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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Erika Kristasdottir |Color=#333 |TextColor=#c1c1c1 |Char_id=1795 |FullName=Erika Kristasdottir |Gender=Female |Species=Mutant |Theme=Original |Chart...")
(Moved the root Psychometry description to the top of Abilities for ease of reading.)
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|History=I grew up living in a sort've nice family house tucked away out of sight of people. We weren't wanting for anything. My mom and dad were always really accepting of me and they obviously care about me a lot. Just, sometimes we don't get along on everything very well. They really want me to be a good girl who is successful and honest and all that. But, well, they're not the greatest examples of that themselves, so sometimes it gets really annoying. When I was growing up, they wanted to make sure that I knew how to run the honest parts of the business, or, you know, any business, because they said that was important to earn an honest living.<br><br>Yeah, you caught that part too. The honest parts. As in, some of the parts of their business weren't honest. See, they buy things, and they sell things. Usually phones. They buy them really cheap, used. Then they take them apart and refurbish them and sell them as aftermarket, or they use the parts to repair other phones. Sometimes they find interesting information on the phones and they sell that too.<br><br>A lot of the people who sell them the phones never actually owned the phones, because there are a lot of people out there who are good at taking phones out of people's pockets when they aren't looking. Sometimes they take the phones out of stores. Mom and dad have some various ways to make all that look legal and then to have phones for sale online that are cheap and can't be traced back to anything.<br><br>They want me to be successful in business and life later, so they had me helping with one of two of the honestly honest business parts. Taxes and stuff. They do not want to teach me the parts that aren't so legal, but things slip out here and there. I've looked into how their business model really works. I don't think they know how much I know about what they do.<br><br>They don't actually deal that much with the people who get the phones they buy directly. They have some deals going on here and there. But sometimes when I meet people, I can connect the dots. I don't try to, just.. They find out who my family is, and people are supposed to keep secrets and they never do to me anyways, because I'm little and safe.<br><br>And that's how I met Jenny. She was nice to me, and she's smart, and she's super pretty, she smells nice, and I absolutely hate her boyfriend, hate hate hate, and, um... *embarrassed cough* Right, sorry, getting off topic... not sure how that happened.. *blushes*<br><br>Anyways, she had a bad family, and she had to make do for herself a lot of the time, so she was helping some other boys steal things like wallets and cell phones from people. And my mom was being absolutely INFURIATING.. I mean, we all love each other but we get on each other's nerves really bad.. And we started hanging out a lot after school while my parents were busy. <br><br>Her and her friends showed me how to distract people, and how to take things away from people without them noticing.. I wasn't QUITE good enough to be out there taking stuff, as far as they were concerned, but I was getting really close. Plus Jenny didn't want me to be getting in trouble because she's sweet, and she was a lot better at it anyways. That's probably why they said I wasn't ready, Jenny was just better. When we were hanging out she would let me practice and try out her techniques on me. It was fun. Then sometimes, we would go out and hang out with the rest of the kids and get into stuff.<br><br>And then my parents found out and they FREAKED OUT and I got in SO much trouble. So of course, I snuck out. SO mad at them.<br><br>I met up with Jenny, and we ended up at a party. I don't LIKE parties. Now I HATE them. They're loud and the people there make me nervous and stuff. Anyways, some guy got me a drink. I didn't want the drink, so I just kind've left it off to the side. Anyways, somehow or other, things got jumbled around and Jenny ended up drinking it. When the boys saw the glass was empty, they started getting really clingy and possessive, and I just knew something was really wrong and we had to get out of there. Like NOW. Jenny was acting kind of not great, so I grabbed her and tried to leave. <br><br>They.. tried to chase us. Scariest. Thing. EVER. I mean, I am in shape, but I was trying to carry my friend, and the guys were trying not to RUN after us and make it look all innocent, and it all kind of evened out so I felt like the people running in a horror movie. I just wanted to get OUT of there.<br><br>I remembered that there was a door there that was usually open.. I don't even know how. I've never been in that part of town in my life. I know Jenny is around here a lot, but not me. I just knew there was a door there. So I turn the corner and... it's locked. There's a combination lock on the thing. And I just put my hand on the lock because the lock was MOCKING me, like how DARE you think you are going to get out of this<br><br>...and...<br>......I...<br>.........uhm...<br>......was...<br><br>... putting in the combination, and my head is ringing. I throw open the door and get us through it and slam it shut and latch it JUST in time, and now I am sitting in a dark kitchen next to an unconscious friend going "Wait, what just happened? How am I going to explain this?"
