10858/Some Small Diner In Some Big City

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Some Small Diner In Some Big City
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: In NYC investigating a drug source impacting Starling, Oliver Queen stops at a diner and meets Vanessa Carlysle. Try the blueberry pie.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Copycat

Green Arrow has posed:
It all lined-up.

Another trip to New York in order to secure the business with Rothchild Electronics just when they got more info on a lead here in New York about China White. A supplier? Still to be looked into. So it was a good opportunity to mix business with ..., business? Seems the trend for Oliver after Christmas came and went, with all the consequences afterwards. Of course that he wasn't expecting a surprise gala dinner to celebrate the deal coming through. Another party was the last thing he wished for, but duty meant he had to be there. Shaking hands, doing the helloes, all the things that bring him back to another gala dinner that was had recently. During Christmas.

But Oliver has some stealth game. He eventually escaped the party, without even Diggle along with him, just himself to wander somewhat aimlessly through town. It brings him to this particular neighborhood. And ..., there's a diner? Well, it's no Mac's. But then again there's only one of those.

But he ventures close nonetheless, perhaps too well-dressed for the place, dark suit pants, button up white shirt and a vest, even if the top buttons are more casually open. A warm jacket is about his form, to fight the New York cold.

Copycat has posed:
This late there aren't many inside the diner. There's an old wino sleeping it off in the corner, his cup of coffee long gone cold as it sits half-consumed in front of him. A pair of college aged kids depart, talking about where is still open to go partying.

Along one counter a young woman is sitting. Vanessa Carlysle's jacket hangs over the back of her chair. She's wearing a skirt and dark stockings with platform heels. A dark blouse that is cut to good effect adorns her upper body. The waitress working the counter is over talking to her as Oliver comes inside. "Blueberry's always been one of my favorites too, though for ala mode it has to be apple, and hot," the waitress says as she fills Vanessa's coffee cup, then takes away an empty plate.

A man can be seen back in the kitchen, not much cooking needed at the moment so he's cleaning from the looks of it. The waitress spots Oliver and waves him inside. "Take a seat, I'll be right with you," she says as she goes over to a case that displays slices of pie, getting a slice of blueberry. Vanessa glances over at the new arrival for a few moments.

Green Arrow has posed:
Yes, there is a tie as well, but not on his neck anymore, instead wrapped around one hand. He can hate those sometimes, and tonight it's one of those nights..

Those blue eyes of his roam the place, that instinct to check a new place just before stepping in. Seems peaceful enough, and certainly no Mac's as he imagined but ..., it will do. He lets the door close behind him.

Expensive shoes bring him close to the counter, perhaps he now just truly understanding how out of place he may be in here. But nothing he can do about it now. A brief, rather polite smile is given to both the young woman sitting nearby and then to the waitress. "Thank you." maybe just the faintest traces of an accent. He may not be a New Yorker. Then his eyes go over toe pies in display. "Mmmm, these look delicious. Any you'd suggest?" he asks, beginning to shrug himself out of his jacket.

Copycat has posed:
If the tuxedo seems out of place, the waitress at least doesn't comment on it. Nor does Vanessa. Her eyes meet Oliver's as he gives her the polite smile, and she returns a somewhat warm one back to him.

The waitress brings the blueberry pie back, setting it down before the brunette young woman and receiving a smile and a soft, "Thank you," from Vanessa. The waitress, her nametag identifying her as Sally, turns back to Oliver as Vanessa puts her napkin in her lap and picks up her fork. "The blueberry is my favorite. The cherry is good too," Vanessa says. Sally repeats her comment, "Apple's good with ice cream," she tells Oliver. "Want coffee or something else as well?" she asks.

Vanessa uses her fork to get just the very end of the blueberry pie. Just a small bite, eaten as she eyes Oliver a little more. The rest of the counter is empty, and she makes a gesture beside her as if to let him know he's welcome to sit nearby.

Green Arrow has posed:
Finally the damnable jacket is out of the way, the tie being stuffed into one of it's pockets and then he hanging it on a chair near the counter. The one right next to Vanessa, because apparently he was invited to sit next to the young woman, "Well, it's as they say. When in New York.., be a New Yorker. I will have the blueberry, with some icecream on the side. And a coffee as well." he takes in the waitresses' name and gives her one of his warm smiles. "Thank you, Sally."

