Green Goblin
Norman Osborn (Scenesys ID: 1426) | |||
![]() | |||
Quote | |||
"The Goblin KING on DUSTED THRONE, declares a FAIR of BLOOD and BONE!" -The Green Goblin. "Oh... I wouldn't worry about that. I'm NORMAN OSBORN. I have a WAY of getting what I want." -Upstanding citizen, Norman Osborn. | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Norman Virgil Osborn | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Occupation: | Ex-CEO Oscorp, Venture Capitalist | ||
Citizenship: | {{{Citizenship}}} | ||
Residence: | {{{Residence}}} | ||
Education: | {{{Education}}} | ||
Status: | Active | ||
Groups: | Hench Street Level | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 43 | Actual Age: | 43 |
Date of Birth | 2 January 1982 | Actor: | Glen Howerton |
Height: | 181 cm (5'11") | Weight: | 84 kg (155 lbs) |
Hair Color: | Reddish Brown | Eye Color: | Dark Green |
Theme Song: | Giuseppe Verdi - Dies Irae |
From Oscorp founder/CEO and NYC power-player, to masked terrorist, then finding his reputation utterly ruined; Norman Osborn has experienced the highs and the lows. His exposure to the untested OZ formula left him both immensely improved physically, and dangerously unhinged mentally. The lunatic whispers of the Goblin, paired with an unhealthy obsession with NYC's resident web-slinger, left him unceremoniously unseated from the head of the company he built.
Gone from the public eye for years, there are only theories and conjecture regarding any relationship between Osborn and the villain known as The Green Goblin (presumed dead after his last appearance). Oscorp now a mere shell of what it once was since Norman's firing as Chief Executive, there are rumours circulating that vast sums from long-dormant bank accounts have been finding their way to prestigious and powerful individuals in the political and business worlds.
Already a gifted mind (as evidenced by his skill in the world of academia, science and business), exposure to the OZ Formula boosted Norman mentally as well as physically. In fact, the first thing he noticed upon waking in the hospital was an increased sense of mental clarity and focus.
To a man already at the top of his field as both an inventor and businessman, this increase in cognitive ability only served to improve his standing among both the lab coat AND white-collar communities, many of those already convinced of his (albeit ruthless) cunning and intelligence finding themselves shocked by an even smarter and more driven Norman Osborn.
Unfortunately, just as the Serum boosted the positive aspects of his brain, it also increased his neurosis and negative personality traits. Nevertheless, this increase in brainpower has enabled him to successfully improve on many former Oscorp prototypes (and even design new gadgets) in the intervening years, as well as formulate a plan to remove the stain of his past reputation AND dispel the rumours surrounding his disappearance.
Though he is by no means one of the smartest men alive, this boost in brainpower has made him an even more ingenious inventor and cunning, driven businessman. It has also increased his ego and already narcissistic personality to unbearable levels.
Working in conjunction to make him an incredibly resilient threat, Osborn has increased muscle, bone and skin density from the effects of the OZ Formula, in addition to a boosted immune and healing system.
On the endurance front, Osborn's body itself is resistant to permanent damage due to the resiliency of his enhanced skin and muscle, as well as the increased toughness of his improved skeletal structure. Though he is not immune to harm, he has fallen from numerous stories, taken gunshots and absorbed blows that would render a normal individual unconscious or even dead. In the end, it took the kinetic force of a full-speed Goblin Glider (combined with the deadly nature of the vehicle's razor-sharp and ultra-dense material) to render him into a coma - a state, combined with his resulting fall into the Hudson River, that left many thinking they'd seen the last of the Goblin.
The Goblin was thought to be killed in his last encounter with Spider-Man, after taking the deadly business end of his own Glider full-force to the heart. However, his improved healing factor kept him alive during this ordeal and sustained him through the coma and near-drowning that immediately followed. It took him no short amount of time, though, to recover from such a mortal wound, which led to the rumours of his death in the first place. Due to the secretive nature of what followed, an exact timeline of his recovery is unavailable, but it has been years since that fateful battle with the web-slinger.
He has publicly taken gunshot wounds, explosive blasts, deep cuts and more in the past - and although most grievous wounds are enough to render him incapable of carrying on a fight (he is no mutant healer, after all), he has been proven capable of surviving these situations given time and space to heal himself. Lesser wounds, minor caliber gunshots (when combined with his mesh-armour and increased durability) and the like, are able to be shrugged off mid-confrontation without much decrease in fighting ability.
