Traci 13
Traci 13 (Scenesys ID: 1005) | |||
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Quote | |||
"I'm in my jammies with a stolen Staff of Arion, soooooo I'm winging it. NOW SHUT UP AND RUN!" | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Traci 13 | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Homo Magi | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Occupation: | None | ||
Citizenship: | United States | ||
Residence: | Metropolis / Mobile | ||
Education: | High School | ||
Status: | Approved | ||
Groups: | Mystic Arts | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 18-22 | Actual Age: | 18 |
Date of Birth | August 19, 2005 | Actor: | Saipan Apinya Sakuljaroensuk |
Height: | 165 cm | Weight: | 58 kg |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Brown |
Theme Song: | "And She Was" - Talking Heads |
Traci 13 is a young magic user, usually found around the streets of Metropolis, though she's showed up in other cities fairly commonly as well. She knows her stuff and is an expert with urban magic, and she's had her share of scuffles in the magic department. She's the daughter of the infamous Doctor Thirteen, a man who, up until near recent years, made a huge some of money and gained fame by debunking paranormal activities and other supernatural events. And while it's not exactly common knowledge, some may recognize her as the young girl raised by Ralph & Sue Dibny.
Presently she wears a white half tank-top over that of a black half-tank top, her flat midriff exposed and show off the small curves of small breasts. A pair of gloves that appear to have been heavily taped with grey and black electrical tape and reach back to the middle of her lower arm are fingerless. A black miniskirt hugs the line of her waist tightly, just under a lopsided belt of black leather with a tiny silver buckle. A pair of black and white striped set of stockings cling tightly to her well shaped legs and provide the modest that the skirt otherwise would not. A pair of calf-high 3" platform boots of black leather protect her feet and over her neck, several necklaces dangle beneath a spiked tight black choker collar.
It was then, on her own, that Traci began to realize she could tap into the power of the cities, and even though she had promised her father she would not get into magic, she began to feel the compulsion, and with that compulsion, the need to honor her mother - maybe even find out what happened to her. She began studying the occult with a fervor, and expanding, testing, her magical limits while doing such things as curing her father who suffered from some kind of poltergistic parasite that was eating at his heart for the loss of his wife, stealing the Staff of Arion from a dark magic user to prevent a magical entity from trying to kill Sue Dibny, and other adventures.
Traci now seeks to make the world better, to find out what happened to her mother, and become the best Sorceress she can be.
She is carefree, living life, and enjoying it to the best of her ability. She savors the small things in life, not getting caught up in materialism or losing sight of the bigger picture. Most everyone, in her eyes, is equal - save those who would violate the law, or abuse others.
She is extremely devoted to her friends and will go to the ends of the earth to keep them safe because each person she allows to be that closer to her becomes, in her heart and mind, part of her family because of how distant she grew up - without either her real mother or father and the loss there. She does not want to lose anyone else. Ever.
Traci is able to create a mallable force field around herself that is mobile and will move with her. She can either make the Force Field very strong, or have it be as thin as to simply block out poison gas or preserve oxygen. The force field can additionally be strengthed by putting chains down to lock it into place and bolstering the amount of physical force it can withstand. At it's highest and with all the right things falling into place, if Traci is in the middle of a city of the power of a Metropolis or NYC, fully concentrating, and has the Force Field down, she could withstand a few blows of up to 50 tons of pressure/force. Most often, however, this can stave off things such as a single concussive blast, a shower of bullets, or quite a few blows from someone physically superior to human strength like Luke Cage or a pumped-up Bane before the spell's power is exhausted and the force field fails.
Of course, Traci is not limited to solely Urban Magic. Being a Sorceress, she certainly has the capability to cast almost any spell out there. This is not limitless, however, and as with any power source, she can run out. The more spells she casts in succession (or the more power used), the harder toll it can begin to take on her body. A list of these other spells include:
Magic Blasts: These blasts are capable of enough power to tear through (and apart) concrete.
Teleportation: She can teleport herself anywhere in the world to non-specific locations. In other words, she can teleport to NYC, but not -specifically- into Avenger's HQ. She can do this approx. 3 times in a row before it begins to tax her body. She can also bring 1-2 people with her for a 1-2 time trip.
Astral Projection: Traci can move into the astral plane and interact for good or ill objects on that plane. As is typical with this, her physical body remains inert while she does this. She can remain here for a long while, but using other magic will exhaust her and send her back into her body far more quickly.
