Yaozu Lin

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Yaozu (Scenesys ID: 9897)
Full Name: .
Gender: .
Species: .
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: .
Citizenship: .
Residence: .
Education: .
Status: Active
Groups: .
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth {{{DOB}}} Actor:
Height: {{{Height}}} Weight: {{{Weight}}}
Hair Color: {{{Hair}}} Eye Color: {{{Eyes}}}
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}





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Title Date Scene Summary
A Cautious Return October 6th, 2022 Fred's Diner brings the good food and chance encounters
Can you smeeeeellllllll what the Nick is cookin July 18th, 2022 Bucky and Yaozu swing by Nick's guest quarters to enjoy home cooking. Bucky indicates that Nick's current troubles with Hydra might be nearing a close and Yaozu offers up a chance to train with him
Just Another Day, Today April 16th, 2022 Summary needed
Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hell's Door March 16th, 2022 And then the gates close and everyone goes home. But there were a couple interesting faces in the crowd...
An Aquatic Misadventure February 13th, 2022 Summary needed
The Joy of Noodles January 24th, 2022 Summary needed
A Musical Morning January 16th, 2022 Summary needed
In The Service Of Others January 13th, 2022 Nick and Yaozu help out in the kitchen of New Hope. Shen and Co bring in food donations.
Seasons Beatings December 24th, 2021 Nick makes use of the unwanted free time this holiday week. Yaozu provides advice
Hang In There December 10th, 2021 Nick's shadow is slacking off. Skye and Yaozu bring some light to the situation
Into The Deep .... End. November 21st, 2021 Yaozu wanders his way to the pool area (a rare happening), and finds Liansong there swimming. Nick Drago comes along with his escort and a sandwich. Some conversation is shares amongst the three.
Fortunate Son: Prologue November 21st, 2021 The time has come to take the fight back to HYDRA and finish the evil that Stuck and Clayton have started once and for all. But first, planning! Who let Bucky name an operation anyway?!
Unstoppable: The Liberation of Skye Johnson November 18th, 2021 Bucky, Yaozu, and Phantasm come to save Skye, but recent discoveries cause an unlikely alliance.
Going shopping for a.. knife November 7th, 2021 Sarah gets a silver knife.
Fight the Faires! October 28th, 2021 Spike makes Willow blush, and Yaozu puts his ear to the ground.
Whoooo.. are you October 12th, 2021 Willow meets Yaozo, who is, by chance, Zhao's shidi. They talk. Willow gets another piece to Tali's possession.
Prowling China Town October 11th, 2021 Summary needed
A Sunny Afternoon in the Park October 3rd, 2021 Liansong and Yaozo meet new people.
The Lure of Music September 6th, 2021 Yaozu practices his violin in the park before dawn and is found there by Wanda. He plays for her until the dawn comes.
A Lone Musician in the Park September 2nd, 2021 Yaozu decides to play a second-hand violin in the quiet of Columbus Park. The music wasn't quite as expected, but it led to meeting Kinsey and having an unexpected conversation with her.
Breakfast at the Waterfront August 30th, 2021 Yaozu meets Jean Grey at the water's shore and they have a brief conversation.
Homecoming strangeness August 20th, 2021 Wendell comes home to SHIELD and gets the first, second -and- third degrees.
A Quiet Birthday August 19th, 2021 Skye goes looking in Chinatown for Yaozu, on his birthday. Yaozu happens to find her at a tea vendor's cart. He provides translation services and then the pair go to dinner at a nearby restaurant, chatting about a variety of things along the way.
A Late Night Return August 13th, 2021 Yaozu returns to their suite to find Liansong working on a painting and ends up unintentionally startling him. The pair have tea, conversation, then watch a philharmonic orchestra recording.
Dinosaurs galore August 9th, 2021 Day trip to the history museum with the very junior classmen. Scott and Hank meet the Owls, Liansong and Yaozu and there's a glue incident.
A Night of Liberty July 31st, 2021 An unexpected meeting happens on Liberty Island after it's closed to tourists for the night and interesting conversation occurs.
Practice Practice Practice July 25th, 2021 Practice, chatting, and then more practice.
Early Morning in the Gym July 22nd, 2021 Bobbi comes upon Yaozu in the gym whilst he's practicing. The two of them chat a bit and Bobbi runs a couple of laps while Yao continues to practice.