Though he initially had to use a gas filter in his Goblin mask, prolonged exposure and micro-dosing have made Norman Osborn naturally immune to most of his preferred toxins and chemical weapons. In fact, the doses of psychiatric medication necessary to keep the Goblin suppressed FAR exceed normal human doses, both due to tolerance and his increased immunity to chemical substances
The crowning achievement of Oscorp's weapons and genetics program, the OZ Serum (given time) might have become the modern day answer to the Super-Soldier Program. Instead, his rush to test on a human subject and his lust for ever-growing power led to Norman Osborn injecting an unperfected formula himself. The rush of power changed his body and mind forever, finally beginning the descent into full-blown mania as he finally had the power to justify his long-time delusions of grandeur.
In the ensuing chaos, the majority of the research and all known stockpiles of the genetic material were destroyed - and The Green Goblin was born, the seeds of madness firmly planted in the now-greatly improved Norman Osborn's already dangerous psyche.
Though his physical speed remains about that of a peak human being's (barring a slight increase in running speed and jumping height from his super strength), Norman Osborn does possess superhuman reflexes and quick reaction time.
Norman's training in combat is vastly improved with lightning quick attacks and redirections. He is capable of procuring a projectile from his suit and hurling it with accuracy in the blink of an eye, making him a formidable foe for even those with extraordinary senses or reflexes of their own.
Although little data regarding him fighting human opponents in any serious way is documented, it can be assumed that he would easily best a practiced martial artist based upon quickness and reactions alone, even leaving aside his enhanced strength.
He does not have the reflexes of a Daredevil or the ESP of a Spider-Man, but his improved offensive and defensive reactions make him a viable threat to either individual.
Another, less immediately noticeable effect of his exposure to Oscorp's Enhanced Human formula is an almost endless reserve of physical stamina to fuel his superhuman strength and healing factors. Norman possesses a resilience to fatigue that surpasses peak human abilities. Although no faster than a well-trained runner, he could conceivably outlast any non-metahumans in a marathon (as an example).
This translates, also, to a mental willpower that is far beyond the norm. Although his psyche was previously broken by the unhinged whispers of the Goblin personality, he still possesses the mental stamina and concentration necessary to function as a genius inventor and capable businessman - though he requires constant medication to keep his anger, and thus the Goblin, in-check.
Another interesting addition to this aspect of his enhancement is that Osborn's metabolism has been noticeably altered, enabling him to function at peak levels for long times on little sustenance when stressed or otherwise pushed to the brink. It is not widely known and NEVER acknowledged by choice, but there is serious mental and physical fallout of such long-term exertions, which take their toll on Norman after the fact.
Perhaps the part of Norman Osborn most improved by the Oz serum was his physical strength, which has been increased to super-human levels as the formula increased his muscle density and kinetic output. His lifting strength seems to vary between 9 and 15 tons (depending on the level of Oz in his system, and his relative grasp on reality - the more he devolves into his Goblin persona, the stronger he gets).
As well, the strength of his blows have been increased in-turn, making him a formidable combatant even if he were not trained in various forms of self-defense. He has been known to easily shatter building foundations when suitably enraged - though when he has the inner Goblin under control, his strength is noticeably diminished. Though even during the most minor of inconveniences, he is easily capable of smashing a table to splinters in his anger.Skills
Though his formal training is, by and large, scientific - Norman's true gift is one of selling himself as anything other than what he truly is. Call it what you want, but the man could have had a lucrative career on the Midway if he were so inclined.
His public speaking abilities and skills in Public Relations are (along with his ruthless co-opting and improving of others designs and formulas) responsible for much of the early success of Oscorp as a company. Securing life-long connections and building loyalty with the right people wherever he went, Norman was able to keep a lid on things even for a short time after The Goblin began to whisper madness into his ear.
Able to secure a contract above others, without even lowering the bidding price, Norman has always had a gift for public speech and convincing others to come around to his point of view. It should be noted that in the past, the major issues that caused his fall from grace in the corporate world were the 'shortcuts' that the Goblin persona began to convince him to take - eliminating business rivals rather than winning them over or simply ruining their companies.
