10442/It's Sifu time!
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It's Sifu time! | |
Date of Scene: | 14 December 2019 |
Location: | Squamish, Starling |
Synopsis: | Carrie and Oliver meet through Sifu Yin's dojo, they mend past mistakes. |
Cast of Characters: | Green Arrow, Carrie Kelley
- Green Arrow has posed:
It's been a few rough days for Oliver, caught up in the maelstrom of endless meetings that Queen Consolidated do every year. Be it performance ratings, investor updates, making sure all is ready for next year's activity, etc, etc... He needs to be careful or some day he will turn into a suit. Ufff, the mere thought of it scares him. Specially since he has a city to protect.
But truth is he is not getting any younger, and after a rough meet-and-greet with a particular group of drug dealers in the city he got a dislocated shoulder for the effort. Which for him means he needs more training and while Diggle can often go toe to toe with him he chose to come meet with Yin, a dojo owner here in Starling. This is someone he has met for a time now, aware of her abilities. Someone that could certainly work the hero business if they wanted but .., they always refused to join.
They chose to meet after-hours, past 10pm when there's no other student around. The kind of training he wants to do isn't for prying eyes for what would people say if they saw Oliver Queen with that kind of martial prowess. That wouldn't do. So discretion is for the best. He is still wearing his suit, hood up, couple of sticks in his hand and exchanging blows with Yin, the sounds of their fight heard in the otherwise silent place.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
It had been far too long since Carrie last visited Starling. With her newer responsibilities cementing her to Gotham it made getting away harder. It was time she'd taken the advice she'd given Dick numerous times about taking an occasional day off though to do just that by leaving the city entirely. Starling City wasn't that far away with today's methods of travel after all. Even if she did arrive late it wasn't an issue--She could get into a great deal many places these days with her training... and the spare key she still had to the dojo in case she needed a place to hide out quickly.
After entering through the back she sets down her bag of 'accessories' used in her own line of work, and makes sure to lock the door behind her. Already she could hear the sounds of sparring further within. It earns a bit of a grin as she strides in reaching up to take off her scarf and unzip the puffed jacket she wore. "Sifu, sorry to interrupt," she calls out in greeting...
Just in time to turn the corner to see who it was Yin was sparring with. Instantly her expression scrunches up into a mix of uncertainty and wariness as her last interaction with Ollie had less than stellar results. "Oh. I can just..." A gesture causes her to jerk her hand up hooking her thumb back toward the door she'd come in. "Didn't realize you were busy."
- Green Arrow has posed:
While Ollie may lack the youth and the chi abilities of Yin he makes it up in experience, and tactical mind. So he is able to at least keep up with the onslaught. But then again he was the one that said earlier. "Hold nothing back. I need a serious workout." She took it literally apparently. She does that sometimes. And so it's been a veritable battle on the mat.
They are fighting with battle sticks, the clack of wood heard as they dance through the mat, the man with his teeth gritted, focused...
That is until the door opens and someone comes in. A face he hadn't seen in a while. His expression shifts from one of focused commitment to relief when Yin calls for a pause and he steps back. They are both breathing hard and fast. How long have they been at it? By the intensity it seems as if it was more than just a friendly spar.
Yin speaks first, "Welcome, Carrie. It has been a while." No surprise in her face, she knew Carrie was coming considering those powers of her, noticing life forms in the vicinity. "Come and join us. We were almost done here."
Then Oliver speaks up. He is not wearing his voice modulator so there may be some recognition there, depending on much Carrie would know about Oliver Queen, or seen him on TV. "Good evening. You are not interrupting. Your Sifu was..., humbling me a bit." he rolls his shoulders, relaxing some muscles.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
When Yin turns and greets her Carrie responds by dipping low into a bow. She hadn't trained with Yin for a long period of time, but it had been repeatedly beaten into her over, and over, and over. That's the sort of training you get when your Sifu can heal. Train until you can't, get fixed up, repeat. It made for memorable lessons. When she stands again her hand lifts to comb fingers back through her hair tucking it back into it's proper place. "Yes, I'd been meaning to stop by sooner. Things have been busy lately."
Oliver gets a glance again suspiciously. Blonde. Right height. She'd seen part of the sparring. There were already suspicions as to his identity before to begin with though she'd never yet had a chance to really confirm them. "Sifu is good at that," she agrees with a solemn nod and only a hint of a smile. Confirmed or not she takes a shot by adding, "I just hadn't expected to run into you while here."
