Just Another Day, Today |
April 16th, 2022 |
Summary needed
An Aquatic Misadventure |
February 13th, 2022 |
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A Musical Morning |
January 16th, 2022 |
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An Afternoon Run |
December 20th, 2021 |
Pietro unexpected meets Liansong in a park in Greenwich Village and ends up with a small project out of the exchange.
Fortunate Son: Prologue |
November 21st, 2021 |
The time has come to take the fight back to HYDRA and finish the evil that Stuck and Clayton have started once and for all. But first, planning! Who let Bucky name an operation anyway?!
Into The Deep .... End. |
November 21st, 2021 |
Yaozu wanders his way to the pool area (a rare happening), and finds Liansong there swimming. Nick Drago comes along with his escort and a sandwich. Some conversation is shares amongst the three.
A Night at the Shore |
October 31st, 2021 |
While walking along the beach, Diana happens across Poseidon on a dock fishing. Shannon comes along to make an offering to him, but he seems in a solitary sort of mood.
A Sunny Afternoon in the Park |
October 3rd, 2021 |
Liansong and Yaozo meet new people.
A Late Night Return |
August 13th, 2021 |
Yaozu returns to their suite to find Liansong working on a painting and ends up unintentionally startling him. The pair have tea, conversation, then watch a philharmonic orchestra recording.
Dinosaurs galore |
August 9th, 2021 |
Day trip to the history museum with the very junior classmen. Scott and Hank meet the Owls, Liansong and Yaozu and there's a glue incident.
Ch-ch-changes |
July 14th, 2021 |
A meeting of the winged, a visual list of heroes and villains capable of genetic manipulation.
An Avian's Auspicious Timing |
July 7th, 2021 |
Liansong happens along at an opportune moment after Vitali has a close encounter with a boat at night.
An Escape |
June 28th, 2021 |
Yaozu is 'released' from his captivity. Japanese superstitions have him accused of being a demon and a mob gathers. SHIELD unexpectedly arrives to break things up and rescue him.
SHIELD Zero-G Training |
June 9th, 2021 |
SHIELD agents go on a field trip and learn how to function in zero-G.
A Return to Base |
May 21st, 2021 |
Summary needed
Dinner and a Movie |
April 27th, 2021 |
Liansong and Yaozu have dinner and talk about medical thigns.
Agents was Filmed on Location |
April 27th, 2021 |
SHIELD agents gather to watch an internal documentary about their profession.
An Awakening in an Unexpected Place |
April 20th, 2021 |
Yaozu wakes up in the unfamiliar location of the medical facility, attached to assorted machines. Liansong shares what happened and conversation is had.
A Bit of Practice |
April 19th, 2021 |
Yaozu and Skye chat in the gymnasium. Song comes in to collect Yao due to a missed appointment. Yao collapses and medical mayhem ensues.
Monday in Manhattan |
April 13th, 2021 |
A young mutant manifests and the X-Men (and Song) do what they do best.
Post Mission Briefing |
April 13th, 2021 |
A misunderstanding occurs, amends are made, and conversation is had whilst an assessment is started.
Workout Time |
April 8th, 2021 |
Three meet in the gym and some light conversation ensues.
Itchy Brings Robes |
April 6th, 2021 |
A discovery is made. A mug is broken and a cut tended. A promise is made.
Alpha Group Briefing |
April 6th, 2021 |
Agent Reynard gives a briefing on the status of SHIELD's efforts against AIM.
Meeting The New Neighbors |
April 5th, 2021 |
Liansong and Yaozu meet Skye for the first time. Brief introductions are made.
First Stop |
April 1st, 2021 |
Some random people meet at a church.
Whose room is this, anyway |
April 1st, 2021 |
Liansong is settling in when Yaozu arrives and the two presume they are roommates, introductions are made