Then he opens a few more buttons of his vest before settling down on the chair, letting out an exhale that shows what was properly a long day, and night. He allows his eyes to finally take more note of the young woman, taking in the lines of her face, "Thank you for letting me have this seat. Place's crowded tonight." a weak jest, but ah well..., can't have everything. His smile remains as he glances around, "But truth be told, was needing a place like this tonight I think."

The button shirt is tight enough that some of his physique can be visible underneath, somewhat at odds with what seems to be a business man that most likely spends his time in meetings. But then again, looks can be deceiving.

Copycat has posed:
Despite the down and out feel of the diner, and even her own attire, the young woman sitting beside Oliver has a certain elegance to her. A poise and confidence as if she'd be well-suited to any environment including the kind of dinner Oliver just left. Vanessa's sloe eyes glance over to meet Oliver's directly.

"More company is welcome," she tells him, giving Oliver a smile before her eyes leave his and give him a short but overt looking over. Though it seems his tuxedo was the focus of her attention as she says, "So I'm guessing either she left you at the altar, or you left her. I'm kind of hoping that she left you. Not that I want you to go through those emotions. But if you left her, there might be a not-to-be father in law and a couple of brothers coming through the door with shotguns soon. And you /are/ sitting next to me," Vanessa tells Oliver with a teasing smile.

"Good choice on the blueberry, too," she tells him as Sally brings his pie and ice cream over, and fills up his coffee cup.

Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver is the type that can read someone's poise without much of a trouble. Too many business meetings in the years since he has returned from the island, and he certainly takes note on how the woman seems different than what he'd expect to find here. A kindred soul perhaps, or at least that's his perception at a first glance.

Yet after that first look over his eyes stay on the woman's, blue on brown, the type of man that finds eye contact a natural state. His smile never falters but ..., when those words are spoken about being left at the altar there is just a brief shift on his eyes, for the split of a second. "No, nothing of the sort." and when he laughs that look is gone, back to normal. Some story untold there. "The real story is more boring than that. Business, then followed by a business dinner. But some days it just feels as if it all is suffocating you, you know?"

The pie is brought and he looks up to Sally. "Thank you, it looks great." he picks up his fork.

"And what is your story? A break from your normal routine?" He is most likely assuming that, like him, she normally doesn't come to these places often.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa keeps eye contact with Oliver while he answers. Her reply is a warm grin to him. "So no buckshot in my back, and no broken heart for you. I suppose that's a win all the way around then," she tells him before going back for another bite of pie. Another small one, and once taken she obviously savors the flavor before swallowing it, as if drawing as much enjoyment from each bite as can be had.

"Mmm, nope, this is at least not unusual routine," she says, eyes coming back to Oliver. "Amen that," Sally says as she passes by with wet rag destined to wipe down the far end of the counter. "She's about my only worthwhile company some nights," Sally says.

"Hey, what about me?" the cook's voice comes from the back. Sally glances that way. "I stand by my words," she says saucily before moving on.

Vanessa's smile breaks out wider and she gives a soft, warm chuckle at the interplay between the two. "I'm not always out this way, but it's a nice place to stop and warm up and get a bite," she tells Oliver. "So, business went well? Delicious food? Tell me about it?" she says, resting her elbow on the counter and head on her hand as she looks to Oliver, intending to be a rapt audience if he goes into the kind of food served where he had to wear a tux.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Everyone has a Mac's. That's what he gets from the interaction between Sally and Vanessa, an instant grin coming to his expression as it makes him remember his favorite spot for a good burger. Not that the first bite on that blueberry isn't good. In fact tasting better than what he has been having all night. Gourmet they say, but sometimes you just like the more genuine food. He chews on the pie, mixing it with some icecream, "Well, you do know your pies." he says in clear approval of the choice.

"Yes, you are safe for now. But it's quiet enough that we'd hear them coming a mile away, and they'd need to get real close to land those buckshots." because everyone needs a lesson on shotguns, apparently! He looks to Sally and then back, chuckling as well at that interplay between cook and waitress, "Let me guess, they are married?" this he asks in a low tone to Vanessa. They seem the type at least!

