16337/Eternal Reflections: Scarlet Light Through the Darkness

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Eternal Reflections: Scarlet Light Through the Darkness
Date of Scene: 03 June 2024
Location: Empire State Building, Midtown
Synopsis: Meeting in an evening art gallery, Wanda and Count Dracula exchange regarding Dracula's curse, and the possibility and hope of bringing him out of the darkness.
Cast of Characters: Dracula, Scarlet Witch

Dracula has posed:\<br\>Dracula is currently slowly walking through one of the gallery levels on the bulding, a smile playing on his lips. "Very nice," he considers, tilting his head to the side and examines it again, "You can almost feel the artist's emotions, the torture, the relief..." He is dressed in a suit and tie, hair slicked back as he looks like a businessman or venture capitalist.
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda entered the gallery, her presence commanding attention as the elegant scarlet silk dress she wore shimmered with every movement. The bodice hugged her figure perfectly, intricate lace detailing adding a touch of timeless romance to the subtle sweetheart neckline. The dress's waistline was cinched gracefully, flowing into a full, floor-length skirt that cascaded like a waterfall of rich crimson hues.\<br\>\<br\>She walked up to Dracula, recognizing him immediately despite his business-like appearance. "Count Dracula," she greeted him with familiarity, a smile playing on her lips. "It's been a while." Her eyes shifted to the painting he was admiring. "You're right. The artist's emotions are palpable, aren't they? The blend of torture and relief is almost hauntingly beautiful."\<br\>\<br\>Wanda stood beside him, her gaze lingering on the artwork. "It's fascinating how art can capture the essence of human experience so vividly," she continued, her voice soft and contemplative. "Every brushstroke seems to tell a story, weaving together the complexities of joy and sorrow. I can see why this piece caught your attention."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>Dracula smiles a little more as he glances at Wand, taking in the figure as her bodice is hugging that figure and presenting a lovely view. He nods, eyes tracing along the figure and up to her face. "Too long," he offers and smiles softly, giving a light bow of his head. "So very much, " he replies to her comment and then chuckles before offering quietly, "Art is history captured in a single moment, baring bits of the world, and the artist who creates it. Some of them can almost feel like a whole history of the experience."\<br\>\<br\>Turning to look at Wanda more directly, he smiles, "And how have you been, oh Mistress of Reality? Everything been going... good for you?"
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda responded with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting her appreciation for Dracula's words. "Art truly is a moment of history captured and preserved, often revealing intimate pieces of the artist's soul. I once knew an artist who used mystical paints that allowed their creations to mimic life. The scenes would change periodically---people moving, objects shifting---making the art feel almost alive."\<br\>\<br\>She tilted her head slightly, her gaze thoughtful. "It's fascinating how such magic can capture the essence of life's transient beauty, much like your observation. These pieces can tell entire stories with just a glance."\<br\>\<br\>Turning her attention fully to Dracula, she replied, "As for me, things have been well, thank you. I've found a balance and peace in my studies and daily life. How about you? It's not often our paths cross in such serene settings."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"Oh no, not so often, but very pleasurable when they do," Dracula offers, "So many people see just the horrendous side of me, the fact of the pointy fans and the movies making me out to be a villain," he offers and chuckles, "I mean sure... that can be true, there are times when something happens and when you measure time in centuries instead of minutes... well, there may be some differences in what is important." He pauses and smiles a litte, "But there is more to me than that. I appreciate beauty, it is why my estates are decorated with art," some of it priceless pieces thought lost to time but he doesn't mention that, "and how I choose my brides."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda maintained her poise and sophistication, her expression respectful yet cautious. "It's true, media can often twist details to paint someone in a more sinister light than they deserve. However, your nature as a vampire does tend to substantiate the fears and stereotypes held by what you might consider 'cattle'."\<br\>\<br\>She hesitated briefly before continuing, "As for your brides, if you truly want to move away from being labeled a monster, perhaps you should choose those who willingly accept your... gift. Ensuring they come to you of their own free will is crucial. Anything less would only reinforce the very image you wish to dispel."\<br\>\<br\>Her gaze softened slightly as she added, "Respecting their autonomy and choices is a vital step toward changing perceptions. It would show that there's more to you than the legends and fears that have built up over centuries."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"Do you know the history of the vampire, Miss Maximoff?" Dracula asks and smiles, "The whole story of Cain and Abel, with the dispute over whose offering pleased God more and ending with Cain saceificing Abel to God as that was the finest offering he could give. Then he gets cursed to walk alone for all eternity, no one to help him, even the lands would turn against him. It was then, cast out that he found Lillith, a magic user like yourself who saw something in him. The power to be more than he was as he could stebeyond the limitations of Adam and do things the Gods could only do. Lillith had been Adam's first wife before she was cast out, so her dislike for God was already powerful. She imbued Cain with great powers, which he desired as there was nothing for him now. She granted his powers and then, and only then did God's angels appear asking him to repent, which he denied in his belief that sacrificing his brother was indeen giving God the finest things he had." Dracula shakes his head as he considers this bit of lore and sighs, "So then they cursed him and his children with punishments...." He turns away from her, looking at the ceiling for a moment.\<br\>\<br\>"So now tell me.. God asks for the greatest gift a man has, and he gives his own brother, the thing meaning the most to him in the world... and he is cast out. Then he finds love and gains some power and then God feels threatend and must slap him down again, showing his cruelty for a man who was only trying to please him. But even worse, cursing those yet unborn to share the same fate?" He turns back to Wanda, looking her in the eyes, "Should I be judged by the sins of my father? Should I have to live in the darkness and curse the light for decisions made that I had no control over?" He waves a hand to take in the room and the people in it, "The mutants living among you are different because of one genetic anomoly or anther. Should they be outcast from society because they are different, because of something they had no decision in?"