Had he kept a tighter leash on The Goblin, and his obsession with the Spider-Man, he may still be running Oscorp to this day.
Even though his schooling in the Sciences was longer and more intensive, Norman is often considered a Businessman before a Scientist or Engineer - and this is certainly the preferred image of the man himself.
Taking courses in both Business Administration, as well as the more specialized discipline of Strategic Management (aimed primarily at focusing the entirety of a company's resources and manpower on achieving it's stated goal), Norman combined these teachings with years of tutelage under his father and a cunning that was already known to be ruthless and without mercy. Taking full advantage of his own personality, his education, and the harsh lessons passed down to him by his father (the industrialist-turned-alcoholic Amberson Osborn), Norman is well skilled at navigating the worlds of business and finance.
He is able to organize and operate vast corporate structures with an ease that is only ever betrayed by his outbursts of anger, frequently at seemingly minor inconveniences or frustrations. Nevertheless, he is also able to spot a valuable employee when he sees one, and is more than capable of engendering loyalty when it suits his long-term goals.
Though far from a world-class martial artist, Norman Osborn has always taken great care to ensure he was capable of defending himself. Being a known upper-class and high-profile individual who frequented the streets of NYC did tend to encourage such training.
Starting with simple boxing in order to learn efficient strikes (now boosted immeasurably by the unlocked power the OZ serum has granted him), he never fought professionally but always trained dilligently and as much as his busy schedule could afford (frequently choosing training over spending time with 'loved' ones or family when free time presented itself).
He has also, since learning all he could from simple pugilism, branched out into traditional Judo for grappling skills and Russian Systema for more practical self-defense and disarming foes.
He has trained to the point where he could, even without his OZ enhancements, defeat the average street thug in combat without much difficulty - possibly even able to compete and excel, were he so inclined, in professional fights. He is not inclined to do so, however - and he prefers to keep these abilities as low-key as possible, only utilizing them in public when he has to defend himself with no other options.
Even when in the throes of full-blown Goblin fever, Norman's training is almost instinctual, enabling him to fight based almost on muscle memory and reflexes alone - even when his higher brain functions take a backseat in the heat of battle.
Couldn't become a billionaire, turn into a superpowered lunatic, and then fall from grace like Lucifer himself without some serious long-term thinking skills. Seriously though, one may not know it from the erratic actions he ofter partakes in, but when the Goblin persona isn't running wild (and even when it is, it displays a certain animal cunning and almost sixth sense for exploiting vulnerabilities) Norman is one seriously devious individual.
Partially from his years in the business world of NYC and navigating military contracts in Washington, and partially from his family's inborn, savage pragmatism - Osborn has always been able to see a clear path to his goals, regardless of the hurdles that stand in his way. It is partially this that kept him such a dangerous villain even when he fell head-long into lunacy and madness; he can always see a path forward, and has no qualms about doing whatever is necessary, no longer (if ever) hindered by the morality of mere men.
Studying Chemistry and Electrical Engineering at ESU, the Sciences were Norman's first post-secondary schooling in life, and a topic of his expertise that is often overlooked in favour of his more pronounced Business acumen. In spite of receiving more attention as a businessman and the public face of Oscorp, Norman Osborn's skills in the world of science and engineering cannot be underestimated.
Although the OZ serum, and much of the first Oscorp prototypes, were based off of others' formulas or blueprints, there is no question that Osborn improved them all immensely. His work was so skillful and practical that he was, in fact, granted a number of lucrative Pentagon weapons contracts (catapulting Oscorp into the top echelons of American Business for many years).
His already sizeable cognitive and scientific abilities were only boosted by exposure to the OZ Serum, turning an already respectable inventor into genius territory (though he is still vastly eclipsed by the top minds on the planet). He is capable of manufacturing high-tech mechanical creations of his own design, as well as tinker and improve existing designs to serve his own needs. He can synthesize his own toxins and chemical weapons as well, frequently working on various projects and formulas in his own time.Resources
You don't found your own company, which in this case happened to be a top weapons designer for new Pentagon projects worth billions, without some interesting opportunities to evade taxes and embezzle secret company funds.