|History=I grew up living in a sort've nice family house tucked away out of sight of people. We weren't wanting for anything. My mom and dad were always really accepting of me and they obviously care about me a lot. Just, sometimes we don't get along on everything very well. They really want me to be a good girl who is successful and honest and all that. But, well, they're not the greatest examples of that themselves, so sometimes it gets really annoying. When I was growing up, they wanted to make sure that I knew how to run the honest parts of the business, or, you know, any business, because they said that was important to earn an honest living.<br><br>Yeah, you caught that part too. The honest parts. As in, some of the parts of their business weren't honest. See, they buy things, and they sell things. Usually phones. They buy them really cheap, used. Then they take them apart and refurbish them and sell them as aftermarket, or they use the parts to repair other phones. Sometimes they find interesting information on the phones and they sell that too.<br><br>A lot of the people who sell them the phones never actually owned the phones, because there are a lot of people out there who are good at taking phones out of people's pockets when they aren't looking. Sometimes they take the phones out of stores. Mom and dad have some various ways to make all that look legal and then to have phones for sale online that are cheap and can't be traced back to anything.<br><br>They want me to be successful in business and life later, so they had me helping with one of two of the honestly honest business parts. Taxes and stuff. They do not want to teach me the parts that aren't so legal, but things slip out here and there. I've looked into how their business model really works. I don't think they know how much I know about what they do.<br><br>They don't actually deal that much with the people who get the phones they buy directly. They have some deals going on here and there. But sometimes when I meet people, I can connect the dots. I don't try to, just.. They find out who my family is, and people are supposed to keep secrets and they never do to me anyways, because I'm little and safe.<br><br>And that's how I met Jenny. She was nice to me, and she's smart, and she's super pretty, she smells nice, and I absolutely hate her boyfriend, hate hate hate, and, um... *embarrassed cough* Right, sorry, getting off topic... not sure how that happened.. *blushes*<br><br>Anyways, she had a bad family, and she had to make do for herself a lot of the time, so she was helping some other boys steal things like wallets and cell phones from people. And my mom was being absolutely INFURIATING.. I mean, we all love each other but we get on each other's nerves really bad.. And we started hanging out a lot after school while my parents were busy. <br><br>Her and her friends showed me how to distract people, and how to take things away from people without them noticing.. I wasn't QUITE good enough to be out there taking stuff, as far as they were concerned, but I was getting really close. Plus Jenny didn't want me to be getting in trouble because she's sweet, and she was a lot better at it anyways. That's probably why they said I wasn't ready, Jenny was just better. When we were hanging out she would let me practice and try out her techniques on me. It was fun. Then sometimes, we would go out and hang out with the rest of the kids and get into stuff.<br><br>And then my parents found out and they FREAKED OUT and I got in SO much trouble. So of course, I snuck out. SO mad at them.<br><br>I met up with Jenny, and we ended up at a party. I don't LIKE parties. Now I HATE them. They're loud and the people there make me nervous and stuff. Anyways, some guy got me a drink. I didn't want the drink, so I just kind've left it off to the side. Anyways, somehow or other, things got jumbled around and Jenny ended up drinking it. When the boys saw the glass was empty, they started getting really clingy and possessive, and I just knew something was really wrong and we had to get out of there. Like NOW. Jenny was acting kind of not great, so I grabbed her and tried to leave. <br><br>They.. tried to chase us. Scariest. Thing. EVER. I mean, I am in shape, but I was trying to carry my friend, and the guys were trying not to RUN after us and make it look all innocent, and it all kind of evened out so I felt like the people running in a horror movie. I just wanted to get OUT of there.<br><br>I remembered that there was a door there that was usually open.. I don't even know how. I've never been in that part of town in my life. I know Jenny is around here a lot, but not me. I just knew there was a door there. So I turn the corner and... it's locked. There's a combination lock on the thing. And I just put my hand on the lock because the lock was MOCKING me, like how DARE you think you are going to get out of this<br><br>...and...<br>......I...<br>.........uhm...<br>......was...<br><br>... putting in the combination, and my head is ringing. I throw open the door and get us through it and slam it shut and latch it JUST in time, and now I am sitting in a dark kitchen next to an unconscious friend going "Wait, what just happened? How am I going to explain this?"
|Personality=Young, keeper of lots of secrets so sure, I can keep a few more. Not exactly action based. Not murderous, just.. A kid from a peaceful, though less than wholesome upbringing. At least, until she started hanging out in with a bad crowd, but even then, they were kind and gentle thieves. Accepting of all sorts of people, like her parents. Not a violent person at all! The question of personal property is a lot murkier.