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda listened with a motherly empathy, her expression softening. "Yes, I am well versed with the history of the vampire, and I agree on one hand that tt doesn't seem fair for you to suffer the fate of a curse thrust upon you by an ancestor. The Bible tells us of Cain receiving God's curse: 'And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand.' Cain did sacrifice the one thing he loved dearly, but that sacrifice was a life not his to take. God loved Abel just as much, and His response likely came from the pain of losing a beloved son and the betrayal by another."\<br\>\<br\>She paused, her eyes reflecting the complexity of the situation. "Cain's act was vile because he took away something precious to both himself and God. That pain and betrayal likely fueled God's harsh punishment. It is a tragedy that you, as a descendant, bear the weight of these ancient sins."\<br\>\<br\>"As a mutant, I understand the pain of being outcast, but our situations are different. Mutants are outcast because of fear and ignorance, not because of ancient curses. Your embrace of your vampirism and the powers it grants you essentially voids your argument about suffering the sins of your father. By continuing in this way, it's as if you are compounding the original sin with your actions."\<br\>\<br\>She looked him in the eye, her voice gentle but firm. "If you truly feel burdened by what you are, perhaps your energy should be spent trying to reverse or mitigate the curse, rather than accepting and perpetuating it. True redemption lies in striving to change and better oneself, not in embracing the darkness."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"You say I embrace the powers that I am granted, but what is the alternative?" Dracula asks, "Live eternity in a box until the heat death of the universe?" He takes a breath and looks down at the floor, "I am not a relgious man for a long time, but the Church has some pretty harsh things to say on suicide, so me stepping out into the Daystar and letting it consume me is out," he offeers with a chuckle. "So, I choose to live my life and surround myself with beauty of things I may never see, experiences I may not have... "\<br\>\<br\>"I have poured over magic tomes, studied ancient texts and all but called up the Devil himself from Hell.. What more should I do? Save the planet? Humankind has shown a distinct lack of interest in conserving what they were given, so should I champion that cause that others have decided is not worth their time?"
