Black Rose
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Yana Asarov (Scenesys ID: 1225) | |||
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Profile | |||
Full Name: | Yana Asarov | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Occupation: | Student / Mafia Princess | ||
Citizenship: | {{{Citizenship}}} | ||
Residence: | {{{Residence}}} | ||
Education: | {{{Education}}} | ||
Status: | Active | ||
Groups: | {{{Groups}}} | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 16-20 | Actual Age: | 17 |
Date of Birth | October 1st 2007 | Actor: | |
Height: | 5'4" | Weight: | 120 lbs |
Hair Color: | Blue | Eye Color: | Blue |
Theme Song: | "Punk Rock Girl" - The Dead Milkmen |
Yana to most people is simply an ordinary teenage girl, living in the United States who has a bit of a rebellious streak. Further digging will reveal she is presently attending school to train both her mind and either control or learn how to use her mutant powers with more precise accuracy. What's nearly impossible to find out without high level government access is that she's the daughter of the Pakhan of the Russian Mafia of New York City. So, there's that.
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< Genius Intellect >-----------------------------
< Kinetic Awareness >-----------------------------
< Kinetic Battery >------------------------------
< Kinetic Dampening >-----------------------------
< Kinetic Field >-------------------------------
< Kinetic Speed >-------------------------------
< Self-Adaptability >-----------------------------
< Genius Intellect >-----------------------------
Yana has tested to have an IQ around 170 or so. She is nowhere near Reed Richards levels of intellect, but her mind is absolutely capable of understanding complex ideas and retaining an abundance of information as well as applying it rapidly to a given situation. She has a near photographic memory, and can nearly recall with perfection anyone/thing she has seen, read, or viewed. Things she has heard she can remember more aptly than the average person but her mind is not as sharp with vocal memory as it is with visual memory. While she has high potential for much more, most of her mental acumen thus far has been focused towards the human psyche, phsyical sciences, and other skills that will be useful for her official insertion into the Family along with the rise she will attain there by way of her powers and education.
< Kinetic Awareness >-----------------------------
Her mind is wired to process any object that is able to be used by her abilities. She has an internal, passive ability that provides her with an effective radar of her surroundings; people, objects and articles around her in a 'bubble' approximately 30' x 30' are all known to her through this innate mutation. This allows her to 'see' a person hidden behind a door, or movement on an upper/lower floor. She is aware of the size/shape of objects but cannot tell a toy gun apart from a real gun, a dagger from a letter opener, a stationary guard from a mannequin, etc. Only basic shapes and how/if those shapes move. Due to her genius intellect she is able to process these objects and locations efficiently and without distraction to normal thoughts and actions. She is able to tell one object on top of another, such as three pen-shaped objects and a book-shaped object on a desk, even individual shapes in a dumpster. It is essentially a 'second sight' for her that she's very used to. Thus it is almost impossible for someone to 'sneak up' on her, but it can be fooled because it is shaped-based only when she does not have the object directly within her field of vision. This second sight cannot be 'overloaded' with a number of objects , but a very skilled telepath who knows what they are doing and can perceive this can temporarily 'shut it down'.
< Kinetic Battery >------------------------------
Yana naturally recharges her powers when sleeping, when the body does most of it's healing, back to 'full power'. She additionally, as mentioned in Kinetic Dampening, has the ability to 'recharge' while awake through either that field, or by actually recieving kinetic attacks herself. So, in essence, a person punching her, hitting her physically, which would be a kinetic attack she is not able to prevent even with her Dampening Field, would still help 'recharge' her batteries. Any kinetic impact she recieves by her body, self-inflicted or not, puts a bit more energy back into the pool. Any damage she takes will still hurt her when she is taking direct impact - yet she is, if she is not depleted already, able to sustain more damage by slowing the impact (effectively wearing thick padding/light body armor) to her or putting up minor kinetic field. She will only reap the benefits of the force that surpasses the Kinetic Field however (should it be up) but the Kinetic Field does let her take a much longer beating, allowing her to recharge herself without significant harm or incapacitating her fully. This also does not translate to objects/persons imbued. It is self-sufficient only. So, essentially in the middle of the fight if no one is shooting bullets at her, or targeting her, and she's out of power? She might just start slamming her head into a wall, or telling a friend/companion to slap her a few times, or punch her in the gut. As with any 'muscle' in the body, the more Yana pushes these reserves to their limits and flexes them up, the more experience she has and awareness how to manipulate those reserves, the larger the reserve will become in time.
