11011/Masticating at Mac's

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Masticating at Mac's
Date of Scene: 07 February 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Friends old and new bump into each other at Macs. Drama ensues.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Scarlet Witch, Karrin Murphy, Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Detective Chimp

Harry Dresden has posed:
McAnally's is Harry's oasis. His home away from home, or the office. The steak sandwiches are mouthwatering and the ale is to die for. Best of all, it is a neutral place for members of the supernatural, with it's thirteen columns, tables, stools, and fans all working to disrupt any errant magical energy that might be around an irritable wizard.

Like Harry.

Harry sits at the counter on one of those thirteen stools nursing a bottle of Mac's dark brew, a plate with a half eaten steak sandwich and a load of fries sitting in front of him.

"I tell ya, Mac. I just don't know how long I can put on the polite face... He is a incubus. I know what he does, and even if she says she isn't under his influence she probably is and just doesn't know it. But Murph would kill me if I got involved. 'It's not my place'. Hell, maybe he is working his mojo on her as well."

HArry shrugs and takes another swig from the bottle, "Whatever. I owe him, but the tabs is getting low."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's not too common for a place such as McAnally's to get a visitor like her. Her being the statuesque, auburn-haired young woman in a cropped burgundy leather coat. Dark waves flowing around her shoulders flicker and move like living fire as she gathers up her hair and flips it over into a hasty lover's knot at the back of her neck, ignoring the open scarf hanging from her shoulders. For all that, the surroundings receive a curious look from the sort of person who, in another era, all but might define a dame of a kind invoking trouble. Good trouble, as opposed to the moll for a gangster.

That, and the faint aura that goes with her has its own epicenter buried somewhere deep in the fabric of reality, which also helps to identify Wanda among the sensitive. Even those without much talent can probably feel her somewhere deep in the back of their minds, or the third eye.

She isn't off the street, for a surety, and just wandering in for a sandwich. Except that recall is how it goes, the promise of a certain lemonade leaving a vibrant smile. She glides up to the bar, soft on her feet, maybe stifling her footfalls deliberately. "Afternoon," she says, equally to Mac, equally to Harry. Faint, the traces of her Transian accent, but there they are on a mezzo soprano lilt.

Circling round, she neatly settles on a stool at the counter. Dead to the middle, offset by one, as makes sense. Her palms rest on the counter, absorbing the grain with a touch. "Nothing short of heaven on a day like today. Is there any soup on, by chance?" Her hair's mildly wet, though it isn't raining.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph /would/ kill Harry. And here she comes,striding into McAnally's. She makes it two steps before she sprints for the bar and leaps onto a seat by Harry. "Hey you, hey Mac" she says breathlessly, words quick. "Gimme a steak sandwich and a soda and some fries before I steal Harry's"

The words are all sped up and she's looking pleased. Looking to Harry she grins to him, then looks like she committed a cardinal sin. She.....she......tieded up the kitchenette! Coffee supplied, those little cakes, and, and...chocolate left there for Harry. Even Mouse got treats for helping, though 'helping' was just not getting in the way. Then again. Hard to miss that doggosaurus.

Murph takes a look around at who else is in here while she waits, listening, and is relaxed, calm, and, oh yes, she's definitely got this.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps into the pub a few moments after Murphy, looking a little bit sleepy and distracted. And to think that she'd spend her day off from school and work at a weird pub, rather than at home or somewhere more relaxing. Which probably means she came here looking for someone. She nods and smiles to Mac, ordering a glass of water and a steak sandwich before peering around the place, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"And another thing, where does he get off..." Harry starts to say when the door opens and Wanda strides in. He nods to the newcomer before turning back to Mac, "Where does he get off treating me like we are best friends? Yeah, we shared a 'moment' at the party, but ever since then he always seems to be hovering around on the sidelines. I am half expecting him to show up here.."

Harry turns as the door opens again and Karirn walks, or more like runs, over to where he is sitting. "Hell's bells, Muprh! What is going on? Being chased by a Clorophage or something?"

He looks over Karrin towards the door to make sure she isn't actually being chased by something. It turns out she is, a Slayer.

"Stars and stones..." Harry says with a sigh and a shake of his head, looking to Wanda. "You ever have one of those days?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"The police officer from the food truck," Wanda murmurs, and then raises her voice a tinge. "I fear I never got your name, ma'am. Thank you for engaging with the most unhappy woman." The thanks is directed to Karen as she blows in and plunks herself down on Harry's opposite side. When Mac isn't overwhelmed by a bombardment of two orders, she adds softly to him, "A bowl of soup, a glass of lemonade, and a bit of your bread please, if that would not be too much trouble?"

Swinging her foot back, she hooks her heel on the rung of the stool. Her coat is stifling in a place as warm as this so a few moments of unzipping it give less protection from the winter weather. She doesn't shrug it off, though, checking it doesn't keep anyone from claiming another stool. The sidelong smile for Buffy as she enters is warm, rather than appraising.

