's not like the others, he's..." she draws a deep breath. "Geez, if you knew who he REALLY was, maybe you would think twice about him. I mean, he's..He's.." no, she can't tell him, it's not her place. But dammit it's sooo frustrating..

She just laughs nervously at Bob, "Don't even start with me. I only slay EVIL vamps, not good ones. And I've met plenty of good vamps in my life.." dated a few of 'em too. "Soo umm you're a spirit in a bottle? Kinda like a genie or something?" she grins, "Well that's kind of cool..."

As for Harry, Buffy just smirks, "I'd love to see you in a suit, love to see you relaxed instead of uptight all the time. You know, if everywhere is full, you could always try the Blue Lady. I'm sure Thomas could pull some strings, even if it WERE full there too. Heck, maybe you could check out the VIP lounge.." she smiles, having fond memories of the place.

Karrin is however, given a wary look, "Heey, don't you start with him too. Please cant you guys just give him a break already? And yeah, that might be your best bet."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry sighs, lifting a hand up in surrender. "Fair, fair. I just...he eats people ok, and I have an issue with that. Sure, he isn't as bad as a Red or Black court vamp, and he only drains a little life force,, but he still drains it right? I have every right to be ooged out by that. But you are right, he has helped me on more than one occasion, so I do owe him the benefit of the doubt."

Bob turn to Buffy, "Not a genie, no, but same sort of living conditions." the Skull rattles off, "I mostly provide Harry with knowledge of potions, magical theory, and various other arcane interests. I've done so for various wizards over hundreds of years."

Harry sighs, closing the large yellow tome of numbers and leans back against the counter. "I suppose we could try the Blue Lady...but I am sure that VIP room looks like a Jackson Pollack painting under a black light. Remind me to wear my rubber suit."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph listens, looking to Buffy, "I'm not starting on him. I'm just wary, okay? You guys are cute together. I'll admit that. Grudgingly. You're cute with Thomas" she says sounding a tiny, tiny bit envious. Not that she and Harry ain't cute together. "Hey Buffy, wanna get out in the hall and see if you got a working phone? I'd try mine but I like a working cell. I was gonna say the internet would have restaurants on it, right?" she says, wondering if anyone could Harry-proof a computer. Probably not, it'd decide to not exist once Harry got near itt?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, "Correction. He USED to eat people. Now he just eats..." well, her. Which isn't the best but hey, at least other people are safe. And she can handle it (read: doesnt actually MIND it) too.. "Look, he's not a threat to anyone anymore, that's one of the reasons I chose to help him, okay?"

To Bob she just smiles and shrugs, "Cool. looks a little cramped in there. Does Harry at least let you out occasionally? I'll bet Willow would get a kick out of meeting you.."

To Murphy she just shrugs, "Look, why don't you guys just come to the Blue Lady later. I think Thomas would like that, if he gets back in time. And of course, today being his birthday..I was kinda hoping I could get some help in decorating the place, y'know, maybe throwing him a surprise party..?"

As for the VIP lounge, she just smiles, remembering when Thomas first took her there on her birthday. "Umm, it's actually really classy, really nice. Dark and spacious with big comfy, luxury couches and sofas..Mmm, I'd like to go there again.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks at Buffy and opens his mouth, but then just closes it again and shakes his head. "If you can't say something nice..." He takes in a deep breath, "Decorations? I suppose I could help out, but I kinda promised Murph I would take her out. I'm not sure decorating is what she had in mind."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph says nothing to the sofas comment. But she's thinking things. Things of a very sarcastic and cruel nature. "Oh we can buy things for decorating the Blue Lady, right?" she asks with a glint in her eye. "You know. Thinngs he'll really, really appreciate"

The tone of her voice is one that promises trouble. For Thomas at least if she gets her way. The most un-Thomas like decorations. Pink, sparkly, glittery. The least White Court things Karrin can get her hands on.....will be used to decorate poor Thomas's place. Or, at least, if Buffy and Harry don't stop her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers makes a face at Harry, "Awwe, c'mon, if not for Thomas, then at least do it for me? He really likes you guys, and it would make him happy to see you there, on his birthday. Why..You're almost like the...Like the 'family' he never had..." she swallows..Smooth Buffy, real smooth.