|Personality=Young, keeper of lots of secrets so sure, I can keep a few more. Not exactly action based. Not murderous, just.. A kid from a peaceful, though less than wholesome upbringing. At least, until she started hanging out in with a bad crowd, but even then, they were kind and gentle thieves. Accepting of all sorts of people, like her parents. Not a violent person at all! The question of personal property is a lot murkier.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BORROWED TALENT'''</span><br>The most obvious way for Erika to use her psychometry abilities is to copy the actions or skill used by the previous owner with that object.<br><br>For example, if she dons a well worn chef's hat, she can cook! Any of the dishes that were cooked while wearing the hat, she can remember and recreate; she can use all the cooking techniques that were used when the hat was being worn. If the chef had any particular quirks to his or her cooking, she will recreate those too. If she touches a keypad to a door, she remembers typing in the password. If she touches someone else's keyboard, she can recreate anything written on it, or if they were a touch typist, type her own letters much faster than she ordinarily would. If she picks up a sword once wielded by a master swordsman, she can fight like that swordsman. Not exactly as well because it's Erika's body using the sword, and she probably lacks some of the muscle development, and she's probably not built the same, but very close.<br><br>Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LIFE FEED'''</span><br>If Erika touches something somebody else is wearing or using at the same time for long enough to recover from the initial rush of information, she starts picking up on the surface thoughts and sensations being experienced at that moment by the other person. She can't control any of what she gets doing that yet, and getting someone else's senses and surface thoughts piped into her head is, right now, confusing and difficult to sort through - her inexperience means she hasn't figured out how to filter this yet. She doesn't get skills or memories for the most part unless that is what they are thinking or doing at that moment - for instance, if she held onto the coat of someone with wilderness skills, she could help look for edible mushrooms because they are doing the same thing. <br><br>Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''PSYCHOMETRY'''</span><BR>When Erika touches something, she can read the memories embedded in the object that were left by the previous people to use or wear that thing. Just touching the thing, after recovering from the initial information surge, she gets an abstract of what the thing is (according to the previous owner). She can then invoke it to access the skills and memories that were imprinted into the item by its previous user, for a little while.<BR><BR>Applications include<BR>There are a few things she knows how to do with this power:
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''PSYCHOMETRY'''</span><BR>When Erika touches something, she can read the memories embedded in the object that were left by the previous people to use or wear that thing. Just touching the thing, after recovering from the initial information surge, she gets an abstract of what the thing is (according to the previous owner). She can then invoke it to access the skills and memories that were imprinted into the item by its previous user, for a little while.<BR><BR>Applications include<BR>There are a few things she knows how to do with this power:
She can borrow skills used by the previous owner while carrying the item.<BR>-= +abi Erika/Borrowed Talent<BR><BR>She can channel the memories of the previous owner to let the memories take over her body completely. <BR>-= +abi Erika/Take The Wheel<BR><BR>She can touch an object being held or worn by somebody, and read the thoughts and sensations the other person touching the item is experiencing at that moment. <BR>-= +abi Erika/Live Feed<BR><BR>The Limits:Just the facts... <BR>She only gets skills and information; she doesn't get abilities or powers. No strength, no calluses, no powers - including mental powers - and she has no magical potential to cast any spells she might encounter. She also gets some random and uncontrollable flashes of powerful memories made while using the item, if the memories were intense or traumatic. She often picks up random mannerisms and other confusing things from whoever imprinted the item. Sometimes she will recall a helpful non-skill memory, but she can't rely on it unless the person who imprinted the object specifically thought about those things while handling it for her behalf.<BR><BR>Batteries Not Included: <BR>When using skills, she can only maintain focus for a scene or a project, no more than about four to six hours at most before she is just too mentally exhausted to maintain focus on the item. If she is being possessed by the item, she stays possessed until she takes back control - normally, she loses focus when they fall asleep, but anybody with a strong enough will to imprison her in her own mind probably has enough focus to keep up the link more or less indefinitely.<BR><BR>Data Corruption:<BR>After she uses an item for their memories, the memories in the item are worn out and much less usable - once at full use, the second is like being telepathically coached on how to use the skill instead of knowing the skill, and after that the item is wiped clean until refreshed by having the person who put the memories into it handle it for a few seconds/one pose.<BR><BR>Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world..<BR>..No! This is only a tribute!<BR>All of the memories and skills she gets from items she touches are like dreams in that they don't go to her long term memories; when she stops touching it she has just a few seconds - about one pose - to find some way to record it before they are gone, though she can remember what SHE did while reading the object.<BR><BR>Consent required:<BR>As with most things, she needs OOC consent to be able to use her abilities.<BR><BR><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TAKE THE WHEEL'''</span><BR>If she opens herself up to it, Erika can allow herself to be possessed by the memories of somebody who used an object she is touching. She mentally becomes the person as they were when the object was being held or used, only remembering the things they thought or did while they had the object. The possessing imprint has no access to any powers or abilities; no telepathy, no powers, no magical potential to power or cast spells, no special senses, and they are limited by Erika's physical abilities and limitations. Erika loses control of her body while this is happening, as the other person comes out to play, and is just a helpless observer.<BR><BR>Normally, she can snap herself out of this whenever she wants, but if she is possessed by someone unusually strong-willed, there may be a struggle of wills involved, and she might not be able to win without help.