"More than you know," she replies to Harry. It's hard not to smile at his tone. "Maybe luck will smile on you for your perseverance."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin grins to Wanda. "You're welcome. It was the least I could do. I swear she's part banshee...maybe she lives somewhere unpleasant and comes out to annoy people?" Murph asks. She means, of course, the never never. Glancing to Buffy, Murph sighs. "You need cofffee? Mac's brew won't wake you up will it/" she asks uncertainly and looks to her (other) best friend then back to Harry and then Wanda. "Part of me wants to find where she lives. The more rational half is all no. Just no" Karrin says. She's still convinced that whiny female dog was a banshee in human guise with how she screamed and shrieked.
th fingers on the bar, she looks to Harry then grins, leaning in aiming to kiss him. "So what were you and Mac talking about before I came in. I was wanting to come here after cleaning up the kitchentte a tiny bit. We now got actual coffee and food in there. Okay. more coffee, more food" she says with a nod, waiting for her order to be done. She likes Mac, he's this calming presence and good to listen, and she's needing that. Sometimes, talking to a cat isn't enough.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers quirks a curious brow at Harry, idling wondering who he might be griping about, Although she has a pretty good idea, knowing Harry. "Hello Harry, how've you been?" She quips rather cheerfully before spying a Wanda and a Karrin too. "Wow, all my favourite people, guess there's just one missing..." she smiles thoughtfully at that, nodding to Karrin, "Good idea, hey Mac, how about a good strong coffee too, with milk and sugar?" to Wanda she grins,"It's been a while Wanda, how have you been?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah, and maybe monkeys will fly out of my ass as well." Harry replies to Wanda with a shrug. "Weirder things have happened."

Harry returns the kiss to Murphy and rolls his shoulder in a shrug, giving Mac a look. "Nothing important. Just small talk."

Mac grunts out a "Mmm.", such the conversationalist.

Harry looks between Wanda and Murphy, one eyebrow raising in a hint of surprise, "You two know each other?"

He looks to Buffy, "I'm alive, so that is a check in the plus column." A snort emanating from the Wizard as Buffy comments about missing someone, casting his gaze over at Mac for a split second before he blinks and looks between Wanda and Buffy. "Wait...you two also know each other?!"

He shifts in his stool, now eyeing the three women wearily as the fan directly above his head lets out a popping sound, accompanied by a little puff of smoke and a small shower of sparks that rain down over Harry as he glances up with a sigh.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I am having a week full of Thursdays. It seems like Friday keeps moving the goalposts on me." Wanda slides her fingers back over the hasty knot of her hair already coming loose from its weight and the wavy texture. A constant fight, that, as she smooths her fingers along her brow where a few jeweled clips secure a very mundane open-weave headband. Nothing obviously fussy here. "We have met in the past, yes. I'm Wanda." She offers her hand to Harry after a moment's consideration. American habits, those come hard to someone so obviously not American she might as well have a flashing neon 'foreigner' pin.

If he declines, no sweat. "It's good to have company. That lemonade comes with high recommendations and praise from a superb source, too."

She almost wistfully watches Mac go about his work, not letting too much anticipation show. Still, it vibrates around her in a low, warm note of hope. When it arrives, her green-gold eyes light up and she pulls the glass closer. "I doubt she was a beansidhe, just an unfriendly woman with a sense of impatience and entitlement. I had coffee in the end, that's what counts."

The exploding fan motor earns a look, the sparks raining down. Her expression shifts mildly, not consternation so much as an open query of Mac, really. "Can I correct that?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin nods. "Yeah I helped her out with a bratty woman at the coffee truck in Centtral park. God,now I'm picturing entitled banshees. Heaven help us" she mutters and shakes her head at the fan giving out. "Harry" she says simply. The 'quit breaking things' unsaid. "I swear this is why we can't have nice things" she adds in mock exasperation, though she's used to it by now. Her phone is safely locked away, as she is glad Harry can't get to one of those big box stores. That'd be a national incident. Great. Just great.

Murph nods to Harry then Bufffy. "Ya. You're my lover. She's my other best friend" Karrin says with a wave of her hand from Harry to Buffy. The news Buffy knows SWanda is news to her. She's met Wanda, once.Murph that is.

