Schedule View

From United Heroes MUSH
Revision as of 22:14, 3 October 2017 by Altair (talk | contribs)
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For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!

SCENE TIMES APPEAR IN GMT/UTC. You can use THIS page to help find yourself.

The query SELECT scene_id,date_scheduled,title,pitch FROM `mush_scene` WHERE date_scheduled > "2025-03-14" ORDER BY date_scheduled ASC LIMIT 20 is invalid (Error 1146: Table 'heroes.mush_scene' doesn't exist (localhost) Function: EDConnectorRdbms::fetch Query: SELECT scene_id,date_scheduled,title,pitch FROM `mush_scene` WHERE date_scheduled > "2025-03-14" ORDER BY date_scheduled ASC LIMIT 20 ).

Title Time Description