- Green Arrow has posed:
Damn those people with powers! That must be why Yin can just go at Oliver relentlessly, careless almost. She knows she will heal while he.., can't run the risk of injury. But well, something he is used to already, being the powerless one in groups, considering he is in the Justice League with the likes of Green Lantern, or even Aquaman... And he can still pull his weight, even if not in the same type of 'explosive' manner that some others do. Batman would know how it feels..
Yin speaks softly, "I can imagine. I hear so many things from Gotham. But as long as you are well..." then a look given between Oliver and Carrie. The Sifu noticed that expression on Carrie, and she knows her well enough so she states, "I need to go freshen up. Stay and catch up, I am sure you have much to speak too."
Oliver isn't the type to not notice those looks as well, but he is more reserved, not having known this girl for that long, only that once when things didn't go as well as they could had been. But it is a risk they all take when they choose to do the right thing, "So I have been learning. It's good to know we still have much to improve. I have been visiting your Sifu for a while now." a pause and then he asks. "How has Gotham been treating you?" the voice is solemn.
On her way out Yin says, "Why don't you take your hood down already? Or do you think my former student hasn't figured out who you are by now?" or at least she believes Carrie has!
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finds herself grinning all the more when Yin speaks up and makes to leave them alone. It was predictable in a way. For all she knew, she'd planned them running into each other so that they could try to work things out. Even so she stands with her arms crossed over her chest before letting out a little, weary sigh. "Gotham is Gotham. The Boss is who he is, and I've got my hands full keeping up some times." Though as of late he'd given her so much free reign she wasn't sure what to do with it entirely.
The thought is shaken out of her mind for the moment as she steps further in to the dojo pausing only to slip her shoes off at the edge before she risks walking on any of the mats. One hand lifts to balance herself lightly against the wall as she does so. "I do know, but I'm not about to go unmasking people either. It's not polite. They tend to get cranky, too, if you do." Grinning wryly she fixes Ollie with a look again. "So. How's Starling been? Gangs finally under control?"
There's just the slightest bit of ice to that last question in spite of her attempt to play nice. It was a sore spot t say the least.
- Green Arrow has posed:
Ah, indeed. Yin can be mysterious like that..., not that she will ever share whether or not this was arranged. Her steps are heard leaving the dojo and then in the distance as she goes further into the other rooms.
Oliver glances over his shoulder at the departing Yin, frowning a bit. Were they bluffing him? Sometimes he just can't read that woman well, and he normally can figure someone out after a while. But when he looks back to Carrie he lets out a soft chuckle. "Give it to Batman to go get the best. And how has -he- been?" he knows of the latest problems. Superman's death.. Batman's death.., then revival. It's a mess. But things are getting sorted.. Hopefully.
His hands move up and he takes the hood down, then the mask, perhaps deciding it's about time he stops hiding behind that mask from Carrie. She has become a hero in her own right afterall, "There has been a few problems as of late, specially with a couple new players in town. You know how it is, our work never ends."
"But maybe we can start over. I am Oliver Queen, and Green Arrow on occasion. It is good to see you again, Carrie." And indeed it's the former playboy, turned businessman that is revealed behind the mask, blue eyes down on the younger woman. His smile a touch more open when he extends one hand to her.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley shifts her weight awkwardly from one foot to the other when she hears Yin going further in. Yeah, this was a set up. If not intentional at first it certainly was now. It leaves her in the awkward position of deciding if she wants to deck Green Arrow or... apparently accept his apology when he takes off his disguise.
The corners of her lips quirk again along with another sigh. It was too much energy and effort to keep up being mad right now. So many other things had happened since then. "Carrie Kelley," she informs, along with the name she actually went by these days, "Kestrel. Things have been... Really making me wish I was old enough to have a drink now and then." Not that it stopped Jason from offering her drinks. She just didn't take him up on it as often as she might like to in an effort to show moderation, and responsibility.
Now she steps forward to raise her own green eyes up toward him with a hint of a smile as she reaches out to accept the offered hand. "I think I've got enough enemies in my life these days. Good to see you, too."
- Green Arrow has posed:
There is that slight shift on the shoulder, and even on the position of his feet that shows some readiness for some kind of attack. They are in a dojo afterall. And it seemed almost as if he was accepting of that choice of action if Kestrel so chose. But when she chooses otherwise then they shake hands, a firm one that Oliver offers, "Sometimes things do not go as well as we wished they did. Part of our life in this job is being ready for those surprises." the way he speaks it's almost as if in apology to what went down in the past. "You seem to have truly opened your wings now. Kestrel. It is a good name."