"We all got our spots, don't we?" He comments, resting his elbow on the counter as well, continuing to look at Vanessa. The question makes him shake his head. "I think the last thing you want to hear from me is how my business went, isn't it? And to be honest, I am mostly looking to take my mind off of it. Yet I can tell you I tasted nothing as good as the pie here. I will have to mark it as a place of interest here in New York."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa gives a soft gasp and looks to see if Sally or the cook heard. She moves her head from her hand so she can lean over closer to Oliver. "Oh god, I don't know which of them would complain louder if they heard you. Though, and don't tell either of them I said so, but I've always thought she and Mel both had something for the other, but were both too cranky to do anything about it," she confides in quietly spoken words.

Vanessa sits back up straighter after the lean towards Oliver, her posture better than most of the people who probably frequent the diner. "They do have excellent pie," she agrees with Oliver back in a normal tone and volume of voice. "And the fried chicken is pretty good too. Reminds me of the neighbor lady's where I grew up," she tells Oliver.

Vanessa's eyes are back meeting the blue of Oliver's. Her expression has been a smile so far, smaller or larger as appropriate for the moment. "So you are visiting New York then? Where are you in from?" she inquires before going for another small bite of blueberry pie, that she again savors.

Green Arrow has posed:
There is that inevitable lean forward to meet Vanessa's whispered words. He listens, some amusement lighting his blue eyes but the expression he gives her is one that will take that 'secret' to the grave. No more talk about Sally and Mel being together. Until the wedding.

He straightens up on his seat as well, continuing to eat through his pie, along with some pauses for the coffee. His manners look rather impeccable even if he seems to blend in well in an attempt to downplay it. Yet Vanessa most likely would notice such. "Just pie and coffee will be enough for a first time though. Can't get all the good food on the first run afterall."

The question about visiting New York brings a nods from him, "I have been here often, but yes. Visiting. Unsure on how long I will be staying this time though, depends on the business." a moment for him to bite down on some more pie, "Starling city. It's my hometown." his smile growing fonder at the mention of it. Clearly he has quite the liking for that place. "Have you ever been there?"

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa savors another bite of her pie as she listens to Oliver. "Starling City? That's... ok, geography outside of where I've lived is not my best subject. Somewhere in western Canada, right?" she asks, clearly having heard of it before, but not able to just point to it on a map.

She gives Oliver a little shake of her head then, though her earlier comment already gave answer as to her having visited. "I have never been out of these united states," she tells him. "Though there are a lot of places I'd love to see. Italy. Just about anywhere in Italy, I imagine, I'd love. All the old buildings. Or even just the little sleepy villages. Sit around with a bottle of wine and look down a mountainside," Vanessa says, adding a bit of a dreamy sigh as she imagines it in her head.

"By the way, Vanessa," she says, offering her hand over to Oliver.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Yes, in Canada." Oliver replies with a nod, not going as far as detailing exactly where. Even if he is the type to know the exact coordinates, distances to nearby cities, etc etc. Stop being such a Starling fanboy Oliver! "If there is one thing we have in common though, is the cold winters." he looking out to the window. "But at least it isn't snowing tonight."

"I haven't been there either." Oliver confesses, smiling as he listens to her going through what she imagines it'd be alike. "But you do make it an enticing prospect for a trip. Maybe one day we will be able to visit. There's a lot of the world out there worth seeing." he says, even if his eyes now only seem to rest on Vanessa, pleased with their talk.

"Oliver." He refrains from saying his last name. No need for such formalities afterall. His hand moves to rest on Vanessa's, the callousness of his skin felt and he shakes the woman's hand. "Good to meet you."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa's hand is fairly soft by comparison. She probably moisturizes, no doubt. She shakes Oliver's hand back as she smiles back to him, letting the touch linger just a bit before finally pulling her hand back. "Very nice to meet you as well," she tells him.

