1089/Power Comes in Threes

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Power Comes in Threes
Date of Scene: 22 June 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Paisley and Traci run into Nico, who seems to be new in town without a place to go.
Cast of Characters: Traci 13, Nico Minoru, 267

Traci 13 has posed:
    It's dusk, in Metropolis. And Traci is walking down the sidestreet, having been gone for the most of the afternoon, skulking around used book shops for any chances of finding some -real- tomes that someone might've mistaken for something more mundane. It wasn't easy, afterall, getting your hands on such things. They aren't sold at the local Barnes & Noble.
    She'd left Paisly a note too back at the flat, telling her new roomate to meet her at the intersection, where they could then figure out what they're going to do the rest of the night. So, she leans against the side of the building, her legs crossed, as she thumbs one of the books she did pick up - no magical book on the occult, but a old copy of House of Seven Gables wasn't a bad find, either.

Nico Minoru has posed:
    It seems that Traci wasn't the only one that had the same idea. A figure in a decidedly gothic attire walks down the same street, rather by herself. In one hand is a paper bag, in which a rather old and worn book is held within. Though, this isn't an old copy of a work of fiction. Judging from the cover, it is a old book of sewing patterns, with some decidedly Victorian ensembles on the cover. Or, rather, what is left of the cover. Looks like a bargain bin find, if anything.

    As the goth walks, she passes by a curio shop, eyeing a piece of jewerly in the window. Nico shakes her head, lightly, muttering something softly to herself about false magic, then turns to start walking anew. Only...it seems she has no idea where she wants to go.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I don't think I ever got to read that one," Paisley notes, tilting her head slgihtly to the left. The girl drags her fingers through her blue hair, pulling it away from her face, and purses darkly painted lips as she props herself next to Traci aagainst the bookstore. Afterward Paisley reaches a black gloved hand toward Traci and almost touches the cover of the book in question.
    "I... Oh. Not Ann of Green Gables. Something- else." A beat. "Cover art is pretty baller, though." Paisley is a petite ball of frenetic energy, narrowly contained in a scoop necked long-sleeved black shirt that clings to her upper body as she moves, a pleated black denim skirt, and leggings decorated with pale white shooting stars against a backdrop of the milky way. Her shin height black leather boots are pretty much the same as ever. Recently polished.
    Blue eyes, to bright to be natural, follow the approaching goth as she comess close, an eyebrow lofting. Pais turns toward Nico and mouths something exaggeratedly without risking sound.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "It's a really good book," Traci tells Paisley, warmly. She picks up the small paper bag she has, and stuffs it in, before she looks over to where Nico is after Paisley points the other goth girl out. And, Traci, being Traci, she simply starts to amble over towards Nico while watching the somewhat undecided girl.
    "Welcome to Metropolis," she tells Nico, with a smile that matches the welcoming tone. The words say much. That Traci is probably overtly friendly, and that Nico stands out as a first-timer to Metropolis like a sore thumb. "Score," Traci exclaims, nodding towards the books Nico has. "There's another used bookshop four blocks down and two over, from the one you got that at. They usually have the higher end stuff."
    There is a beat, "I'm Traci. And this is Paisley." Traci gestures to her side, and even though she didn't look, she knows Paisley is there.

Nico Minoru has posed:
    As Traci approaches, the goth girl does seem concerned. A look is given that betrays the fact that this one might be just a little bit jumpy. For reasons. However, as Traci speaks, with that smile and tone, the goth certainly seems to settle down, brushing a stray lock of black hair away from her brown eyes as she looks up to take in both girls for the first time.

    "Uhmm...hi. I'm Nico." A glance is cast down to her book, as what seems to be a blush crosses Nico's cheeks. "I...think I ran into that before. That store. But...I...really couldn't afford anything there."