The tone and manner of his being it's as if accepting an equal, someone that fights and believes in what they do. One of the good ones. After the handshake his hand goes up to his shoulder, rolling it slowly. "And I am here wishing I could go back to being younger. Ah, well." he says in an easy-enough manner, "I am always wanting to go drop by Gotham but.., things keep me here too much. Yet, maybe soon I will."
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Never hurts to take a break now and then. Even when things are busy. I keep trying to tell them that but they're a bit stuck. So am I, I guess," Carrie has to admit with a small nod more to herself than him. "That's why I came out here. It's been too long and I needed to just get some air for a bit. I'll have plenty to keep me occupied in Gotham soon enough again. Always do."
She wasn't intending to fight even if it might have been a bit cathartic. Instead she nudges her head toward the back. "Looks like Sifu ought to work on that shoulder of yours. She knows some things to speed up healing. Just don't let her overdo it. Used to be I'd have to get that treatment daily... at least for the Summer I stayed here."
"I know the Boss is kind of iffy about having people in our city he doesn't approve of, but I think you're on the list of 'okay' ones that we're not going to chase out. If you ever feel like popping by," she adds with a chuckle even as she hesitates a moment more. "Sorry I ran out after that incident. It kind of shook me up, and pissed me off, and... I just had to get away."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"You are welcome here in the city anytime." Ollie assures the young woman, as if she wasn't already...! But indeed he is like Batman where it comes to that, this is his home, the place he will protect with tooth and nail and without hesitation or reservation. "In fact, you never stopped being welcome. But now we make it official." a small, faint grin in the end, apparently satisfied that they are coming to terms.
The mention of healing makes him quirk a brow, he knew she had abilities but .., not to that extent. "I will ask her, thank you. She is quite something, isn't she..?" some people still have the capability of surprising him sometimes. He shakes his head a bit to himself before re-focusing on Carrie again.
"Your Boss knows he can always call on me if anything is needed. In fact can you let him know I'd like to visit him soon?" Then a pause, considering those last words from her. He nods slowly. "It was my fault. Things did not go as they were supposed to and then ..., well, what's done is done. In reality, I had hoped you would had chosen to join us here in Starling, yet I am glad you found a place in Gotham. They are good people." most of them at least!
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Well, that's good to know," Carrie responds glancing back over her shoulder at the official offer. The mention of that past incident again, and hopes she would join Starling earn a small, thoughtful hum. "I... Wasn't sure where I was going at the time. I was born and raised in Gotham. You know how he can be though. 'His city' and all." A light shake of her head is given as she stoops to grab the bag she'd originally come in with. It's rifled through searching for something or another. "There's others there, though, and I met them. We're a decent team even if I still feel like I'm the least skilled among them."
"I'll let him know. Diana's been visiting a lot, too. Helping him out after the whole ordeal. I'm sure he'll be glad to know his friends are worried about him though. Even if he won't ever admit it out loud." Finding what she was looking for she withdraws a wrapped energy bar which she tears open with her teeth to chomp down on. "Sorry. I burn like a million calories anymore. Hard to keep up at times." A little gesture is given toward him with the open wrapped item as she asks, "So what's been going on in Starling, then?"
- Green Arrow has posed:
"You don't seem that approving of that line of thought." Oliver doesn't hide some amusement at that. It is afterall something he shares with Batman. The man then folds his arms together, looking as Carrie rummages about the bag, a brow quirking a bit, either at hearing that Diana has been visiting or that she brought out an energy bar to snack.
"We work together in Justice League, a team, and while sometimes we do not see each other eye to eye on some matters he is still a dear friend of mine." he goes over to pick up a bottle of water in a corner, uncorks it and drinks, "Knowing them they must run you through drills all the time. But yea.., Starling.." he frowns, "Some new drug dealers trying to get into the business here, chinese apparently. I am following some leads but it's mostly a work in progress. We have captured a few but I still have no idea who the ringleader is." and that certainly seems to make him less than pleased, it showing on his expression.
"And you? You mentioned being stuck in Gotham? Anything specific that's been working you over?" He wipes his mouth on his sleeve once done drinking, eyes on Carrie.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley stops mid-bite of her bar to glance back at her pack realizing that just out and out eating one was kind of rude. She already knew it would be a bit but that gnawing hunger that was sneaking up on her was also very familiar. It had been a hike to get here from Gotham. Stopping wasn't really a priority. "Want one?" She asks as she gestures to her bag again to snag another from the confines. "It's chocolate cherry energy burst or whatever they're calling it. Not bad though."