Purification: Traci can banish unwanted spirits (poltergiests/demons, etc...) from people they are possessing, places, or items. These things are usually a longer spell, and sometimes may require rituals.
Summoning: She can summon simple items to her, such as a change of clothes, small personal effects, other such items. This requires minimal magic.
Elemental Magic: Traci can utilize the elements for her purposes. The smaller the effect, the quicker it can be cast. These effects can be strong, but will be localized to a single area. i.e, she can create a huge elemental effect up to a large building sized area (1-2 levels), but not an entire city block, or the entire expanse of said building.
Cantrips: Traci can cast these types of small magic spells that are usually designed to mislead, or trick the senses. Things like creating an illusionary clone of herself to walk around a corner and disappear, changing her hair color, or outward appearance to blend in (or someone else's). These spells only last as long as Traci wants them to, the shorter the timeframe, the less power she needs to put into it from herself.
Traci shares a psychic link with Leroy, her pet iguana. She can see what he has recently seen, and also read his thoughts. She is also able to communicate with him through this means, which she often couples with talking to. Through this link, Leroy can get Traci's thoughts as well as her intent.
Traci is very, very, very good at Ritualistic magic. And while to some degree Ritualism is more a skill, than an ability and some rituals any nutjob can perform in the right place, time, and with the right items with Traci it's almost an innate ability and talent. An inborn awareness on how to do the thing, and do the thing -right-. She's good.
Good at summoning entities, at creating wards and other protection spells, at imbueing objects with a battery of power for 'on the go' needs and other sorts of magic that cannot be simply cast by spells alone. Due to the nature of her own personal beliefs, her ocuclt knowledge, and self-training and experimentation, she can do almost anything she needs to, as long as she knows the ritual itself and has the proper components and time to cast it. Generally, she prefers to do this alone as she views this as something more sacred and ceremonial.
Traci is able to transform her pet iguana and familiar, Leroy, into a gigantic dragon-like creature. He will still maintain the form of an iguana, just one large enough to kill someone by literally stepping on them, or chewing them apart in his mouth with but a few gulps.
As a true member of the Homo Magi race, Traci's special gift is the ability to utilize Urban Magic/Street Magic. She is able to tap into the latent magic of any city to give her access to a numerous amount of abilities that correlate to the urban enviornment. The power of her general magic is also in proportion to the type of the city she is in, and which side of that city she is in (i.e., the more developed/larger, the more powerful the magic). These abilities include:
Magical Sight: Traci is able to see a person's specific aura. By this, she is able for a limited time to follow those traits from the aura to track a person down and trail them. Additionally, this ability also can be used to see things which are invisible on the present plane of existence she herself is in (meaning she cannot see into alternate realities or different realms). This allows her to see even people using Invisibility powers (such as Sue Storm), cloaked people/creatures/items, etc... or anything else hidden to the human (or mechanical) eye.
Divination: Traci can stand a point within a city and locate specific objects and people within. She must have an item of that person, or object, to do this. She has used this in the past to find fragments of a magical rock that had exploded over the city and used this ability to discern where each and every piece, from the largest to smallest was to put it back together and seal the escaped demons that the rock bound. Furthermore, she can also transfer this knowledge/locations to someone else's mind.
Fate Sense: Traci has a very limited Fate Sense. If she crosses a point in the city where Something <tm> is going to happen to -her- in the near future she gets a certain feeling/vibe that is unmistakable, a warning signal or alert that such is going to take place. There are no specifics, just that Magical Intuition that Something <tm> is going to happen.
One thing both experience and need has taught Traci, it's how to focus mentally and concentrate and make the most of her spells. To this end, she often does not need to recite words to her spells and can cast them silently, provided she is focused enough. She may augment her spells to use various components to either boost the spells effect to one degree or another, or making the casting quicker, but she does not have to. She /does/ have to concenrate however in those instances.
She has gotten to the point now where she can multi-task, while weaving that spell in her mind allowing her to dialouge and attempt to decieve and distract or even to expouse what she's doing, or do simple physical tasks (run, walk, swim, jump) while keeping the spell in her mind without fail.
Her concentration is by no means perfect yet, but it's damn good, due to her having been through many pressurized circumstances where her life, or lives of others were in jeporady and learning and growing from such encounters.
