16420/Mean Girls

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Mean Girls
Date of Scene: 09 July 2024
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Alex's introduction to the little Emma's is nothing short of 'yikes'. Clearly the girl's bite is way worse than their bark. Emma taught them well.
Cast of Characters: Stepford Cuckoos, Havok

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:

The Recreation Room hums with the quiet buzz of various activities, offering a sanctuary of leisure after a long day of classes. The Stepford Cuckoos, each immersed in her own pastime, create a tableau of elegant relaxation:

Phoebe, dressed in a sleek, black outfit that matches her sharp demeanor, is engrossed in a strategy game on one of the consoles. Her eyes flicker with intense focus as her fingers dance over the controller.

Esme lounges on a plush couch, flipping through the pages of a high-fashion magazine. Her ensemble, a blend of the latest trends, screams sophistication and power.

Sophie, the epitome of practicality, is seated comfortably in a beanbag, absorbed in a thick book on ethics. Her casual outfit mirrors her thoughtful nature.

Irma, clad in a flowing, romantic dress, lets her fingers glide over the keys of the room's piano, filling the space with a gentle, melodic tune.

Celeste, dressed in trendy yet mature attire, sketches designs in a notebook, her creative mind clearly at work.

The tranquility is interrupted by the confident strides of five male students approaching the Cuckoos. Their swagger is evident as they stand before the girls, exuding a bravado fueled by their collective confidence. One of the boys, apparently the leader, steps forward with a charming smile.

"Hey, ladies," he begins, his voice oozing with self-assurance. "We were thinking, how about you five join us for a night out? You know, dinner, a movie, maybe some dancing after?" He looks around at his friends, who nod in eager agreement, their own grins matching his.

For a brief moment, the Cuckoos exchange glances, their telepathic connection buzzing with shared amusement. Then, in perfect unison, they deliver a harsh, unequivocal, "No." The rejection hits the boys like a physical blow, causing them to flinch visibly.

Phoebe is the first to break the silence, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Are you serious? You think we'd go out with you?" Her gaze returns to her game, dismissing them as quickly as they appeared.

Esme, not even bothering to lift her eyes from her magazine, adds coolly, "We know all about your little reputations. You think we'd fall for that?"

Sophie, always direct and unflinching, closes her book momentarily to look at them. "We can read your minds, you know. The perverted thoughts you're having? Disgusting."

Irma stops playing the piano, turning to face the boys with a look of clear disdain. "Ew. Just... no," she says, her voice dripping with revulsion.

Finally, Celeste, her gaze icy and unyielding, looks up from her sketchbook. "Honestly, it's pathetic. Do you really think this would work?" she asks, her tone cutting through the air like a knife.

With each stinging remark, the boys' confidence crumbles further, their expressions becoming increasingly wounded. The initial bravado they displayed is thoroughly dismantled by the Cuckoos' brutal honesty. Emma trained the well...
Havok has posed:

Alex was walking down the hallway wearing his standard fare, hiking boots, jeans, and a black unstable molecule t-shirt that fits his muscular chest quite snugly. He got tired of burning off shirts when he had to leap into action, so he normally wears unstable molecule shirts now days. He had been in his old room and grabbed a few things that he expected to need in his planned trip to Genosha. So he carries a duffel bag, strap crossed over his chest and his right shoulder then down his back.

Alex saw the 5 boys cross his path and was curious about their intentions. All fluffed up and cocky. Plus, he knew it would be entertaining. He stepped into the rec room doorway when they entered and stood there watching them approach the Cuckoos.

In his mind, Alex began reciting the nature channel with David Attenborough or whatever his name is as he narrates the mating rituals of some animal. In this case Alex says in his mind . o ( Here we have the mating practice of the teen mutant boys who can only work in packs because their confidence is low. We see how they approach the females of their species. The 'alpha' mutant boy, being spurned on by his companions, is seen lurching forward toward the 'alpha' of the female mutant girl. He does his mating dance with the cockyness of his chest puffed out, trying to show dominance. Then he offers the mating call of 'do you want to go out with us'. The females chatter amongst themselves in aloof tones and postures and instantly turn him, and his flock of male mutant boys down quite flatly. Yet, it doesn't stop there. The females of the species want to ensure that it never happens again. They lash out with hurtful words that cower the males of the species. Making the males deflate and recoil from the dangerous female mutant girls.)

Alex grins broadly. But he doesn't laugh. He's been shot down before. And he knows the pain of rejection. He glances over the Cuckoos and then back to the boys to see what happens next.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:

The Cuckoos continue to glare at the boys, their expressions growing colder by the second. Suddenly, they all look shocked, their eyes widening in disbelief as they read a particularly offensive thought from the boy who had spoken to them. The girls exchange glances, their disbelief turning into a collective, steely resolve.

Phoebe, always the boldest, starts with a chilling smile. "Unless you want to spend the next week walking around like a pen full of roosters, we suggest you not vocalize what we just read."

Esme, her voice dripping with disdain, follows up. "You think you're clever, don't you? It's pathetic how you hide behind your bravado and crude thoughts."