With the offer made she turns her attention back to the conversation at hand. "Yes and no. I agree in a city with the sort of crime Gotham has that there has to be some kind of control or heirarchy to the vigilantes... Otherwise things get out of hand. But having been on the receiving end of it, it's reeeally frustrating." A grin is flashed back as she shifts to lean her shoulders back into the wall of the dojo. One leg crosses over the other casually at the ankle as she kind of reclines there, standing.
"Ivy's taken control of an island and sealed it off. There was a breakout of demons posessing the dead who were trying to open a rift to bring more in... We just got that handled. There's the usual thefts. A few attempted hits on the Gotham diamond exchange. And of course trying to keep things in control from those who felt they could suddenly come into power with Batman dead." A roll of her eyes comes at that. "Like the rest of us aren't still there. And to top it off," she says with abject annoyance/disgust/exhaustion, "Finals."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"That woman can be a thorn on our side when she wants to..." A bit of a quip from Oliver, but his face is serious when he hears to the news that Ivy has taken on an island for herself. "Any plan made to free that island now?" He takes the energy bar with a thankful nod and digs into it. He needs his energy too afterall..., even if it comes in the form of chocolate cherry flavor. He won't complain. Diggle probably would, considering how draconian he can be about them keeping up their shape. But what the eyes don't see the heart won't feel.
"Many of those that pick up this life, or that -want- to pick up this life sometimes do not have the right training just yet, or the right mindset. They do not realize how deadly this can be, and then mistakes are made." He lets out a sigh, perhaps too aware of that. But life is made of regrets, and surpassing them. "And we feel responsible for it."
But then he spares a faint smile when the girl mentions finals. He knew she was young, but not exactly by how much. "What are you studying?"
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Actually, she's doing pretty good out there on the island by herself," Carrie has to admit with a little shrug. "If she's keeping herself isolated and not commiting crimes... Not a lot different than having her locked up in Arkham. I mean, it's not a solution obviously, but right now we're kind of letting it go. It's the least of issues at the moment."
"Mm. I knew what I was getting into. I chose it after I was used as a hostage by some ninjas that Batman was fighting. I'd rather fight than be helpless... and if it keeps someone else from being put in that position I was in? Then I did something good." A little grin is flashed back toward Ollie as she explains her thoughts on the matter. Then she drops the bombshell of her college education: "I'm a theater major." Definitely not a bat-themed course.
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Ah, she is by herself." That makes Oliver nod, he had perhaps considered she had a few hostages, or people there that she was retaining. "Then a good riddance to her." mmmm, this chocolate cherry is quite good... He looks down at the bar, nodding approvingly, then continues on the munching.
He listens to her reply, nodding, "You knew what you were getting into, but many don't, that's exactly the problem." a faint smile returning to his lips. "But enough on that for now." a pause then he hears what her major is. "Theater?" really, he needs to step up on his reading-people game. That's certainly a surprise. "I wasn't expecting that. Thought you'd be on an engineering of some kind." because he at least knows she is quite smart.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins with amusement at the reaction to her college courses. There's a small twinkle of amusement in her eyes as she watches him as it never failed to be amusing when she got such a reaction. "Theater's what I did in school for years. It made sense to go that route. Plus it's way easier to get a theater scholarship than anything else. Besides," she adds with a little shrug. Her free hand lifts to start ticking off fingers as she counts.
"There's a lot more to theater than just acting. You've got production schedules, maintenance and completion of stage projects, lighting and audio quipment. Video these days, too. Design and makeup. Business things like accounting, budgeting, and advertisement. So long as you're not just trying to be a star actor or actress... There's a *lot* you can learn doing theater."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"When most people hear of theater they normally think first on actors, not understanding what's behind it." But Oliver nods his understanding at her explanation on what she does. It certainly beats his early years as being a good-for-nothing playboy playing at being a millionaire. "And what are you hoping to do in theater? Once you are done studying?" he questions, some curiosity to his tone. The girl is quite the surprise basket it seems!
But then there is a buzz heard from an earpiece nearby, he moves to pick it up and puts it on. "What is it..? Yes, I am going soon, mom." by his sarcastic tone it's most likely not his mother that is calling him on that earpiece. Whoever it is though..., most likely a mistery for another time. Instead he smiles at Carrie. "If you are staying in the city for a time call me sometime. I could use your help if you are so inclined. Perhaps I can make up for last time." he offers, a nod given to Carrie before he leaves.