Scarlet Spider
Scarlet Spider (Scenesys ID: 164) | |||
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Quote | |||
"It's okay, ma'am. You and your baby are safe now. Can't say the same for these two monsters, though." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Benjamin "Ben" Reilly | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Occupation: | Vigilante | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Drifter | ||
Education: | 2 yeras Empire State University | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | {{{Groups}}} | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 24 | Actual Age: | 3 |
Date of Birth | 24 August 2001 | Actor: | Tom Holland |
Height: | 178 cm | Weight: | 87 kg |
Hair Color: | Blond | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Theme Song: | {{{Song}}} |
Benjamin Reilly once knew himself as Peter Parker, having been cloned by an enemy of the friendly neighborhood wall crawler, Ben decided to leave New York City taking his uncles first name, and aunts maiden name, Ben Reilly was born. Gone was the guilt of losing his uncle, gone was the near obsession of 'Great Responsibility'. From the ashes a new wall crawler was born, still fighting for the good guys, but not nearly as friendly, The Scarlet Spider.
Ben is an average looking young man, appearing to be in this twenties. He's sporting short brown hair that is parted to one side and the beginnings of a beard. Mostly stubble as if he hasn't shaved in a few days. Otherwise his face is smooth and surrounds bright hazel eyes. Physically, he appears to be in extremely good shape. Lean but athletic.
A man of simple taste, he's wearing a plain blue hoodie that zips up in the middle, covering what appears to be a gray t-shirt underneath. Old beat up blue jeans fit his legs snugly, showing off a little of the musculature in his thighs and calves while not being too tight to move comfortably. A ratty old pair of converse finishes up the borderline-homeless look.
If that's Spider-Man, the friendly wall crawler has changed his costume considerably. Sporting a black background and emblazoned with red 'webbing' with a red spider covering a good three fourths of his chest and back the costume almost looks like armor the black catching the light at times to look as if it were made out of carbon fiber.
Ben Reilly started out as Peter Parker. As in, he was Peter Parker. Then suddenly one day he woke up and there was a Peter Parker out there living his life and he found himself an outsider. Like a copy of a person who already seemed to exist even though it was supposed to be him. Somehow he was the imposter even though he remembers every day of his life as Peter. How do you handle something like that?
Scarlet Spider's sense of sight is superhuman, to the point that he is forced to wear dark goggles to prevent it from handicapping him in a battle, as there is "too much input".
Peter Parker was always an incredibly gifted student, capable of inventing an entirely new form of adhesive with the ability to break down after only an hour of exposure to the air. This has carried over to Benjamin as well, and while he's no Reed Richards, Benjamin Reilly is a certifiable genius.
If injured, Scarlet Spider's body is capable of regenerating faster than an ordinary human being is capable of. While nowhere near the level of Wolverine or Deadpool, Scarlet Spider has been able to shrug off major beatings looking fine the next morning.
The Scarlet Spider possesses an extra sensory 'Danger' or 'Spider' sense which warns him of potential immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. This linked with his Superhuman kinesthetics enables him to evade most attacks unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes. The precise nature of this sense is unknown but it appears to be a simultaneous clairvoyant response. This sense is directional allowing him to see where the danger is coming from, and certain radio frequencies can trigger the sensation as well. One downside of this though is all clones of Peter Parker, and other Spider-Totems don't trigger this spider sense, nor does Venom.
The Scarlet Spider is extraordinarily limber, his tendons and connective tissues being twice as elastic as the average human beings despite their enhanced strength.
The composition of the Scarlet Spider's skeleton, inter-connected tissues, and nervous system had all been enhanced. His bodily tissues are somewhat more durable and resistant to impact or trauma than an ordinary human, although he is certainly not invulnerable. While his body was tougher than an ordinary human, he can still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. He was seemingly killed when impaled in the back by the Green Goblin's goblin glider. He was able to catch a bullet at close range in his hand, although the act was very painful.
The Scarlet Spider possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. He had developed a unique fighting style that made full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium.
Scarlet Spider's metabolism is many times greater than that of an average human, while requiring him to need to eat like a one man army, this also allows him to burn through most toxins, poisons, and other diseases much faster than a regular human.
The Scarlet Spider's reflexes are faster than an average human by about a factor of 15 (he is often able to dodge bullets only inches from hitting him). His practical reaction time is at least a dozen times that of a normal human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allowed him to dodge almost any attack, even bullets only inches away from his face.
The Scarlet Spider is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Scarlet Spider has shown to be fast enough to catch up to an accelerating car while on foot, but preferred to travel by webs.
The Scarlet Spider is able to exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair his performance.
The Scarlet Spider possesses the proportionate strength of a spider granting him superhuman strength. Having focused more on his health than Spider-Man, he's bulked up a bit more, which allows him the capability of lifting upwards of 15 tons, When pressed though, The Scarlet Spider is capable of exerting greater amounts of strength, generally with the support of adrenaline.
