Lex Luthor

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Lex Luthor (Scenesys ID: 92)
"Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their power with mankind. No, I don't want to be a god. I just want to bring fire to the people. And... I want my cut."
Full Name: Alexander Joseph Luthor
Gender: Male
Species: Superior Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: CEO of LexCorp
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: LexCorp Towers, Metropolis
Education: Excelsior Academy Metropolis University Princeton, BSE Yale, MBA Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D.
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 37 Actual Age: 37
Date of Birth September 28, 1988 Actor: Michael Rosenbaum
Height: 187.96 cm Weight: 96 kg
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Lorde


Lex Luthor is and forever will always be the self-imposed Last Hope of Humanity. As the CEO of the multi-national corporate powerhouse known as LexCorp, Lex Luthor is as much a man of the people as he is a man above them. Lex Luthor is a man from dire and humble beginnings that worked his fingers to the bone to get where he is today and that is often evident in his egocentric personality. However, despite the fact that he doesn't lack confidence or intelligence in the least, Lex Luthor is a brilliant scientist and widely respected philanthropist that has the future of the world in the palm of his hand. A true visionary, Lex Luthor can see the potential in the human race and lives each day to lead the world to a better tomorrow. Despite his inclusive corporation and philanthropic lifestyle, Lex Luthor's public stance on non-human entities, specifically aliens, is well documented as being cautiously negative with shades of distrust and worry. His intentions to make the people of Metropolis, and the world, find a way to better themselves without outside interference are as pure as the most visible target of his anti-alien agenda: Superman.



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