Batgirl (Cain)
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Cassandra Cain (Scenesys ID: 1129) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Terror ... Then. Nothing." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Cassandra Cain | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Occupation: | None | ||
Citizenship: | {{{Citizenship}}} | ||
Residence: | {{{Residence}}} | ||
Education: | {{{Education}}} | ||
Status: | Active | ||
Groups: | Batman Family | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 16-20 | Actual Age: | 18 |
Date of Birth | October 10, 2008 | Actor: | Rinko Kikuchi |
Height: | 5'4" | Weight: | 120 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Brown |
Theme Song: | "Willing to Fight" - Ani Difranco |
She was ruthlessly raised by a villian and trained and taught by the best, for one single purpose: To be the best assassin ever. She has since managed to break free of some, but not all, of her chains. Her past haunts her. And this broken girl with a broken mind seeks redemption. And to prove she is better than her breeding.
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< Peak Human Conditioning >--------------------------
< Peak Human Conditioning >--------------------------
While she is no meta, Cassandra's body is trained to it's full potential, to that of an Olympic Athelete and a Master Martial Artist. She is among the few, like Batman, Richard Dragon, or Lady Shiva, whose response times, and endurance levels are at the absolute human limit.==============================================================================
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< Body Language >-------------------------------
< Martial Arts >-------------------------------
< Nerve Strikes >-------------------------------
< Parkour >----------------------------------
< Weapons >----------------------------------
< Body Language >-------------------------------
Her upbringing was purposefully abusive, and designed to forego teaching her any measure of linguistical skills to essentially 'shut down' that portion of her brain and allow it to foster faster response time, and understanding of intent by the human body. As a result, Cassandra is able to read body language, from anything from social interactions to intensive combat. Thus, she can read essentially what an opponent is doing before they do it, and this allows her to perform such feats as dodging bullets or countering a low end speed-enhanced meta's attack because she knows what is going on essentially just before it happens. It is, in some ways, a form of very basic pre-cognition and battle instinct. However, it has been shown that in severe cases, like that of the Joker, whose insanity is so deep, their body movements do not make any sense at all to her. In these extremely rare cases, Cassandra is essentially blind, and unable to react. She relies heavily on her ability to read movements and having it removed or nullified puts her at a severe disadvantage.
< Martial Arts >-------------------------------
Cassandra is among the best trained martial arts fighters in the world. Among those who trained her were her father, David Cain, Bronze Tiger, Merlyn the Archer, and Alpha, along with others her father hired and she has the potential to grow yet even further. She is also getting further training from Batman now that she is in his 'Family'. At present, her training is sufficient that should could go toe-to-toe with the likes of Lady Shiva, or even Batman in a pure martial arts fight.
< Nerve Strikes >-------------------------------
In addition to her training with martial arts, Cassandra was trained on how to fight using 'nerve strikes', jabbing her hand/fingers into specific pressure points on the body to 'shut down' a system. An arm. A leg. Lungs. Even a heart. And, how to re-engage it as well. Of course, these nerve strikes require accessible flesh to be effective, so they are utterly ineffective if someone is wearing any type of body armor in those areas.
< Parkour >----------------------------------
Batgirl is quite proficient at 'Rooftop Running', getting around the enviornment, climbing, and manuevering and, as a highly trained martial artist, she has exceptional balance. There are certainly people in the world more skilled than her at it, but she's good enough at it that it doesn't slow her down in chasing someone over rooftops, or getting to where she needs to go. She is especially adept at utilizing her grappling hook to make the most of her speed and transition from one area to another if it may seem inaccessible or take longer to reach through jumping/climbing and keeping a steady pace throughout her movements.
