4689/SHIELD Prison Riot!

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SHIELD Prison Riot!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cable, Witchblade, Shadowlite, Black Queen, Kid

Cable has posed:
    It's late Saturday night, possibly nearing Sunday morning, it's hard to tell in the cells. They're large containers, like giant boxes in the largest version of the crane game ever. Each room is about ten by ten and they're stacked up and down on top of each other and in long rows. The doorways are the same ultra-plastic (Hulk Proof) clear material, as the walls and floors with a toilet and a pair of beds in each. It's very spartan and the way the beds are set up, there's no room for activities at all.

    Anyways, it's late, and lights out was called hours ago, but this is when it gets interesting. This night at least. The entire building shakes violently as a thunderous boom echoes and reverberates through the concrete and plastic maze of cells and dorms.

    This wakes up several of the prisoners and guards alike, one of them being Cable, who lifts up his chin and flexes his neck slightly, reaffirming that the power dampener collar is still on his neck, as it is on everyone's necks. "Hmm." He snarls out as he sits up in his bed, but remains silent and still beyond that. The other prisoner jolts up with a snort, "Wha- What was that?" Asks the shaken man with a untidy black hair cut. "Huh? Was that bad?" He's always been way too hyper and paranoid for Cable's taste, so the time traveller remains quiet.

Witchblade has posed:
    In a room across from Cable is a red haired woman that just wears a body suit, but she also has a power dampener collar on. The boom had woken her up, and she had rolled out of bed. She seems to be talking, but just on her own. She seems to be the only one in her cell at the moment, and it's probably good that she is. She looks over at Cable and points to her ear, as if to say 'did you hear that?'

Shadowlite has posed:
Nearby the two in his own specialized cell is 'Electro'. Real name Maxwell Dillion. His original skin color is lost to time. Instead, the bald man has a permanent blue sheen to his skin... with little electrical tendrils here and there underneath the power suppression. Normally, he'd be a small lightning storm on his own.

The jolt, for once, has his attention though. The normally extremely bored electrical manipulator coming up to the main door as he looks out, "That felt like an explosion." Electro notes.

Cable has posed:
    Cable's prisonmate is Quentin Beck. Yes. THE Quentin Beck. A man who somehow showed people enough crazy pictures that he wound up in SHIELD prison. The man was dastardly enough to warrent getting stuffed into a super-maxx prison for those with super powers. And yes, he too has the power dampening collar. "I-I-I- I don't know what that was, but it was big. A-a-and dangerous!" He whimpers in response for Cable, the man Quentin believes is actually a mute who can grunt and growl.

    Cable slowly lifts his prison blanket up over his body and rolls his legs out from under the cloth and stands on his feet to move over towards the door slowly. The whole time Beck is questioning him and anyone else that would look his direction, despite the lack of lights beyond a few warning lights telling people to stay in bed and the sound of guards starting to move and get into positions.

Witchblade has posed:
    the red haired woman simply shrugs and watches the rest of the guards move into position. She crosses her arms, like most women do and glances at Cable again. She can't hear anything Quentin Beck says....and it's probably a good thing. She doesn't seem the type to suffer fools.

Shadowlite has posed:
Narrowing his eyes, Maxwell simply steps back a few feet into his cell as the guards come out. He knows the game.

Black Queen has posed:
The explosion that rocked the prison erupted concrete and reinforced metals, flinging debris inward toward soldiers and cages alike. For those nearby the force was pretty immense, knocking people on their feet, causing dust and particles to fill the air making it hard to see. Small one and a half foot tall creatures start pouring into the prison through the hole. These things look like the bad kind of gremlins, and they are tearing their way across the ground and swarming inward. Guards, civilians, staff, doesn't matter they are soon being attacked by tiny sharp claws and horrific teeth.

Coming around the corner in the area where the others are, comes a small horde of these creatures followed by a raven haired woman. Her long black hair is pulled back in a pony tail and she's wearing a rather revealing outfit to be part of a prison break. Kneeling down she pats one of the little demonic creatures on the head, "Have fun." She says as the small horde of little monsters start spilling further into the prison.

