10323/Who Treats Their Computer This Way

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Who Treats Their Computer This Way
Date of Scene: 05 December 2019
Location: Orchid Bay, Starling
Synopsis: Felicity retrieves information for Oliver on China White's planned attack on rival drug dealing gangs.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Felicity Smoak

Green Arrow has posed:
It's a nice enough day at Queen Consolidated, if we can just skip through the freezing temperatures, at least for Ollie. Taking care of business in the morning, meetings with the board and then the afternoon off which he used to get some training with Diggle on the company's gym. It went on till late in the afternoon and now done with shower he begins wandering back to his office.

Going up through the floors he looks at the numbers '-1' '0' '1'..., he stops on the '2', in his mind the excuse that he will be checking on how the computer work is going. Yes, that should work. He steps out with a faint smile to his lips and begins his walk down the offices to where Felicity's is.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"... so then I sent her a drink over to her and her friend both," Jenkins says, the small palm-sized basketball from the little hope he has on the wall of his cube in hand as he bounces it off of Felicity's office wall and catches it.

"And they shot you down..." Felicity says, not looking up from her monitor.

"And they shot me down. But we talked for a bunch more first," Jenkins continues, bouncing the ball off the wall again.

"During which you bought them. More. Drinks," Felicity adds, attention still on her work.

The tiny basketball is caught and and Jenkins stops. "Huh," he murmurs, followed by a, soft, "Hey," of realization.

Felicity shrugs her shoulders and adds the hand gesture to accompany it as she nods to Jenkins. He's not a bad-looking fellow, but neither does he really stand out. Not like the man coming down the hall that Jenkins spots. "Big boss coming," he says quietly before drifting away to his cube in the bullpen area across the hall from where Felicity's office, one with walls and a door, stands.

So Felicity is already getting out the laptop and setting it on the corner of her desk when Oliver arrives. "Hello," she says, feeling a little lump of emotion in her throat again as the handsome CEO arrives.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Good afternoon, Jenkins." Yes, the CEO knows his name. Is that a good thing? A bad one? Will the fire notice come soon?! Or maybe he's just thorough enough to have taken a good look at each of the IT's file when he was trying to figure out to unlock that computer.

Oliver then turns back to Felicity's office, just the briefest pauses to take in a breath and then a knock on the door, head popping in, "Hello, Ms. Smoak. May I come in?" he asks, polite as is his usual. Eyes set on the computer on the corner and then back on the blonde woman. His hair is still looking damp, most likely a recent shower. Damn these CEOs that can go and have showers during office hours.

"Was just checking in our progress with the computer. Any luck?" He tries to put in a casual tone but there's some urgency to it that he can't just simply hide from Felicity.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Jenkins was just sitting down, settling into that level below the cubical wall where he's concealed. There's a feeling of security as one crosses that threshold. Though as it turns out, an illusory one as Jenkins pops right back up. "Afternoon, Mr. Queen," he replies quickly, managing a quick smile. Before slowly sinking back down again. Crap, he knows my name!?

Felicity manages to miss most of that, though. Her attention is on Oliver, but what he's saying to someone outside of the office is missed amidst her nervousness and other thoughts. She sits up a little straighter, wearing a dark skirt and a white blouse with blue stripes that leaves her shoulders and arms bare.

Felicity pushes her glasses up higher on her nose. "Mr. Queen," she says alertly. "You look good. I mean, clean. Good and clean. Your hair," she says, motioning with a finger towards the short, damp strands. "Well the rest of you too. Not that I can see all of you, but I imagine. I mean, I don't imagine but I could. If... I weren't going to change subjects and answer you about the computer," she says. "I have some results, if you want to come take a look," she says, pulling up some things on her computer, and trying to extract her metaphorical foot from her mouth.

Green Arrow has posed:
There was really not much he was going to do at his office this late in the afternoon, and now that he thinks on it.., was he really going to do -anything- up there? He could had went home but ..., he finds himself here, and in truth Felicity would had most likely called if the computer was ready. So why--

He breaks out of those thoughts, something for later, instead his eyes focusing on Felicity, and her attire. He blinks once, "Well, thank you." you can be smoother than that Ollie! "You are looking quite elegant yourself as well today." there, then a very faint smile given.

But he seems just as glad that they change subjects, which means he probably won't need to look at those bare shoulders, instead focusing on the computer. He approaches, eyes gaining a light to them. "I'd certainly enjoy a look." he must certainly mean the computer, even if it could be mistaken for something else considering what they were just talking about.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity moves her chair aside a bit, and then after a moments though, rolls a spare chair over beside hers. Lengthy sessions sharing the computer screen are a thing in the IT department, so there's a chair ready for such moments.