Between the collective memories of Peter Parker, and his time as Ben Reilly, Scarlet Spider has developed a combat style that is completely unique to his special abilities. Between liberal use of his spider sense, instincts, speed and reflexes this allows him to go toe to toe with more trained and hardened fighters, as well as temporarily hold his own against far more experienced combatants like Captain America.
Along with his genius intellect comes many advanced placement courses in his high-school career as well as his college training. While nowhere near the level of Tony Stark, or Reed Richards, Ben is quite comfortable working in C++, Python, and other programming languages, as well as taking technology and re-appropriating existing technology for his own use.
Ben is a highly skilled inventor, as smart and able as his genetic donor. If given time and resources he can generally cobble together a gadget or MacGuffin that will allow him to overcome obstacles.
His time as Scarlet Spider has allowed Ben to hone his investigative skills to track thugs and lowlifes to find out what they're planning, and how to best put a stop to their best laid plans.
Between his heightened reflexes, keen eyesight, and superhuman speed Scarlet Spider possesses the ability to accurately utilize his web shooters and hands to neutralize his targets all while fighting in his high flying manner.
Due to his superhuman agility, Spider-Man can perform acrobatic and gymnastic feats, such as flips, with little effort.
Ben is a very, very angry man. An acquaintance made in his travels, seeing the trouble the young man was going through, taught him meditation techniques.. This has helped bring a new level of calm and confidence.
Scarlet Spider speaks his native English, as well as passable Spanish, as well as being able to speak conversationally in Italian.
Ben has all the same skills as his genetic donor, capable of taking photos with the best of them. Unlike his brother from another blood cell though, Ben doesn't have any sort of passion for photography, nor the need to use it to make money. Instead he tends to use it for gathering evidence that he then will generally leave webbed to the forehead of a criminal left for the police to gather up.
Prior to his creation, Peter Parker was well on his way to degree in science. While his college days may be behind him, Ben is no slouch, remembering all his learning, as well as having a small library of books that he likes to keep on his smart phone. He likes to keep himself apprised with what's going on in the various scientific fields.
With the loss of what amounts to his entire life by coming to face the fact that he is a clone of the original Peter Parker, Ben Reilly found quickly that with out any proper papers finding work, much less educational opportunities were few and far between. This has led to him taking on a more Robin Hood sort of stance. Taking out the thugs, and criminals on the street, while leaving their pockets lighter of their ill gotten money. This has allowed him to invent more tools for his arsenal, from his armored costume, to his tranquilizer stingers and improved web shooters and the cables needed to connect some of his cobbled together tools.
The Scarlet Spider's costume is a little more advanced and involved than Spider-Man's. With more time, and resources on hand than Peter, the suit has several advancements and upgrades.
Made out of carbon fiber reinforced unstable molecules gifted to him by Reed Richards, while still being skin tight the material and fiber gives it superior bullet, knife, and tear resistance.
A built in ear bud connects to both a cellphone, and scanner scanning emergency frequencies allowing Scarlet Spider to stay on top of any local emergencies.
Using Augmented Reality, real time data and information can be projected onto the lenses of his mask giving him a heads up display of Time, weather, and any other pertinent data, much like Google Glass he's able to give both eye and verbal commands to pull up information. A set of small thermal cameras set out of the way towards the bottom of his eye lenses also allows him to see thermal images when need be.
Covering his mouth and nose is a specially designed gas mask, and filtration system designed to help mitigate dust, and/or poison filled environments, this can be sealed and activated with the flick of his tongue.
The Scarlet Spider's costume is a little more advanced and involved than Spider-Man's. With more time, and resources on hand than Peter, the suit has several advancements and upgrades.
Made out of carbon fiber reinforced unstable molecules, while still being skin tight the material and fiber gives it superior bullet, knife, and tear resistance.
The spider emblem on the back of Scarlet Spider's costume is actually a detachable quad-copter drone the size of a silver dollar with an operational range of about a quarter mile, equipped with infrared and normal camera's it is able to transmit what it sees back to his heads up display, its flight controls handled by an accelerometer installed in his right web shooter.
Fired from his web-shooter Scarlet Spider's stingers are a small diamond shaped dart coated in a fast acting sedative, just one is enough to put down any large, muscular full grown man.
Tiny flat disks about the size of a pen cap, these devices emit a signal that triggers his spider sense. Their effective range is about five miles, and can be shot from his web-shooters at high velocity to electrostaticly cling to whatever it hits.
Seamlessly integrated into his costume, Scarlet Spider's utility belt is where the rechargeable cellphone batteries, reloads for his webbing, impact pellets, stingers, and tracers are stored for the occasions where prolonged use has emptied his web-shooters. The Belt Buckle is designed to work as a spotlight transmitting a stylized 'Spider Symbol' to help intimidate his foes.