    And, with that small admission, it seems to solidify what Traci already thinks. This Nico is definitely new to the area. Among other things.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "...Hey." Paisley lifts her left hand and wiggles her fingers delicately, tossing her head to once again free her gaze from the interposition of vividly blue hairs. She purses dark- purple?- lips for a second and then glances at Nico. Just as the other girl anticipated Paisley is right there beside her.
    "I'm new around here too," Pais offers then, titling her head slightly to the left as she does. "It's- big. Even compared to New York." The girl shakes her head briefly at this but then she offers a quiet sort of smile, rolling her slender shoulders.
    "I can't really afford most of these books either. I keep swiping hers." Pais hooks a thumb at Traci with that comment. Those just slightly too bright eyes blink once and she adds, "Kind of nice not to be the only one out here who's new."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I only afford them," Traci admits, "Because I keep trading other ones in." She grins, sheepishly. She looks sidelong at Paisley, and laughs just a little before nodding back to Nico some. "There's a cafe just across the street where I was going to take Paisley to dinner. Best kind of food. Cheap. But good. My treat, if you want, Nico," she offers, helpfully. "And I can give you a few pointers of where some of the best places are to go, and where to avoid." While sometimes it's obvious sometimes places to avoid, some areas in cities are more obscure in that aspect than others that kind of blare it in your face. "I've been here awhile."
    Traci doesn't seem to judge, in the least, Nico's financial status. She adds, as if she needed more incentive, "They have -fantastic- key lime pie."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    There is a sideward glance as Nico shifts, finding the cafe in question. And...for a moment, her expression fluctuates from confusion to...hopeful?...before shifting back to mild confusion tinged with just a touch of sadness. "Hmm...I really shouldn't be intruding. I appreciate the gesture, but really, I will be alright." Alright in getting her own meal or sussing out the places to avoid? The answer really isn't clear at all, and Nico doesn't seem to be up to offer any insights.

    "It...isn't all that unlike LA, in a way. I am sure I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." There isn't any malice in Nico's words. Just a coolness to her tone. Just enough to give the impression that the girl seems to know how to handle herself.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Okay... Cool. You can take care of yourself and you don't want to intrude. Got it." Paisley licks her lips birefly and then steps forward toward Nico. She reaches out an arm and- without actually touching her initially- herds the girl gently in the direction of the diner that Traci mentioned.
    "Come on, if you keep trying to opt out we're going to be late. And if they run out of pie it'll be all your fault. God." Paisley shrugs at that and reaches with her free hand to snag one of Traci's as she moves in the direction Traci had indicated and toward the upcoming meal. At the end of the day all Nico has to do is take a single step out of the way and she's free of needing come.
    "You'll be fine. Yeah, I was fine too. But you'll be better this way. Promise. Unless you hate pie, I mean. That would suck for you."

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci -was- about to say something. Until Paisley. And, Traci just follows along, suggesting, "You can't really tell her no when she's like this," to Nico, conversationally. And, as they all arrive, she flops into a chair, sits on the edge of it and crosses one of her legging-striped legs over the other. She does not look at the menu, probably having come here often enough to already know what she's going to order.
    There isn't anything on the menu over $8, it seems to cater to this side of town, nothing fancy on the menu, just soups, sandwhiches, basic breakfast stuff, and the like. A real mom & pops.
    "You here for long?" She asks Nico, inquiring something more general, than a direct: What are you doing here, or, got anywhere to stay, sensing the girls at least somewhat skittish nature.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Well...Nico *was* going to walk away. But, somehow she finds herself in the cafe. Somehow. It could have been because she was directed there by the pair, but there really wasn't that big of a fight coming from Nico, either. She just walks in, finds a chair, and sits down as if it was completely normal. Though, the menu stays in place on the table.

    After a moment of silence, Nico speaks...by answering Traci's question. "I don't know. I am really not sure how I got here in the first place." There's a pause as Nico considers a thought, and that slight tinge of sadness picks up to be more noticably felt, a touch of darkness on an otherwise pleasant encounter. "I...had to deal with some issues. I ended up leaving my friends I had because...because it was a pretty serious situation that I needed to work through on my own." Again, no immediate details as to what exactly, but, judging from the distant expression, Nico might still be learning to deal, yet.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci seems to understand, at least in part. "Issues," she agrees. "Yeah. We've all had issues." Not really knowing what Nico is talking about, exactly, only more - guessing that it's something that's hard for the other girl, she can relate. To a degree. "Me? No friend issues. Just - well, parent issues." She does not speak on Paisley's behalf, but she's certain the other girl will chime in, soon enough.
    She considers, "Well. What's the first thing you remember, when you did get here? Where were you at? Anything funny going on around you?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I get that," Paisley responds slowly. "I had to leave behind my friends and stuff too. Try to straighten things out and figure out what was going on with- everything, I guess." Paisley shrugs but it isn't a particularly dismissive gesture. She just slides into one of the seats beside Traci and takes up a menu, flipping through the pages.
    Those changeling's eyes are all but staring holess into the page in front of the smallest of the girls. SHe kicks her feet and then takes a deep breath. "Sometimes you just need to get out. And that might mean leaving everything behind... But here you are, right? And you're stuck with a couple new friends, least til dinner's over." She shrugs and leans forward against the table, letting the menu lay flat once more.
    "I don't have issues," Paisley confides. "I bought the magazine. Parents are just the half of it. Anyway... Place's cheap, but if we all like mozzie sticks, chicken, and onion rings we could split two samplers three ways and save an extra like six bucks."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    "Oh...my friends weren't an issue. Just me." As both of her newfound acquaintances mention parent problems, Nico actually chuckles despite of herself, her reserved manner flippig to a bit of a sardonic tone. "Oh, don't get me started on parents..." But, that seems to help. The commonality of everyone's own baggage pulls Nico out of the funk she was in. She does seem more clear and focused than she was before.