Still she waits patiently for food. "So how ya been?" she asks Wanda, aware of the Thursday comment and Wanda's mannerisms too. Karrin's not in the mood to, y'know, dig deep into this. Instead, she's just relaxing and enjoying their company. Shaking her head she looks to Mac. "Mac, got any chocolate in here?" she adds, she's not one for long chats with Mac unless it's ereally needed. Now's not one. Plus three others in the bar.raeally.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes glimmer in a amusement as she tries to figure Harry out. Oh yeah, she knows what's bugging him. And then he takes out his frustrations on a poor hapless fan and she can't help but stifle a little snicker. "Oh I see. Well, maybe you should give your friend a chance, you might be surprised. Just saying." when he mentions Wanda, she nods, "Yeah, we know each other, although it's been a while. Wanda, I hope your little...Project worked out? And please do say hi to my cousin if you see him. I really should go check up on him, I've just been...Busy.." yea, let's leave it at that. Then mention of a something from the Never ever catches her curiosity, "A bean-she? What the heck is that, a female...Bean?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Provided no one complains about it, the scorched ceiling fan might just find a little repair by the brunette steadfastly not paying attention to it. If that utterly breaks the rules -- are they kept to the standard? -- then she can wave around a napkin to make the scent of smoke evaporate into the distance.

The bowl of soup arriving is something she sets upon with a quiet vengeance, meaning nearly perfect manners. Her spoon dips, playfully sinking through it with a swirl. She drags it back and forth. "A beansidhe is a classic Celtic spirit of death. They are thought to be harbingers of doom, and famously kill their victims by screaming with such tragic agony that hearts burst or cause an embolism that goes to the brain. Or dropping stone dead from fear. Spirits of that category tend to vary a great deal." Yep. She knows how to talk in technical terms or myth. "Not someone easily met with, they are often victims of terrible tragedy."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Looking over to Buffy then Wanda, Karrin merely sits back and listens. Okay. Somebody else who is a walking encyclopedia of arcane...things. The soup gets her attention for a minute but the sandwich is put by her and fries. Karrin chews for a moment. Harry's food is safe. Good.

Sipping her soda, Murph eyes Buffy for a moment. "Okay what's got you so tired. Were you out late?" she asks. Genuine question, but not helping her mind flashes to an image of Buffy and Thomas, aheem, doing.....things, of a carnal nature. Great. Murph's just asking for any telepaths in the room to pick that outta her head. Wonderful....she's concerned about her bestie, but....Murph shakes her head. "You look like you pulled an all nighter" she offers with a nod.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers at Wanda's explanation and blinks. "Oh! Sooooo they're basically Banshees. Cool! I mean...Not cool yay cool but cool interesting cool. um. wow." and now Harrys gone all quiet and Buffy hungrily eats her dinner once it arrives, quiet for a moment before rising. "Ok well I need to talk to you Karrin, and Harry about some info we gathered, maybe we can meet at The Blue Lady later..." by 'we' she of course means herself and Thomas, which will likely get another glare and fried fan out of Harry. Karrin is given a look and she hurries off.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking another bite of his sandwhich, Harry chews slowly. If his mouth is full he can't talk, and not talking at the moment keeps him out of trouble. So chew, chew, chew it is. He just looks between the ladies and keeps his thoughts to himself for the moment...that is until the fan above him whirls back to life.

Harry looks up at the fan quizzically. He doesn't usually see things fix themselves in his presence, so this is something new.

He glances over at Wanda, arching a brow. He isn't too terribly shocked by the knowledge that she has, after all this IS Mac's place. It is a usual hangout for the supernatural types.

Finally swallowing his bite of steak, he reaches out and shakes Wanda's hand. "Harry. Harry Dresden."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is, for a change, not stalking either Buffy or Harry. He comes down the stairs at a bit of a jog with business on his mind. "Hey Mac, I'm going to need an extra case of Dark and an extra cases of Pale on top of my regular order this month. I've got some rich kid celebrating his twenty first at the Moon." The bald man nods, taking out his pad and writing himself a note. Finally he looks up and points to the table where the group is. "Dresden's here." the barkeep say in his usual loquacious manner, and Thomas nods looking over and smiling as he sees the crowd. "Gimmie a steak sandwich too, will yah?" he asks amused, heading over to the table holding three of his favorite people... and Harry... Well he hasn't actually met Wanda yet, but she looks friendly enough.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp comes walking into the tavern. Chimp has ben working a case in the area, and has came in here instead of heading to the Oblivion Bar. He will look over to Mac, as he gets to the bar. "Double steak and a beer." He will tell the man as he nods in greeting.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph listens, then glances over her shoulder watching Harry then to the approaching Thomas. Vampire is here. Okay, great. Not even any sarcasm. She's impressed Thomas is out of his comfort zone in Bloodhaven. He's here, right /here/ in Harry's backyard. What'sup with that?

"Hey" Karrin says, well, more calls to both newcomers and gets back to eating her steak and drinking soda. She's the one that needs a clear head. Mostly since Karrin drunk, and with a gun, bad news for all concerned.

Harry Dresden has posed:
There he is. Harry knew it was inevitable, it is just the way his day is going...so of course Thomas walks into McAnally's. Of course he uses Mac's beer at the nightclub...but really, who could blame him for that. Mac's does have the best beer.