Traci can read and speak about 6 arcane languages fluently, and knows a smattering of a 2 or 3 others, which is impressive for a girl her age and shows the measure of devotion she has to learning about her power, and the magic around her.
While there are still many she needs education in to learn, or finish learning, she has a very good foundation for doing so, and the motivation and drive to do so.
Additionally, Traci also speaks Japanese.
Traci knows quite a bit about the Occult. She is quite possibly the most learned Sorceress of her age, and has a certain gift or knack for understanding these sorts of secrets once she learns them. Every single spell that Traci casts, she knows where her power is coming from, and how to tap into that power to make the spell as potent as it can be for her.
She knows how to summon several entities, and call upon others powers as well. She knows how to do this safely, and properly - she knows the do's and dont's and in's and out's and has a deep, natural understanding for the working of magic even if she's still young.
However, Traci certainly doesn't know all the entities, or everything about everything. There is still a vast amount of knowledge she only has snippets of, such as magic of other realities, realms, or beings (such as Vampires, Werewolves, etc...) but she is always seeking more knowledge.
Because of what happened to her mother, she has taken her role, and heritage, with a burning fervor, delving into occult books, lore, and history like many women do romance novels. She fully believes that in order to be a true practiconer of magic you have to learn it from the inside out.
Traci not only has access to her mother's entire library taht she'd previously collected, but Traci herself has accumulated a fair number of books as well, and is always seeking to add more to her collection to further her knowledge.
When your identity relies on you being a mage, you tend to be pretty resourceful. Traci knows how to take advantage of her enviornment, especially in the city. SHe knows you can't prepare for everything (and she's darn good at that) but she can use what the area around her offers for components to use a quicker spell if need be, or the right location to do so. She's been in enough tight spots before she knows that it's all about keeping your head, and using what you have available to stay alive. And she's pretty damn good at that.
Traci's father is Terry Thirteen, both a well known Professor and also professional debunker of 'fake' magicians, paranormal activities, and other supernatural events. Her mother was a rather successful Homo Magi of some repute and fame within the true magical community, an odd pairing to be sure.
However, this odd pairing was quite rich, and Traci's father owns the Doomsbury mansion. While nowhere on the scale of a Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, or Lex Luthor amount of wealth, the Thirteens are comfortable millionaires due to their success in many fields.
To this end, Traci can get access to some of this if she needs. The mansion is a place she can always go back to if she needs, and while her father might be a touch frugal with the family money (especially when it comes to Traci's magic using) he certainly isn't about to let her suffer if she's in a pinch.
Leroy is both Traci's pet iguana, and her familiar. Not only can Leroy's presence make Traci's magical abilities easier to use, but additionally Traci and imbue Leroy with a spell to make him the effective size of a large dragon, large and heavy enough, to both step on people and eat them. He likes to ride on Traci's shoulder, or the top of her head and has some measure of actual intelligence because he is her familiar. Additionally, she shares a psychic link with Leroy, and can learn and see what he has observed as well as learn what he thinks.
Whatever it is that Traci casts needs some kind of component. Sometimes these are words, sometimes these are componets. But even if the spell she's seeking to cast has no obvious components, she still needs to concentrate on it. This means that, essentially, she can do one simple task, such as walking, talking in a simple conversation, but she needs to otherwise entirely focus on the spell. If there are too many distractions, if she has to use her mind for much other activity, she can't cast the spell.
Traci's a pretty damn good sorceress/magician, and can sling spells with the best of them in the right circumstances. But she is still a human being. All she has to protect herself is her magic. And while she can protect herself with that, if she can neither get it going or is caught off guard, she's just as squishy as any other person out there. And it's just as easy to hurt, or even kill her.
The strength and power of Traci's magic, for the most part, is directly tied and related to the size of and section of any given city. The smaller the city, the more slummy the section, the less magic she has to draw from and the more she has to draw from her own internal 'battery', which of course can quickly run out. This is not only applicable to the amount of power (thus, number of spells) she can cast but also to the strength and magnitude of those spells.
That isn't to say in the wilderness her spells are putzy and barely effective, they're still effective. Simply where she might be in the wilderness she could make a force field that could withstand only a few blows from Bane, or only have a tracer spell that works for an hour or two - whereas in a city like NYC in all the right conditions she might be able to withstand several rounds of a flurry of blows from Bane and have several tracer spells running at once.