Scarlet Spiders Web-Shooters are larger, and capable of doing a lot more than the original web-shooters that Peter Parker invented. Made of the same unstable molecule and carbon fiber materials, the wrist mounted devices have evolved into a pair of bracer sized devices with their own integrated electronics. Both are capable of firing web fluid a voice command activated macro allowing for the adjustable nozzles to be able to change their firing profile from a thin swing line, to a wide spread 'net' to even being capable of firing what he calls 'impact webbing'. Firing a pellet of highly pressurized web fluid that explodes like a grenade entangling everything in it's area of affect.
The right web-shooter also houses the electronics for controlling his spider drone accelerometers allowing precise control of the small tool.
Scarlet Spider's Immune system can handle a lot but Chloroethane, more commonly known as Ethyl Chloride, is particularly troublesome. When exposed, he has trouble breathing, thinking, or doing much of anything when in the presence of this stuff. The refrigerated liquid form isn't too bad, like in a barrel, but if he gets it on his skin, or he breathes it in, it affects him to a greater degree than it would an ordinary human, and it's not exactly good for an ordinary human.
Ben has all of Peter's life. The good and the bad. He's been away from NYC for the better part of 3 years, but if anyone recognizes him, or mistakes him for being Peter Parker, that can bring a tide of trouble for the web slinger.
Benjamin cannot in good conscience let innocents suffer. May be it's the last vestiges of his guilt for his uncle Ben, or it's him just being somewhat of an upstanding guy. Either way, Scarlet Spider won't back down if there are people in need of saving or in harms way, he won't quit til they're safe.
Scarlet Spider has enemies, most of them also Spider-Man's, but a few that are uniquely his own. All of them wouldn't mind anymore than to kill the wall crawler, and pin him to a wall like a collected butterfly.
Ben Reilly is a non entity, no birth certificate, no social security card, makes buying things hard when that sort of identification is needed, and even when he is able to provide forgeries it generally winds up being found out sooner or later.
What ever Peter Parker did in a past life, the fall out for his bad luck didn't just stick with old blue and red. With all the past memories in his head Ben has found that while he might not have all the past that Parker does, he still gets his fair share of Murphy's law deciding to make themselves at home in his life.
Scarlet Spider maintains his secret identity, both out of a sense of self preservation, and to protect those that Peter Parker loves. If his identity were to get out, or a picture of himself unmasked were run through a facial recognition program, it could quite easily come back to haunt both web-slingers.
Scarlet Spider relies on his spider sense, but it's not infallible. There are things and beings out there that don't set it off. If he's weakened, injured, or fatigued, it's not as effective either, allowing him to miss something dangerous. Certain drugs can inhibit it's functionality as well.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A reference, and some questions | March 21st, 2019 | Summary needed |
Gridlock | December 7th, 2018 | Summary needed |
To Kill a spider | November 14th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Out with a Friend | July 24th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Coney Island People Watching | July 7th, 2018 | Brooke takes Carrie Kelley to Coney Island to give her practice studying how people move. They encounter Kate Bishop and the team of pickpockets hunting her. |
Take That to the Bank | July 6th, 2018 | Jessica, Kaelyn, Tyler and Josh intervene in a major bank robbery! |
Brooding and Angst ....for Justice | July 1st, 2018 | Summary needed |
Plans Best Laid | June 10th, 2018 | Black Cat, and Scarlet Spider plan to liberate some blood diamonds, and put the kibosh on some of the lowlifes dealing in them.. |
Sage Advice | June 8th, 2018 | Carrie and Twitch run into Scarlet Spider and social hijinks ensue! |
Nana Nana Nana ... Spider | June 6th, 2018 | Benjamin Reilly runs into Carrie Kelley in Central Park. They see the sights and chat awhile before parting ways. |
Strangers In The Night | June 5th, 2018 | Batman and Scarlet Spider meet up in Gotham Batman didn't try to run him off! |
Jailbreak! | June 4th, 2018 | After breaking out of jail, Bebop and Rocksteady decide to exact revenge, but Scarlet Spider has something to say about it. |
Webs Tangled, Paths Crossed | June 3rd, 2018 | Summary needed |
Twin Spiders Talk Serious | June 3rd, 2018 | Peter and Ben come to terms with both sharing NYC |
That's not a floor! | May 31st, 2018 | Rift, Nicky, and the Scarlet Spider meet on a wall. And under a ledge. Escher would be proud. |
Ground Zero at Stark Tower | May 5th, 2017 | Secrets are hinted at and finally revealed in Stark Tower. |
See, the Thing is... | April 24th, 2017 | Tony has taken on some of the duties and responsibilities of HR, but goes just a little further for a new employee. |
That's What Heroes Do | April 21st, 2017 | Summary needed. |
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