"Thomas." Harry says with a nod of greeting as he sets down the remains of his steak sandwich. "How goes the 'Bussing? Nightclub treating you alright?"

Harry looks past his tall, doesn't-know-it-is-his-older-half-brother and blinks as he sees a chimpanzee dressed as Sherlock Holmes. Harry eyes his beer, then back to the chimp and shakes his head as he finishes the last of the bottle. "Put a round beer on his tab." Harry says, pointing to Thomas. "He can afford it. He's loaded."

He looks to Karrin, "A soda? You are in Mac's and are having a soda? I'm shocked he served that to you."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes, but nods his head to Mac, confirming the order and taking a seat next at the table with the pair. "Oh I can't say that things are going badly. Just finished my book keeping for the quarter. In the black three quarters in a row. How are things going in the fabulous world of a professional detective?" he asks his he totally knows is his little brother in a tone so guileless that butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will find himself a seat at the bar, and pulls out half s cigar from his jacket and lights it. He turns looking over at Harry. "Yea, I'm real and I talk." He smirks a bit the cigar held between his teeth. After he knows Mac has his order, he turns to look over the bar while waiting.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin shrugs, "Yeah so? I'll take a beer now my Harry called me out" she says feigning being insulted. She's watching Thomas and looks a little puzzled, then shakes her head at him. "You're in the black three times straight? Good" she says and eyes the cigar and chimp. "Okay then" she offers and wonders what, if nything, Mac's gonna do. "Yeah, beer please Mac and another sandwich" she nods, and peeks over to the chimp.

"You want your sandwich and beeer with a smokey flavor?" she jibes and focuses on Harry then Thomas, one of them's her lover, the seven feet (near as) tall wizard. THe other, a vampire who runs the Blue Lady. Murph looks to Thomas, "Hey, you got anything I should know about on the Blue Lady?" she asks

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks to the chimpanzee and nods. "I can see that. You are not the oddest creature I have ever had the opportunity to speak with, I just wasn't expecting it. I was trying to figure out if you were a denizen of the NeverNever, or if you were an actual chimp...but you don't strike me as something otherworldly so I am going to go with the actual thing. But I gotta ask, what is with the Sherlock Holmes vibe?"

HArry stands to go pick up the new orders of beer and sandwiches once they are ready, because Mac doesn't serve them out. He look back towards his little group, "Must be nice. I'll be lucky if I can pay rent on time this month." he says, looking towards Karrin, "Well, I can now, but not just on my paycheck."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Why Harry, that's very progressive of you," he says in a tone that holds not even the faintest wiff of mockery or derision. "Allowing a woman to contribute financially to your own well being. Why It's a positively twenty-first century attitude. Bravo." He says with a grin, taking his beer and sandwhich from the other man before the wizard can accidentally dump it in his lap.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the tall man, and says "I am a Detective, actually have an office across from yours but have not been to that office in a few years. But yea, I am a normal chimp enhanced by a bit of old school magic."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph gives Thomas a fierce scowl. "And you're the same?" she asks, challenging him, as if asking if he'd let a woman contribute, with his...too well dressed ways, and whhat Buffy has told him. He's too good to be true. SO what's the catch?

That's what Karrin is wondering while she's half listening to the chimp. Magic chimp, hmm? Okay, that's a new one. Still....that's a new, weird one. Not quite as odd as some things however. Instead....Murphy's going with it and not asking (too many) questoins.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Sumrs had not intended to return to MacAnallys but apparently she has left her phone behind sowhere yet again...And with cranky Harry blowing stuff up, she's pretty worried that this ti she won't be able to rescue it in ti. She peers around rather nervously for it, wondering if Harry's still lurking  around..

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah? So am I. Well, Private Investigator..same thing, right?" Harry says as he takes a pull from his beer before setting it down on the counter. "Harry. Harry Dresden. Wizard......buuuut you obviously knew that since you know I have an office and it is by mine." Harry sheepishly mutters, trailing off. "Interesting line of work for a chimp. How did you come about it?"

He glances over at Thomas, "You would know all about that, wouldn't you Thomas. Women contributing to your well being and all. But usually with you it isn't with their pocketbooks."