Felicity says, "I was able to get into the laptop finally. Had to fabricate some things to bridge the broken parts of the motherboard. The encryption can't be unlocked without it, at least, until I got it unlocked the first time," she says.

"But some of the hard drive was damaged, so there's only so many files from," Felicity leans forward to look at the folder name she extracted some files from. C:/Users/Yu Phun/Documents. "Yu Phun," Felicity says, looking at Oliver whose laptop this is supposed to be. She probably thinks it's a joke login though. You Fun!

"I guess you're working on some sort of expansion? I tried to not pry but the files needed repair to get this much so I had to open them up to do that," she says. She opens up some blueprints of a building, and a map with a few marks on it. "The new building down on 4th that is under construction, isn't it? Is Queen Consolidated part of that?" she asks.

Green Arrow has posed:
Ollie gladly takes the chair to settle down. Diggle wasn't playing nice on their training earlier so there's still some bruising left from that. Yes, it will be one sore evening, or so he feels when he finally sits down, resting his muscles. "That's great. Anything that can be recovered will help."

And when Felicity leans forth to the computer he does the same, elbows on his knees and he watches the screen. Yu Phun... there's one name to follow. His lips are pressed to a grim line now, his approach to this information going through his mind ...

"Yes, it is a planned part of an expansion we are going through.." If there's one thing he can be is a smooth liar, even if he doesn't enjoy doing it now. But what else could he do? <No, I am the Green Arrow and I am after dangerous drug dealers that have something planned in this place>> That wouldn't do..

"But I found some inconsistencies, which is why I had these requested to examine. Can you zoom on those?" he points to the marks, squinting briefly.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity sits with her head facing forward towards the screen, though as Oliver does the inevitable slight lean forward to examine the images on the monitor, her blue eyes peek out of their corners over towards him. She suddenly becomes conscious of having put on perfume today. And the day before it. For the last few actually. She hadn't actually let herself think about if there was a reason. She's just done it. And now she's hoping it's not something he's going to find unprofessional.

When he actually asks her a question, Felicity gives the tiniest start and has to recall what he said. "Oh, yes, zoom. I noticed there were some notes or something you made," she says, zooming in on the blueprint, for the first time looking more closely at the little lines connecting spots on the blueprint with some writing. "In... Chinese?" she comments at the sight of the foreign characters, and glancing over to Oliver.

Green Arrow has posed:
As they are now this close he can't help but notice the blonde's scent, now pleasing it feels.. Would she had done it for him? The perfume? That would-- Focus on the blueprint, Oliver Queen! His eyes scan the blueprint, thoughtful, that tactician mind of his already going through points of entrance and exit. Something will be going down here.

He gestures with that practiced manner of his, of someone that is clearly more than the playboy dash businessman that Felicity has met so far, a few points here and there that he asks for the zoom to be made, a nod given at something but then the little chinese lines, "Guess outsourcing this was a bit too optimistic... I should had kept this in-house." he says, presumably of those chinese writings, letting out a sigh, "Can you scan and run those notes through a translator?" he then asks, putting on his best smile. He knows he shouldn't be asking so much of her, questions will arise, but he has urgency on these.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity heads tilts in a way evoking a small bit of surprise, but she's quick to nod and says, "Sure, we should be able to... let's capture them... and then I admittedly don't have a scanner that looks for Chinese loaded." She does the screen capture and is already searching on the web as she's speaking. There's only about a minute's delay as something is downloading then.

Felicity glances over to Oliver again as they wait. "So were you lifting? Running? Stair-stepping up to the top floor and back?" she asks, glancing up at his damp hair, and then down at how his shirt clings to him a little as if it was put on while he was still wet.

The download chimes to indicate it is finished, and Felicity starts just a little bit out of her thoughts. She moves the mouse hurriedly to do the install as if that would make it go unnoticed. Soon she has the images going through the scanner. Once scanned, they are simple enough to enter into a translator. "And they mean..." Felicity says, checking the results.

Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver watches her work with an alertness to his eyes and demeanor, following each motion, in full Arrow mode now. That focus of his shows, he knows there will be information here that will get them closer to this gang moving in Starling city, his city. It's almost enough to make him angry but..., then the question from Felicity.

"John was grinding me through some exercise routines so.., a little bit of all of that." and then some. He sits up a bit straighter, rolling one shoulder as if speaking of it reminds him of all the soreness, making it so the shirt stretches against his body. He exhales. "That man will be the death of me someday."

