Lex Luthor

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Lex Luthor (Scenesys ID: 92)
"Those red eyes. I'm sure they look right through me, like I am nothing more than a nuisance. But when I see you? I see something no man can ever be. I see The End. The End of our Potential. The End of our Achievements. The End of our Dreams. //You// are my nightmare."
Full Name: Alexander Joseph Luthor
Gender: Male
Species: Intellectually Superior Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: CEO of LexCorp
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: LexCorp
Other Information
Apparent Age: 30s Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth September 28 Actor: Michael Rosenbaum
Height: 187.96 cm Weight: 95 kg
Hair Color: Bald (formerly Red) Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Lorde


Lex Luthor is and forever will always be the self-imposed Last Hope of Humanity. As the CEO of the multi-national corporate powerhouse known as LexCorp, Lex Luthor is as much a man of the people as he is a man above them. Lex Luthor is a man from dire and humble beginnings that worked his fingers to the bone to get where he is today and that is often evident in his egocentric personality. However, despite the fact that he doesn't lack confidence or intelligence in the least, Lex Luthor is a brilliant scientist and widely respected philanthropist that has the future of the world in the palm of his hand. A true visionary, Lex Luthor can see the potential in the human race and lives each day to lead the world to a better tomorrow.

Despite his inclusive corporation and philanthropic lifestyle, Lex Luthor's public stance on non-human entities, specifically aliens, is well documented as being cautiously negative with shades of distrust and worry. His intentions to make the people of Metropolis, and the world, find a way to better themselves without outside interference are as pure as the most visible target of his anti-alien agenda: Superman.


Lex was the first child of Lillian and Lionel Luthor. At this point, Lionel Luthor and LuthorCorp were already a global powerhouse force of business that could not be reckoned with. So, Lex was born into wealth and power. Lionel immediately began to groom Lex to be his heir. Things started early as Lex was shipped off to boarding school at a very early age. It was on one of his rare trips back home that Lex's life took a turn for something more.

Smallville. While accompanying his father on a business trip, the infamous meteor shower occurred. Caught in the middle of this storm of meteor rocks two things happened to Lex: he lost his hair and became the bane of his father's existence. It was then that Lionel Luthor began to look at his son with a strong distaste and a certain disgust. Lex picked up on it immediately and the rift between father and son began anew.

Years later Lillian had another son, Julian. Sadly, though, Lillian suffered from a severe case of postpartum depression. What happened is unspeakable but Lex stood up for his mother, taking the blame for the heinous act. After the death of his mother, two years later, Lex's relationship with his father became even worse. Whether it was out of spite or some twisted version of love, Lionel kept Lex at a distance, shipping him off to various boarding schools and showering him with expensive gifts and piles of money. Lex never knew anything but this twisted form of love and that's how he began to view the world.

Lex's high school was spent at Excelsior Academy, yet another prestigious boarding school that costs too much money. After graduation Lex attempted to attend Metropolis University but was kicked out. After disgracing Met U with his presence, Lex found himself in a series of predicaments that never came to light thanks to his father's money and connections. Eventually, Lex attended Princeton University, like his father, and graduated in less than half the time with a degree in biochemical engineering. Lex was taking a break from his graduate studies at Yale when he returned to Smallville.

Lex established himself as a staple of Smallville as well as befriending a young man by the name of Clark Kent. Throughout his years in Smallville their friendship soured due to various issues of dishonesty and distrust. Lex Luthor, as much as he fought against it, was stuck down a one way path to be just like his father. Eventually, the friends became enemies and their true destiny became apparent.

After an accident put Lionel Luthor out of commission, the board put LuthorCorp in Lex's hands. Lex quickly rebranded it in his own image as LexCorp. Lex moved to Metropolis and took LexCorp to the next stage of being a global powerhouse. The "birth" of Superman in a city that Lex considered his property was the cruelest insult. This sent Lex even further down the path towards becoming his father than he was already on. He stepped fully into the darkness and has since completely embraced his role as the villain of this story.


When you think of Lex Luthor you think of arrogance and ego. These are the two most defining traits of Lex Luthor. Everything he is and will become stems from either his arrogance or his egotism. If you look into the history of Lex Luthor you'll find that he always believes that he knows everything. That Lex Luthor knows best. He does not shy away from his brilliance nor does he downplay it. By sheer force of will he expects everyone to conform to his wishes and ideals. It is this arrogance that leads to his impenetrable ego. In a lot of ways, Lex Luthor's ego is the key to his downfall. He cannot see past his own perfection enough to realize that he may be doing something wrong, over or under thinking. That he, Lex Luthor, may have simply made a mistake. While it may be a very rare moment for Lex Luthor to actually make a mistake but even the possibility of such doesn't exist within Lex Luthor's mind.

Beyond those two traits, Lex Luthor is simply a madman from a tortured and broken past. He's insane, crazy and completely devoid of compassion and remorse. He believes that his superior intelligence and vast fortune should put him at the top of everyone's list. Anyone that does not comply with his vision for the future can and will be destroyed.

Especially, Superman.



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