Sophie, ever the moral compass, adds with a sharp edge, "Respect is earned, not demanded. And you clearly haven't earned any."

Irma's voice is softer but no less cutting. "Your behavior is disgusting. You really think anyone would be interested in you after that?"

Celeste delivers the final blow, her tone icy. "You need to understand one thing: we are far beyond your league. Don't ever approach us like this again."

The boys, already deflating under the barrage of verbal assaults, are visibly shrinking back. The Cuckoos' collective gaze turns even more intense, daggers practically shooting from their eyes.

"Get out of our sight, you pervs!" they shout in unison, their voices echoing through the Recreation Room. The boys, thoroughly chastised, scramble to retreat, their confidence shattered.
Havok has posed:

Alex moves out of the doorway, more into the room but off to the side. He expects the boys to flee past him. The duffel bag is pressed to the wall next to the door facing and he watches the boys scatter.

When the boys have sufficiently scattered, Alex - who is still grinning, says, "It's always nice to see young ladies standing up for themselves and putting boys in their places. And yall make it fun to watch." ---- Alex is thinking exactly what he's saying. He's quite happy to see that a pervy boy doesn't get to take advantage of a girl. That there won't be some 'date rape' situation or setup. Because that shit still happens even at Xavier's.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:

The Cuckoos inspect Alex with a scrutinizing look. Seeing that he is a grown-up and not a school student, they visibly ease up from their previous tension dealing with the boys. Coolly, they mostly return to their activities while speaking. They speak as if one person is talking, occasionally continuing their sentences with a different sister randomly and individually while idly doing what they were doing.

With a general sense of ennui, they comment, "We make it a habit to handle overconfident teenage boys who think they can impress us. It's something we learned from our mother, Emma Frost---how to deal with unwanted attention and keep ourselves above it."

They express a sense of relief, adding, "It's nice to see not every male is a complete jerk." Then, their attention sharpens with recognition. "Wait a minute, you're Alex Summers, aren't you? Scott Summers' brother. Have you come to teach or be a substitute or something?"
Havok has posed:

Being recognized as Scott's brother is always a stab to his ego. Living in Scott's shadow has always annoyed Alex. Albeit, he's grown up some and has had his own adventures and things over the years that made him his own man (Earth-1298/Earth X storyline, X-Factor, etc). So it's not as painful as it once was.

Alex grins and nods, "Yep. Scott's my brother. As for teaching... No. I taught last year. Classes that most found boring. Geology, Earth Science, and some Archeology. I shared classes with Lorna Dane. She handled most of the Archeology side of things." His tone and thoughts are that he's quite proud of having been a teacher here. But it was also a struggle dealing with the younger kids and their drama. He then adds, "But, we've been gone a few months and now heading down to Genosha for a bit. Gotta put some distance between us and this place." He doesn't talk about vampire troubles, but his mind definitely goes to it.
Stepford Cuckoos has posed:

The Cuckoos, still exuding a general sense of ennui, respond to Alex with a mix of boredom and interest. Their conversation bounces seamlessly from one sister to the next, affirming Alex's disdain for the classes with their own similar disdain.

"Geology, Earth Science, and Archeology," Phoebe starts, rolling her eyes, "so dull."

"Exactly," Esme continues, her voice dripping with disinterest, "no wonder most found them boring."

While they speak, Esme, the most fashion-oriented sister, finds a mirror in the rec room. She shifts into her diamond form, admiring her outfit, checking to see if it pleases her.

Contradicting their earlier harsh stance towards the boys, the girls suddenly brighten, their tone turning cheerful. "But you know," Sophie begins, "the only good thing about this school is Nate Grey."

"Oh, definitely," Irma chimes in, a rare hint of girlish excitement in her voice. "We're all collectively dating him."

They titter like young girls, taking turns talking about Nate. "He's so handsome," Celeste says.

"And those eyes," Phoebe adds, sighing.

"Not to mention he's just like us," Esme continues, clearly smitten.

This train of thought sparks a realization among them. "Wait," Sophie says, her eyes narrowing in thought, "doesn't that make you Nate's uncle?"

Their attention shifts back to Alex, curiosity piqued. "You mentioned putting distance between yourself and the school," Phoebe inquires. "Why is that?"
Havok has posed:

Alex won't bother to address that he loves rocks - however it's boring to everyone else, so teaching the class wasn't all that thrilling for him. Instead, he'll leave that subject alone.

Instead, he watches their conversation and hears the name Nate Grey and that they're all dating him. He wonders how that works, but chooses not to even ask because it would be way too much for his mind to comprehend - telepathy and all that stuff. He's grateful that he's pulled back to reality and not the imaginationary world of girls being all dreamy about a guy when he's asked about the distance thing.

He's honest, it's the best way, "There is bad blood between the powers that be here in the school and Lorna because Logan can't sniff out an imposter. That Xavier himself violated Lorna's mind without her permission and accused her of wrongdoing. It's a lot of minutiae that I really can't go into cause Lorna is home waiting on me; and I should be heading out."

He pushes forward, duffel separating from the wall as he gently turns toward the exit.