Being the man that he is, possessing few moral roadblocks and even fewer personal qualms about bending the law, Norman took full opportunity of his position within the business world to stash away a large portion of his wealth in hidden, out-of-country accounts and safe deposit boxes.
Though only a fraction of the wealth he once possessed, these funds are the only sources of income that evaded seizure after his mysterious disappearance (and the truths regarding his white-collar crimes came out after his unceromonious departure from Oscorp). Fortunately, Mr. Osborn's business acumen and inside sources in the world of finance and commerce have enabled him to turn these paltry tens of millions into a far greater sum, in turn allowing him to buy out several smaller corporations (securing an even larger stream of revenue) and spread sums of money around the halls of power in Washington, DC.
As mentioned, he now outright owns (or controls the majority of shares) in a number of small-to-midsize startup companies in various fields - never through his own name, always operating through proxies or shell corporations to keep the tarnished 'Osborn' name in the shadows for the time being. Nevertheless, access to the output and equipment of these companies do offer him many... interesting opportunities to advance his own research.
Since he is not publicly known as The Green Goblin, but still an infamous figure (both for his numerous documented white-collar crimes, his public disavowal of the local 'hero' Spider-Man, the mysterious disappearances of various business rivals, and the various theories tying him in some way to the masked terrorist Goblin), Norman has spent some of his time in hiding re-adapting Oscorp prototypes to more subtle purposes, less in-line with the public's desire to perceive him as an unhinged danger to society.
Though he still maintains several back-up suits and Gliders, as well as untold stores of Goblin-related weaponry, he has encorporated numerous defensive and offensive measures into his daily business-wear.
These include: razor-sharp throwing knives inside lining of suit jacket (encased in a special polymer sheath to prevent tears and cuts), conductive cufflinks based upon Goblin glove tech (less powerful than full-glove conductors, their output is equal to a high-end tazer - and prolonged exposure could concievably cause nerve or brain damage - also adapted to a wide variety of cufflinks based upon his apparel for the day), bulletproof mesh clothing (woven underneath all his fabrics, the same ultralight, durable material that he created his Goblin suit from - a thinner material and lack of facial and arm protection does offer less protection, however).
Depending on the situation, he might also be carrying any number of explosive, gas, smoke, etc devices secreted on his person (all his suits come with a variety of hidden, shielded compartments. He also possesses a license to carry a firearm due to his high profile and numerous threats against his life; he will rarely leave the house for business or non-Goblin pleasure without some variety of pistol (either standard or, if the situation calls for it, one of the numerous energy-based weapons available to those with near-limitless funds and connections).
One does not become a Government-contracted weapons manufacturer, company founder/CEO, and New York City elite, without making some useful friends along the way. Though his reputation has been ruined by his dramatic firing by the Oscorp Board, a matter not helped by his increasingly erratic behaviour and certain rumours tying his disappearance to the 'death' of masked terrorist The Green Goblin, Norman is fortunate that in the business and political circles which he once moved such matters of morality take a backseat to practicality and money.
In fact, the rumours of large sums recently moving around Washington, New York, and other major cities are absolutely true - using insider information fed to him through a series of proxies and shell corporations. Norman has only extended his grasp in the years since his disappearance. Numerous tech start-ups have received entire years worth of funding, certain political campaigns found themselves hitting their goals overnight.
He may be dead to the public eye, but little occurs within the halls of American politics or finance that he is not privy to in some way or another - old friends from the Pentagon, businessmen he personally enriched (often illegally), politicians who now owe their careers to his largesse - there are even many ex-Oscorp scientist, engineers, security people, and so forth who continue to serve his interests (even if they are not aware where their orders and their payments come from, or where the information they pass on is going).
The true love of Norm's life, the deadly Goblin Glider - it's basic design unchanged through all these years of battle and, afterwards, hiding in the shadows. 'After all', he would ask 'how can you improve on perfection?' And then he would likely throw a Pumpkin Bomb at you for daring to insult his baby in such a manner.
Made of the same ultra-strong material as his Razor Bats, the Glider can take a large amount of punishment without lasting damage; it can absorb most regular gunfire (not specifically aimed at critical systems, of course) without so much as a dent, and the Goblin has even slammed a wing through the corner of a building during high-speed chases without crashing the Glider.