Harry focuses his will, and ever so quietly mutters some pseudo Latin under his breath, "forzare". Juuuuust enough of a push of force to maybe shove Thomas off balance enough to spill his beer as he sips from it.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith spills his beer. Over his chest. The liquid turning his white t-shirt almost instantly transparent and putting the man's perfectlly chisled abs and pecs suddonly on display for all to see. Thomas looks annoyed. As does Mac who simply says "Harry..." Not that he minds the wizard using magic on the Vampire, though it would /technically/ be a violation of the Pub's Accorded Neutral Territory Charter... but also wasting beer. Naturally it's just then that Thomas sees Buffy come rushing back in, and he gets a bit of a goofy smile on his face. "Well hello there beautiful." He turns to Karrin and adds, "Oh I'm very progressive, I'm more then happy to let a woman take care of me," A wicked smile given back to Buffy. "Any way she wants.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to the Wizard, and says "Traveled with the fellow who brought me to America, and he did a bit of a trick show pretending I was a detective, and turned out I had a talent for it, and once I could talk and tell them what I found out was just the normal step.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Will you wo just...just...kiss already?" Murph asks, her hot temper aimed at Thomas and Buffy. She'd say something else...but.....nobody wants a practical biology assignment in a publ. Not one on the reproductive cycle anyhow. Even if both participants would get full marks. So Murphy holds her tongue and watches Thomas. "You're in love with her, aren't you?" she asks suspiciously then turns her gaze to Buffy. "You listned to my advice, huh? So that Brian guy's history, ya?" she says, a 'you better not be cheating' look on her face. Murph takes a slug of her beer and sighs. "Look. I hope it works out, okay. Buffy deserves somebody who treats her right. I swear to God, if you hurt her, I swear on Saint Michael I will put a stake through your heart, are we clear?" Karrin asks Thomas. Okay, unsaid, a stake through other certain useful parts of thomas's anatomy, too. His head. Both of them in fact...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sees the whole thing and glares at Harry as she steps in, "Harry, that was uncalled for." she frowns, tempted to punch him..Except that might get her in trouble so she chooses to ignore him, focusing on Thomas instead. "Um, Hi..Are you Okay..?" she notices that the spilled beer on his shirt only makes him look even sexier which causes her to blush a bit. Apparently she's only too happy to 'take care' of him though, leaning over the bar to ask Mac for a towel, using it to carefully dab the beer off Thomas' shirt. Then Karrin goes and says *that* and she falters, shooting her a *look*. "What the..I mean that's totally unfair, Karrin. Besides I haven't seen or heard from him since Christmas. Not a word. And, let's not discuss this here please?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry eyes Mac and sighs, turning back around and looking appropriately admonished. "Yeah...well...I am sure he did something to deserve it!"

Harry turns to the Chimpanzee and nods, "It's good work if you can get it. When you can get it. How do you find you clients anyway, I always seem to..."

And then there is Murphy yelling in the background. Harry just turns around slowly, his eyes a bit wide as the hot-tempered cop lets loose.

"Um...wrong kind of vampire." Harry corrects when Karrin starts talking about using a stake.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith eyes Harry as well, but doesn't seem /too/ mad. It means that a very pretty woman is now rubbing on his chest... with a towel but still. He smirks at the Wizard and says "Well too be fair, a stake through the heart would do the trick, but that is true for almost everything, isn't it." He smirks a little bit at Karrin, and then shrugs and moving gently but firmly cups Buffy's face on either side, turning her head up and... Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one...doesn't even make the top 20, but it's a damn good kiss none the less.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow will raise at the talk of Thomas being a vampire. He takes his cigar out to take a sip of his beer, and looks over to Harry. "Advertisement in the paper and such, did get called in for a guy who wanted someone to hunt a magical dohickie but did not trust him if I found it."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Buffy" Karrin says simply. "If he hurts you, I will hurt him" she says then looks to Harry, "You get why I'm protective, right?" she asks. "I swear if he hurts her I'll find a way to hurt him for it. It's like I see Buffy as my other best friend, and other little sister." she says, focusing on her beer as they /do/ kiss. Gah. Why'd they have to take things literally? It was sarcasm!

Does she have to explain to Thomas when she's being sarcastic or something?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles at Karrin, "I appreciate the concern but how about we leave talk of staking out of this..?" She just finished cleaning off as much beer as she can from his shirt when he suddenly sweeps her off her feet with a passionate kiss - in public, in front of a cranky Harry and her poor hapless phone no less. Eyes widen in surprise but she doesn't push him away, mesmerized as always, by everything that's him, lingering there with lips against his a moment longer. "Umm...I'll take that as a yes then..?" she smiles faintly as she pulls back briefly to peer up at him curiously, totally self consciously.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh Hell's bells..." Harry exclaims at the PDA, turning his back on the vampire and the vampire Slayer while something somewhere start to emit a strong ozone smell or burning electronics. "I do NOT need to see that."

Focusing on the chimp, Harry tries to ignore the couple now making out. "So. How is business? I advertise in the yellow pages, but I would say 8 out of 10 calls are just calling to see if I am for real, or asking for love potions which I blatantly say I don't do in the ad. I do my fair share of locating lost objects as well. The bulk of my business was consulting for the PD, but now that I am dating my 'boss' I have a feeling that is going to dry up quicker than spittle in the desert." Harry takes a sip from his beer, sighs, and looks over to Karrin. Quietly, but with some agitation in his voice he mutters "She is an adult, Karrin. You may not like it, I may not like it, but as long as he isn't doing something against the law all you can do is object. Ms. Summers knows what she is getting, or has gotten, into. It is what it is, and whatever that is...has obviously been happening already so..."