< Weapons >----------------------------------
Cassandra's abusive training included all martial arts weapons. Cassandra is an expert in swords, throwing weapons, and blunt weapons and can fight on par with masters in these areas despite her youth due to the ceaseless and hard training she endured as a child.==============================================================================
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< Batarangs >---------------------------------
< Batcave >----------------------------------
< Batcycle >---------------------------------
< Bat Family >--------------------------------
< Costume >----------------------------------
< Grappling Hook >------------------------------
< Batarangs >---------------------------------
Batgirl carries a small supply of Batarangs with her. These are normal batarangs, and not any type of 'special' batarangs that Batman himself might have in his utility belt or onhand.
< Batcave >----------------------------------
Cassandra has access to one of the most powerful computers and areas in the world. The Batcave, and all of it's resources. While she probably can't take the Batmobile out for a joyride (without getting in serious trouble), or use the Batcomputer (because she can't read), she has full access to most of the equipment, rooms, and functions the Batcave has to offer as a member of the Bat Family.
< Batcycle >---------------------------------
As Batgirl, Cassandra has a Batcycle which she rides. The Batcycle is capable of astounding speeds when boosted, and has reinforced tires that can withstand some substantial damage, including self-repair from a bullet or two, as well as being armored. The motorcycle has maximum manuverability, and response time. Harley Dadvison is jealous.
< Bat Family >--------------------------------
Cassandra is a member of the 'Bat Family'. Essentially this means that she can call any of them for help anytime she needs it, as well as have access to their knowledge, information, and experience for solving problems, innumerable resources, or even just a combat buddy. It means that help, in most cases, can always be right around the corner. It also means she can be called in to assist, at any given time to Robin, Batman, or any others in the 'Bat Family' also. They protect each other. The 'Bat Family' is also mildly dysfunctional, as a true 'family', however. So, in most cases, getting everyone together for Christmas Dinner probably isn't going to happen. But that's okay with Cassandra. She doesn't even know what Christmas is, really.
< Costume >----------------------------------
As Batgirl, Cassandra is provided with a light armor costume that allows for absolute mobility along with maxium protection. Her suit can repel bullets, and give some protection against fire, severe cold, and physical damage (including piercing damage). The cowl provides a communications system.
< Grappling Hook >------------------------------
Like most of the Bat Family, she has been given a grappling hook, and has the training to use it effectively. This is one of the few items carried in her belt, along with her Batarangs.==============================================================================
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< Family >----------------------------------
< Illiterate >--------------------------------
< Just Human >--------------------------------
< Language >---------------------------------
< Murderphobia >-------------------------------
< Redemption >--------------------------------
< Family >----------------------------------
Cassandra's parents are David Cain, and Lady Shiva. They are not exactly mother/father of the year. And while neither David or Shiva have shown interest in Cassandra to date since she ran off, that doesn't mean they might not in the future. Shiva also probably wouldn't balk at killing Cassandra, if she felt matters should come down to it.
< Illiterate >--------------------------------
Owing to the fact that Cassandra can't speak because her father never taught her language, she never learned how to read, either. She can recognize signs and their meaning (like: 'Stop', 'Wet Floors', 'Caution', 'Children Crossing', but she cannot read. This renders her inable to use computers, study, read menus, or blog about how strict Batman's training regiment is '#Batmanissounfair'.
< Just Human >--------------------------------
Cassandra, like the rest of the Bat Family, is merely mortal. This means, ultimately, knives cut, bullets either severely wound or kill. Bones break. And, in any injury, there will need to be a healing regiment, and physical training to get back to her prior condition - and some injuries might ultimately incapacitate her from ever being Batgirl again.
< Language >---------------------------------
Because of the abusive way in which Cassandra was trained, her mind is unable to form languages at any real level. She can state simple one to three word sentences, at most, with pauses in between. She is unable to express herself in expansive words, her vocabulary is instead quite limited to more basic words that consist mostly of 1-2 syllables. This does not limit her understanding of what people are saying around her, she can understand them perfectly. It's merely the fact that her mind is locked in how she can form words, and it would literally take a telepath to rewire her brain to fix her. If that were the case, it's very probable that she would also lose her ability to read body languages also. The two are tied together, like yin and yang.