This defensive capability also extends into the offensive, through a large, pointed, razor-sharp reinforced tip on the front of the vehicle (the same object that was able to pierce his chest and send him into a coma in his final battle), which was designed to smash through armoured barricades (strapped to the front of APCs and various vehicles in wartime) and functions as a deadly ramming weapon. The edges of the Glider's front and back wings are also similarly razor-sharp - and though the vehicle is generally only large enough to carry the Goblin's two feet with a bit of extra space, he is able to extend the length of the vehicle by 12 inches in either direction (boosting the overall wingspan by two feet at full extension). He is able to use these extended wings to slice through most commonly found materials, and could easily function as a mobile guillotine were he so inclined (he generally is).
Due to it's nature as a jet-propelled skateboard of sorts, the Glider is among the most manueverable air vehicles known to exist - able to turn on a dime while barely slowing the throttle and accelerate up to 90mph in a heartbeat. His superhuman reflexes and quickness allow him to make the absolute most of this vehicle's flexibility; performing acrobatic feats and evasive manuevers that stun even the most seasoned pilot.
The vehicle is also capable of hovering up and down in the air without any forward or backward velocity, carrying over 400lbs of weight (in addition to his own), and could theoretically operate at maximum load and top speed for about an hour on existing fuel supplies.
Though initially operating strictly on a manual basis, Norman has slowly incorporated voice-activated commands and remote controls (generally sewn into the gloves of his suit) into newer models, enabling him to control the Glider from a reasonable distance away.
In addition to the offensive and defensive nature of the Glider itself, it has been fitted with a variety of other weaponry: it can launch his Razor Bats at a velocity far exceeding his own (making them even deadlier and capable of piercing deeper into thick metals), dispense and launch a variety of Pumpkin Bombs, spread gas (either smoke or toxins) in the vehicles wake through ports in the rear of the Glider, and fire both heat-seeking (these are controlled through the Glider's own microprocessor) and normal micro-missiles (full capacity at any given time is eight - four hidden inside each wing prior to launch). As well, there are two machine gun ports in the front of each wing, making four in total that fire armour-piercing projectiles roughly equivalent in size to standard 7.62x54 ammunition - though the rapid rate of fire and weight of ammo mean he is not capable of extended fire in lengthy battle, and thus these more traditional weapons only see occasional use.
Perhaps a bit silly looking - and hardly surprising, considering his mentality at the time of it's creation - the Goblin Suit is nevertheless a marvel of modern fabrics and materials and various other military technologies.
BODY: Bulletproof, stab-resistant and impact-absorbing mesh armour is woven throughout a full-body suit made of a similarly cutting-edge, fireproof and voltage-insulating synthetic fabric - rendering a man who is already durable from the OZ infusion nearly unkillable in traditional ways (one of the few known instances of his suit - and skin - being punctured was due to a full-speed slam from his razor-sharp Goblin Glider's ramming front, the kinetic force of such a focused impact being too much for such a relatively thin mesh to absorb). Obviously, various vibranium, adamantium, energy weapons and etc still have full-effect despite the suit's armour. However, as mentioned, it takes large amounts of electricity (the suit being insulated in order to utilize the 10,000 volt Goblin Gloves) to harm the man underneath, and the material is nearly entirely heat and fire-proof to deal with the incindieary nature of much of his weaponry.
UTILITY: In addition, there are numerous compartments built into his suit - beyond the obvious utility belt where he carries most of his weaponry - in order to ensure he is rarely ever completely disarmed in combat. These hidden pockets and sheaths hold razor bats, various toxins and gasses, and any other armaments he may be carrying into battle. The belt also contains some micro-tools in order to effect field repairs on his Goblin Glider or weapons should they break down during extended use.
MASK: Possesses a built-in gas filter, now largely redundant as Norman has found himself increasingly resistant to both normal toxins and chemicals, as well as (to a greater degree) his own special concoctions. Nevertheless, during the early days of the suit, this enabled him to lob chemical or biological agents with little regard for harming his own immune system in the process. As well, the eyes of the mask have a variety of military-grade optics built into them, enabling him to zoom up to 100 times magnification - as well as implement basic filters such as night-vision, infrared, etc. It is, however, far too rudimentary for anything extensive like automated tracking or computing velocities/trajectories - he is no Tony Stark, after all.