< Kinetic Dampening >-----------------------------
The one active ability she possesses that is not tactile based is essentially a 'kill switch' or an EMP based off kinetic power. In a 10' x 10' area around her person, when activated, any kinetic activity goes completely dead as she becomes a 'Kinetic Black Hole' absorbing 100% of all Kinetic output around her. Bullets simply drop to the ground, as do any other airborne projectiles either thrown or shot at her. A person doing a jump-kick or "superman punch" at her would be affected, but a person with at least one foot planted on the ground and attacking her would not, nor would a car trying to run her over. A car thrown at her by another telekinetic would simply fall in front of her, however and not hit her (or anyone else in the field). Additionally, she does not need to have line of sight on the object as this is a 'bubble' field and can be instantly activated in conjunction with her Kinetic Awareness. Therefore a bullet passing through the 30' x 30' Awareness Field can alert her it's incoming and her synapses can respond to activate the Dampening Field before the bullet reaches her. If this effect is active, it also deadens her own abilities (i.e., her own abilties are superceded by the 'Kinetic Black Hole'). Any active effects she has on herself or other persons/objects are nullified while Kinetic Dampening is in effect and may not do further Kinetic imbuements/effects until she releases Kinetic Dampening. This even includes Kinetic Awareness. This ability can essentially 'recharge' her internal batteries of power. So, for example, if a bunch of gang-bangers were firing AK-47's at her at full clips and she had been at near bottom levels of power, she could use Kinetic Dampening to replenish herself and get back full power to utilize her powers more.
< Kinetic Field >-------------------------------
This ability allows her to essentially create a field around an object from something as small as a pin to something up to a mid-sized vehicle to reinforce the object to have significant durability. She is limited to affecting at present up to one item/person at a time that is away from her but she has touched (item thrown/person 'buffed') as well as any items she is in contact with, including herself. Any effect is in place as long as she is concentrating on it, or until she shifts her attention to a new object. In order to imbue, she -must- touch the object with her hand/finger. The field can be either 'sharpened' to pierce/cut or 'dulled' so it can ricochet/bounce, and it can be manipulated on-the-fly once the imbuement is active. The ultimate effect of this allows the imbued item or person to withstand substantial amounts of damage and/or inflict more damage than it otherwise could. A playing card thrown could slice through a wooden beam, a steel ball bearing could pierce through an engine block, a credit card could slice a deadbolt, a person could smash a cement block easily, break personal body armor, or punch through thick plastic/light metals (such as a modern car) and a normal car could plow through a reinforced military base wall or a tank. It can also be used to augment another individual's force, substantially increasing the durability and force/impact of empowered beings like Colossus, or making Wolverine's claws even sharper and more resilient. This effect is not limitless. The imbued playing card could not pierce tank armor, for example. The field cannot completely block damage or affects to durability either. It merely helps absorb or diffuse impact. More powerful weapons, attacks will wear down or break the field entirely. At her personal physical limit, she could perhaps survive a jump down from an airplane at high altitude, or take no damage from a couple superhuman punches up to 25 total tons of force before the shield would break on her person. She could weild a baseball bat and have it shatter steel support beams while also buffing a telepath to be able to sustain more damage and concentrate on what he/she is doing. As it augments based on object/individual, this would be increased for beings able to absorb more damage (like Colossus in his mutated form). This Field can only affect articles that involve kinetic force; telepathic abilities, energy blasts (like Cyclops' eye beam), astral projections/magic and other such attacks cannot at all be affected.