She can borrow skills used by the previous owner while carrying the item.<BR>-= +abi Erika/Borrowed Talent<BR><BR>She can channel the memories of the previous owner to let the memories take over her body completely. <BR>-= +abi Erika/Take The Wheel<BR><BR>She can touch an object being held or worn by somebody, and read the thoughts and sensations the other person touching the item is experiencing at that moment. <BR>-= +abi Erika/Live Feed<BR><BR>The Limits:Just the facts... <BR>She only gets skills and information; she doesn't get abilities or powers. No strength, no calluses, no powers - including mental powers - and she has no magical potential to cast any spells she might encounter. She also gets some random and uncontrollable flashes of powerful memories made while using the item, if the memories were intense or traumatic. She often picks up random mannerisms and other confusing things from whoever imprinted the item. Sometimes she will recall a helpful non-skill memory, but she can't rely on it unless the person who imprinted the object specifically thought about those things while handling it for her behalf.<BR><BR>Batteries Not Included: <BR>When using skills, she can only maintain focus for a scene or a project, no more than about four to six hours at most before she is just too mentally exhausted to maintain focus on the item. If she is being possessed by the item, she stays possessed until she takes back control - normally, she loses focus when they fall asleep, but anybody with a strong enough will to imprison her in her own mind probably has enough focus to keep up the link more or less indefinitely.<BR><BR>Data Corruption:<BR>After she uses an item for their memories, the memories in the item are worn out and much less usable - once at full use, the second is like being telepathically coached on how to use the skill instead of knowing the skill, and after that the item is wiped clean until refreshed by having the person who put the memories into it handle it for a few seconds/one pose.<BR><BR>Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world..<BR>..No! This is only a tribute!<BR>All of the memories and skills she gets from items she touches are like dreams in that they don't go to her long term memories; when she stops touching it she has just a few seconds - about one pose - to find some way to record it before they are gone, though she can remember what SHE did while reading the object.<BR><BR>Consent required:<BR>As with most things, she needs OOC consent to be able to use her abilities.<BR><BR><span style="color:#00CED1">'''BORROWED TALENT'''</span><br>The most obvious way for Erika to use her psychometry abilities is to copy the actions or skill used by the previous owner with that object.<br><br>For example, if she dons a well worn chef's hat, she can cook! Any of the dishes that were cooked while wearing the hat, she can remember and recreate; she can use all the cooking techniques that were used when the hat was being worn. If the chef had any particular quirks to his or her cooking, she will recreate those too. If she touches a keypad to a door, she remembers typing in the password. If she touches someone else's keyboard, she can recreate anything written on it, or if they were a touch typist, type her own letters much faster than she ordinarily would. If she picks up a sword once wielded by a master swordsman, she can fight like that swordsman. Not exactly as well because it's Erika's body using the sword, and she probably lacks some of the muscle development, and she's probably not built the same, but very close.<br><br>Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LIFE FEED'''</span><br>If Erika touches something somebody else is wearing or using at the same time for long enough to recover from the initial rush of information, she starts picking up on the surface thoughts and sensations being experienced at that moment by the other person. She can't control any of what she gets doing that yet, and getting someone else's senses and surface thoughts piped into her head is, right now, confusing and difficult to sort through - her inexperience means she hasn't figured out how to filter this yet. She doesn't get skills or memories for the most part unless that is what they are thinking or doing at that moment - for instance, if she held onto the coat of someone with wilderness skills, she could help look for edible mushrooms because they are doing the same thing. <br><br>Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TAKE THE WHEEL'''</span><BR>If she opens herself up to it, Erika can allow herself to be possessed by the memories of somebody who used an object she is touching. She mentally becomes the person as they were when the object was being held or used, only remembering the things they thought or did while they had the object. The possessing imprint has no access to any powers or abilities; no telepathy, no powers, no magical potential to power or cast spells, no special senses, and they are limited by Erika's physical abilities and limitations. Erika loses control of her body while this is happening, as the other person comes out to play, and is just a helpless observer.<BR><BR>Normally, she can snap herself out of this whenever she wants, but if she is possessed by someone unusually strong-willed, there may be a struggle of wills involved, and she might not be able to win without help.

Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry
Further details and limitations can be found under: +abi Erika/Psychometry

Revision as of 00:30, 2 July 2018

Erika Kristasdottir (Scenesys ID: 1795)
Full Name: Erika Kristasdottir
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: High School Student
Citizenship: United States of America / Iceland
Residence: Bludhaven, New Jersey
Education: High School Student
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 28 May 2011 Actor:
Height: 160 cm (5'3") Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs.)
Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Grey
Theme Song: "Photograph" by Nickelback


Teenage pickpocket and part time delinquent from a loving but larcenous middle class family, Erika has just now discovered that inanimate objects reveal their memories to her touch.



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