BOOTS: Remarkable only for being able to electromagnetically lock into his Glider, allowing him to perform loops and rolls without having to hold onto the craft physically.
The head of a weapons manufacturer usually gets his pick of some rather impressive weapons. Once The Goblin had taken sufficient hold over Osborn's mind, the first stop was to ransack several Oscorp warehouses and spreading the stolen prototypes in safehouses around New York. Utilizing these pilfered materials and plans, along with the clandestine laboratories he already had set-up for numerous 'special projects', Norman designed and constructed a series of deadly armaments for his persona as the masked terrorist and madman, The Green Goblin.
PUMPKIN BOMBS: Your friendly neighbourhood exploding Jack O' Lanterns, and perhaps the most well-known tool of the Goblin. These come in many flavours, and as a Pentagon weapons designer, many are still used (in their original military form) in the field today: explosive (various strengths, but the higher end explosives are more powerful than your average hand grenade, enough to blow out an entire storefront and spread shrapnel in a large killzone), concussive (your run-of-the-mill flashbangs used by military and SWAT), incendiary (these firebombs produce a raging fire in moments, capable of consuming a high-rise if unchecked and noticeably harder to extinguish than typical blazes), smoke bombs and gas delivery device (being a chemist, Norman has tinkered with many established formulas for toxins - so one never knows quite what he might pull out of his suit at any given moment).
RAZOR BATS: He didn't get these from WayneCorp, and he'll swear by it! Absolutely razor sharp and consisting of the same cutting-edge metal amalgam that the Goblin Glider is created from, these are simple thrown projectiles similar to a double-edged razor - but far deadlier, both due to increased size/weight (as well as improved material) and Norman's increased strength and reflexes from the OZ formula. Able to pierce through most standard metals and kevlars, it is an adaptation and re-shaping (believe it or not, Osborn didn't have a creepy Goblin/bat fetish pre-lunacy) of a specially fired projectile developed by Oscorp to destroy armoured vehicles in wartime. Though he throws them with less force than his Glider hurls them, they are still lethal in the right hands
ELECTRIC GLOVES: Requiring less adaptation to his motif than the other weapons in his arsenal are the conductive gloves he wears in the Goblin persona - able to put out nearly 10,000 volts of electrical blasts, his entire body suit is properly insulated to prevent damaging himself during multiple uses of this weaponry. There is, theoretically, a limit to the amount of blasts he can unleash in a given time - since the conductors do work off a limited, recharging power supply in his suit - so he will often use his other armaments when he can.
Many of these secret locations were purchased in the early days of Oscorp, even prior to the design and manufacture of the Goblin weaponry that would fill so many of these stashes. Initially, they served as places for Norman to divert material and set-up clandestine laboratories he either staffed with off-the-books hires or top scientists staffed to 'secret projects'.
Later, in his all-consuming obsession with defeating Spider-Man and ruling New York as his Green Goblin personality, he retrofitted many of these locations into weapons storage (either firing, moving or disappearing many of the staff who worked at these secret locations - though the majority of the laboratory equipment remained). Pumpkin bombs beyond count, back-up Gliders and new prototypes, replacement suits, other trademark and lesser known gadgets, large stores of toxins and plenty of material and tools required to make any repairs or on-the-fly customizations he may have required in his quest to bring down the web-slinger.
In the intervening years, many of these locations have been tracked down using various methods by those on both sides of the law - either seizing, destroying, or simply stealing the Goblins secrets for their own purposes. Few people are foolish enough to assume that none remain, however, and Osborn has spent years in hiding consolidating the gear and research from several old locations into newer, more-secure stashes and labs around the world.Weaknesses
Without a doubt the biggest weakness in the mind and body of Norman Osborn is the Goblin personality unlocked by the OZ serum. While it granted him immense power and increased mental clarity, it also opened up previously closed doors in the man's psyche.
It could be argued whether the formula changed Norman, or simply unleashed something that was always within the unusually ruthless, uncaring businessman - but ultimately, this detail is irrelevant. What is objective fact is that the Goblin wasted little time in whispering in Norman's ear, preying upon his delusions of grandeur, preying upon his narcissism, preying upon his hatred for the common man and desire for nothing but wealth and power... all the weaknesses already present in the mind of billionaire Norman Osborn, these were ripe soil for the Goblin's seed to take root
And so it did, the whispering growing louder and more demanding until eventually Norman gave in to the promises of power, in exchange for giving the Goblin more and more control. While the increased grip of the Goblin persona did grant an even larger cognitive boost to Norman, it also fractured his psyche into two distinct pieces - even corrupting the regular Norman Osborn to be more rash, less thoughtful in his actions and company decisions.