Cable has posed:
    Cable's face remains stoic during the sudden appearance of the horde of cretins and creatures, the sounds of guards and bystanders being mauled is nothing new to the Summers son. In some capacity it's nothing too new for Quentin, but when he's heard it, it was fake, this time however, the special effects master is hearing it in the realest way possible and he starts to get nervous. "Hey, HEY! Get us out of here metal man! We might be bad but none of us deserve to die! Right?"

    Cable's eyes spot the raven haired woman and squints, thinking she might look familiar from the future, from his timeline, but he stays silent for now. Even as the demons begin to swarm the cages and the near countless levels of cells.

Witchblade has posed:
    The red haired woman only seems amused when the 'gremlins' begin to claw and scratch at her cell. "go on you little twits. Open up my cell and let me get my collar off. You'll be nothing more than a stain on my boots." She even smirks.

Shadowlite has posed:
Not being nearby the red haired woman, Maxwell just stares as the 'gremlins' start to swarm in. He's poised to dive right out of the cell if something goes 'wrong'. For now, he's morei nterested in seeing what their intent is.

Black Queen has posed:
The guards in the prison are opening up fire and bullets are tearing through the small creatures, but where one falls, two more come running into the area, claws digging into the ground and running in the direction of living things. Weapons fire is littering the ground with dead gremlins and though Selene might be the bigger threat she's not the most immediate one. "Eeney meaney miney mo." She looks at the cages, and then wonders loudly, "Which one you can operate computers? Devices, to unlock these cages?" She is watching only in a sidelong way as some of the guards start screaming, being swarmed and demon piled by the small creatures which rend flesh and eventually bone in only small pieces each one, but with 6 or 7 of them on one person that's a lot of giblets pretty quickly.

She looks disdainfully at the collars around some of the people's necks and she shakes her head and points at someone at random with one of them on, "And of course, who can de-activate those very unfasshionable accessories?" The horde is definitely a distraction for guards, more civilian workers are running screaming from rooms with the little demonic beings and screams echoing down hallways kind of indicate this is not the only place the swarm has gone. Even though there's a lot of them, mundane weapons seem to quickly destroy them.

Cable has posed:
    Cable keeps his stance tall and somehow minimal at the same time. He's not an obvious choice to free the prisoners and at the same time, he doesn't want them freed at all. He's here because he was dumb enough to get caught, everyone else deserves it. Everyone but him. Yeah.

    Quentin slams his palms against the plastic walls as he tries to get Selene's attention. And lord all the other prisoners must be demanding that they should be the one set free.

Shadowlite has posed:
Without hesitation, Electro speaks up from the back. His voice can be heard, but only barely as he presses against the cell door. "I can control anything electrical if I have my powers back." The blue skinned man brings up both arms, showing the electrical tendrils underneath. "Let me drain an outlet, and I can bring this whole place down." Whether or not Selene heard him is another matter.

Witchblade has posed:
    "We can't, at the moment." The red heaired woman says. Of course, if Selene were to look at her cage name, she'll see the name is 'Doris Zuuhl - Giganta'. "There's a room down the hall there..." She says pointing to the right. "that is a control room that turn off our collars and open the cells. Once that's done, we can get out of here. I should warn that a great many of us deserve to be here, while the rest of us are just out of control when our powers are activated."

Black Queen has posed:
Hrming, Selene looks around those who are banging on their cells. She shakes her head a little bit and sighs, "If only there was time." She says, "Well, let us say this, I'll free you both. And that way we can divide and conquer." With that she turns her head in the direction of one of the guards who's firing at clearly her demonic underlings. Her hand opens up and a guard slides across the ground till he is touching her. Then she turns her hand in the direction of Quentin and Electro and when she does the guard starts to scream.

The screaming doesn't last long before Quentin and Electro are dragged through space and time to be just outside of their cage. The poor guard goes kind of limp, shriveled up really, and Selene's eyes are covered in blackness as she lets the guard fall to the ground. "Alright, now go, unlock everyone..." She shoos Electro and Quentin toward the Control room that Giganta indicated. "Thank you for the directions. Though, quite frankly, I am mostly interested in the people who are supposed to be here. By circumstance and time, I suppose I will have to allow the others out as well. No time to pick and chooose really. No time at all."