< Murderphobia >-------------------------------
Cassandra is terrified she will kill again. Her father's plans to teach her body language backfired, when she killed the man he'd presented to her. She saw it, then. 'Terror. Then ... Nothing.' And, she'd clocked her father a good one, and ran away. She has promised herself that she will never kill again. But, it's how she was programmed. And if she is not focused every single moment in a fight and restraining herself to some degree, she knows she could accidentally kill someone. And that would not only set her on the outs with the one man whose taking care of her, and trying to help her redeem herself (Batman), but also most likely break the poor girl's mind as she is now.
< Redemption >--------------------------------
Cassandra is on a quest for redemption from the murder she committed. That is a large part of wy she is Batgirl. She feels that she has a lifetime to live up to, in order to make amends for the life she took. This is a debt that weighs on her, constantly, and makes her think she continues to need to improve herself. It borderlines on obsessive thinking.==============================================================================
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Kitchen Raid | June 7th, 2024 | Cassandra and Gwen meetup one more time before Gwen heads out of Gotham from her weekend visit. The beginnings of a friendship are on the horizon. |
Gotham's Night of Mayhem: Streets in Chaos | May 31st, 2024 | Riots in Gotham. Gwen leaves the safety of Wayne Manor as Ghost-Spider and runs into Batgirl quelling the violence. But is it a distraction for something even more sinister? |
...Said the spider to the bat. | May 29th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Curiosity Killed the Cat Or the Bat | May 28th, 2024 | Selina has been up to no good. Yet, Cassandra doesn't know that and thus offers the olive branch. Silly, Batgirl, Gems are for Cats. |
It Wasn't My Fault! | September 29th, 2023 | The Bats Extract the Facts |
Why Call It Football | September 12th, 2023 | While on a mission, Cassandra receives an education on American Football. In the end? It's still a mystery. |
OMG WRU! | August 25th, 2023 | Dick and Cass give Babs the business for running off to have fun without them. |
A Hidden Invitation | August 4th, 2023 | A human trafficking enterprise is broken up by Bat people, and Barbara comes away with a clue. |
The Power of Bird | June 23rd, 2023 | Somehow, Emily Sung convinces a young woman about the importance of learning. About ancient Egypt. And chickens. Also, swearing happens. |
Hunting the Black and White | May 29th, 2023 | Batwoman, aided by Batgirl, close in on Domino to discuss matters which are important to at least one of them. Some verbal sparring commences with a deal ultimately being reached. |
Heist Gone To The Bats! | May 9th, 2023 | Arnold Wesker, The Ventriloquist, robs a bank. Well he tries to, as his Scarface dummy. The Bat Family stop him, while Catwoman and Domino get out with the actual goods. |
Two Batgirls, One Movie | April 18th, 2023 | Steph and Cass settle in for a movie night. Star Wars is on the screen, and unspoken friendship is in the audience. ...Mostly because Cass doesn't speak a lot. |
Two For Dinner | April 8th, 2023 | Several people decided to try the new local restaurant. Sever heroes managed to meet up and dine together unbeknownst to one another their secrets. |
Who's that Lurking in the Shadows | March 22nd, 2023 | Selina flees from unknown assailants and runs into some bats. |
Touch talk | March 15th, 2023 | Progress is made cuddles to be had! |
Mornings SUCK | February 24th, 2023 | Girls had a great night |
This Is What We Do | October 20th, 2020 | Batman and Batgirl (Cassandra) find out some information about warring families after taking down some assassins on the rooftops of Gotham. |
Equipment Checks with the Bats | October 8th, 2020 | Cassandra, Barbara, and Dick conduct gear inspections. Dick is plotting. Cassandra seemingly approves. Barbara remains clueless. Cassandra's opinions on Phoebe are sought after. |
