1101/Superman Meets Blue Lantern.
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Superman Meets Blue Lantern. | |
Date of Scene: | 22 June 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Sister Reinhardt, Superman
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Despite Metropolis being heralded as the city of the future, it still has it's own problems, smaller, in comparison, but still problems.
Sadly, one such problem is the fact that an entire apartment building has caught on fire, and the relative peace is shattered by four fire trucks rushing towards the fire. Not only to contain it, but there are reports that there are people trapped inside....
- Superman has posed:
Superman decends from low Earth orbit, having been hanging around and listening. Ice breath would contain a part of it, but the rush of air would add oxygen to another part and would end up just making matters worse. He can hear the screams from inside and so hovers a moment, blue eyes scanning for the most direct route in and out that would cause the least amount of structural damage.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The fire blazes, as the firemen attempt a combination of water and foam on different parts of the fire, part of it seems to be working, but none of it is where the people are, who are really holed up in smaller rooms to keep away from the fire. Except for one little girl who is caught out amidst the fire clutching a teddy bear.
Then a few of the firemen run for cover as Superman can hear a VERY high pitched whistle.....and that coupled with a fire means a propane tank is about to explode, which is very bad.....
Or it WOULD be bad if it wasn't enclosed in a blue light from above, ripped from the ground and flung high into the sky....only to explode over a nearby lake.....and that's when the starter of that blue light appears.....and she looks a LOT like a green lantern, but the green motif is replaced by blue, and the symbol is different. "Four families, Superman. And one little girl. The little girl is in more danger though...." She says before she actually puts up a path to the girl by robbing the fires, in spots, of oxygen to the girl. "Go. You can get her out faster. Just watch the support beams."
- Superman has posed:
The little girl. Superman locks onto her, mind noting hte support beams. The trouble is the flames in the path. Not troble fo rhim but for her. Plans made to wrap her in his cape die at the sudden shrill whine of propane. His eyes track the bright blue that saves the day, settling on the Lantern for a heartbeat.
"Right," he agrees swiftly before flying in through a window. Duck dodge weave through the building, and Superman lands down in front of hte little girl. A smile is given as he scoops her up against his S, wraps his cape about her, and backtraces his way out again. He moves quick as he dares to set her down by EMS.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The Blue Lantern lands as well with fire teams starting to gear up. "Superman and I will handle the families on the upper floors. There are three floors below ground. Apartments B1-3A, and B2-6B have people in them. Move quickly, this fire is actually going down as well." The firemen almost seem to argue, until they realize she's helping Superman, and they agree.
The Blue Lantern takes to the air again, as she starts to scan for more signs of life, waiting for Superman to fly up with her. "There's a family in a walk in closet on the top floor, left side." She says to Superman.....once he's up there with her....and she flies down to another smaller family, to carry them out with a bubble from her ring, and fly them down to the EMS....
- Superman has posed:
Little girl safe, Superman gives the firemen a not to lend the Lantern's words weight and he's flying up at her side.
"I see them," he says and zips away to rescue them. A quick blast of ice-breath to clear the way and cool the area - yes, at the expense of the area later - and Superman has the family all clinging and held onto him. He has to tight-beam eye laser a hole in the masonry so he can fly them out, but better soem minor building damage than a dead family.
Down to the EMS he goes, using the time the family take sto disembark to scan for other families and people still trapped.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The other families are rescued in much the same way. The firemen manage to get the other families out of the sub-floors before there's another explosion down there.
And that's when the worst happens....
Not only is there an explosion down in the sub-basement, but it rocks the entire building and it starts to lean heavily.....and that's when the blue lantern turns her light on the entire building....holding it up as best she can. 'Crap...." She mutters....and lands near the firemen.
It seems she's using all of her concentration JUST to hold the building up.
- Superman has posed:
The explosion and Superman turns to look.
"A support column is busted," he calls out, flying over to put his hands on s load bearing section of the building. Gently, pound by pound, Superman seeks to take the weaight of the structure away from gravity.
"Lantern. If I hold this, do you think you could get down there, tell me when it's straight and juryrigg soemthing to hold it?" he calls out, cape a flutter behind him.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The Blue Lantern seems to sighs as Superman takes the weight off of her power ring. "Whew....." She says softly. "it's easy enough to get it straight...it's jury-rigging something to keep it that way. Even if we do, it'll have to be demolished in a couple of years anyways....." She then takes a deep breath. "I think we can jury-rig something....if you don't mind holding the building up for a few minutes...."
- Superman has posed:
"Just needs to hold long enough for the repair crews to make it right," Superman replies, looking over a shoulder to smile down at his fellow hero.
"Sure can," he quips pleasantly, as easily as saying he could run to the store for a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"All right. I just hope my grandfather taught me right." And the BLue Latern, once Superman has a hold of the building, flies down to the firemen. "There's one more family and a dog on the third level. I'm getting some bricks, some cement and a mixer." And she streaks off in the direction of a nearby place that sells that stuff.
About a half an hour later, The blue lantern returns.....with a lot of heavy Duty bricks, and a working cement mixer. She uses her ring to start laying bricks down, as well as the cement....one layer at a time......
- Superman has posed:
All the while, The Man of Steel holds up the building and the firefighters get the last family out safely. The blaze is calmer, more undercontrol. The build still burns and smolders in parts, but the inferno has been stopped.
"Welcome back," Superman greets the Lantern as she flits by with her construction equipment. He seems curious, but doesn't ask.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The Blue Lantern doesn't say much, but simply concentrates on putting brick and mortar down. "I'm hoping you can use your heat vision in a limited way to make the cement quick drying, SUperman." She says as she continues doing it rather quickly. She does seem to be doing a rather lovely job, especially making a foundation for that corner of the building. "Sadly..." She says as she finishes. "I think this building's toast." She looks to Superman. "Set the building down, Superman....lets see if this works...."
- Superman has posed:
"Step back so I can dry the mortar?" Superman asks, assuming that the Lantern missed him nodding to her assessment that he could 'microwave glare' the brick wall dry. He really doesn't look like much. Just him staring at the brick, and after a few moments some steam and then the mortar is dry.
Very very slowly, Superman lets the building ease into carrying its own weight again. There are creaks and groans and some cracks, but the building holds and won't crash into the street or down on all the people gatehred.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
And with that, The BLue Lantern seems to sigh with relief, before she looks to the Firemen. 'Everyone okay?" She asks pointedly to the firemen before she looks to Superman...once she gets the firemen's acknowledgement. "Could I.....talk to you privately, Superman?"
- Superman has posed:
Superman stays in the air, smiling down at the firemen as the Lantern speaks with them, checks in , and makes sure they are okay. It's nice to see that. Heartwarming.
Drifting back into the sky, Superman smiles to the lantern, nodding and motioning to be followed. The sky is private enough.
"Of course, Lantern. Thank you for everything you did back there. It couldn't have been done that smoothly without you," he says, tone easily and welcoming and honest.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The BLue Lantern follows Superman into the sky, and floats there nearby as he speaks, but she tries to keep a straight face...
At least until she lets out a soft giggle....and throws herself against Superman to hug him about the neck. As soon as she squeezes his shoulders, which wouldn't bother Superman too much, he may notice her blue aura glows a little brighter at the hug....
- Superman has posed:
Floating is easy. Easier than breathing. And so Superman turns to face the Lantern, a smile on his face that turns into amused surprise as she flings her arms about him. The embrace is sweet, innocent, girlish, that he just chuckles softly and very carefully hugs back.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
The Blue Lantern holds the hug for a few seconds....then floats back away from him. "You.....don't recognize me at all...do you?"
- Superman has posed:
"No. I'm sorry," replies Superman, smile still warm but now a little apologetic, his head tilting to one side.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"I didn't think you did. But then....you meet so many people." The Blue Lantern, produces a smartphone from a pocket. "I'm assuming you can keep other people's secrets." She says as she turns on the screen....and shows Superman her phone....and the wallpaper.
It's a selfie of Superman, and a rather familiar looking red haired woman.
"That day, when I took a selfie of yourself and me....changed my life. I had just moved to Metropolis to get away from my brother, who had been doing rather....nasty things to me that I'd rather not relive."
"That day....you showed me that there are nice people in the world. One act of kindness could lead to more acts of kindness. So, I started helping people as best as I could. Even when I went to Bludhaven and found my friend dead in a church....I didn't give up." She then takes a deep breath. "I'm wearing this ring, Superman, because of you. And.....Thank you."
- Superman has posed:
Superman tilts his head, looking at the picture. It's a sinking feeling, not remembering this picture, and his brows pull together. Lifting his gaze to Suzanne, Superman listens to her story amazed by it.
"Wow. I... I never imaged. I'm ...so proud of you."
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"I actually did it to help out, plus it made me feel better that I helped someone.....then I was presented with the ring and thought I could help out even more...so I accepted the ring. The irony is.....the ring is the same color as your suit." Suzanne then smiles to Superman. "Just realize you do encourage others to help when they're able, Superman."
- Superman has posed:
Superman's blush isn't one of embarassment, but one of a humble pride that smacks of him not really thinking about it, that he doesn' twhat he does and knowing that others are working to make a difference too because of what he does is just... it's warming nad humbling all at once.
"Thank you."
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne smiles to Superman. "Thank you, Superman." She then sighs. "I shall see you around Superman. I was glad to work with you." She says flying away......
- Superman has posed:
"Thank you, Blue Lantern," he replies, smiling again. "Likewise. I really appreciated you," he says again, watching her fly away.