1104/Three's Company If One's Insane

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Three's Company If One's Insane
Date of Scene: 22 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 267, Traci 13, Nico Minoru

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley has found herself in one of Traci's t-shirts and a pair of her own slightly too tight, slightly worn jeans.. The apartment transformed while Nio was out, with everything being immaculately organized- including the books- and the couch made out to be more like a bed. paisley herself is in the kitchen now, frowning at the fridge. "....Shopping," she announces. "I think Nico will be back soon. Then we need to find food for all of us.. I have ideas for how to take care of it if we're tight on cash...." She frowns at that. "But that kind of depends." It's a fairly normal evening, really.. Even if Pais is perspiring more than she ought to be and just a little flushed.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "We're always tight on cash," points out Traci, mildly. "It's not like we're 9-5ers." She exhales, "Well, we definitely don't want to move to my dad's mansion. He'd drive us bonkers. Trust me." She knows. Very well. "So. Hopefully Nico's had some success, on the money end of things. There's a couple free apartments in this building, and it's not too bad. But, we'll help her out until then," Traci says cheerfully.
    Nico, of course, would've noticed the very wiccan feel to Traci's place. The candles. The books on the occult that line the shelves. Various odd trinkets, and scrawls along windows, in the floor, on the door.

Nico Minoru has posed:
    The reason for Nico's absence? Nothing too dramatic at all. Just a little job hunting. During Nico's wanderings, she found a local dress shop that catered to clients of the girls' asthetic....goth. With the teenager a little more with it today than previously, she had said she was going to return to the shop to see if she could sell a commission or two. Apparently, that Victorian pattern book was obtained for more than just to save it from the trash. But...that was this morning, and Nico has been out for all morning and a good chunk of the afternoon, too.

    With a knock on the door, Nico announces her presence. "I'm back....and I have some good news." She steps into the apartment, carrying a duffle bag that had her belongings within...including a couple choice pieces of Nico's own wardrobe personally created. "I found that shop again...and was able to talk them into buying one of my dresses." She places the bag on the floor, zipping it open to retrieve the results of that sale....a couple hundred dollars, from the looks of it. "And...they're willing to commission me to create some choice ensembles for them exclusively. It's not much, but it's more than I was expecting." With the excitement of the sale passing, Nico finally pauses to note the apartment. "Well...you two been busy, I see. I told you didn't have to worry about that when I left in the morning. It isn't like I am all that special, anyways."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "You're plenty special," Paisley retorts, rolling her eyes slightly as she turns to look toward the door. "Promise." Then she is just laughing softly and moving to give Traci a brief hug before approaching the girl who just entered the domicile. "I wouldn't let someone in here who wouldn't- y'know fit in. Plus I'm batshit insane and you haven't run yet, so..." That smile turns sly for a moment but eventually Paisley shrugs.
    "Well, you're with us for awhile anyhow. Just isn't enough between the three of us for two apartments, right. And I'm pretty okay with that..." The girl shrugs then, turning her blue eyes slowly toward the actual bed in the corner of the room. "But we need to go shopping. So we should probably, like, make up a list." A deep breath follows and she bites her bottom lip. It'ss obvious Paisley is on the edge of saying.... Something.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I don't invite just anyone off the streets to come into my home and sleep over," Traci points out, with a mild laugh, moving over to hug Paisley briefly, and then to walk over and squeeze Nico's arm. "Also? Amazing. You can pay us back by making both of us outfits, then. Paisley wants a cute Lolita Goth outfit." Traci does not seek Paisley's opinion on this. But, she seems confident enough. "I'm still thinking about mine. And. Yes. Shopping. Food. Things. Stuff. And you can stay here a few weeks, until you can get some money saved up. I was just telling Paisley there's a few places around here that've opened up. Rent is cheap. And we'll just be a few doors down" And Traci seems to be rather pleased by this fact that Nico -will- be close.

Nico Minoru has posed:
    "Well, lucky me, then, to have wandered into both of you." Nico actually lets out something resembling a chuckle as she regards Paisley. "I've seen insane. It comes over and plays Cribbage with me every Tuesday. I don't run unless I have to." Then...a tilt of the head, as Nico trades a curious glance with Traci. "A lolita? You sure? It doesn't seem...right to me." Then again, this from a person who would wear the lolita fashions herself. Maybe Nico is just trying to keep it for herself. "But yeah, sure. Anytime. Whatever you want. I've gotten good at sewing. Usually ends up being cheaper than buying outright."