< Kinetic Speed >-------------------------------
She is able to manipulate the kinetic speed of a singular object by imbuing it with a touch from her finger/hand as well as anything she maintains contact with (such as herself). This can be used in conjunction with or separate from her Kinetic Field Generation to further boost the damage impact power from that ability or as a stand-alone. She is able to control the amount of speed an object is adjusted by, it is not by default max adjustment. The affected object can be animate or inanimate, from as small to that of a tiny pin to that as large as a mid-sized vehicle. The speed of an object can be adjusted/altered to either be increased (scaling) up to 10x OR decreased up to 10x. Thus it can affect different people/items differently depending on speed values accordingly. As an example an average humans top run speed is 15mph, so she could increase human speed to 150mph, or decrease speed to 1.5 mph at top run speed. An Olympic athlete however is capable of up to 30mph and that could be increased to 300mph or decreased to 3mph at full exertion. As with any other physical activity, maximum exertion can only be maintained for so long and this neither benefits or restricts a persons endurance/stamina factors. While affected, imbued objects will only have their physical motion/momentum affected, so a person imbued with this physical speed will not have their normal reaction times increased in conjunction, instead they retain what they natural reaction times they inherently have. This ability only affects physical speed NOT mental acuity to respond and process, a car that was speed enhanced will likely start flipping if turned at high velocity, a person running at 150mph might plow through a baby stroller instead of being able to dodge it, etc... As stated above, this can also be used to decrease speed. In physical combat an affected target would be moving in literal slow motion. A gun could be affected but once discharged the bullets would not be. However, again, the target's mind does remain unaffected so a telepath or other mental powers could still be used, such as to manipulate objects/affect minds as they otherwise do because only physical motion is affected. A person falling could be slowed to lower the impact force. The greatest martial arts fighter would be at a disadvantage against the uninitiated as another example if slowed. A speedster affected would move at 10x slower their highest speed at maximum exertion. However, at top value the decrease does not fully stop/freeze a moving object in place (though some slower moving objects so slowed may seem to be frozen to the naked eye).
< Self-Adaptability >-----------------------------
Due to the inherent nature of her powers, her body and mind passively adapts to the needs put upon it by her powers. This means that her own body gains increased reaction time in direct correlation with her self-increased speed. This is only in effect when her own speed is increased so that her body/mind can keep up with her reaction times. This adaptability augmentation is not passed along to any other living creature she bestows her kinetic powers upon, it is a fully internal mechanism. Her reaction times and mental acuity are restricted to same levels of operation as her present momentum, normal levels without the empowerment and increasing accordingly as/when her own momentum is increased by kinetic boosting.==============================================================================
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< Linguistics >--------------------------------
< Mafia >-----------------------------------
< Mathematics >--------------------------------
< Physics >----------------------------------
< Psychology >--------------------------------
< Sambo >-----------------------------------
< Social Chameleon >-----------------------------
< Streetwise >--------------------------------
< Throwing >---------------------------------
< Linguistics >--------------------------------
Yana is fluent in Russian, Japanese, and English. She knows a smattering of Arabic also.
< Mafia >-----------------------------------
Yana has an intricate knowledge of how the mafia works. Not just the Russian, either, but also the Italian and the Yakuza also. Through her father, she knows who the movers and shakers are. She knows how to recognize other mafia members on the street based off clothing, tattoos, or other subtle markings. She knows whose territory is whose, and how to avoid pissing them off and starting a war. She knows as much, or more, than an FBI agent specializing in mafia affairs due to her observations from home along with what her father and mother have taught her.
< Mathematics >--------------------------------
Yana is quite exceptional at mathematics, and it comes exceptionally easy to her, so much so she can do complex calculations in her head, especially as it pertains to vectors and force. In part due to the way her mind works with her kinetic abilities, and in part due to her genuis level intellect, Yana is gifted at nearly instantly caluclating vectors. This ability allows her to figure out how to 'bank', say, a hubcap tossed into a wall to bounce off it and slam into the back of someone's head. While the skill requires the appropriate setting to utilize to it's maximum potential it's possibilities are nearly limitless.
