11019/Please Turn Off Your Cellphones
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Please Turn Off Your Cellphones | |
Date of Scene: | 08 February 2020 |
Location: | Movie Cineplex 12, West Chelsea Hill |
Synopsis: | Harley causes mayhem in a cinema. Scene will not be completed due to Batman drop. |
Cast of Characters: | Harley Quinn, Batman, Misfit
- Harley Quinn has posed:
You can't always be busy with work, because that'll burn you out. So tonight, Harley decided to take it easy, relax a bit and go enjoy a movie. "The Swift & The Serious" happened to be playing, and while Haley didn't bother with reviews, she decided to go see it on account that it was playing just now. Not that she bought a ticket, mind you, but she had a way with words. And guns. Maybe it was the guns?
It was certainly relaxing, sitting in upgraded reclining seats, eating some pop corn, and watching this funny comedy...or was it a gory horror? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. Unforunately, there's this guy, Jerry, in seat F13 who decided to have a little phone conversation with some yokel.
Harley decided to be nice, because they did ask to be quiet at the beginning of the film, and she really wanted to see if the hero will manages to slaughter all of those evil cheerleaders, or if some nasty vigilante will call those horrid cops. But there's only so much she can suffer, hearing about Jerry's visit at the dental hyginist was just a bit much.
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH! JERRY GO FUCK YOURSELF AND TURN OFF THE DAMN PHONE!" Harley screams at the top of her lungs, not just getting up on her feet, but actually standing on her seat.
Some people don't like the fact she's making maximum effort to block as much of the screen as possible, but as soon as she draws her shiny revolver, everyone starts to run for their lives, including the guy on the phone. Who may or may not be called Jerry.
An empty cinema means nobody will bother Harley enjoying the rest of the movie, surely nobody is going to be alarmed by a crowd of people rushing out of the cinema screaming for dear life about a gun wielding psycho, right...?
- Batman has posed:
It has taken a while for Gotham to return to normal. Normal being still incredibly strange for the dark, New Jersey city. The destruction of much of Red Hook had been a vicious blow to the spirit, and Batman had been working tirelessly to do his part. He couldn't be the morale booster that other heroes could, but he could definitely take care of the violent and dangerous criminals seeking to take advantage in the aftermath of the disaster.
He's moved beyond listening to the police scanner. Now, his equipment - set up as it is throughout the city - uses vocal recognition to pick up emergencies even before they reach the dispatcher. One of the theatregoers makes a panicked phone call about a woman wielding a gun in the cineplex. The vocal recognition of said woman in the background is run through the Batcomputer before it brings up a ninety-seven point eight three match to Harley Quinn.
Misfit is the Dark Knight's partner for the evening, and as they speed along Gotham's winding streets in the confines of the new Batmobile, Bruce speaks without moving his eyes from the road:
"Like we practiced. No unnecessary risks. If in doubt, follow my lead."
- Misfit has posed:
Gotham Normal. Hah.
"So.... basically follow the rules. Do what we have been practicing. Follow your lead because unlike you I have doubts sometimes?" okay the tone is not critical though, it is chipper and the young woman in the off kilter batgirl-esque gear seems to be pleased as punch to be riding in the new Batmobile and going to deal with crisis.
She touches a panel and reviews the latest news about Harley Quinn. Doing some of a refresher now during the last bit of the ride. "Oo she so crazy.... I'm surprised she didn't shoot anyone." peering at the reports. "Also the Swift & The Serious is totes a good franchise yah know."
- Harley Quinn has posed:
While the majority of the movie goers make a quick decision that losing a ticket worth of money is better than potentially risking their lives, there are some brave souls, AKA clueless souls. Poor miscreants who never heard of Harley Quinn. The nerve!
Seeing how thus far Harley merely flashed her gun and was quite loud, the strugglers who insist on staying for the full showing, stand and move towards her, "very happy for you that you're exercising your second amandement, freak, but I doubt you know how to use that thing."
Harley in the meantime looks disappointed that not everyone ran in terror, but her disappointment soon turns to a deep frown. "Are you being sexist with me, buster?" She asks while feigning being offended at the accusation. "What, like, just because I'm a gal I can't handle a gun? That what ya think?" As she asks her questions, she moves her pistol hand between the group of four who seem intent on trying to intimidate her by edging nearer.
"Suppose it's just what I'm saying, what you gonna do, shoot me?" Dan asks her, but he soon realizes the error of his ways when the two men at his sides promptly have their legs shot in quick succession, causing them to collapse to the floor in cries of pain.
Harley in the meantime twirls her pistol and blows at it as if she was in some kind of Western. "That answers yer question, Jimbo?"
Meanwhile the theatre itself where the mayhem is underway is easily spotted, with the crowds of people rushing outside in panic, some perhaps call the cops, some could be alerting loved ones, but most just run to the hills.
- Batman has posed:
The gunshots aren't heard, but they send ripples of alarm out via phones and calls to 911 - enough to hasten Batman's approach. The Batmobile picks up speed, the engine roaring them along the road to the front of the cineplex where it skids to a halt. The passenger and driver compartments open with a hydraulic hiss, and Batman slings himself over the side and marches up past the ticket counter. No stealth, no sneaking in through the air ducts. He simply walks bodily past the patrons in the foyer, not evens paring them a look as he zeroes in on the door.
"Misfit," he speaks into the sub-vocal microphone fitted into his cowl, "Don't let her see you enter. Take up a position out of sight. Let me distract her. Don't act until you get my signal."
The instructions given, the door to the cinema is flung open and the long silouhette of the Batman is cast down over the audience in a column of yellow light. Only his eyes are visible, two white glowing embers set into the darkness of his mask. When he speaks, his voice is deep and resonant.