    "Well, I was at the...bus station. Just coming in. I was not really paying attention, much. Too all up in my own head, you know?" Nico actually does slide back into the chair, getting comfortable. "Then I just went wandering. Ended up at the bookstore where I was able to save the pattern book from the free bin." So...she hasn't been in Metropolis long, at all. Like, brand spanking new to the city. "I guess I was just too focused on trying to figure out something in the past that I missed the present. Really isn't like me at all." Not that the two would know exactly what Nico is like in the first place.

    There is a bit of rustling as Nico checks her left glove, rolling it down past her elbow to expose a hidden stash of cash. As she counts out what she has, those observant would see that her left arm up to her elbow seems...different. Almost as if she is wearing some sort of armored gauntlet that she chooses to cover up with the opera length leather gloves. "Oh...I have enough for that, if you all want to do that idea."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Let's split it," she suggests, by way of compromise to allow Nico some pride, but also to give the poor new girl a break on her pocketbook. "Besides, we all want pie, too." Whether or not this is true doesn't seem to matter, Traci is set on it. Traci pulls a few bills out of hidden pocket in her skirt, and orders up everything for all three girls, but just water to drink. The bills are set aside, after pooling them with Nico's own.
    "Metropolis," warns Traci, gently, "Isn't exactly the sort of city you want to go spacing around in, if you know what I mean. Sure, Superman's around sometimes, but, it's a big city. I can point you to a few places to stay, too, if you need one," she offers.
    Then, Traci's looking over to Paisley, commenting, "You see the book she picked up? Pretty cool. Maybe she can make you something like hers," Traci suggests. "I mean, different. But, you know. Like it." Because it makes sense in her head. And it should in everyone else's, too. Clearly.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Make me something like... hers?" It makes sense in Traci's head but Paisley might be lost. Or not, as she nods afterward, shifting her weight from left to right in the seat while she considers the other girl's words. Paisley tilts her head slightly to the left, studying Nico again with a certain degree of thought in her eyes.
    Paisley is sipping her water while staring at the glass, still rather subdued for whatever reason. She shifts her gaze from Nico to Traci and then back before sitting up and taking a deep breath. "Nico... Can I see you r hand? Your... right one, I mean." She clicks her tongue aagainst the roof of her mouth. "And yeah. If you need to find someplace to stay we can probabl think up something."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    "Soooo...just like every other city then." Nico shifts to roll her glove back up, covering over the peculiarity with her arm before turning her attention fully to Traci. "Los Angeles is pretty similar, at least in the unsavory regard. Though, yeah, I wouldn't mind a few directions about here. It would definitely help in the long run, especially if I end up staying for any significant length of time."

    There is a pause, as Nico turns to regard Paisley with unabashed curiousity. "You want to look at my hand?" As an afterthought, Nico lifts her other arm, herself looking at the right hand clad in patent leather, as if it was foreign to her. "Hmm....why? It's just a hand." At least...the right one is just a hand. The left...might be a different surprise entirely.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Yeah. Her dress. Isn't it lovely? And her corset. She's into sewing, or she wouldn't have picked up the book," Traci points out, earnestly. But, before she can go on further, she recognizes Paisley's look and the shifting of moods. She hasn't gotten used to that, yet, entirely. Or been able to key into what might shift a mood, or what another might mean.
    So, when Paisley focuses on Nico's arm? So does Traci, curiously. She's relaxed, but her eyes flit between the two girls, between Paisley and Nico, and Nico's hand, and those opera gloves, curiously wondering just what it is that Paisley happens to be up to.
    She uncrosses her legs, and recrosses them as the plates are brought in, but she doesn't get to eating just yet. Paisley, presently, is far more interesting.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley, on the other hand, snags a mozarella stick. She takes a bite. "I want to do you a favour," she remarks somewhat blandly. "Your left one probably wouldn't work for this as well. The good lines are on the right." She does give that left hand a glance briefly, arching a blue brow as if it might have some meaning.
    "And yeah, I told you, Trace. Really cute." Paisley flashes Traci a brief grin but her eyes are quickly back to Nico's face. Paisley's expression is one of careful, measured calm. "I just want to take a peek at your future. A small one, promise. This is where most people tell me I'm crazy." She bites her bottom lip and then gives a shrug, staring into Nico's eyes.
    "But y'know. It's fun."