The Evolution of Exploration July 21st, 2021 Yaozu goes exploring in Mutant Town. He meets a winged young woman (Shannon) and the pair chat over dinner at the diner.
An Unexpected (and blue!) Visitor July 20th, 2021 Henry stops in to check in and check up on Yaozu and offers some useful advice.
Birds on the Same Roost July 19th, 2021 Yaozu and Bobbi Morse have a one-on-one talk about the transformation Yaozu has lived through.
Paint it beige July 18th, 2021 SHIELD agents and friends come to give a hand with the painting, and a nice party ensues.
Ch-ch-changes July 14th, 2021 A meeting of the winged, a visual list of heroes and villains capable of genetic manipulation.
Paying it Forward July 9th, 2021 Skye visits Yaozu and talks with him about the 'change' he is going through.
An Ill Omen July 3rd, 2021 Meeting in the park goes well. There's no demon, but a 'sprite' that used to be a human and is now a bird. Interesting. Practice occurs.
A Pensive Evening July 2nd, 2021 Wanda pops in to visit Yaozu while he's spending a bit of quiet time in a park.
An Escape June 28th, 2021 Yaozu is 'released' from his captivity. Japanese superstitions have him accused of being a demon and a mob gathers. SHIELD unexpectedly arrives to break things up and rescue him.
Day Number Three, Oh The Pain June 24th, 2021 Loki toys with Yaozu some more. Yaozu's mutation is full.
Going Once. Going Twice. STOLEN! June 21st, 2021 Loki spirits Yaozu away, intent on having some fun with the new 'toy' his brother had hidden away. Or so he thought!
Waking up is Hard to Do June 19th, 2021 Yaozu wakes up in the medbay of the Avenger's Mansion, an unexpected location.
When Chaos and Fate Collide June 15th, 2021 A chance visit by Wanda to a park where Yaozu was gives them a chance to visit with each other. Yaozu is beset by an unexpected bout of pain that ultimately causes him to pass out and Wanda teleports him to help at the Avenger's mansion.
SHIELD Zero-G Training June 9th, 2021 SHIELD agents go on a field trip and learn how to function in zero-G.
On the road again - Ohio: Going foul circle and s'mores June 4th, 2021 Where Skye and Clint finds more trouble, and some help with Yaozu
The Birds of Chinatown May 25th, 2021 After literally running into Yaozu, Jessica made a new friend and sampled some Chinese cuisine.
What will a fisherman catch May 21st, 2021 Poseidon was sitting on a dock, fishing. Yaozu comes along to fish as well. Lucifer passes through. Sinister wings by. An enjoyable conversation is had and fish is caught for dinner.4
A Return to Base May 21st, 2021 Summary needed
Strangers Meeting in the Woods May 20th, 2021 The Scarlet Witch finds Yaozu in the woods and an unexpected visit comes out of it.
Where The Wild Things Grow May 17th, 2021 Groot meets Yaozu in the woods.
Barry Allen is on the case! May 16th, 2021 Narry made a friend... To bad he is from the Monkey Kingdom.
An Invitation Accepted May 7th, 2021 Yao stops in to visit at Skye's brownstone and meets Clint in the process.
Sharing Tea in the Breakroom April 30th, 2021 Tea is shared in the breakroom. Beginnings are discussed, and an invitation extended.
Dinner and a Movie April 27th, 2021 Liansong and Yaozu have dinner and talk about medical thigns.
Agents was Filmed on Location April 27th, 2021 SHIELD agents gather to watch an internal documentary about their profession.
An Awakening in an Unexpected Place April 20th, 2021 Yaozu wakes up in the unfamiliar location of the medical facility, attached to assorted machines. Liansong shares what happened and conversation is had.
A Bit of Practice April 19th, 2021 Yaozu and Skye chat in the gymnasium. Song comes in to collect Yao due to a missed appointment. Yao collapses and medical mayhem ensues.
Post Mission Briefing April 13th, 2021 A misunderstanding occurs, amends are made, and conversation is had whilst an assessment is started.
An Unexpected Meeting in Chinatown April 10th, 2021 Yaozu visits Chinatown and meets his shixiong (Xiang Zhao). They come across Skye and the conversation turns to tea.
Workout Time April 8th, 2021 Three meet in the gym and some light conversation ensues.
Alpha Group Briefing April 6th, 2021 Agent Reynard gives a briefing on the status of SHIELD's efforts against AIM.
Itchy Brings Robes April 6th, 2021 A discovery is made. A mug is broken and a cut tended. A promise is made.
Meeting The New Neighbors April 5th, 2021 Liansong and Yaozu meet Skye for the first time. Brief introductions are made.
Whose room is this, anyway April 1st, 2021 Liansong is settling in when Yaozu arrives and the two presume they are roommates, introductions are made


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