10659/I Think We Lost A Tony

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I Think We Lost A Tony
Date of Scene: 06 January 2020
Location: Apartment 1A, Muggins Apartments, Jackson Heights
Synopsis: Kitty fills Peter in on the loss of their friends to one of Thanos' scouts.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man
Tinyplot: Surviving Infinity

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde had attended the Stark New Years party at Stark Tower. Word likely arrived about the same time via the Avengers network and via Kitty. Someone attacked the party. Portals. Tony and Cap disappeared through one. Be home soon.

The be home soon part was left off the Avenger's messages.

Kitty comes in eventually, looking tired and with her hand wrapped up in a bandage. Professional looking job, probably someone from Stark or even one of the Avengers doctors. She closes the door quietly behind her, not sure if Peter is still up and got the messages or not. Though if not she'll definitely be having to wake him up to let him know.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter had been indisposed during the party, though he'd had every intention of showing up late. What started out as your run of the mill crime fighting adventure became a little more than a three hour tour, by most metrics... So when he'd received the text, he was mid fight with Vulture...

Who was now back at the raft.

While Peter was back at the apartment. Still in costume, watching the news for any information on the attack and fretting about Kitty not being home yet despite the dozen or so texts he'd sent. Mostly to check on her, but also to check on Cap and Tony...

Two of his favorite men.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty locks the door behind her and then moves over to Peter. "I got there... well, they were already fighting. Everyone was running out of the place so I had to go in through a wall to get in the door," Kitty says, moving to slide her arms around Peter's shoulders and hugs him.

"Hank McCoy was there. We're doing what we can to try to trace the portals, grabbed equipment from the rest of the Tower," she says, though her face suggests she's not full of optimism on the prospects of it. "Rogue and Carol got sent through another portal too and are also missing," she says. "Going to ask the Professor to use Cerebro to look for them."

She tightens her arms around Peter, for her own sake. "How'd you do with things?" she asks, seeing he's in costume.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete is standing when Kitty gets to him. Wrapping his arms around her instantly and pulling them both down onto the couch so he can properly engage her in comforting snuggles, "Nevermind how I'm doing..." Glancing down at himself, there were a few razor thin slashes in his costume, but only red lines where the bladed feathers of Vultures mechanical wings had struck him. Nothing substantial, certainly nothing like disappeared friends.

"Tell me about the portals.. where the mechanical or magical or mutation originating? Einstein-Rosen bridge or two points in folded space?" He's in full on science, but more than anything, he's worried. Tony is like a father and Cap is one of his mentors... Rogue and Carol too.. this is not good.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gladly accepts the loving comforting, pressing in against the man that has become such a source of strength in Kitty's life. She doesn't never mind about him though, checking on those cuts, but seeing they aren't of a nature that is likely to cause her hardy boyfriend any long term issues.

Kitty draws a breath. "They were probably more Einstein-Rosen. Like Blink's sort of. Only she could move them. Rogue through a piano at her and she moved the portal and it cut it in half, the half that went in disappearing to the other side. She sent two other portals at Cap and Tony, and at Rogue and Carol is how she got them. I think they managed to go through the middle in both cases though," Kitty says slowly.

"She had a shield of some kind, and a futuristic gun. Tony was down when I arrived. Grabbed some Everclear and used a lighter to blow fire at her as I doubted I'd get through her shield. Wasn't more than a distraction, but it gave Hank time to get a hit in I think. I was dodging fire from her so not quite sure. But she left right after nabbing them. She was there searching for something apparently."

Spider-Man has posed:
"She... It wasn't Blink was it?" Peter blinks himself, reaching up to flip hair out of his face before bringing the hand back down to rest upon Kitty's shoulder where she lay against him. "Okay, so she moved the portals around like weapons.. maybe so kind of anti matter shield or something? That would make sense given she came in with portals.."

His frown deepens.

"And no idea where they went, I guess.. Could you see anything through the portals? Did it appear to be different locations for each one?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"The portals were blue, Blink's are purple. It was more like the Chitauri ones that they attacked New York through awhile back. Said her name was Mikonia I gather, that's what people were calling her. She definitely was wearing tech in her suit, so I'm guessing the portals were tech, not a power," Kitty tells Peter.

She rests her head against Peter's shoulder. "Made threats against the planet - ah, melting I believe it was - if we didn't give up 'the stone'. I have no idea what she was talking about. That was about the first thing I heard as I arrived," Kitty explains. She glances down at her hand. "I'm not as good of a fire breather as Lockheed. Managed to burn my hand holding the lighter. Though it's not bad, put it out right away." She sighs. "If anyone can track the portals though I figure it would be Hank McCoy." Or, maybe Tony Stark. Only they seem to have misplaced theirs.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter's brow furrows at that, "Tony could." He murmurs thoughtfully, absently stroking his gloved fingers down the side of Kitty's cheek just along her hanging bangs, "Hank, yeah... Uhhh Reed Richards, definitely.." Possibly Peter if he could get into Tony's lab.

"I.. I wonder if Peter would let me in Tony's workshop... I could... JARVIS has readings, I'm sure... if I could see one of those portals, I could, I don't know.. maybe figure out where they went at least?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans her head into Peter's touch. Drawing strength from the sense of caring and comforting that he gives her. "Reed would be great too," she agrees. "I think that would be a great idea. I would think Pepper would probably be happy to get you whatever access to the Stark side of things you might need. If it would help bring Tony back," she says.