The Light in the Darkness | October 1st, 2020 | Catwoman feels compelled to attack the one person who might be able to help her. |
How do you solve a problem like Grayson | September 17th, 2020 | Bruce tells Cass to keep an eye out. |
A bird in the Hand (I) | September 17th, 2020 | Please delete |
Backstreets Back | September 4th, 2020 | Cass plays with the Batcomputer and gets in trouble. Sort of. |
And Then There Were Two | August 17th, 2020 | Batman consults Batgirl for her opinion on an earlier confrontation involving Red Robin and Sparrowhawk. |
Bat Dumplings | May 12th, 2020 | Girls night out |
Death Blossoms in Winter | January 2nd, 2020 | In a back-alley tournament in Chinatown, Cassandra Cain defeats Asp--but Typhoid Mary shows up everyone with a brutal takedown. |
An Orphan Without An Orphanage | December 15th, 2019 | Stephanie gets a lead on Cassandra and the pair take out some bad guys in search of an assassin for hire |
Best Laid Plans: The Caper | July 25th, 2019 | Stockholm's plans to rob the bank come to fruition. Stephanie saves a life but takes hurts in doing so, saved by Cassandra's timely arrival. |
What We Lose | July 24th, 2019 | Cass and Bruce explore a teachable moment. |
Undercurrent: One Very Bad Day | July 23rd, 2019 | Batman follows up on Orphan who's on a tear through Bikers. Shadow is on a tear of their own. The Bats join in and discuss tactics. |
Undercurrents: Striking Back | July 22nd, 2019 | Orphan takes down the Hook stash house of a Gotham biker gang. The costs of justice are not small. |
Don't Get Hit and It Won't Hurt | September 11th, 2018 | After a close call for Nightwing, a conversation is had about what they would all be if they weren't costumed heroes. |
Tales of Breaks and Bruises | August 19th, 2018 | Rule 1: Nightwing is Stupid. Rule 2: See Rule 1 |
Hugo Building Opening | August 1st, 2018 | The Hugo Building opens at last! Naturally that's when the rockstars, gangs and ninja show up! |
People Watching | July 10th, 2018 | Cass realizes she ain't all that and a bag of chips. |
When the Bat's Away | July 3rd, 2018 | Casssandra's slacking on her times. Nightwing helps her figure out what's in her head that is throwing her off. |
When the muggers get mugged! | June 18th, 2018 | A mugging is interrupted by Kid. Who is interrupted by Batgirl. |
Iron Heights Information Dowload | May 23rd, 2018 | Batgirl (Cassie) visits Starling and meets a different kind of Dark... knight? |
Inspiration | April 29th, 2018 | Carrie Kelley has a close encounter. |
Returning Lost Things | April 13th, 2018 | Cassandra returns Steve's sketchbook that she had taken without permission. The two talk for a time about the images within. |
Bat Delivery Service | April 10th, 2018 | Batgirl brings data to Captain America in regards to the Mutant Kidnappings. She gets to meet Tony Stark. A sketchbook may have disappeared during her visit, having nothing to do with the scene at all. |
Following the Captain | April 9th, 2018 | Batgirl follows up on a case started by Captain America. She takes the information to Batman. Then she has an unusual request. |
Stranger Danger | March 24th, 2018 | Steve Rogers comes to Gotham on the hunt for some answers. |
Back on up off my grill, kid! | March 15th, 2018 | Cassandra is not pleased with Batman bringing Mariam in on The Secret. She decides to tell Batman how she feels. |
Don't blow up my city! | March 12th, 2018 | The Bat crew deal with an arc reactor overload. |
It was a Dark and Snarky Night | March 1st, 2018 | Silly Cassie, webs are for Spiders |
Whatever happened to whatsisface | February 12th, 2018 | Batman brings two of his proteges along to Xavier's School, checking on a young boy he had brought there previously. |
Meeting the Master | February 4th, 2018 | Richard Dragon gets mugged! Batgirl to the rescue. Like he needed it? |
Late Night Lux | February 2nd, 2018 | A peeping Cassie watches over Wade and Oswald |