Vanessa leans back then just a bit to give Oliver an open glance up and down. "So what is it with Oliver's, that they always seem to have a last name that is itself some other thing word, not just a surname. I mean, all the famous Oliver's are that way," Vanessa says, picking up her fork again. "Oliver 'Twist'. Oliver 'Stone'," she adds before getting a bite of pie.

"Oliver 'Queen'," Sally adds as she walks past, having wiped down one part of the counter, and now going to the other far end.

Vanessa nods her head, and neither she nor Sally seeming to show any more reaction to the name Oliver Queen than they did the literary character or the director. Nothing to show they have any idea the new name is even more topical. "Exactly. Oliver Queen. You're probably like... Oliver Toaster? No no... you're solid like a toaster, but that's not right either," Vanessa says, looking Oliver over again. "Don't tell me, I'll get it," she says. She glances down at the jukebox. "Sally, is the jukebox working again?" When she hears it is, Vanessa rises to stroll over to it.

Green Arrow has posed:
No, no moisturizer for Oliver. And again, the roughness of that hand just doesn't seem to mesh with that elegant, businessman type that he appears to be. Some mystery. He keeps the eyes on hers when their hands shake before returning to a more proper seating position, now in the final stages of the pie and icecream. Time flies it seems.., specially with good company.

"What you are telling me is that Oliver is a common enough name." And then..., damn it, Sally! But they don't seem to associate him with that name. Sometimes he forgets he is not in Starling, where everyone just knows his face. In New York at least he can be anonymous, at least for a while. He makes no effort to actually tell Sally he is that 'Queen', instead he laughs when Vanessa says he looks like a Toaster, making him shake his head. "No, missed on that one. But good try. And thank you..., I think?" he then asks, "How many tries should I give you though?" he questions.

When Vanessa gets up to walk to the jukebox he gets finished with his coffee, watching the woman's posture, and the rest of her body. He isn't the type to stare, of course, but he is a man, and he certainly enjoys the lines on Vanessa.

Copycat has posed:
The rather fit and pleasantly curved young woman has a walk that most would probably agree was enjoyable to watch, without seeming to overt. She makes it to the jukebox before answering Oliver's question about how many guesses, turning back over her shoulder to give him a brief glance over before bringing her eyes back to meet his. "I suppose that depends on if you'd want to keep me around guessing," she tells him, her eyes finally slipping down from his in that seems demure, at contrast with the bit of obvious flirtation in her tone.

Vanessa rests a forearm against the top of the machine as she leans over to look at the selection for a little bit. She scans her phone to transfer some money to the machine and then makes a selection. The song You and Me by Lifehouse starts playing. Vanessa peeks back over her shoulder glancing at Oliver as if to judge his reaction, then turns back, tapping the controls to enter a few more songs.


Green Arrow has posed:
"I set myself up for that one, didn't I?" The flirtatious tone isn't lost on him, the man watching Vanessa in a thoughtful manner, not oggling but perhaps being reminded of something, or someone else.. But his eyes stay on her brown ones when she looks over her shoulder to him. He doesn't show surprise at Vanessa's forwardness, at least outwardly but also doesn't seem the type to refuse a silent invitation to dance as that seems what's happening now. He slides himself out of his seat, finishing to unbutton the rest of his vest to take it out and place it atop the jacket.

Walking across the room doesn't take him long, no hesitation both on his motions or expression. Certainly not the type of man to be coy or sitting in wait. He smiles and says in a lower tone. "Perhaps until the songs are over." he suggests about the name guessing, offering one hand to the woman in invitation.

Tonight it seems he is adamant in relaxing from what life has been setting on his path as of late.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa turns as Oliver rises from his chair, the young woman leaning back against the jukebox, her smile growing just a little bit as she's approached. Her tongue touches her lips as he moves over and reaches out for her hand, and the smile is complete. She slips her hand into his, moving nearer and the other hand coming to rest along his shoulder near his neck, her forearm resting along the length of broad shoulder.

Vanessa looks at Oliver and gives a warm little laugh. "Glad that I went for the jumbo package then," she says of the jukebox's playlist. Vanessa doesn't seem to mind having Oliver in her personal space, or being in his, as she moves to dance close enough to him he can feel her lightly against him.