This does not apply to ritualistic magic, but rather 'on the fly' or quick-cast spells. Ritualistic magic comes from the ritual itself more than the person and is more knowledge, than power-based.
Because of this, while Traci isn't afraid or hesitant to leave the city, it's often where she prefers to be and is the most comfortable.
Using too much magical power, too quickly, will strain Traci's body and begin to tear it apart. An example of this would be if she teleported in quick succession through several major cities in the world. Even though she can tap into each city's power, and each city is a major city in the world, there is only so much magic she can put out at any given time, her magic is not unlimited.
If she gets to this point, she'll start bleeding first out her nose, then her eyes, and ears, before finally collapsing into unconciousness. Depending on the toll taken, this could be severe. And sometimes, when the need is great, it's hard to stop when you're so close. Traci can be blind to this, and risk severe harm to herself if put in such a situation of great peril and need.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Society Soirees So Stodgy | March 9th, 2024 | Traci and Kate escape another boring society event. |
Glyphic Riddle | March 5th, 2024 | Scoobies and allies gather to investigate strange happenings in darlington park. Harry and Traci reinforce a crumbling barrier while forming a plan of action. |
Bubble and Squeak | February 23rd, 2019 | All hail the hypno-toad? |
Just Another Tuesday at the Enchanted Grounds | January 30th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Failure to Communicate | January 2nd, 2019 | After a protracted fight between Green Arrow and Remy, both ultimately came to a draw with Green Arrow managing to recover some of the vials and Remy recovering two. Most of the mercinaries were prosecuted but were able to get on technicalities from the well funded law firms that had already hired them and the thugs, who had no such lawyers, were all books and sent to Stone Gate. |
Storefront Magical shenannigans! | January 18th, 2018 | Summary needed |
A Magical Shopping Tour | August 28th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Sand and Foam | August 21st, 2017 | Traci, Paisley, and Atlee finish cleaning up the beach and reunite after the monster visit. |
Remember to Breathe | August 21st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Nature Puts Down The Folly of Man | August 19th, 2017 | A huge monster emerges out of the sea, and many heroes join to turn it back. |
They Came at Night! | August 17th, 2017 | A group of strange beings make themselves known for 'First Contact'. |
Book for Sale | August 13th, 2017 | Traci 13 is contacted about appraising a strange book. |
The Cryptid Cakewalk | August 2nd, 2017 | A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground. |
The Butterfly Effect | August 2nd, 2017 | A group of heroes stop a riot and vandalism before it spreads like wildfire. |
Strange Things | July 26th, 2017 | Traci returns home to tell Paisley about meeting Doctor Strange finally. |
Day in the life of Strange | July 23rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Random Sunny Afternoon | July 19th, 2017 | Traci talks to Paisley about being nervous about getting into Doctor Strange's school. |
SO There We Were, Floating On A Rock ... | July 15th, 2017 | Atlee tastes ice cream for the first time after meeting Traci 13 & Paisley, a continuation of a former scene. |
Odd Men Out | July 12th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log | July 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
How I Learned To Top Worrying And Love Leroy | July 4th, 2017 | Traci shows off what she can do with Leroy to Paisley. |
Black Magic Women | July 2nd, 2017 | Fresh from meeting a certain sorceress in fishnets, Nico arrives late to a picnic with Traci and Paisley. The three enjoy some food, friendship, and talk about magic. |
Seeking Out The Strange | June 29th, 2017 | Traci 13 gets a message from Doctor Strange and visits his home to find Artemis there and the reason for the summons. |
Faeries, Chimera, and Magi, Oh My! | June 25th, 2017 | Paisley introduces Traci to Vanya, and a roadtrip is planned. |
A Sorceress, A Half-Fae, and A Blood Witch Are Walking Down The Street And ... | June 25th, 2017 | Having secured a job sewing commissions at the local goth boutique, Nico is visited by Traci and Paisley. Nico develops a case of fangirl-itis when she also spies Claire Voyant in the same store. |
Power Comes in Threes | June 22nd, 2017 | Paisley and Traci run into Nico, who seems to be new in town without a place to go. |
Three's Company If One's Insane | June 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Magic Is Awesome | June 21st, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Stroll in Central Park | June 19th, 2017 | Traci & Atlee meet for the first time. Adorkable ensues. |
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