It is ultimately this deal with the proverbial Devil that led to the loss of everything Norman held dear; his wife, his son, his company, the wealth and power he strived for.
Since recovering from the coma that caused many to believe him dead, Norman Osborn has - through bloodloss (leading to temporarily lower OZ concentrations, an issue which is constantly working to correct itself as the serum replicates in his bloodstream), force of will, and constant psychiatric medication - supressed as much of the Goblin persona as seems possible at this time. Barring further breakthroughs, Norman is still subject to the occasional whispers and taunts of the Goblin (more pronounced the more stress, frustration or physical duress he is undergoing), reminding him who he is, and what he has lost. The real question is, after so long.. would Norman want to live without the Goblin over his shoulder?
In an effort to prevent another self-destructive cycle of lunacy, Norman Osborn has experimented since his disappearance with a series of increasingly potent psychiatric medications. Initially able to make due with prescribed forms, he soon had to take to the laboratory to make his own changes to various formulas - increasing potency and length, as well as lowering metabolism time to increase speed. With the OZ serum in his bloodstream, the usual side-effects of these medications are not as much of a problem.
He still manifests occasional bouts of confusion/light-headedness, and high blood pressure/mood swings, as well as the usual megalomania and narcissism - but these are far more in-control and less noticeable to others than his early days as the Goblin.
When off these medications, however, the old symptoms soon return in full-blown manner, complete visual and auditory hallucinations become commonplace, and the voice of the Goblin in his mind becomes more and more incessant, eventually manifesting itself visually as an entirely seperate persona.
Even on a full course of meds, some of the few individuals allowed direct access to him and his offices swear they can hear - on lonely, quiet nights - the sound of Norman Osborn talking to an individual who never seems to respond to anyone but himself.
Though this primarily manifests these days as a 'kill Spider-Man' sort of obsession (which appears to run deep in certain New York criminal circles, it must be said), Norman Osborn was always a creature of obsession and narrow focus.
Initially, it proved to be an asset in the business world - enabling the up-and-coming CEO to steer his company through it's early years, never losing sight of his end goal of securing contracts and research - it has since been preyed upon by the Goblin persona.
As such, he is constantly having to take a step back from things, as he can become dangerously obsessed or fixated on a single issue, to the point of driving himself mad until it has been resolved to his satisfaction. If an issue is easily solvable, this can still prove to be a benefit to the man, giving him a single-mindedness that some find frightening; but when exploited by an enemy, it can make him myopic and overly-focused, leaving him open to unsual tactics or intricate strategies.
Also, he can often be relied on - unless he exercises extreme control and is currently on medication of some kind - to drop everything to go attack Spider-Man (either through the media as Norman Osborn, or through a Pumpkin Bomb as The Green Goblin) the minute the opportunity arises. We all have our addictions.
A long-time weakness of Norman Osborn, which was only exarcerbated by his exposure to the OZ formula, is his never-ending quest for power and delusions of grandeur. Raised from birth to expect more out of himself than others and never stop seeking for the next step in life's ladder (even if it meant stepping over a long-time friend, or even family member), his entire life has been one long search for ever-increasing prestige and wealth - but most importantly, influence.
Even after his fall from grace in the public eye, Norman Osborn cannot help but seek power; driving him to spend large sums of money in the worlds of politics and business through various proxies. Living in the shadows is almost unbearable for a man who seeks such glory, however, and it is almost past time for the former founder and CEO of Oscorp to step back into the public light; seeking once again to use the people, and his connections, like pawns in his own game.
The main issue comes with him over-reaching his station almost as a matter of habit; though he does his best to keep this under control until he can truly grip the reins of power. It is a constant battle between his pragmatism urging him towards moderation, and his narcissism (inflated as it is by the Goblin persona) pushing him to ever-more-public displays of influence.