Kid has posed:
Killer croc let out a beastial growl. He was one of the prisoner to be held on his own...on account of eating the last 3 cellmates (or was so rumored). The scaled fiend slams his fist on the scratched up plastic snarling out "Just shut up and hurru up." he had been mostly quiet, but the prospect of getting out has stirred him. He glances to the various boxes and meals...ahem, villians still stuck here.

Cable has posed:
    The guard devoured by Selene's dark magics drops to the ground and doesn't quite turn to dust, but his life force is gone, as if he was drained of all of his fluids in an instant and the bones and skin crumble to the ground in a filthy heap. Cable's lips snarl, but in some way he's grateful to be free of Mysterio's less intimidating true ego. He's already decided the best way to get out of here and it's to play the part he's been dealt.

    Quentin however gasps and his hands move up quickly to pat his chest against the jumpsuit that he's been forced to wear. "That is a useful trick lad-AH!" He screams as a demon passes by in front of him and he turns to run in the direction Giganta motioned to moments ago. He's got work to do! Well, he's got work to supervise because obviously Electro would do SO much better in this situation.

Shadowlite has posed:
Pulling at his dampener collar with both hands, Maxwell grunts with exertion briefly. With nothing for leverage though, he sighs, resigned, as he starts to beeline for the control room.... sure the collar won't come off on it's own. He does not pass go. He does not collect 200 dollars. His priority is his own collar... but most likely he'll need to get rid of all the collar at once.

Witchblade has posed:
    "Totally understand, but, as I said...all of us, or none of us." Doris says with a smirk. "I imagine you have a job for ones that are interested, but I just want out of my cell." She then looks at where the guard was. "And likely be in an apartment complex where I can sleep in an actual bed.....and where people treat you better than trash." She then crosses her arms and looks at Cable....and smirks at the silver haired man. "you going to destroy the prison after you leave?" She asks Selene.

Black Queen has posed:
Looking into the cage where Killer Croc is, Selene smiles and wiggles her fingers in excitement, "You are -so- ugly. I like you." She boops the mega cell wall with a finger before turning to look around, "This section is probably all clear, but we will need to make sure none of the guards live. All the civilians are killed, and quite frankly, if they have pets. Please, dispose of them in a humane manner. They did not do anything to hurt anyone. Or eat them. Whatever your preference." She looks back to Doris, "Destroy it? A gem like this?" She seems a bit taken aback, "Oh, no no no. I want, no, need, the mess to be found. Right." Like a light bulb shining above her head, "I forgot to mention, please, make it messy. I can't have there being any doubts about what happened here."

Kid has posed:
Killer Croc didn't seem to care about the comment. He knew how ugly his mug was. "Yea, yea, whatever." he says picking his teeth with a claw. The reptilian look in his eye said it all, he doesn't do humane. He also doesn't do torture. Your either in his stomech, in his way, or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eitherway, Croc was ready to roc judging by the way he paced back and forth ready to get out, occasionly pulling at his collar

Cable has posed:
    Quentin at least can open the door for the two of them and so he does, "You first, being that you can actually get us - Heeey... that looks like a Tri-star silver quantum PHF-38 14... with the silver upgrade." The man says stepping past Electro, knowing a thing or two about computers he takes the lead for once in his life over an actual powered person. "Lets get these collars off." He says as his fingers dance away at the keyboard and he lifts his fingers before slamming it down on the enter key.

    With a not so subtle hiss and then a clank, all the collars are disarmed, deactivated, and literally drop off everyone's necks. Quentin turns back to Electro and whispers. "Fly you fools!" with a stupid giggle on his lips afterwards.

    Cable grunts when the collar falls off his neck and he rolls his chin up before twisting it both directions and he starts to examine the cell a lot more closely now that he can really sense it.

Shadowlite has posed:
Getting there first, Maxwell made sure that Quentin was actually doing what he said he would... and when the collar popped off of him, Maxwell suddenly *FLARES* blue electricity as his nature re-asserts itself. "Yeeesssssss!" comes the almost orgasmic sounding relief as Electro breathes in deeply, his powers released for the first time in ages.

"I got this." Electro says simply as he reaches for the power cabling in the room... and promptly tears it off. Electricity arcs briefly before he literally /bites down/ on the cable, eating the electricity from the complex as he simultaneously reaches out into the complex proper, releasing everyones cages all at once as he feeds... all the defenses are forcibly drained, slowly, as Electro eats the entire power grid. Blue power arcs all around himself as the energy at his core recharges and flares, slowly but surely.