Sally looks down, smiling and then leaving the counter to wipe down later, heading into the back. Leaving them the rest of the diner. The music playing. And a drunk sleeping in a corner. Vanessa glances over at the man and says, "That's Jed. I'll warn he might try to cut in if he wakes up," she says as she looks up into Oliver's blue eyes, her own with a soft, merry twinkle.

Green Arrow has posed:
Sure enough that he knows how to dance. Formally even? At least in the way his hand slides down and around Vanessa's waist, the other keeping the woman's hand around his. But while they are indeed close, and one could dare say very much into each other's personal space, there is no inappropriate touching from Oliver. Too much of a gentleman for such. It's not exactly a fast song, so he moves slow, alongside Vanessa, "So we will be here till morning?" not that by his expression he'd seem to mind. And who could blame him?

The mention of Jed makes him grin, a look spared the man's way. "That is fine, I will just have to tell him that I am already taken. Hopefully he won't take offense." His eyes settle on those twinkling ones, close enough to be drawn towards them, but no more than that.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa's grin at Oliver's quip involving Jed shows a little flash of white teeth. She seems pleased with Oliver's quick wit. "Can't really blame him if he's drawn to broad shoulders," Vanessa tells Oliver, pulling her eyes from his for a moment to glance at the shoulder supporting her arm. Her arm and hand drift a little bit with a sense of appreciation for where they rest.

Deep brown eyes again looks back to Oliver's. "I don't know the playlist runs that long, but there's always the opportunity to add more," she tells him. "Hmm. I need to keep guessing on your name, I think. Something solid. Yet, not commonplace," she says, her eyes moving from Oliver's eyes to take in the rest of his face thoughtfully. "Like a mountain. Oliver Mount?" she asks.

They have the place to themselves, apart from Jed's barely audible snoring. Vanessa doesn't seem to mind dancing close at all. She's wearing perfume tonight, subtle enough Oliver might have missed it sitting beside her, or only just caught it. Though up close now it's more noticeable. The young woman moves with an easy grace, letting Oliver lead her in the slowly turned circles.

Green Arrow has posed:
The snoring seems to give just that authentic feeling to the place. It's not something that Oliver seems to mind, just dancing out here in some diner with a beautiful woman without a thought to the tomorrow. Clearly not something he does often, or at all, "Who isn't?" he notes the look straying to his shoulder, then the feeling of those soft fingertips but that brings no comment out of him but a simple deepening of his smile.

"Mount? That's far from the real one." He says, shaking his head briefly. He adjusts his pacing to Vanessa's, though it's not as if she needs much adjusting with the easy grace she bears, he leading in a slow manner, bodies moving in unison. His chest heaves up briefly when he notes that scent, the following exhale showing he is pleased with it.

"Sometimes surnames can just be complicated though. We can actually go without them." He notes, perhaps not exactly willing for her to find out who he is. At least not just yet. Though it's also a clue to who he might be.

"You are a very good dancer. I do wonder what you do. You have a certain grace to you."

Copycat has posed:
The soft notes of the song continue to spill from the jukebox, as if they could transform the humble diner into something more. Or maybe its her dance partner that accomplishes that. The easy way he dances her about, and how Oliver keeps bringing smiles to Vanessa's face.

"Alright, just-Oliver," Vanessa concedes as her first guess goes far astray. "I suppose I'll have to find some other reason for you to want to stay around then," she tells him, giving a little joking bat of her lashes towards him.

"I was just thinking the same about you, the dancing part," she tells him. And though there isn't really space between them, she relaxes in against him more fully. Trusting him to lead her and guide her, and enjoying how it feels to have the gentle intimacy with Oliver. "What's the thing I should put on resumes? Forward customer facing sales position?" she muses quietly. "I have done a bit of dancing though. Glad that it seems to have paid off to some degree," she tells him. "Now you didn't want to talk about your business. So I'll have to ask about something else. What's one of your favorite hobbies?"

Green Arrow has posed:
"Mmm, or Oliver Just. That was actually warmer." Oliver jokes about it, continuing with that easy smile to his lips. The songs go by and he moves with her to the rhythm, easy enough that he barely has to think about it anymore, simply moving by instinct with the woman, as if they knew where each other's steps are leading towards, Oliver finding an easy cumplicity with Vanessa.

