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Sarah Rainmaker (Scenesys ID: 1119)
"Sure, it all looks like clean wholesome fun, but the mass marketing of intimate female apparel is just another way for our male-dominated society to impose impossible standards on women by totally objectifying the female form."
Full Name: Sarah Rainmaker
Gender: Female
Species: Gen-Active
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Activist
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Gen13
Other Information
Apparent Age: Late Teens Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 9 February 2006 Actor: Brenda Schad
Height: 180 cm Weight: 61 kg
Hair Color: Raven Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage


One of (at least) 5 teenaged victims of either a rogue intelligence agency or group of bored plutocrats, Sarah Rainmaker was one of the unwilling subjects of the Gen13 project, having been kidnapped from her home on the Western Apache reservation at San Carlos, Arizona to be experimented on. Luckily for her, when a group of other Gen13 kids led by Caitlin Fairchild staged a breakout, they freed her on the way out. While her good looks are natural, her control over air and water is due to her Gen-factor, and completely matches her name. She's since been on the run with the other kids, trying to help them stay below the radar, but having a hard time keeping her activist personality from putting her out at the front of the latest protests. She can still often be found trying to make a difference, though she has a much harder time being as strident about her personal life, particularly her preferences when it comes to significant others...especially Amazonian redheads she may live with.



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