Witchblade has posed:
    "That was what I meant. How big of a mess do you want? Do you want the prison still partly standing, or can we just flatten it?" Doris then shrugs. "I mean, I can knock out walls at a time, if you want." She says as her collar pops off. "And that's that." She says as the power grid goes off, and she opens her door. "I'd answer me quick before I start knocking down walls."

Black Queen has posed:
Stepping away from the cells, Selene walks confidently and slowly, stepping over guards who are dead, but some are still being chewed on by little gremlins. "Alright kiddies. Come here." She pats her thighs like she's summoning a pet dog. And the demons look up and then run over to her circling her a bit, "Okay. Now remember what I told you. Prisoners?" She looks at them like a parent talking to children, and some of the demons starts shaking their head no, others look to other gremlins and start doing the same. "Perfect. Do not eat them. If they get out of line, then you can eat them." Looking up as the cell doors open, Selene smiles bigger and stands tall again, "Fantastic, you are all free. Just as long as the mess is recognizable, do as you want. Have fun, knock down a few walls." She says it with a flippant wave of her hand, "You deserve it."

Kid has posed:
Killer Croc couldn't out fast enough! As his door slides open he slides out and begins running instantly. Any crook some brains would get out of this beast way...and unfortantly one didn't. And Croc tore his arm right off for not getting out of his way fast enough. As the arm comes with him, his eyes dilate to mere slits as he spots a still living guard
    Croc charges the guard and procedes to beat him up with the arm he had ripped off earlier. The guard guts were ripped out as Croc raked his claws across the guards gut. And promptly stuffs the arm down the now dead mans throat. "...now I feel better...eh, wish I ate junk food though" and he walks right on past the dead guard, wishing he kept the arm now. He didn't even wait for Selene orders before that happened.

Cable has posed:
    Cable steps out of his cell and into the carnage. Seems the time with the power dampeners didn't help with the technovirus. It was only a few days, but enough to have added maybe another inch of metal to the seem between metal and organic skin. "Fuck." He mumbles to himself as he kicks a demon away from the downed guard Selene had drained and he picks up the man's dropped weapon. Nothing much, just a simple side arm pistol and a taser. Cable also grabs the nightstick. Hell he just undoes the whole belt and slips it around his waist, the orange jumpsuit looking great with the fully funrished cop belt.

    In the room that's now like a tesla concert, Quentin has hidden behind the large server cabinet and is cowering for his life from the truely fearsome power that is Electro. The man is nearly a god of pure electricity. "Um... Electro, sir... I think we can leave now." The mumbling special effects artist notes aloud.

Witchblade has posed:
    "Fine by me." Doris says as she begins to grow in size, and doing it until she's about ten feet tall. She then heads down the hallway and punches through a locker to get her yellow bodysuit out of it. She then shrinks to normal size, and starts to put it on....after taking the orange jumpsuit off. "Now....to wreck this place...." And she grows to immense size....at least 30 feet, exploding through the floor easily and knocking down a wall easily....

Shadowlite has posed:
It takes a while to drain a system as filled-to-the-brim as a SHIELD prison. With the sheer amount of power now charged into Electro, he's practically sun-like with how intense his inner light is. Electrical arcs dance across his skin as he starts to float inside the room. "Go." Electro states simply, before he disappears into the cable in an electrical burst, heading for the main generator.

Black Queen has posed:
"See that?" Selene looks around at her gremlins, "Some day, when you are all big and strong. You will be able to rip an arm off one man and beat another one to death with it." She sighs and smiles, "Until then. Go have some fun." The demons instantly depart, running with their little legs and skittering across the floor ahead of the woman with the black hair. "Excuse me, computer tapper users, whatever you are called or shock boy... could one of you please, destroy the film from the cameras? I would hate to show up on the movie box."

She starts walking in the direction that the demons went and that Croc started running off in to begin with. And that's when Giganta starts growing. And then grows some more, destroying part of the building pretty quickly. "Impressive. Well, everyone. You have my blessings. Now off you go, hopefully the rest of the prison is just as well, unkept soon."

