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* '''Weapons Cache'''
* '''Weapons Cache'''
In addition to his trusty Element Guns, there's a small armory on the Milano that houses various weapons that Star-Lord has acquired over his years. From demolitions to blasters to cannons to who knows what else, there's a chance that Quill has enough weapons to keep him ready to fight for years to come.
In addition to his trusty Element Guns, there's a small armory on the Milano that houses various weapons that Star-Lord has acquired over his years. From demolitions to blasters to cannons to who knows what else, there's a chance that Quill has enough weapons to keep him ready to fight for years to come.
* '''Enemies'''
Whether it was his time as a Legendary Outlaw or his time as a Guardian of the Galaxy, Star-Lord has managed to amass quite the list of enemies. Some are old friends or partners, while others are planetary authority figures and yet, still, some are just powerful cosmic beings! Either way, there's almost always someone trying to kill him.
* '''Honorable'''
While he may be an ex-Ravager and a legendary outlaw, Quill still has an honor system that he lives by. A code that he follows. This is what keeps him in the realm of being a hero of sorts. There are certain things that he cannot allow to happen or will not do. Sometimes, it is this honor code that keeps him from anything but moral victory.
* '''Not Exactly Trustworthy'''
Despite all of his (anti-)heroics, one of the facts that still matter is that Peter Quill, the Legendary Star-Lord, is a criminal. Or an ex-criminal. This means he is still probably not as trusted as he wishes he was. Which could always lead to a few problems.
* '''Revolving Bounty'''
Being a Legendary Outlaw has its disadvantages and the fact that at any given point in time he could have a bounty on his head is one of them. Quill never knows when or where such things as a bounty will strike but when it does, trouble often follows soon after.
* '''Unknown Alien Heritage'''
Peter Quill is part alien and part human. The bad news is that he doesn't know what kind of alien and he doesn't know what that means for his future. This could end up being good or bad, but even Star-Lord himself has only just found out that he's not all human. Who knows what this could mean?
* '''Walkman'''
Quill gets very protective of his walkman if it is in the wrong hands. He doesn't particularly like anyone touching it that hasn't had permission and he will fight tooth and nail to protect it from destruction.
== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==
== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==

Revision as of 17:13, 30 July 2017

Peter Quill (Scenesys ID: 111)
"I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos..."
Full Name: Peter Jason Quill
Gender: Male
Species: Human / Alien Hybrid
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Legendary Outlaw / Guardian of the Galaxy
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Guardians of the Galaxy
Other Information
Apparent Age: 30s Actual Age: 37
Date of Birth February 4 Actor: Chris Pratt
Height: 187 cm Weight: 79 kg
Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: ??


Peter Jason Quill is a half-human that was abducted from Terra at a young age by a group of intergalactic ne'er-do-wells called the Ravagers. His abduction led to his journey towards becoming the Legendary Outlaw: Star-Lord. After traversing the galaxy on a series of profitable adventures he found himself wrapped up in some serious business. An uneasy alliance blossomed from jailbreaking buddies to a dysfunctional family that somehow managed to swindle their way into saving the galaxy. Now, as the leader of the aptly named Guardians of the Galaxy, they travel the universe with the intentions of doing a little bit of bad and a little bit of good.


Born and raised in the midwestern state of Missouri, Peter Quill was a troubled young man when destiny came knocking on his door. Always getting into trouble and fights as a kid, for all the right reasons, a lot of this stemmed from the fact that his mother was sick and dying. She passed away when he was eight years old and unable to handle it, Peter ran from the hospital and was subsequently abducted from the planet by, well, aliens.

While Peter was supposed to be taken to his father, the leader of the Ravagers became like a father to Peter instead. They took the boy in, trained him to be an impeccable thief and space pirate, teaching him everything they knew about being on the wrong side of the law in the galaxy. Peter grew up, traveling from one end of the galaxy to the other and eventually became a Ravager himself. His coming of age present was an M-Ship that he proceeded to trick out and dubbed: The Milano.

With his own ship, Peter Quill took to the galaxy like a fish in water, exploring and adventuring without a care in the world. Working as a Ravager, he smuggled this, stole that and pretty much did whatever the hell he wanted to. That is, of course, until he stole something that would bring him into contact with some seriously bad individuals. Upon finding out what he had in his possession, things quickly began to spiral out of control. Fights happened. Bounties had attempted to be collected. And before long, Peter found himself locked in the Kyln.

It was there that Peter teamed up with a crazy band of misfits to escape the prison. It was during that escape that they formed a sort of kinship and bond that would start to be difficult to break. Though for various reasons, they worked together to attempt to protect the galaxy from falling prey to the evils of the galaxy. Through teamwork, shenanigans and one seriously one-sided dance battle these misfits had become the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Now they travel across the universe looking to do something good. Or something bad.

Okay, maybe a bit of both.


Understanding Peter Quill is an effort in simplicity, as he's basically a space faring Everyman type. From a young age he's exhibited a sense of courageousness and bravery, always willing to stand up for people that couldn't stand up for themselves. A consummate troublemaker, he would often end up in fights or the principal's office in school, though it would be for all the right reasons. Nobody would ever give him the credit for that, except his mother. When she died, however, there was an inner sadness that welled up inside of Peter. Something that, to this day, can never truly be replaced or filled. There will always be an undercurrent of Peter Quill searching for something.

That being said, Quill is very visibly emotional. He's a man that doesn't hide who he is and will put it all out there on the line. Whether he's being a cad and flirting with any female being he comes across or he's making a rousing speech about saving the galaxy because he's one of the idiots that lives in it, Peter's charm lies within his honesty and honor. He's a man that has few convictions, but the ones he does have he sticks to boldly. There's always a greater good to be had and Quill's heart won't allow him to not be a hero. Or anti-hero.

With an adventurous spirit, indomitable will and an unshakeable confidence that borders on egotistical, The Legendary Star-Lord is a fitting combination of cocky and brash, but it works for him. He's clever beyond what he looks, even if he comes across as a bit of a goofball or an idiot. His mind is always working and paying attention, which allows him to be unorthodoxly ahead of both his enemies and his allies. His spirit extends beyond his sense of adventure, making him undeniably upbeat, always looking on the bright side even in the face of absolute danger.

Sarcastic to the point of annoyance, Peter Quill, the Legendary Star-Lord, is not 100% dick. More like 90%.



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