< Physics >----------------------------------
Along with Psychology, Yana is also very well versed in Physics. Once her parents realized her mutation and what it could do, they immediately hired the best tutors for her. As with her Psychology, she has an education's worth equilivlent to a Master's Degree in Physics. Just not the degree to back it up.
< Psychology >--------------------------------
Yana is an expert in human psychology. She's had private college tutors teach her at home, and has the equivalent knowledge of a Master's Degree in it. Her speciality is manipulation, and subterfuge. How to get people to believe what you say, act in accordance to your plans, appease people who are upset with you, and seem innocent to those that would accuse you. It doesn't always work, of course. But she still damn good at it.
< Sambo >-----------------------------------
Not wishing his daughter to be defenseless, Yana has advanced training in the Russian Martial Arts style of Sambo. She is not a full master, but if she keeps up her training she will become one. The mental discipline and physical training and understanding will also assist her in understanding other martial arts as well should she begin to desire to learn those.
< Social Chameleon >-----------------------------
Yana can live in many worlds. She has learned to adapt. While she prefers, presently, her punk rock girl lifestyle and the people associated there, she can just as easily transform into a gorgeous socialite and function without flaw at a high society party. And two hours after it's over, she can be thrashing it in a Ramones Cover Band party with a gang of friends also without a flaw. Socially, she can adapt to nearly any difficult situation and seem at home in it due to her home life, and the life she's sought once sent out into the world. With her understanding of human behavior and social groups, she can fit into other groups as well, homeless people, gangsters, cheerleaders. This is not a power by any strech of the imagination, and is limited to her understanding of human behavior and her ability to play the part and be sincere - to tell people what they want to hear, make them see what they want to see. She's just very damn good at it.
< Streetwise >--------------------------------
Yana has connections she's made on the streets from her own criminal past, as well as those her father has introduced her to. She's quite familiar with the underbelly of NYC. These skills of understanding and observations can be translated to other cities, though it would certainly take her time to forge new connections and alliances in new places. But she does have the skillsets and understanding to forge those.
< Throwing >---------------------------------
Due to the reliance of being able to throw well as it matters to her ability, Yana has become extremely accurate, and deadly with being able to throw things. She has become almost on Bullsyee's level with some items she throws. Marbles, ball bearings, playing cards, throwing daggers, ninja stars, hand-held rocks, other items more commonly thrown; these items, or similiar are what she's best at throwing with that pin-point accuracy. Other items, like ordinary household items, empty cans, pencils, paper clips, and other less commonly thrown or weaponized items she is still pretty good at tossing but certainly not on Bulleye's level with these, she can get them generally near or close to where she's aiming, but may miss and to wide or too far/short sometimes. Her accuracy with these more 'odd' shaped throwing itmes needs some improvement.==============================================================================
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< Hellfire Club >-------------------------------
< Russian Mafia >-------------------------------
< Wealth >----------------------------------
< Hellfire Club >-------------------------------
Both her parents, Zoya and Igor Asarov, are Black Pawns in the Hellfire Club, and by heritage and wealth, Yana also has access and membership to the club. And if she continues to perform well, she may be well invited to also join the Inner Circle as her parents have done.
< Russian Mafia >-------------------------------
A limited resource, but a damn good one to have. Her father, Igor, is the Pakhan of the New York City Russian Mafia. And it means holy hell will rain down on anyone who hurts his little girl (if he finds out). While his realm of control does not extend past New York City itself he still has a lot of influence in the Mafia itself. Still, the Mafia is not going to do something they normally wouldn't do. She can't call the Mafia in for backup on a crazy plan, or even order them around. Those orders have to come from her father, who is not going to jeporadize his position. She is known too, in other Mafia circles as a Mafia Princess and this will give her a bit of protection in some cases.
