Derek Khanata

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Derek Khanata (Scenesys ID: 1604)
"Unfortunately for you, I am Special Agent-in-Charge Derek Khanata of the Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Logistics Directorate. Pursuant to United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/21/135, the U.S. Constitution does not bind me. I have the authority to send you to Guantanamo Bay until menopause simply because I am in a poor mood."
Full Name: Derek Khanata
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Agent of SHIELD
Citizenship: Wakandan
Residence: New York City
Education: Masters in Political Science, Golden City Polytechnic Prep
Status: Active
Groups: SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 46 Actual Age: 46
Date of Birth 29 July 1980 Actor: Lance Reddick
Height: 193 cm Weight: 95 k
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" by Charles Mingus


While Derek Khanata has the distinction of being the only Wakandan agent of SHIELD, he also has somewhat of a sinister reputation among his fellow agents--rumors abound of string-pulling by friends in high places and that he was involved in "some pretty heavy stuff back in Wakanda". Even those who have worked alongside him describe him as a competent, no-nonsense officer who is dedicated but dour. While Khanata seems to have few allies in the agency, his service record (or, some whisper, a few choice words shared among the senior brass) has earned him the title of Senior Agent-in-Charge, tasked with overseeing various covert operations both in the States and abroad.



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