Kid has posed:
Even the indifferent Croc has to stop and stare "Damn girl, what you been eatin" that being said...the debree from crashing into the next level was EXTREAMLY helpful!
    Croc begins using the collapsed sections to climb up into the next level...and he may or may night have slurped up a gremlin or two if they get to close to him. The sound of gunshots can be heard as well as screaming and crunshing of bones can be heard. If nothing else, Croc was doing his part to ensure the Rivers will Run Red this day.

Cable has posed:
    Cable takes his chance to NOT do any damage to the prison and instead he just starts to make his way towards the giant hole in the wall that Selene and her minions had created earlier. He's not going to linger and have the chance of being caught again. Especially with all these incredibly dangerous villains about. Nooo sir. He needs to regroup, take stock of himself and his situation, and get back to work.

    Quentin Beck meanwhile nods rapidly as he's ordered to leave and he bolts for the door. Just as he exits the mainframe room, Quentin's foot is caught by a large bag of something and he lands on the hard floor with a squeak as he bounces. "Oh. Oh GOD!" He screams as he's tripped over a very bloody one armed man's body.

Black Queen has posed:
As the people start going their own directions, Selene watches the chaos and smiles a bit more. She does not leave as quickly as anyone else, though when Quentin trips over a body she kind of rolls her eyes and shakes her had. "Why are -you- here again?" And then she holds up a hand to stop him from talking, "No, never mind. I do not wish to know. If it bored me, as I am sure it would, I would drain your very soul from your body. So..." She brings her fingers to her lips and squeezes them a bit, to indicate 'be quiet' and then starts walking on. "They will let anyone into a super villain prison these days."

Kid has posed:
Croc himself was finally getting his strength back! He began to tosses everything from heavy desks, to entire bodies all around. Even went so far as to start tearing through metal and concrete where he could. But Croc wasn't completly dumb...realizing his direction was taking him further in...he began to back out. If he can find a way to the sea or the sewers he would be home free!

Witchblade has posed:
    As Giganta explodes through another floor, she chuckles at Croc. "Don't worry Croc...I'm just making an exit." She says before she raises her arms, punching through another floor, and drives her arms through the wall as though it were cardboard. "We shouldn't linger though. Otherwise we'll have goody goodies in our faces soon."

Shadowlite has posed:
Meanwhile, somewhere else in the complex, a very ticked off Electro appears out of a wall socket next to the main power line, or the main generator. Whatever the power came from didn't matter much to him. A quick burst of lethal electricity in the room later, and all the guards and SHIELD personnel were dead. Soon, he was opening up the main line and sinking his teeth in again... sapping the power grid for the entire complex at this point.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene is just lingering behind, not really going forth into the complex more, in fact she will at this point do the complete opposite. She heads back out of the entrance she had made, the Black Queen does not stick around to fight super good guys at all. That's the job of minions, and people she doesn't care about. She slaps her hands together like she's getting dust off of them, and heads out.

Kid has posed:
"Now you just might warm my cold blooded heart" Croc says with a toothy grin. As a few guards round out towards him. He bites off one guards throat and rips out another heart. Stone...bone, it all the same to him. But none the less he followed the levels ever higher, reigning chaos on any floor he is in. "But your not wrong." he says after swallowing said heart.

Cable has posed:
    Quentin answers anyways. "I'm here because I terrorized New York with my horrific and extreme illusions." The man says with a frown as he pushes himself up from teh ground. "Now... where's the equipment kept?" Demands the lowly human.

    Cable however has his thinly covered feet walking onto the open ground for the first time in a while but he doesn't bother worrying about that just yet.

Shadowlite has posed:
It doesn't take long for Electro to drain until he was full. "See you later, suckers!" Electro cackles as he jumps into a power line, heading out into the world once agian.

Witchblade has posed:
    As soon as Giganta breaks her way out of the upper portion of the prison, she kicks out the lower portion of the wall and smirks as she looks back. "You have you exit everyone. I'm getting out of here and getting smaller than the trees. See you all around." She then waves and....after a few steps into the forest, shrinks down to where she's below the canopy and can't be seen anymore. Not from a distance anyways.

Kid has posed:
"No need to tell me twice" Croc jumps up through the whole and down to the ground. Without skipping a beat, he runs to the nearwest water-system and dissappear below the surface. Look out Gotham, Killer Croc is back.