Harry shrugs and lifts his bottle to his lips, draining about half of it quickly.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles, "Better now. Course if I'd have known you woul be here I'd have just had you pick up my Beer order from here, would have saved me a trip into Gothem." He says and looks over at the Phone that is now...well it's definately seen better days, He retakes his seat, and providded she lets him, attempts to pull Buffy onto his lap. "Empty Night Karrin, I thought that you'd know me better then that. And besides I meet someone I can have an /actual/ relationship with, you think I would squander the opertunity?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Don't hurt her" Murphy all but growls, but gets where Harry's coming from. So she's staring at her drink, eating her sandwich. Can't help being protective over her best friend. If Thomas can win Murph over (no not like that) she may come around.

Oh yes then theree's the whole 'Harry dating his boss' thing. She's still able to get him work. Yay. Somehow...

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to Harry and says "I can go all teeth and throw poo to ruin the moment, but it is leaning into the stereo type a bit." He will chew his cigar softly, and says "Well, the difference you post as a wizard, I post an a PI, they don't know I am really a chimp till they show up, and then they are just amazed there I am a talking chimpanzee. I might be able to get ya some work, I work with a few super types who need some magical expertese.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Ugh, don't tell Buffy about the whole 'dating boss' thing, because she's doing the same thing herself, and other...Potentially 'bad' things. But Harry is right, she is an adult and capable of making her own decisions. She doesn't protest when Thomas pulls her into his lap although still looking a bit self conscious. Oh and there goes her phone. Buffy cringes. "Heey, careful Harry! That was a brand new phone.." she sighs. Well there goes that. "I actually was gonna ask for your help and Karrin's in investigating something, now that we have a potential lead...I don't have lots of money to spare, but given how I can't singlehandedly take on something this potentially big...I'd be willing to pay something at least for your help.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking to Chimp, Harry cracks a smile. "You know, I would almost pay money to see you throw poo at him, if for no other reason than to wipe that damned self satisfying smirk off his too perfect face. But no, Mac would probably not find that as amusing as I would." He takes another sip from his bottle, "As for work, if you have anything I can help with I am always looking for the next paycheck. I'll be happy for any referral you can send my way, and if you need any second opinions or set of eyes on a case, let me know." Harry reaches into his pocket and produces a business card, sliding the card down the bar towards the chimp.

He turns, looking behind him again towards Karrin, Thomas, and Buffy as the later does the one thing Harry can't ignore. Ask for help. A long drawn out dramatic sigh escapes his lips as he looks to Buffy, "You don't have to pay me, Buffy." says Harry, the words leaving his lips like bitter molasses. "What do you need?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks a little bit amused, "Now you've done it love, you hit him right in his weak spot." He says to Buffy, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her on his leg and also lacing his fingers with her's in a comfortable sort of familiarity and intimacy. He smiles a bit at Karrin, "Just for the record, you are just as concerned about her breaking /my/ heart, right Murph? You know the person who has fought and bled beside you a half dozen times...

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin's torn between listening to Harry. Or Buffy. Instead she drains a good third of her bottle, and shakes her head at Buffy then Thomas. "I'm listening" she says with ha look to the happy couple. Much as she wants to take the vampire aside and grill him to put her mind at ease...nah. Murph's not gonna do that. Instead, well, she's sat there, finishing up her sandwich with a shrug. Looking to Harry then Buffy, Murph shakes her head. "You just help him out" she says

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smirks, a bit and says "I would have to take the pants off, and would make my fingers stink for hours." He looks over and says "I am curious what are you working on if I may ask, depending how big it is I might be able to find you some help.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at the chimp, wrinkling her nose at talk of flinging poo and taking pants off. "Ughhh please don't..." looking at Harry, she arches a brow, "Really? You're not gonna charge me..?" Yeah, Murph probably had a hand in that. "Okay...Thanks...I appreciate that..Remember the missing friend I was looking for? I may have a lead." she looks back to Thomas, clasping his hand, expression softening no a bit, "I talked to my sister's friend again...Actually I threatened him til he gave me and address..What about you, did the goth vamp girl talk?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Of course I am not going to charge you. You asked for my help, and I know where you work. You probably have less money than I do." Harry says with a snort. He takes another pull from his bottle as he watches Karrin make her way to the ladies room."

Harry looks to Chimp and chuckles, "You don't have any family relation to flying apes do you? I still have scorch marks on the Beetle from some flying ape flaming monkey shit. That stuff was nasty." Harry says with a wrinkle of his nose. "Very nasty."

He turns looking between Chimp and Buffy, "I could do a bit of quid pro quo. You help out on this case, I help out on one of your cases?"