The primary side-effect of his fall from power, aside from taking a Goblin Glider dead in the chest (of course), was the damage to his very public image as a corporate tycoon and pillar of the community. Prior to being dismissed by Oscorp and disappearing amidst a flurry of rumours regarding various embezzlement, disappeared business rivals, and even a possible connection to the masked terrorist known as 'The Green Goblin' (though nobody has been able to prove the latter in public, and his identity remains a secret to all but a very select few - most of whom no longer draw breath), Norman Osborn enjoyed an untarnished reputation.
This changed when he lost control of Oscorp in a move by the Board of Directors, following a series of uncharacteristically poor decisions and an increased obsession with defaming the character of a certain NYC vigilante web-slinger by any means necessary. Needless to say, it has taken much time for the spotlight to leave Norman Osborn's ruined career and possible criminal actions, and large sums of money have had to change hands - through proxies - to the right people, in an effort to ensure the path is smoothed over a bit for his eventual return to public life. This fact alone is a closely guarded secret, only whispered of in the halls of power.Logs
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Seeking Doom | October 26th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Nothing To See Here, Move Along | October 25th, 2017 | There is no such thing as a 'Green Goblin'. Just a nice sit-down with two rational individuals to discuss boring stuff like Mayoral policy and civic duty. Approved by the Norman Osborn for Mayor Committee. |
Murder Lab, Murder Lab, Radioactive Murder Lab... | October 19th, 2017 | In the underground lab hidden beneath NYC vegetarian restaurant 'The Green Gobbler', Norman Osborn discusses the finer point of science and creepy symbiote monsters with his new 'employee' Carl Mach. |
Call To Arms | October 18th, 2017 | Starring: Frank Castle as Sylvester Stallone, and Norman Osborn as a way-more-evil Bruce Willis. This fall, don't miss the prologue to the greatest action hit since Ares' involvement in the Trojan War. |
Walkthrough | October 17th, 2017 | Part human conversation, Part alien conversation... all SCIENCE! |
Bring Your Daughter to Work Day | October 14th, 2017 | Questions are answered, and possibly a few fences mended, between Norman and Sarah. |
Damn Russian Hackers! | October 14th, 2017 | Don't you watch CNN? Russian bots, man. |
The Race Is On | October 12th, 2017 | People are running for the office of Mayor. Announcements are made. one expected... one not. |
The Once and Future Symbiote | October 11th, 2017 | Approached by one of Spider-Man's most terrifying foes, an unsually calm Norman Osborn attempts to strike a bargain with the symbiote and it's host. |
Welcome Back, Norm | October 10th, 2017 | That time where The Punisher killed a ton of guys, Lois Lane put herself in personal danger to win another Pulitzer, and Sam Axe is wearing a Hawaiian shirt in Brooklyn. |
Bridges And Roundabouts | October 10th, 2017 | Two people had a conversation, later, both of them'd deny having. |
An Inconvenient Truth | October 9th, 2017 | Approached at his temporary NYC Campaign HQ by Bludhaven detective Elizabeth Greene, Norman Osborn is forced into answering some... inconvenient questions, regarding the parentage of Sarah Osborn. |
The Legion of Doom | October 7th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Just a Test | October 6th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Things You Can't Understand... | October 5th, 2017 | A mysterious meeting to purchase an object of ancient and mystical power leads Norman Osborn into getting involved with forces he cannot fully understand. |
No One Will Ever Know... | October 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Seeing a Man About a Penguin | October 3rd, 2017 | Iceberg Lounge, Gotham City... a palace of ice and excess; a place Norman finds himself, to seek answers and potential partnership from the information broker known as Oswald Cobblepot. |
Family Reunion | October 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Business Arrangement | September 30th, 2017 | A follow-up meeting with the individual calling herself Katherine, Norman brings her to her new 'personal' (and heavily surveiled by oscCorp men) clandestine laboratory; clearly eager to take full advantage of her unique mind. |
Goblin and AI, oh my! | September 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Return of the (Goblin-)King | September 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Man, A Goblin - Prologue | September 28th, 2017 | Just two pals gabbing away! Also tons of foreshadowing, cuz I'm dramatic like that! |
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Goblin Knocks | October 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Investigation for Sarah Osborn | September 23rd, 2017 | Detective Elizabeth Greene is looking into the past for Sarah Osborn. What she finds is intriguing but leads to more questions. |