Thomas Raith

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Thomas Raith (Scenesys ID: 7044)
"Let's get something clear up front. I'm not Harry Dresden. Harry's a wizard. A genuine, honest-to-goodness wizard. He's Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull, with a big leather coat and a .44 revolver in his pocket. He'll spit in the eye of gods and demons alike if he thinks it needs to be done, and to hell with the consequences -- and yet somehow my little brother manages to remain a decent human being. I'll be damned if I know how. But then, I'll be damned regardless. My name is Thomas Raith, and I'm a monster."
Full Name: Thomas Raith
Gender: Male
Species: White Court
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Hedonist. It's a full time job.
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Bludhaven
Education: Home Schooled
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 14 February 1992 Actor: Matt Bomer
Height: 193 cm Weight: 80 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark Blue
Theme Song: "Need Somebody To Love" by Jefferson


To those who don't know him Thomas comes off as an overblown, egotistical hedonist whose only concerns in life are getting women, getting drunk, and very likely getting women drunk. Those that do know him however... well to be honest, the opinions aren't that different. Still to he tends to be to be a true friend, fiercely loyal to anyone he considers family and friends...if still an overblown, egotistical, hedonist. Only those who are the very closest to him, such as his sister Lara know that that is a facade. He is intelligent and devious. A shadow player in a game where the players remain hidden by default.

Current Player Approved: September 20, 2018



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