He looks back to Buffy and nods. "Let me know what you have."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes and pulls the card out of his wallet, "Trudy the sexpot? Yeah she gave me this about the same time she tried to give me a fang-job,' He says with an obvious element of disgust in his tone. "Honestly I can never understand women who act that cheap. Makes as much sense as fishing in a pay lake honestly." He tosses the card on the table for Buffy's easy pick up. "Empty night, was she like that when she was alive?" he laughs a little at Harry's comment shaking his head. "I remember that. Last Time I ask /you/ for a ride home. Did you ever get that pup back to his rightful owner?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp takes the card Harry laid down and replace it with one of his own and slides it towards Harry. "So what are you working on, trying to find a lost friend?" He will look to the group, mostly quiet and listening unless it is at least a semi important queston.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances at Detective chimp and nods. "Yeah...But it's starting to look like more than just a missing persons case. A lot of people have been going missing in Bludhaven lately, and I suspect it's linked to vampires somehow.." she nods to Harry and smirks, "Heh, well I'm always happy to help you out. I mean this isn't a paid job for me, it's just my calling, but I appreciate it.." she peers at the card that Thomas tosses and frowns, "Hmmm that's weird, that totally doesn't match.." she pulls out the business card that Riven gave her. "He told me I could find what I was looking for there.." both cards look almost identical except for the fact that the addresses are totally different, "Ummm did Trudy say anything else of importance besides trying to bite you?" She narrows her eyes, "I'm seriously gonna stake her next time we meet.." what nerve, honing in on her guy..Grr..As for Harry's experience with flying apes, she just stares at him, "...Seriously, HOW do you get in such bizarre predicaments? Is that why you're sooo cynical?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry takes the card from the bar and pockets it, looking over towards Buffy with a nod. "It's still a shame that the blood you gave me was dried. If it was fresh I could have done a tracking spell on it."

Harry reaches up and scratches at the stubble on his face, "What are the cards? Do we have anything or can we get anything that belonged to your friend? The more personal the better."

Harry looks over at Thomas, "Yeah, I got mouse home. He is over there now. He isn't so much of a pip anymore."

Harry turns back to Buffy, "If I only knew, Ms. Summers. If I only knew. But I am a Wizard, it is out prerogative to be cranky and cynical.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks obviously a bit amused at Buffy's brief flash of jeliousy, because we all know hiow small Thomas' ego is and it requires constant maintance. He kisses the side of her neck playfully and gives her hand a squeeze. "she also told me that she could give me a bunch of power, that she was raising a vampire army, that together we could rule the Tri-state area or something. Typical megalomania stuff. Honestly I just kept thinking how over done the whole thing was. And also she couldn't dance."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to Karrin, and says "You think this might have anything to do with the burger vampire?" And to Harry and Buffy "Shen are not to bad, but can be a pain, luckily most times, I have someone around me who can throw cars around.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers curiously at the chimp guy. "Um...Burger Vampire? Seriously can't they come up with more original names?" she rolls her eyes, nodding to Harry, "Sorry, that's all I got. I figure at least one of them is a trap, but I need to check 'em both out just to be sure..That's why I need the backup." she glances at Thomas and frowns softly, grasping his hand more tightly as she ponders. "Vamp army, huh...Overdone but not something I can easily overlook. I can't let anymore people get hurt.." and then she gets a thought, "Hey Harry, that WAS a baseball cap I gave you. Surely some of his hairs got trapped in the lining? Can you track that? He has blonde hair.." That's really important because Trudy did wear it after that point and she has black hair with red streaks.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lowers his head, combing his fingers through his hair. "Holy shit. You are right, and I feel like such a idiot for not even thinking about that."

Harry stands up abruptly, tossing a few bills onto the counter as he forgets he already had suckered Thomas into paying, and grabs his staff from its position leaning against the bar. "If you will excuse me folks, I have some wizarding to do!"