< Wealth >----------------------------------
Being a Mafia Princess has it's advantages. Her parents are loaded, and make sure that she is well off as well. While they have ingrained in her a certain respect for money, they also have made sure she's always had the best, and has access to the best. While she doesn't have unlimited funds, she does have a rather healthy line of credit that her parents will pay off for her to allow her to live the life she's used to, impress her friends, and make necessary bribes where needed. In extreme cases, her father, being the Pakhan, has access to a vast amount of money that all Pakhan's of the Russian Mafia do and are able to use those funds without question. Again, however, her father wouldn't want to risk jepordizing his position, so the need would have to be great and he would have to be convinced of that need.==============================================================================
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< Batteries Required >----------------------------
< Just A Girl >--------------------------------
< Must Be Awake >-------------------------------
< Mutant >----------------------------------
< Respect >----------------------------------
< Russian Mafia >-------------------------------
< Batteries Required >----------------------------
In essence, Yana is a Kinetic Battery. She goes through stages of full charge, and depletion. Her power is not limitless. And the more power she uses more frequently without pausing to 'recharge' through some means (either by Kinetic Dampening or recieving some Kinetic Damage herself) she can quickly deplete her reserviors and have nothing further to output until she is able to recharge again. In this 'depleted' state, the only ability she can use is 'Kinetic Dampening'. However, if no one is throwing things at her, if no one is shooting at her, she's going to be very much in trouble. Therefore, Yana must be very aware of the situation she's in, and how she is using power to best make use of the battery charge she has. Misreading what a person might do or being overconfident and over-eager could cost her dearly.
< Just A Girl >--------------------------------
She is a human. She bleeds. She breaks. Just like any other person. If she is caught unawares, overpowered, poisoned, or whatever, she is just flesh and bone when it comes down to it.
< Must Be Awake >-------------------------------
To keep her powers up, she must be awake and conscious. If she's knocked unconscious, passes out, whatever, any active fields immediately 'turn off'. She is further 'unaware' of her passive abilities like her radar, someone creeping up on her in her sleep will not awaken her unless they make a noise or sound to stir her awake as a normal person.
< Mutant >----------------------------------
She is a mutant. And, while her mutation does not affect her physical appearance as it does many, she is still a mutant and thus a target for many hate groups, fear, and suspicion. Potentially also it makes her a target for experimentation, from agencies like Weapon X, AIM, or Hydra.
< Respect >----------------------------------
Growing up in her family's home, Yana only ever had the best of everything. The best tutors. The best friends. People who at least pretended to love her, visiting - and parents who endlessly doted on her and guided her to be the daughter they wanted & needed. She was praised when she was good, and she was punished when she was bad (to their moral paradigm & plans for her). But one thing that her 'Uncles' and 'Aunts' always showed her was respect. One thing her parents always got was respect. She is used to it, and has grown up believing it's owed to her. If continually disrespected, she may act out in accordance. If she's cut down a few times, or whatever, minor 'infractions', she can buffet those. But as or if the respect continues or becomes more blatant, she will seek to to get that respect - either positive, or negative respect. Fear, afterall, is respect too. Respect for one's adversary, as the Russian Mafia respects (and hates) the Yakuza - that is still respect. In the end, though, it's build into her very persona. She is smart enough to realize this, that it was etched into her very fiber by the way she grew up. And she doesn't care.