    Nico slides a chair, kicking her duffle under it in one swift motion. "Wow...never thought of getting a place of mine own. That might be kinda nice. Usually looking out for others." She pauses. "Speaking of looking out, I'm more than willing to go shopping. It is the least I can do for the way you're helping me out now." With that, Nico shifts to address Paisley and Traci both. "Both of you." There is a pause, as Nico's expression shifts to minor confusion. She seems to pick up on Paisley's apprehension...but doesn't call it out. It just isn't her place to do so.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Honestly, if it wasn't for the part that someone would probably object to sharing the bed you could probably stay here a little longer," Paisley replies to this a little dirly but then she is flashing both girls an insouciant grin. The apprehension is shoved aside- not dealt- with and then Pais nods a couple times. A quick glance is exchanged with Traci before she adds, "...Yep. Lolita." A nod follows. "I can pull off anything."
    Afterward Paisley takes a deep breath and then she seemss to be orienting herself on Nico more seriously, tilting herh ead to the left as she goes. "No problem," she states seriously. "I don't know why I trust you so much already," she continues in a rather blatant- but perhaps difficult to perceive- lie. A shrug follows. "But I do. And it's nice to have friends. Besides- three are stronger together than separately. Like a triangle." Or the aforementioned Coven..

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Yeah. Well. Insane happens to the best of us. And sometimes, it's not us. Sometimes, it's something else," Traci says, soberly to Paisley, meaningfully. At the comment of 'sharing the bed' Traci does go a shade pink, briefly, before nudging Paisley meaningfully.
    She clears her throat, then tells Nico, "Part of that trust is she knows that I'm pretty selective in who I help."
    She leans forward to squeeze Nico's arm, warmly. "I'm not about to let you stay out on the street. Besides. Only friends -can- come in here, anyways." She does not explain that particular part further.
    "But, I'll start making a list of what we need. Mostly? Food."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    A lock of black hair falls into Nico's line of sight as she jerks her head towards the various occult items in the apartment. "thought I felt something last night coming in here. Just thought I was tired." A hand reaches up to brush the hair away. "It's a good ward, from what I can tell. Beats having 10 different deadbolts on the door." With a nod, Nico reaches down into her bag and withdraws a small pocket notebook and a beat up pencil. "So....food. Anything particular? And, no, cake isn't considered an essential breakfast item. I had to tell that to a couple of my friends before." An honest to goodness smile crosses Nico's features. "We ended up getting it anyways...but had to make the attempt."

    Nico shrugs. "Maybe because you saw a potential future? I mean, I don't normally do the fortune telling until at least the third date." It is obvious that Nico is making a joke. "But...yes. Friends are good. very good." With that, Nico sighs softly, casting her eyes downward in a momentary bout of sadness. Leaving her old friends still has a sting yet.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Okay, it's probably because I can see your soul when I stare into your eyes and you're all a good person and shit and you're not going to hurt us," Paisley offers, rolling her own as she does. The sarcasm is dripping off of her but the nshe is smiling aboth girls and taking a deep breath. "I mean, I like cake but I'd rather have, y'know. Pizza. Or something," Paisely continues with a slow shrug.
    After that statement the girl looks between Nico and Traci, frow3ning slowly as she does. A deep breath is taken and then she adds, "We seem to have skipped to like the fifth date anyway, Nico, don't sweat the free fortune." The chiding is a little stilted while Paisley seems to process the fact the girl is starting to cry.
    What is an emotionally skewed burgeoning Fae to do for a sorrowful damsel in distress? Paisley inserts herself between Traci and Nico in order to hug Nico tightly. Following impulses works.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "We tend to go for Lucky Charms, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch around here," she tells Nico, grinning unashamedly. "I know some stuff. Always looking to learn more," she admits, pleased that Nico has at least some sense of the validity, and complexity of the wards that keep her domicile safe. She wonders of Nico, curious, "How experienced are you?" The fact that she knew Paisley's divination was real magic, and can sense Traci's wards tell the Sorceress all she needs to know.
    But then there's the memories. And, Paisley shifting in between her and the other goth girl, to give Nico a hug. Traci moves behind Nico, to rub the other girls back, supportively, lifting her head to look at Paisley, frowning some in speculation. And thought.