He nods to the chimp, "Call me if you need help with anything. If I find anything, or even get a slight bite, I'll be in touch."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks amused as Harry Re-pays for the food, sshaking his head just a little bit. "the man is like a Geek. a big magic geek. You'd think after a while he'd get tired of it, but no give him a whisp of a spell to cast and off he runs." He sighs and waves to the other detective. "You can join us if you like."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will get another beer, and will carrying his food and drink towards the others . The Burger Vamp was one Detective Murphy, a large red head and I encountered. Someone stakes it, stuffed a burger in it's mouth and covered it with burger wrappers. Two officers were killed as well. A group of suckers came out and we had to deal with them.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers stares at Harry as he rushes out, then glances back at Thomas and smirks. "Heey don't look at me, he's YOUR bro--Err..Buddy. Your buddy. Not mine.." she leans over and whispers in his ear, her breath near enough to tickle him, "Seriously were you guys switched at birth?" she murmurs, playfully tickling him. Still she nods to Harry, waving as he heads out, "See you later, Harry, I hope you have some good news for me.." and once he's gone, she glances over at Detective Chimp, waving him over. "Yea, come and join us..I'm curious to hear your story. I mean, I've never met a talking chimp before.." she just smirks at the burger vamp story.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Buffy's hand a light but firm squeeze as she almost spills the beans on him but he chuckles at her second comment. "What makes you think that?" he asks amused at the idea that she put in his head. Him a Wizard and Harry a White Court... he'd starve inside of a week the poor man.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises a bit at the woman changing her words, but does not bring it up. "Was brought to America, as part of a traveling show, and a friend and I found a bit of magic. Gave us the ability to talk to any living thing. Have spent the last few decades learning about different type of magical things.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, nuzzling her nose against his, "Gee I dunno, maybe the fact that you guys are like, total opposites in every possible way...?" of course Thomas being there makes things distracting for her, but she does her best to listen to Chimp's story, "Wow, I guess magic really can do everything. Too bad I wasn't terribly talented. And how did you end up as a detective?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a little and shrugs, "Oh I don't know. We both apparently have a thing for short stacked blondes." He says in a tone of light teasing, and sips his own beer and swirls a fry in ketchup. He for the moment lets the monkey and the slayer chat, taking a few moments to actually eat his food before it gets cold.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp sips his beer, and says "Well, as I told Harry, The guy who brought me over did a gimmick with me, but it turns out I really had a talent. Even before I gained the ability to talk, I could deduce. Course I do have some advantages over the normal human detectives. I can smell as well if not better than many canines, and I can rip your face off if need be.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "Wow that's cool, I guess some people are just born with certain talents..I mean all that talk if monkey poop was kinda...Gross but.." she wrinkles her nose, "As long as you have manners, I can always use an extra hand." she sighs, slipping off Thomas' lap, albeit reluctantly, letting him eat his dinner in leave as she slips into the chair next to him. "Okay well do you have a business card?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith takes the moment she is dislodging herself from his lap to offer her departing throat a gentle kiss and then tucks in, considering as he does. "And the get up is, what, a marketing ploy?" he asks curiously. "I mean, I'll be honest I'm sold." He says with a slight grin.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will pull out his cards offering each one, and says "Just personal style choices. It is pretty much find something I like or go to the kids section of stores. Trust me, I don't throw poo, as said would be to stereo typically. Normally I smell more like booze and cigars than poo. So, I know Mr. Raith owns a club, what about yourself miss?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shivers a bit at his kisses, squeezing his hand one more time before letting go..Oh yeah she ordered a sandwich too didn't she. And Buffy munches hungrily on said sandwich for a moment or two as she listens to the detective, accepting the card graciously, "Thanks! I may call you if I need backup.." she hesitates as he asks that question, "Umm, nothing special really...Actually I just work as a bouncer at his club." yep, she doesn't look big and menacing at all, does she? And there goes the awkward dating-your-boss thing again..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little bit and adds "I employ three other bouncers. I usually only have to call her out when things get completely FUBAR'd." He adds helpfully. "The other day in fact we had a guy pull a knife on another man in there." He turns to Buffy and adds, "I heard they should be unwiring his jaw next week."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and nods his head a bit to this and bites a big chunk out of his steak, and says "Well may have to come by and check out your place sometime and see what it is like." He does check out a few bar.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and grins at Thomas, "I mean no biggie..A drunk, big guy's got nothing on say, a giant ten foot demon or a giant robot or...An army of vamps." she says it so casually as if she battles those kinds of things every day. As if there's more to her than simply being a petite bouncer at a Jazz Club. "The Blue Lady's amazing, cute little jazz bar, seriously stylish and original. I'm sure you'll love it." she grins, "Thomas is an amazing manager.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit and nods. "It's stylized after a 1920's Speak-easy." He adds simply, "We've got cigar girls and good liquer, fantastic music. We do have a bit of a dress code though, do you happen to own a suit?" he asks a bit amused by the idea.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Yea, but I pretty much only wear it to funerals, What exactly is the dress code?" He will ask the man "I enjoy some good jazz, just bought a album has been looking for a while recently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, munching hungrily on her burger. She'd been feeling a little tired since..Well...Things has happened recently. And she's trying hard to build her energy back up. Because if she's looking to fight an army of vamps, she's gonna need the extra strength.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods s he sees Buffy stockiung on the protein, and takes a bite of his steak sandwich. "Shirt and jacket for men, tie optional." He informs the Monkey. Women it's harder to pin down without offending someone but you get the idea." He shrugs but adds, "Still if you tell the guy with the Axes at the front door you are my guest, he'll let you through."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp points to himself and says "Shirt, and Jacket, I got both on." He grins a bit and finishes his steak. "Well I need to go and see if the guy is coming to his mistresses house this evening. He does leave a small tip with the plate of his food.