"The music seems to be doing the trick so far. For me to stay." He states, even fully aware of the body against him. The hand around her waist grips her a touch more firmly as he notices her giving him the lead. But there's still that distance, nothing inappropriate. He knows his limits well. "Formal dancing? Or just naturally inclined to it?" it makes him curious. But then it comes the question about his hobbies. Well, that's not something he is questioned directly about too often. It shows in the way that he gives a brief pause before answering. "Hiking, exploring. I have a deep liking to the place I live at." he says, "And I always like discovering new places, there's always somewhere I haven't been. It can be a very beautiful place to be at." but he then asking. "What about yours? What do you like doing when you are not dancing out with a Just-Oliver and protecting him from Jed the drunk?"

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa seems to feel it too. The man a stranger, yet dancing with him is like being drawn into a warm embrace that she's known all of her life. Or no. Not known. Sought? Whichever, his switch on the name brings a bright grin from Vanessa. "I like it. Oliver Just. It's very noble. Like a white knight, seeing that all is fair and just in the land," she teases him, her eyes meeting his own.

Vanessa gives a tiny shrug at the question about the dancing. "Just inclined to it I guess. Something you could do on most any night, just as long as you had some music," she tells him. "Or, without music. If you don't mind people sort of staring," she adds with soft laugh.

"Interesting. The sights in New York are a little different from those in Canada, I bet," she tells him. "Less public urination there I suspect. Unless you count the wildlife," she adds, wrinkling her nose suitably at her own joke. "Good question. My own hobbies. I suppose I'm pretty lame. I like watching movies a lot. Not just new stuff, but the kind that the little $3 cinemas have, old things you haven't seen in forever, or never seen for that matter."

She glances over towards Jed, who is still sleeping off the bottle he managed to get his hands on. "Still out. Which is good. I'm rather enjoying this dance," she tells Oliver, looking back up to meet his gaze.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Noble? If only." But it's getting her close enough to the name 'Queen'! Ah, well. Oliver does smile when she calls him a white knight, "White knights are a dying breed these days." A few songs have gone down by now. Not that Oliver is keeping count, his focus being on the woman that just seems to share her warmth so well. His arm wraps further about Vanessa's waist, keeping her close, and showing he is fine with the proximity. Sometimes there is just that click between two people.

"Starling isn't -too- different from New York, from what I have seen. There is that saying, the grass is always greener on the other side. But to be honest they have the same kind of problems, and much of the same beauty. Though I have yet to explore New York." He lifts a brow up at the mention of cinemas, "The classics? I never have time for that anymore. Any that you'd suggest for someone trying to pick up lost time?"

"I feel safe that you will keep me protected. My white knight tonight then? It's only fair since we are on your town." The flow of their dance continues, he barely with eyes for anything.., or anyone else. Certainly not for Jed!

Copycat has posed:
With Vanessa's professional past, she is not unfamiliar with being in the arms of a stranger. However there is something different as Oliver's arms wrap about her in the dance. That sense of strength that makes her feel warm and protected, yet a gentleness that she senses from him. She finds herself dropping some of walls inside, the ones that by now would raise up instinctively to shelter her real emotions from what she's experiencing.

"I suppose I go to that stereotype that things are mainly big open wilderness, when it's a big city like any other," Vanessa tells him. "Oh, so many good, old movies. North By Northwest? Or, ever see Danny Kaye in The Court Jester? Sophia Loren in Man of La Mancha if you like musicals. Or around Halloween they'll have old Bella Lugosi and all sorts of old black and white horror movies," she tells him.

Vanessa looks up to Oliver. "Me as the white knight? I could certanly try, but that seems more of an Oliver Just sort of thing," she tells him warmly.

Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver gets a glimpse of that. The way she moves closer, close to him in that dance, the need he finds in the woman and his own sense of protection rises. The arm slides further about Vanessa's waist and then the one holding her hand brings it to rest on his shoulder. That hand goes down to join the other and he smiles in that intense manner of his, watching her face.