She sighs. "This Mikonia, seemed pretty clearly from off-world to be talking about the planet as the place she's in rather than the city or Stark Tower or anything. With Carol, she can get back on her own if need be once she figures out which way to go. Getting Rogue back with her would be harder, she can't handle space. But Cap and Tony wouldn't have anything at all there," she says, "That could at least get back or to a friendly world they could get transportation. That's assuming they didn't end up in captivity as it was."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I don't want to think about this, but... what if they're working on limited resources on whatever world they're on?" Peter sounds thoughtfully concerned, still stroking Kitty's cheek, but almost on autopilot now. "I want to help find them.. I should have been there."

A heavy sigh, glance down at his costume, and around at the apartment. "Then again, I may have ended up on some other planet.. jeez.." His head flaps backwards, staring up at the ceiling. "Now we have to worry about a /whole other/ invasion? For some kind of stone, you say?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty phases her feet out of her shoes, letting them fall to the floor so she can draw her feet up onto the couch. "That's what I think she said was I was coming in. I don't know what stone she was referring to," Kitty says with a shake of her head. "Something magic maybe? Illyana or someone else might have some idea there," she suggests.

Kitty lets out a breath. "I didn't notice air rushing through the portal, so, unless it was somehow shielded, it would suggest an atmosphere on the other side at least. Also I don't think she intended to send anyone through, was just using them defensively. Could be the four of them are together, though they were two different portals so I really couldn't say.

Spider-Man has posed:
"And we're sure they're somewhere we can find them?" Peter is... not wanting to speak the elephant on his mind, fearful that what he's thinking might be reality, but if he doesn't get it out it will fester into a deep concern. Holding to Kitty tighter when the thought bubbles up, how close she'd come to being pulled away... or maybe not.

"Well, it must be one hell of an item if she'd attack the Avengers to get it..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's expression is enough answer to Peter's question before she gives a little shake of her head. "Really not sure of anything," she says. Even if they survived at all, though that's a thought she won't voice either. Instead she gently clears her throat. Lockheed senses her distress, the empathic dragon flapping a few times to join them on the couch and curl up in Kitty's lap as she herself rests in Peter's.

"I don't know if she even knew about the Avengers. It wouldn't seem like the place you'd go. Unless this stone is something they have. Tony or someone else?" Kitty suggests. "I suppose you all are talking about, or will be soon enough, to find out if anyone knows what it is?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"I'm sure they will be soon, yeah." Peter is still thinking about that horrible eventuality, still shaking his head, and still holding Kitty tight... Until something else occurs to him and he actually laughs. "You know we have really weird lives right?" Turning to kiss the top of Kitty's head now, both arms encircling her. "I love you."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Weird? What's weird about a girl having her boyfriend and intersteller dragon comfort her when her best friend is off somewhere in... space or time or spacetime and... and you know, the sad part?" Kitty asks, trying to inject a note of humor, though it kind of falls flat given she's not feeling very funny at the moment.

"Really though, we do. I don't even utterly freak out like a normal person should over this. It seems to happen so much to us you just kind of get used to doing what needs to be done when something goes wrong," the young Jewish woman tells Peter.

Her eyes study his face, remembering how she was when he was lying in the Avenger's medical bay with a designer toxin burning up his body from inside. Ok, maybe not always just calm and doing what needs to be done. There are exceptions.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh, well when you put it like that, there's really nothing weird at all." Peter says, completely earnestly, with a straight face even. It isn't that the somber topics aren't bothering him, just that his natural inclination when he's bothered by a thing is to joke about it. It is a truly terrible situation when Peter Parker doesn't joke... things have gone well and completely off the reservation.

His hand settles down upon the side of Kitty's neck, lightly massaging, lips still against the top of her head. He'd weathered the storm of Kitty's coma without a joke, for instance. There's always a metric for any situation.

Shadowcat has posed:
The gentle touches of fingers and lips help to soothe her worries at least a little, Kitty leaning into the touches, and then snuggling her body in against Peter more fully. Pressed in against his torso, eyes closing. "I know it's stupid but I can't help but blame myself for not having been there earlier. If I'd been there when the woman first arrived maybe it would have gone down differently. Not like I had any way of knowing it would happen. Yet my mind doesn't want to let it go," she says with a sigh.

"So, first day of 2020 and we lose four friends. This may not be boding well for the rest of the year," she says, trying to put more levity back into her voice. "Be careful, ok? I mean, don't be TOO careful. Just, you know, be yourself," Kitty tells Peter. "But, careful?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"So which is it, babe? Careful or myself?! You can't have both..." Peter is teasing, though it might well lack the usual edge of wit that comes with his commentary. His arms tighten, the ridges on his costume standout slightly from the spider-symbol on his chest and the mesh of the costumes fabric weave, which definitely isn't spandex. "I... yeah.. I mean if it'd gone off without a hitch, I'd be more scared, honestly... It's bad luck to begin a year on a good note.. That's an old chinese proverb."

His eyes speak of the concern for their lost friends, his words speak of him trying to convince him to look on the bright side through humor. It is not really working, but at least Kitty is here. "I was just thinking the same.. if I'd been there.. if I could have... but you weren't and neither was I.. between the two of us we could basically build a damn teleportation device with a couple rubberbands and a bag of big league chew. So we're going to think positive, find out what JARVIS knows about the portals readings, and get our god damned friends back."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde rests her head against Peter's, sliding a hand up to brush over his neck. "Well, and Tony won't even need the rubberbands. So, if anyone can get back from that side it would be him," she says, a little more optimism invested in her voice this time.

Kitty pulls out her phone and taps out a message. She recites what she's sending aloud for Peter's benefit.

> Hank, do you have access to what readings JARVIS might have on the portals, or do we need to line that up still?

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter snorts into a quiet laugh and nods, stroking back Kitty's hair while she works her phone, reading while she tells him what she's sending. He moves so he's beside and slightly behind her, arms around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder.