110/Another Day on the Job

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Another Day on the Job
Date of Scene: 22 April 2017
Location: Wayne Tower, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Jim Gordon

Batman has posed:
TIME: 6:41 AM
LOCATION: Sidewalk outside Wayne Tower

Gotham police has already roped off an area around the main entrance to Wayne Enterprises, and coffee's being distributed among the officers working perimeter duties. The CSI unit's unloading their equipment for evidence collection. Detectives Driver and Bullock are chatting with Rucka, the officer who was first on the scene.

Jim Gordon has posed:
    That's when Gordon steps out of his cruiser and walks his way towards Rucka. "What happened?" he says to Driver and Bullock, figuring Rucka isn't exactly in the right frame of mind at the moment.

Batman has posed:
Both detectives look Gordon's way, but Bullock pats Driver on the shoulder and says something quietly before walking toward the commissioner.

"Gordon," Bullock acknowledges with the slightest of nods before clearing his throat, the stub of a smoldering cigar in one hand. "Looks like playboy Pretty-boy pissed off somebody ... /different/," he says. "I ain't gotta be a CSI egghead to tell ya that whatever unnatural causes did it weren't caused by anyone normal. It's MCU territory for sure."

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon says, "Keep your tone respectful Bullock. How about you give me the details before you make up your own conclusions." he's not exactly nice to Bullock, but the GCPD IS a very corrupt Police department. he lifts his trenchcoat and puts it on his shoulders more securely....."

Batman has posed:
Bullock grunts and wraps his lips around his cigar stub. "Hunh," he says. "A corpse is a corpse, but sure. Guess the guy's money has done enough for the city." He gestures toward Officer Rucka. "We been makin' sure her story doesn't change just to be sure. Rucka swears she only moved Wayne's head enough to get an ID before calling in backup, given the high profile." Bullock sniffs. "Probably as much caution as anybody'd give the situation."

Jim Gordon has posed:
    "Right." Gordon then looks to Rucka. "How'd you find him?" He says before picking up his phone. "Get me a crime scene team here...now." And he hangs up his phone.....

Batman has posed:
Officer Rucka stands up straight and nods. "Right," she says. "I found the deceased face-down on the sidewalk. Limbs were spread much like they are now--when I turned his head just a bit to confirm identity, I accidentally moved an arm just a bit."

Rucka continues: "There are a few potential indicators of foul play. Some marks on the victim's neck. A bit of blood, or maybe some other fluid, appeared to be pooled under the torso. It looked like one hand was injured, likely from defensive wounds."

Jim Gordon has posed:
    Gordon's cheek twitches just a little. "huh. I half expected Wayne to drink himself to death." he then takes a breath. 'All right, Mark 'im, Make sure the area remains cardoned off and make room for the CSI unit. Keep the area clear." Gordon says as he looks the area over himself. fresh eyes, after all.

Batman has posed:
"Of course, Commissioner," Officer Rucka replies.

Next to her, Detective Driver raises a hand. "Ah, Gordon?" he asks. "This is gonna still be Bullock's and my case, right? I'm expecting every money-hungry dick in the state to try and figure out a way to look good to Wayne's charities and whatnot so they can get some 'thank-you' donations after this is all over."

Jim Gordon has posed:
    "I'll be overseeing this one, Driver. You're still too green and Bullock's.....well I have my reasons for not having bullock on the case." The reasons being that he's in the pocket of just about every crime family there is. If there's a buck to be made, he'll make it. he'd probably be one of the dicks that'll want a 'thank you' donation."

"If you want to help me, Driver, just say so, but I don't want you wandering off on your own."

Batman has posed:
"Fine," Driver replies through gritted teeth. "Whatever you /say/ ... /sir/," he adds, punctuating his disdain before walking off to curse under his breath.

Rucka returns to perimeter duty, while Bullock follows Gordon, a few steps behind him--and pretty conspicuously, too. "So, Gordon, what're your initial thoughts?"

The body definitely looks like Bruce Wayne, and it's definitely dead. CSI's photographing every inch of the scene, and there are already a dozen markers for possible evidence exhibit points: blood spatter, a broken wristwatch, an empty coffee cup, and so on.

Jim Gordon has posed:
    "My initial thoughts are that Bruce wayne is Dead." Gordon says sarcastically to Bullock. Any finds he sees, he keeps to himself. Of course, one thing is nagging at the back of his mind.....that Bruce Wayne IS NOT DEAD. This also means a trip to the Bat-signal.

Batman has posed:
"Gee," Bullock replies, re-lighting his cigar. "I don't think I woulda caught that part, Commish." He takes a drag on the cigar and then coughs painfully, walking away toward the corner of the scene.

One of the CSI scientists looks over her shoulder toward Gordon. "We're gonna be as careful as we can with this one--nobody on the team is going to try and risk screwing up such an important case for the department."

Jim Gordon has posed:
    "I know you won't. Because screwing this up means the entire department could be axed." Gordon says to the CSI scientist....loudly enough for Bullock to hear. And it's a very real threat.

Batman has posed:
With a nervous laugh, the CSI tech returns to her photographs, while her partners scour everything else within the cordoned area, running all kinds of infrared, thermographic, x-ray, and other sensory scans over any available surface.

Meanwhile, a rookie officer approaches Gordon with a cup of coffee. "Sir?" he asks nervously. "Black as hell."

Jim Gordon has posed:
    Gordon nods to the rookie and takes a sip. "Thank you. I have a feeling we're going to be pulling some all nighters for this. Including me." And he sips the coffee again. "I'm gonna need a cigarette after this."