< Russian Mafia >-------------------------------
She is part of the Russian Mafia, daughter to Igor and Zoya Asarov. Igor is the Pakhan of the Russian Mafia in New York City. She is therefore a potential target for enemies of the Russian Mafia, or enemies of Igor & Zoya. Within the top ranks of the mafia it is understood that she is being groomed towards a high level position within the Family which could put her at risk for internal struggles for power. She is coming into a crucial cusp of her life - she is on that knife's edge of being either a Mafia Princess or a Hit Girl/Poential Boss. Some love her for the girl she was, others see the person she could be. And others yet see only a girl who does not deserve what her parents are planning for her. She must walk carefully. Additionally, high-ranking intelligence officers in the FBI, CIA, or SHIELD would know that she is the daughter of Igor & Zoya as well, and affiliated with the Mafia. Though, nothing has ever been able to be stuck to anyone to even speak of an arrest for even a tax infraction as the Russian Mafia is very close. Much more so than even the Italian Mafia. Still, they know.==============================================================================
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Types of Energy | October 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Apokolips Now: Where Nightmares Are Made | September 27th, 2017 | Several students from Xavier's find themselves in an unexpected conflict |
Apokolips Now: Justifiable Violence | September 23rd, 2017 | One of Apokolips' Generals arrives to capture mutants for conversion to the Apokoliptian Army. |
Tigger Momma on Campus | September 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Apokolips Now: Intergang's Last Stand | September 12th, 2017 | Intergang makes one last gambit, and it doesn't pay off. |
All The Secrets That You Keep | September 10th, 2017 | Yana vents her frustrations out to Diya about Jean finding out she is a Bratva Princess. |
A Royal Confession | September 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Queen of the Mallrats | September 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Putting Out Fires With Gasoline | September 3rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Strong and the Weak | September 2nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Currently Binging: Vengeance | September 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Drill Sergeant Summers | August 30th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Eye of the Tigger | August 30th, 2017 | It is shortly after Diya's brought to Xavier's school. Yana comes in to check on her friend. |
There's a WHAT Outside | August 29th, 2017 | Klavdiya Vasiliev |
Hellfire Paper Club | August 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Let Sleeping Tiggers Lie | August 25th, 2017 | Lexi comes to check on Tigger Momma, and finds Diya. This clears up a few things, and creates new problems. She calls in Yana. |
Lakeside Chat | August 23rd, 2017 | Yana officially meets Sam Guthrie, and they have a heart-to-heart. |
Pop Quiz | August 22nd, 2017 | Yana seeks to prove she's capable of joining the New Mutants to Phoenix, and Cypher. |
This Is Why I'm Here | August 22nd, 2017 | Yana pulls Dani into the kitchen after her first meeting with the New Mutants and X-Men and a talk ensues about many things. |
X-Changing Ideas | August 21st, 2017 | A meeting is called between the X-Men and New Mutants on various threats, including Starro, and Mojo. |
Meeting for a meeting | August 20th, 2017 | Yana is given her first 'mission' from Sebastian Shaw. |
Up The Hill Backwards | August 20th, 2017 | Yana visits Alexia in the infirmary. |
House of Tiggers | August 19th, 2017 | Yana provides Ohotnik with a safehouse as payment for her assistance in ridding Mutant Town of the Evos. Friendship Building 101. |
The Beast Within | August 19th, 2017 | In the underground tunnels, the hunt is on for Alexia who has gone feral. |
Tentacular Training | August 13th, 2017 | Yana begins to teach Alexia how to use her powers for both defense and offensive purposes. Beginner's class. |
...And The Next Day | August 13th, 2017 | Yana and Dani have a conversation about the prior events, and Wolfsbane shows up. |
Bughunters Triumphant! | August 13th, 2017 | After a 'Danger Room' Session in the gym, the girls relax, Boom-Boom goes off. |
Danger Room Session | August 12th, 2017 | Colossus helps run a program in the Gym (aka student Danger Room) for some new students, and some old. |
Mad Juice for Mutants | August 8th, 2017 | Yana, Ohotnik, and Alexia take on the Evos gang at their Headquarters. It gets very, very messy. |
Disturbing Floating Tiggers | August 7th, 2017 | Alexia Nemo and Yana Asarov track own their friend, who ran into the sewers and had helped them clear out a bed of gangsters in Mutant Town the prior evening. |
Mutants | August 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
I Can Tell That We're Gonna Be Friends | July 30th, 2017 | Alexia and Yana meet over lunch to cement their friendship. |
Teenage Wildlife | July 29th, 2017 | Yana gets accosted by a gang, she and Vanya beat them up, and they bond, somewhat, over being Russian, hungry, and money. |
Forgotten Tigers | July 27th, 2017 | Alexia and Okhotnik meet, and deal with a gangster problem. Yana comes along and makes it her problem, too. |
Gotta Make Way For The Homo Superior | July 25th, 2017 | Yana is saved from some Friends of Humanity by Dani and Magneto. Discourse ensues about mutants. |
We Can Dance If We Want To | July 25th, 2017 | Dani & Alexia meet Yana at a rave set up in Mutant Town |
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