"I fear my lack of knowledge on classics can only be solved by going to one of those cinemas one of these days. I have seen none of those movies." Because ..., a life of being a playboy while younger and then all those ..., difficulties in the island... The day only has 24 hours!

Then a nod towards Jed, "I meant my white knight against your friend over there." he seems very loose now, content perhaps, a respite of all the problems in his life as of late. He is somewhat surprised though in the manner this woman can make him so relaxed, many of his own 'walls' lowered.

Copycat has posed:
The song changes within the quiet diner. A few piano notes to introduce the ageless voice of Elvis Presley singing Can't Help Falling In Love, the slow song providing the sound to guide the dancer's slow movements within each other's arms. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSOZoaMaOzs)

After Oliver brings her hand over to his shoulder, Vanessa slides it slowly over that brawny surface, eyes drifting over to see the shapes of the muscles beneath his tuxedo's dress shirt even as she feels them. Her soft, dark eyes lift back up to Oliver's. Those safeguards of hers that would normally hide her feelings is down, her eyes showing just how much this moment is meaning to her. Dancing with a stranger, but one that she's feeling a connection with that she's not used to seeing.

Perhaps it is knowing how much her eyes have shown that brings her head in against Oliver's shoulder, cheek nestling there and her face just brushing his neck. "I'll be as much your white knight as I can," she tells him, face safely hidden to hide her expression as she tries to make sense of the moment. Her arms about his shoulders tighten just a little bit though, as if not wishing to lose the moment to her thoughts.

Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver takes in a deep breath. It is a song he has danced to in the past, one that always worked for him in those young, careless years of his. But none of that is in his mind right now, only the brunette nestled against his arms. He watches her like he'd be watching something precious, a woman in all senses of that word. His blue eyes look gentle but yet with a spark to them, a care for Vanessa showing.

In that way that Vanessa protects her own feelings by diverting her head away and resting it against him it also makes Oliver more vulnerable, or open. The beating of his heart felt up against her, audible and perhaps just a shade faster than what would be the norm. At least for such a slow dance they are practicing, moving as one.

He says nothing right now, for he feels nothing he'd say would make the moment better, just dancing like this with someone he has just met seems all he needs. Those solid hands continue their gentle lead, keeping about Vanessa's waist as if they'd never want to let go.

Copycat has posed:
The song plays out, and gives way to another. No words are needed during the next song. Or the one after that. Finally Vanessa lifts her head to where she and Oliver can look at each other. Again her eyes are windows to her feelings, and an uncharacteristic demure look down is given for a moment before she looks back up to Oliver.

"I think I'm going to go and... freshen up is the polite term I believe?" she of her need to use the ladies room. Vanessa adds a soft smile, and her fingers lightly brush along the back of his shoulder, reaching the back of Oliver's neck. "I'll pry Jed off when I come back if I need to," she tells him, that soft smile growing brilliant as she adds a little zestful laughter.

When she moves to let go of Oliver there's a slowness to it as if reluctant to leave. But she does if he allows her, letting go and moving slowly towards the open hallway that leads back to where the restrooms are. A glance back over her shoulder at Oliver as she does.

Sal and Mel are still somewhere in back. Not visible through the opening back to the kitchen. Maybe arguing in the freezer over what needs to be ordered. Or expressing those pent up feelings for each other? Nah, probably not.

Green Arrow has posed:
Maybe Sal and Mel got inspired with the dance they were witnessing earlier and decided it was their time too or ..., perhaps hell froze over. That might be more likely. Oliver seems to be awake from a dream when Vanessa dislodges herself from him, having to blink once to return to this room, this place, Jed, everything. Then Vanessa. He looks down to her with a smile and his arms reluctantly let her part. "Of course. Do you want anything to drink?" he takes a few steps back closer to the counter even as his eyes never leave the departing Vanessa, meeting her gaze when she looks over her shoulder.

"I will be here." Or will he? When Vanessa is out of sight he lets out a soft exhale, hands running through his face and then his head. This was very unexpected. But he finds himself smiling. He walks to the counter. "Sally, could I get a couple of beers?"