Nico Minoru has posed:
    There is a shrug, then the new girl in town peels off her right glove, exposing the right hand. Nico's right hand is....remarkably ordinary. Nothing of major interest there. "You want to read my palm?" At least Nico is familiar in passing with fortune telling. "Is this how you greet all the people you meet? Take them out for pie and a palm reading? Because, if so, then it's a good icebreaker. You got me interested."

    Nico places her hand out for Paisley, while the other reaches for the glass of water to drink. With her hand laying out there, so casual, one would think that Nico is quite familiar with the act of fortune telling. At least, the kind done in the so-called occult shops.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "This is a new one on me," Traci admits to Nico, curious. She snags a mozzie stick of her own, bites the end off, and watches Paisley with unbridled curiousity. She admits, "I don't really know too much about divination, myself. I'm more street magic." Of course, a normal person would take that to suppose that she sets up a little table, and does magic tricks on the street for cash.
    She looks curiously back at Paisley after telling this to Nico, watching, and adding as a sidenote, "But, yes. I agree. It seems to be working. Especially when our - victim - is cute, and interesting."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Only the cute ones," Paisley responds idly. Then she flashes Traci a bright, honest smile as she adds, "Most of the cute ones. Traci's kind of a force of nature, I sort of forgot with her. But I think I've got it down. Okay." Paisley carefully removes her own leather gloves- reinforced knuckles. Motorcycle gloves. They are set aside on the table and then she reaches out to take the offered hand. "Let's see..."
    This might catch the eye of people expecting an ordinary palm reading. Paisley's eyes widen slightly and her breathing slows.Her fingertips are warm as they trace along Nico's palm, following the lines. She takes a deep breath and holds it for a coupple of beaats. That would make it more than clear, at least for anyone capable of detecting the subtle magic of the Fae. Not TOO subtle, with its flagrant application here.
    Paisley is doing real divination, right now. A powerful one, like she was born to it. Given she is being so casual... "Huh. Looks like-"

Nico Minoru has posed:
    "Looks like..." As the words are spoken, Paisley would get a sense that Nico is a rather mysterious person, if the flashes of what seems to be her future come to mind. While it isn't immediately noticable when exactly the events will take place, it does seem at least a couple days out. Nico...alone...walking along a rather shady street. A trio of would-be assailants attempt to accost her, with one of them punching her hard across the mouth for some smart-ass comment she makes, causing her to bleed a little. A rather wicked grin crossing over her face as she speaks some words....and then a staff...emerging from her chest?!

    With a start, Nico pulls her hand away from Paisley. Her eyes are wide...amazed. It seems that Nico just realized what was happening. Her voice drops to barely a murmur. "That...wasn't a cheap parlor trick. That was real divination." It isn't spoken as a question..but as the flat out truth.

    So, it seems that the girls' new friend knows a thing or two about actual magic.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "You know," Traci tells Paisley, finishing off the mozerella stick he has and she then snags an onion ring, "You never read -my- palm," she feigns some measure of insult, but only holds it for a few seconds, if even that long, then her eyes go back to Nico, thoughtfully at the other goth girls declaration. But it's not -her- secret to share. So she leaves it to Paisley to answer to the validity of Nico's assertation of what just happened.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Nope. I looked into your eyes and fell for you right away. I didn't need to read anything else. Her... I saw something weird. Wanted to know." Paisley takes a deep breath, holds it, and then carefully exhales.
    "Real divination," Pais agrees, tilting her head slightly to the left as she does. "I did say I was going to peek at your future," she continues reasonably. "And, um. I did. You know." She shifts her weight from left to right as she adds, "I promise not to reveal the results without your permission." There's a finality there that might seem out of place for such a casual oath, especially with Paisley's not quite bored tone.
    "If you have nowhere else to be for the night you can crash on our couch," the blue-haired one finishes simply. "It's comfy. And... Safe."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Did....you find what you wanted?" It is a legitimately curious question from Nico. As if it seems to matter if she passed some sort of test or not. With a sigh, she leans back, simply nodding to Paisley. "Yeah. I know. And you can share. I have a feeling it is just going to help getting that out in the open, especially when I crash on your couch for the night." There is a half smile as Nico speaks. "Because otherwise it is going to be all sorts of awkward tonight."

    The bare right hand reaches out to snag an onion ring. "I was thinking. Maybe we should take the pies to go and then, if you want, head back to your place. I don't know about you, but I tend to be most open when indulging in key lime pie." There is a short laugh...then a final aside before Nico eats the ring in her fingers. "Maybe that's why I wandered here. To meet the two of you. We can find out later tonight."