You did what now | January 12th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Always Something With You People! | January 6th, 2018 | Batgirl and Red Robin return to the cave after her fight in a club while unmasked. Fortunately for her, Batman is busy with other problems. For now. Robin, Red Robin and Batgirl all get their assignments for the night while Batman goes to deal with "League business". |
Holiday Surprises | December 29th, 2017 | The Bat Crew gather before heading out for the night on patrol |
Stop Freezing Stuff! | December 27th, 2017 | Summary needed |
See Mary Run | December 19th, 2017 | Barbara comes up with a new approach to teach Cassandra how to read. |
Go home you angry jerks! | December 1st, 2017 | There is a riot in Gotham. The Bat crew and Power Girl are on scene to deal with it. |
Two Batgirls Talk Books | November 27th, 2017 | Cassandra needs to learn to read so she approaches Barbara for help |
Learn to Read You Slacker! | November 15th, 2017 | Batman has a talk with Cassandra about her resistance to tutoring |
Trying Her Best | October 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
'Cause That's What Friends Are For | September 27th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Madness | September 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Martian, an Enforcer, and a Batgirl Walk Into The Watchtower... | September 1st, 2017 | Batgirl visits the Watchtower for the first time, and meets J'onn and Bjorn in the form of VOrn. |
Rooftop Mentoring | August 26th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Hope to Improve | August 22nd, 2017 | Cassandra continues her lessons with Diana Prince, meets Stephen Strange. |
Sound & Vision | August 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Demon's Kitten | August 14th, 2017 | Damian gets a kitten of destruction. |
The Three Amigas | August 6th, 2017 | Cassandra shows off her new Spoiler to Dinah, and later, Barbara. |
The New Girl | July 30th, 2017 | Batgirl follows Black Canary back to her loft after their encounter to fully meet. |
Involuntary Adoption | July 29th, 2017 | Miss Moreau tries to rob a zoo. The Punisher, the Yellow Ranger, and a pair of Bats don't like this plan. |
Nightwing the Slacker | July 26th, 2017 | Alfred and Cassandra help Nightwing recover, and deal with Bruce's demands. |
World's Finest BFF's | July 24th, 2017 | Spoiler and Batgirl both converge on a drug deal...and both help each other in one way or another. |
World's Finest Butler | July 23rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Bat That Is Not A Bat & The Girl That Met Her | July 23rd, 2017 | Batgirl meets Batwoman. Crime is stopped. |
The Robins Gather! | July 15th, 2017 | Batman has more than one Robin up his sleeve? |
Body Language, Inc. Part 2 | July 14th, 2017 | Cypher meets Batgirl to pass a message to the Bat. |
A Wonder and A Bat | July 13th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A leason Batman can't teach. | July 13th, 2017 | Batman drops off Cassandra on Wonder Woman's doorstep for a lesson. |
Body Language, Inc. | July 12th, 2017 | Batgirl and Elliot meet and have a conversation without ever saying a word. |
The Narrows by Night | July 8th, 2017 | Batgirl meets Nightwing for the first time. |
Patchwork | July 7th, 2017 | Alfred, Damian, and Cassandra deal with the fallout from Nightwing's injuries. |
The Batman: Tale of two Robins. | July 7th, 2017 | Batman & Batgirl capture a 'Demon'. |
Late Night in the Garden | July 7th, 2017 | Batgirl meets Green Arrow for the first time and mistakes him for a potential threat. |
The Language of Kung Fu | July 5th, 2017 | Batgirl rescues a girl who is curiously similar to her and they gain a quick understanding of each other. |
If you read this I am standing behind you -Batman | July 4th, 2017 | Batman attempts to teach Batgirl the why's of what they do. |
Go Out and Meet People, They Said | January 5th, 2017 | Cassandra goes to a club that the Family has under surveillance. She meets a young man named Quinn then things go sideways.(This scene was completed on 12/31/2017 but for storyline purposes happened on 1/6/2018.) |
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