She grins at Karrin and nods, "Heh, I'm sure he'd love a surprise, and heck, maybe you'll even get a free meal, it's perfect! You get to celebrate a valentine's date and his birthday at the same time!" Buffy does peer curiously at Karrin, "What had you in mind?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Reaching up and rubbing at the scruff across his chin, Harry sighs. "If Murph is into it, then I'll do it. I mean, I can't beat free." Harry looks over at Murphy and smirks, "No, you can't just decorate his birthday party in dicks and boobs. It's not a bachelor party."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin pouts. "But he acts like one. Okay, okay, an upper class bachelor with restraint." she says and snorts. Actually. Snorts. "Don't need to decorate in dicks and boobs. I mean. he has customers. They're right there" she points out. Nopoe. No desire to get smacked by her BFF....not now, not ever. "I was more going for a reflection of who he is. "No, it's not a strip club. It's....what....a tasteful 1930s jazz club, yeah? Huh I can totally decorate that to play up who Thomas is" Karrin nods sagely. "So what all do we need?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slooowly at Karrin and Harry, "Uh, heey! Quit that! This is a high class club. Can't you just get your head out of the gutters for once?" she frowns, folding her arms, "I guess I'm gonna have to be in charge of decorations, and since it's Valentine's, I think we need lots of red and pink sparkly hearts. And maybe lips. But that's it.." she totally GLARES at Karrin as she mocks Thomas further, "Hey! He's not like that anymore! Please just give him some credit! It's a VERY tasteful 1930s jazz club, okay? Cant you just respect him for a moment?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin snickers, watching Buffy. "High clas. Did you do your history classes, Buffy? You know how much....sin there was in speakeasies?" she asks Buffy. And Harry. Not Bob. Harry's old enough to have lived through Prohibition twice or three times over. "All I'm saying" Karrin says,. arms spread wide. "Is that, it's his birthday and Valentine's Day. Right? So why not blend the two, and figure something out something that shows who Thomas really is? I mean, if I was decorating here for Harry's birthday I'd have a good idea what to do. Start with shoving Bob in a box and burying it under tons of junk, but...."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Bob cackles, "Oh this sounds like my kind of party! Are you sure I can't come?"

Harry eyes the skull, "No. You can't."

Harry turns to Buffy and shrugs his shoulder, "Honestly? I'm doing the best I can. The man is what he is, and I'm going to joke about it every. single. chance. I. get. And I would bet you dollars to donuts, Thomas himself would probably laugh about it. But, whatever. Pink hearts, sure...why not."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glowers at Karrin, arms still folded, looking like she might punch her BFF at any moment, "No, that's not him at all. Give me a break. Hearts and Lips. And that's it. And I'm gonna deal with the decorations...Now, how about outfits, do you two have something nice to war to the party?" oh boy, she sure doesn't, "Hey maybe we can go to the mall and do a little shopping? Party supplies and party clothes..Who's in?"

Finally she just sighs tiredly, taking a seat wherever she can. "Seriously, can't you guys just quit mocking him for once? I wonder what you think of me, if you think that of him, considering I'm the one dating him and all..."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Okay you do the decor" Murph says with a grin. "You're fine since you're dating him. Still my BFf!" she says looking over to Buffy, then Harry. "The mall? The mall?" she asks them both. "I....hmm, you got an idea, Buffy. Going to the mall, the three of us. We'll be mistaken for parents with their kid" she says with a worried look to Buffy then Harry and even, yes, Bob.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Me in the mall. Yeah, that has all the workings of a great idea. Can I go walking through the Lexcorp store as well and look at all the nice phones and laptops? Maybe I can go into the Sanyo store and check out the TV's." Harry says with a smirk on his face. He looks over to Buffy and sighs but remains quiet.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and doesn't seem all that convinced at Karrin's admission that she's 'Fine'. "Right. Sure." she smiles weakly, climbing to her feet. "Well I'm heading to the mall. It's not all techno gadgets everywhere. You just need to avoid the techno stores and head for the clothing shops and wherever we might find party favors.." she smiles, "Hey, dollar stores are pretty good for party favors.." Buffy cant help but eye Harry thoughtfully, "Hmmm, when was the last time you actually socialized with anyone?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murphy's torn. She's....genuienly torn. On the one hand. She wants to say yes. On the other hand. She dosn't want to b responsible for any of that fiasco. Nope. "I'll give you a ride if you want Buffy?" she calls looking amused. Maybe if they all ride to the mall, she can just stay in the car and deny any and all knowledge? That sounds, oddly enough....like a plan?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden shrugs a shoulder and reaches for his coat. "Alright, fine. Let's do this. Let's go get party favors at the mall. What could go wrong?"