Nico Minoru has posed:
A laugh escapes from Nico's throat. "Oh, dining at its finest." The smile shifts slightly, waning a bit before answering. "Experienced in magic, you mean?" She shrugs lightly. "Well...I have learned a lot really fast. My parents didn't see the need to inform me that I came from a long line of magic users, so I was severely lacking in training when...when I found out." There is no details as to what...but the inflection seems to indicate when Nico found out about her heritage. With a pause, she ventures a question. "Do....you know about....the Staff of One, at all?" A little test for Traci, it seems.

    The hug from Paisley was a surprise....enough so that Nico forgets she even asked the question. It causes her to stand in confusion for a couple of seconds...before she returns the hug. The touch from Traci causes Nico to twitch, just a little. She's not used to being on the receiving end of the caring caravan...and it shows.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    That doesn't mean the hug can't continue for a moment longer. Eventually Paisley will release Nico, however, and take a deep breath. Its clear she isn't really used to being the deliverer of care, not any more than Nico is receiving it at least. She blinks once or twice, shifts her weight back, and then takes a deep breath. "When I found out I had no clue what was going on at all," Paisley offers. "Trace can tell you, she was there."
    Paisley takes a deep breath but stay s between the other two girls for a moment, her intensely blue eyes studying Nico's face for a moment. "Awful lot for me to learn too..." She murmurs after a moment. "Anyway." Traci now has all the attention as talk turns to what the girl remembers. Pais obviously has nothing to add to that.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "-The- Staff of One?" Yeah. Traci's heard of it. "Yeah. I've heard of it. Who hasn't? Though, I don't know a whole lot about it. But I do know it's one of the most potent, and dangerous, magical artifacts out there," Traci says quietly, soberly. She looks at Nico, scrutinizing. "Why?"
    Her eyes flit back to Paisley, her expression pensive. Briefly, perhaps, worried for how bothered, or how Paisley's emotions seem to be being batted back and forth like her emotions were in a game of batgammon. She does not voice this, however.
    She amends to Nico, "I study. A lot. Kind of a nerd."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    There is a nod from Nico. She seems good with the answer that Traci provided. But...when Traci asked the elusive 'why?', Nico pales slightly. But only slightly...for she was expecting that question, too. "It....might be better if I show you, rather than tell." Brown eyes flicker to Paisley, before Nico reaches down into her bag once more...this time withdrawing her needle and thread. Paisley, with her divination, may recognize what might happen next.

    But first, Nico needs to get ready. She removes both of her gloves, revealing the bare right hand...and a left hand and arm a dark gauntlet that seems much too articulate to be merely ornamental covering. A purple jewel glows faintly as Nico takes the needle into that bizarre left hand...then suddenly stabs her right palm with it. As droplets of blood well in the middle of her palm, words of power fall from Nico's lips.

    "When blood is shed, let the Staff of One emerge..."

    As the incantation finishes, Nico winces...and an object *emerges* from her chest. At first, it looked to be a circular object...but then it is apparent that it is a staff, shortened a bit to allow Nico to hold it in one hand. But...out that staff comes, and it is only after it fully appears does Nico stop wincing.

    With just a hint of the physical pain from her hand (or the staff) Nico holds out the Staff for Traci to view. "This...is the Staff of One."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "There it is," Paisley murmurs, tilting her head slightly as she looks between the two girls in front of her. She moves to sit on the bed then and takes a deep breath. It's held for a long moment as the blue-haired one is considering both of the others. A measure or two, the spce of a few breaths and she adds, "I have no clue what it is. But it looks powerful and the name is pretty damning." She leans back then, shifting her hips forward until she is perched on the edge of the bed. "Sorry. I'm not up to date on any of this shit. I don't even know any real spells exactly."
    What kind of divination was Paisley doing exactly?

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Holy Hecate," breathes Traci, eyes -wide-. She'd seen some cool magic, in her day. She'd done cooler magic. But she'd never observed anything like -that-. "That. Is. Wow." She stares at the staff, but does not reach out to touch it, perhaps knowing something of it's more dark and sordid restrictions - or, perhaps just out of respect, for Nico. "It's a part of you?" It's a half-guess, but guessed with a measure of knowledge, too.
    She breathes, "No crazy magical artifacts, here. just some street magic, and a lot of studying. Helps, to know where your power comes from. And how to call on it, when you need."
    She exhales, "Okay. Before we all have a sit-down about all of this, I -really- need some food. Yeah? Let's go shopping. Better to talk this out on a full stomach."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    "It's a long story....but, short answer is yes. It sorta stays inside me until called. It's what gave me this arm." A nod to the left hand.

    Nico just nods gently. "Shopping sounds....good. All this heavy stuff can come later. Let's go...I'm buying."