- Misfit has posed:
Charlie bails from the Batmobile and follows him into the lobby of the Theater until she gets the command over the subvocal comms to not enter with him but take up a position out of sight. Aka be the sneaky one and not let the Clown Princess of Crime see her coming. "Rodger dodger." she quips.
Which is when Misfit veers off and instead of entering the Theater goes up to the projection room so she can have a birds eye view and position herself for a surprise assault. One might wonder how she intends to get from the projection room and be at all useful, but then again Batman probably isn't left wondering at all.
It also gives her an excellent view of Batman being Batman.
- Harley Quinn has posed:
Dan seems to have lost quite a bit of his bravado once his friends got shot in the leg and wound up writhing in pain on the ground. The rest just plain split, leaving just Dan, Harley and a couple of schmoes screaming in pain.
"Heeellloooo!? Didn'ya see the message at the start of the movie? Don't be a douche, keep quiet so I can enjoy the movie, got it?" screams at the two on the floor, who just seem to cry all the more as a result.
Harley looking like she's about to lose it, as she prepares to fire more shots, prompts Dan to run for his life. Lucky to all involved, Batman makes his entrance and draws all of Harley's attention as she starts to laugh, "oh my god! B-man!? Just for li'l ol' me!?" She squees with delight, before shifting her aim towards the head of one of the two on the ground. "I would watch my step if I was you, B-man, I might have an unintentional discharge!" Albeit the wide grin on her lips suggests it would be very much a fully intended shot.
As she starts to apply pressure on the trigger, Harley continues to look towards Batman, to see if he'll slow or stop his approach, or test Johnny's luck. Was it Johnny who got his leg shot? She never did bother to ask.
"Hey there Bullet Leg, what's yer name? I'm Harley. Harley Quinn."
Naturally, she's utterly oblivious about Misfit, unless she'd do something silly like stop the projector.
- Batman has posed:
"Drop the gun."
The way Batman phrases it is less a request than a command, but then that's how he always speaks. He doesn't approach, remaining at the distance he was at when Harley first took aim at the man on the ground. His cape drawn about himself, he cuts a shadowy figure difficult to make out clearly.
"It you pull that trigger," he warns, "This goes badly for you. Either way you're going back into Arkham - it's up to you whether you do it on two legs, or with a fractured spine."
There's an air of menace in his voice that suggests what he says is not so much an exaggeration as it is a bald statement of fact.
"I'm not playing games, Harley. Not anymore."
There had been rumors around the criminal underworld that Batman had changed. Become a bit darker. A bit meaner. His suit certainly had, gone from the blue and grey of old to something black and sinister. They say he's out for blood after Red Hook, and he's extracting his pound of flesh wherever he can get it.
- Misfit has posed:
Misfit issn't about to stop the projector, heck she is actually keeping half an eye on the show going on the screen and making a mental note to see if Babs will take her to this later so she can see the whole thing instead of just the fight scene playing out behind Harley and Batman.
Hmm well the fractured spine threat does sound a bit severe to Charlie, but then she really doesn't think he is about to go and break her back or anything. It is an intimidation trick or something. At least that is what mary sunshine Misfit figures.
Got to be gruff and stern with the criminals right.
Meanwhile she waits for the signal.
- Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley was just about to blow Steve's brains out, just for the ridiculous demand, but then Batman followed up with an unusual promise. "Ohhh...?" She coos playfully, not dropping the gun, but also moving it so it doesn't point at Johnny anymore. Instead, she brings the barrel to the tips of her lips and brushes it along as if it was some lipgloss. "Are you hitting on me...?" She asks coyly, making a playful dismissive gesture at Batman with her free hand. "Stop, yer gonna make me blush," she points out with a giggle.
But then she moves to take a step towards Batman, unfortunately for Daniel, it's right over his writhing form. "One condition though, no Arkham, it makes for a terrible first date. I'd much rather go to an Italian Restaurant."
- Batman has posed:
"Drop the gun."
The command is repeated, and Batman takes a single step forward. He doesn't move to try and pull the gun from Harley, nor does he rush to try and get the civilians out of the way. There's something altogether menacing about his approach, and even those moviegoers who haven't fled the theater yet recoil away from him in their seats.
"That's your last warning, Harley. Do it now, or it's Arkham and a feeding tube."
He mutters something into his sub-vocal microphone, low enough to not be heard by any save those listening in on the same frequency. His hand emerges from within the cape he wears, palm open flat. A subtle action, but designed to draw Misfit's full attention.
- Misfit has posed:
Charlie sighs a little, it can be heard over the subvocal easily enough. She was hoping for a signal for ass whupping.
Still she picks up what Batman is putting down and reaches out and hits the power switch on the massive projector by her cutting it out moments after Batman reveals his hand palm flat.
What the young woman doesn't do though is bring up the house lights which means the Theater is plunged further into darkness.
Charlie taps her own goggles lightly, switching them to nightvision mode.
- Harley Quinn has posed:
"Your flirting is so aggressive," Harley mouths, looking quite disappointed at her inability to get a rise out of Batman. "But I like it rough, so I'll meetcha in the middle." Instead of dropping her gun, she moves to holster it within her jacket. But just when she was going to play nice, Misfit kills the projection, making the theater all the darker, and Harley snaps. "Cheater! I don't do threesome, so send the Birdbrain or Bratgirl home...otherwise I'm not playing."
She may talk adamantly, but Harley is feeling her way to try and move out of the row, so she won't be hampered and will get more room to maneuver.
"If ya promise to go home now...maybe I won't kill anyone, because honestly, I just wanted to watch a movie. Not my fault Jimbo was loud!"