"What about you? I always come across you here, what do you do when you are not bringing near-dead computers back to life?" Though the scan then finishes, the first results beginning to pop up, a couple of entries so far visible <<Entrance Point A>> <<Entrance Point B>> <<Four guards>> .... with still a few more to show.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity's eyes steal peeks back at Oliver as he works the exercise-induced soreness out. Though trying not to be noticed. Her CEO is a cut hunk, and that fact seems to make Felicity babble and misspeak even more than normal.

"Hmm, looks like maybe some notes about the building security?" she suggests as the results come up, one after another as she drags and drops the Chinese characters into the translator. "Roadblock? I guess closing off approaches to the front?" she asks. In the days of terrorism, such barriers are certainly not unheard of.

Felicity leans back in her chair, torso twisting a bit as she stretches for something over on a side desk. Her desk pretty much circles around her, with surfaces on three sides. She comes back with a camera. It's a nice one, digital but with the kind of lenses that each cost as much as the camera itself probably. "A little bit of a shutter bug. Though, I'm not really the best. I do like working with the images afterwards a lot. So if I see I something I like. Just, you know. Click," she says, giving a little shrug of her mostly bare shoulders.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Suggestions on how to increase security." Oliver says in ways of agreement to Felicity's line of thought, but he does press his lips to a line. Lying is a weapon he prefers to use on his enemies, not those he works with. Or cares for. "Thank you, this will be a lifesaver for the meeting with the investors." his eyes are still scanning the blueprint, everything, almost as if he would be witnessing the plan unfold.

The roadblock that will keep the mob bosses from leaving, two teams entering and neutralizing the defenses.. Intriguing that they seem to have full information on how it will be happening, and how much guards they will bring. He will have to dig further. But then there is a date, one of the last translations done <<6 December, 9pm>>. Tomorrow. Not much time to get ready, but it will have to do.

There is a moment in which it doesn't seem as if he was listening to Felicity but then he finally focuses, eyes on the camera and then back on the girl when she shrugs those bare shoulders. He says, "There are quite a few beautiful places here in Starling, I am curious to see what you have found worthy to have captured by your camera so far. Would you mind if I saw some?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity has the camera kind of hefted in one hand, elbow resting on the arm of her chair. "Oh," she says in surprise. "I mean, sure. I'm sorry, just didn't expect... well yes, I'd be happy to show you. I don't have them online where I can get to them from here. But I'd be happy to bring them in sometime," she tells him, setting the camera down on her desk. "It's kind of a big collection. Not, good necessarily," she says with a self-deprecating laugh. "But, not that you'd have to look at it all of course," she says with a little shrug. Her smile at the expression of his interest in the pictures is a lovely thing to see though, the blue eyes having an extra light to them behind her glasses.

Green Arrow has posed:
"I was never much of a shutter bug myself." Except when he is perched up on a building on a stakeout, taking shots of criminals. But that's a story for other nights.. Oliver smiles faintly, leaning forward just so, one elbow on the table, "But I love Starling city. It is my city. As I said, I am curious to see what you would find beautiful here." he says, "I will be looking forward for those pictures. No rush of course, whenever you have the time for it. I know how things can get busy sometimes."

There is a genuine interest from Ollie at this but also .., he can't help himself at using it as a misdirection, having their thoughts away from what was found on the computer so they don't ponder too much about them. He notices that expression on the blond woman and he finds himself smiling in return, their blue eyes now meeting.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The follow up from Oliver on the topic removes any chance of Felicity writing it off to an idle comment. "I'll be happy to show them to you," she says, her tone becoming a little more personable for a moment. As if she's forgetting she's talking to her CEO, and is instead talking to Oliver.

That lasts for all of a few seconds though as Jenkins walks by in the hall. Carrying something so it looks like he's busy, but actually he's just peeking in to see what's bringing the CEO down to the middle-tier (if brilliant) IT-workers office when there wasn't mention a tour. Nor, are they touring.

Felicity sits up a little straighter. "So, I'm afraid that's all I'm able to get off the computer," she says, the moment faded. "There's some other files, I've got them all on this thumbdrive for you. I like the cat meme posters," she tells him. But then makes a gesture like she's locking her lips and throwing away the key. She won't share what she thinks is his love for cat pictures.

Green Arrow has posed:
Definitely a fire notice, Jenkins!!! Just kidding, Ollie wouldn't do that, would he..? But he does notice the peeking Jenkins and also sits up a bit more properly on his chair. He begins getting up to his feet, closing the computer lid .., carefully.., just so he doesn't damage the work she was doing in it. "Thank you for your help, Felicity." again the first name, but then again this is a personal favor afterall so it's proper.

The mention about cat memes make him pause, but then he offers her a smile at the 'lip locking', lifting his arms in an helpless shrug.

But he has taken enough of the IT genius's time so he after he gets the pen it's time to get going. Off to prepare a counter ambush..