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda moved gracefully around the gallery, her eyes briefly lingering on various pieces of art as she considered Dracula's words. "You have an eternity to figure out a cure, which should be a significant portion of your time and energy," she said, her voice soft but firm. "Combat the darkness in any way possible. Feed only on those who are completely willing and find a way to ensure you don't pass on your curse to them."\<br\>\<br\>She paused in front of a painting, contemplating its beauty. "Seek your soul, wherever it has gone. It may hold the key to fighting your nature. If you can reclaim it, you might find the answers you seek." Turning back to him, she offered, "I'd be glad to assist you in this search, though I must maintain a safe distance, as I'm sure you understand. I'm willing to help you, but only if you're willing to help yourself and fight the darkness within."\<br\>\<br\>Wanda's gaze softened with genuine concern. "It's not an easy path, but dedicating yourself to finding a cure and living with integrity could make all the difference. The choice to strive for change is yours, and I'll support you in that journey."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"That is assuming I still have a soul left. I do not breathe, my heart does not beat, for all intents and purposes, I am dead" offers Dracula and frowns. "The dead have no souls, thus why a risen corpse comes back as zombie," he offers and mmms, "Unless you are thinking you have something in your Bag of Tricks that can locate a soul... then I ma just be doomed to walk this path until my time on the planet ends. But we shall see, maybe one day I can feel the sun on my skin and not bun."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda nodded thoughtfully, understanding the complexities of his predicament. "It's true that the soul doesn't reside within the dead, except under very specific circumstances. However, your soul had to go somewhere. It might be trapped, lost on some forgotten plane, or even in limbo---places not easily accessible, even by the most powerful of mystics."\<br\>\<br\>She glanced at a nearby sculpture, her mind working through the possibilities. "But perhaps with multiple sorcerers working together, combining their collective power and knowledge, we could discover its location. It would be a monumental task, but not impossible."\<br\>\<br\>Turning back to Dracula, her expression was determined. "If you're willing to embark on this journey, we can start seeking answers. It won't be easy, but there's a chance we could find a way for you to feel the sun on your skin again without burning."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"The great occult minds on the planet, viewing different angles," Dracula consers and chuckles dryly, "Perhaps they can, and perhaps it may be worth it. It is a heavy choice. Would you give up your mutation and all it does for you?" ge asks, looking over an abstract painting hanging on the wall, "Would you give up all that poweer and not look back and wonder if you made a mistake, if life was better before? There's no easy answers to these questions., as they are the kind that people have been devising whole philosophies over. But in the end, it will be everything I've seen, every moment of human history experienced... All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda's eyes softened with empathy as she prepared to share her story. "My childhood was far from idyllic. I lost my home and parents at a young age, and my brother Pietro and I were left to fend for ourselves. We were hated and feared, constantly on the run from those who sought to harm us simply because we were different. The fear and prejudice we faced were overwhelming, and it seemed like we would never find a place where we truly belonged."\<br\>\<br\>She paused, the memories of her troubled past clearly weighing on her. "Then, I was thrust into a destiny I didn't choose, entangled in the webs of old gods and mystical forces that sought to decide my fate. The situation with my children was another painful chapter. They were taken from me, and it felt like a piece of my soul was ripped away. My relationship with my real father, Magneto, is tense and complicated, to say the least. His radical views and my own path often clash, creating a chasm between us that seems impossible to bridge."\<br\>\<br\>Wanda took a deep breath, steadying herself. "So, to answer your question, yes, I would give up my powers if it meant I wouldn't have to endure such turmoil. The pain and suffering that have come with these abilities are sometimes too much to bear. A simpler, happier life would be worth the loss of power."\<br\>\<br\>Turning to address his concern about losing all he has experienced and seen in history, Wanda offered a thoughtful solution. "You should immortalize your knowledge and experiences by recording them. Share your wisdom and stories with others, so they can carry your legacy through the ages. By doing so, you can ensure that the valuable moments of human history you've witnessed aren't lost in time, but instead, they live on through the ages."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>Dracula nods and smiles a little more considering that. "It's definitely some words to consider on this, giving up the powers for the simple life, giving up the ability to change the world for all the strife in your life as well," he nods, stroking his chin as the words are spoken. "I suppose there is value to the words and to consider the future. So yes, maybe putting word out to the magic types would have some value. It just depends if they woull choose to help."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda's eyes brightened with genuine relief as she saw Dracula's openness to her suggestions. "I'm glad to hear that you're considering my words," she said warmly. "I'll speak to the Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange, and see if he's willing to help. I believe he would be more than willing to assist in such a noble cause as helping you rid yourself of this darkness."\<br\>\<br\>She paused, her expression turning serious. "I've thought critically about the unlikely event of becoming a vampire myself, and it terrifies me. Mutants often grow stronger in their abilities when they change, and if that were to happen to me, it could be devastating for the world, reality, and even the universe. It's something that should and cannot ever happen."\<br\>\<br\>Wanda took a step back, offering a polite smile. "I wish you a good evening, Dracula. But I really must be getting home. Take care, and let's stay in touch regarding this endeavor."
Dracula has posed:\<br\>"Well then, it seems that you've got a lot of this all figured out," Dracula replies and nods, "I shall see you some other time, hopefully with good news," he admits and nods. "But for now, good evening."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda smiled graciously, offering Dracula a respectful curtsey. "Thank you for this enlightening conversation, Dracula. I hope we can continue this journey toward a brighter future for you."\<br\>\<br\>With that, she straightened and began to walk herself out of the gallery. Her movements were elegant and deliberate, the scarlet silk of her dress shimmering in the ambient light. As she exited, she glanced back one last time, giving Dracula a nod of encouragement before disappearing into the evening.