Gothic Lolita

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Gothic Lolita (Scenesys ID: 1187)
"Are your dreams normally like this, little dreaming person? When I still dreamed, superheated nanomecha somehow never appeared. Though I do vaguely remember something about a bright pink bulldozer that wanted to marry me. Perhaps my dream programmers were being ironic."
Full Name: Gothic Lolita
Gender: Female
Species: Mecha-American
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Smashing and Bashing
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Livewires, SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: Appears 18 Actual Age: 5
Date of Birth 1 January 2020 Actor:
Height: 157 cm Weight: 227 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "I Burn (feat. Casey Lee Williams)" RWBY Soundtrack


Gothic Lolita is one of ten prototype experimental semi-autonomous, artificially intelligent, limited-nanofunction, humanform mecha construct (referred to as mecha, NOT robots which is horribly politically incorrect in the modern day, geez!) created by a shadowy quasi-legal covert research laboratory within SHIELD as part of Project Livewire, drawing on the designs of the Life Model Decoys, the Mannites, and a bit of Professor Ivo's experimental creations to create a powerful but ultimately expendable unit for high risk operations. Unfortunately for her designers, they programmed her too well to be completely loyal to the goals of the organization, and she and her fellow Livewires turned on her controllers after realizing that only they with their hardwired loyalty to the mission would be able to complete it. Any humans would ultimately be the weak link; thus, they obliterated the secret lab where they had been constructed, massacring the personnel so no hint of their design or purpose would be leaked, then when rogue, following their preset list of quasi-legal covert research laboratory targets to be destroyed.



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