But then a call. That snaps him out of it when he notices the number. Diggle? He answers it. "John? I don't need you to come get me-" But Diggle cuts him out. He got a lead on someone. That same Yu Phun that has been eluding them from Starling has been spotted. That gets him into his Green Arrow mindset, a frown. Those drug dealers have been attacking his city. He only remains enough time to leave money to pay for both his and Vanessa's food and then he is out the door.

"Meet me on the corner of 24th street." He says to Diggle over the phone, now walking at a quick pace.

Meanwhile Jed awoke from his slumber at the talk Oliver was having, looking around groggily. "Did I hear beer?"

Copycat has posed:
Not long later, Vanessa ends up at the mirror in the ladies room. Having washed her hands, she gets a little makeup from her purse to do the smallest bits of touch up. "Vanessa, what are you doing girl?" she asks her reflection. "You warn the other girls not to let things get to their real emotions."

Vanessa's hand moves down to press at her stomach and the butterflies there. "But then this isn't work," she reminds herself. She glances towards the door, her thoughts on the person she thinks is waiting out there in the diner. "Who knows, maybe you get to have something good for a change," she tells herself while putting her makeup back in the purse.

One last glance, a little turn to see how she looks from behind, and then she heads out. "So, Oliver Just..." she says, glancing around and seeing an empty room, the jukebox gone quiet as her list of songs have finished.

Jed is back to snoring by now when no beer was forthcoming. Vanessa walks forward calling softly, "Oliver?" and looking about. But unless he went in back, there isn't really anywhere to go. And his tuxedo jacket is gone as well. She walks over to the glass door to look out through it.

"Where's the fella?" Sally asks as she returns from the kitchen. Vanessa stands quietly for a few seconds before giving a visible shrug of her shoulders. "Had to go," she answers, forcing her voice to a just slightly cheery tone as she turns back to Sally, walking back to finish her pie.

Meanwhile, blocks away, a small caravan of vehicles, a dark SUV and two sedans, are heading across town. Passing near to 24th street, they make a turn towards a better part of town after having recently left areas more frequented by the drug trade.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Yes, the only thing left of Oliver's presence in the room is the money on the counter for the food. And perhaps the broken dream of something better. He had hoped to have some time off, to take his mind out of things but ..., there is no rest from being who he is. He cannot deny his nature.

When his own SUV turns the corner and Diggle opens the passenger door he hops inside, tossing the jacket to the backseat.

"So it's Yu Phun. A convoy of cars?" He confirms the talk they were having over the phone. There is just that rumpled look to his shirt, no tie on. A bit of a hazy look to his eyes. Whatever was he doing before Diggle called? Quite the mystery!

"Good job with the tracker. Let's see where it leads." Oliver looks up to John and smiles faintly to his right hand man. His most trusted friend.

Copycat has posed:
John Diggle nods to Oliver. The tall black man has the car's seat pushed most all the way back to make room for his long legs. He stomps on the gas pedal to pull the car back out onto the road and catch up to where the caravan of cars is.

"Not quite sure where he came from, but he was leaving that area of town my old army buddy gave the tip was moving the same kind of drugs," Diggle says, nodding to Oliver. Diggle slows down as he gets closer to the path the other cars were taking, and after a bit they are spotted up ahead.

After that it is a slow chase. Hanging back far enough to not be spotted. The cars do make two attempts to lose or spot tails, but Diggle handles them readily enough. Eventually the cars pull into a garage beneath a tall apartment building. Diggle says, "I'll head to the other side, see where lights come on." He leaves the car where Oliver can watch two sides of the building, and John goes to watch the far two sides.

Though the lights that come on? They are on the penthouse. After waiting long enough, Diggle returns and climbs in. "So, you good with heights some night?" he asks glancing up towards the building top.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Good job, John." Oliver says when he explains the source of how they got to this discovery. He serves as co-pilot tonight, looking through his phone at the zones they go through, and then to the penthouse they approach. A frown when he notes those lights up on the penthouse. "You know what I bless myself every night after having become the Green Arrow? Not being afraid of heights..." but he lets out a grin.

"Lets hit it tomorrow." It's time to go home, regroup, make sure his gear is all ready. He will be expecting tough opposition. Still, there's just that feeling that he is missing something important right now. Something he may regret in the future.