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|History= Danny's history is fairly short and somewhat uninteresting. He had a normal childhood, and grew up as any other boy would. But when he was just 19.. his world erupted in supernatural violence and flame. The night his sister Barbara died. The night he became the Ghost Rider. He and his sister stumbled upon a fight between two rival gangs and were caught in the crossfire. Barara was struck down in the fighting and Danny carried her away to a junkyard not far away. There he found a motorcycle and when he touched it, he was transformed into the Spirit of Vengeance. The Ghost Rider rode back to the gang war and put down both sides. From there the Ghost Rider and Danny himself became a Terror to those who terrorized others. Putting down evil by being something worse.<br><br>But to understand how and why Danny was suddenly transformed into a Spirit of Vengeance, you have to wind the clock back. By twenty thousand years.. In the days of prehistory, before mankind rose out of caves and grunts. There existed a race of immortals known only as 'the Blood'. These immortals got into a war with an ancient and powerful demon by the name of Zarathos. To stack the deck in their favor, the allied themselves with the Spirits of Vengeance, Heavens enforcers. With their help, they forged a Medallion of Power, an artifact that housed the collective might of the spirits, as well as a portion of Zarathos's own essence. <br><br>Deeming the Artifact too powerful to properly control, they broke it in half, mystically putting the 'shards' into the spiritual bloodlines of two families. The Kale and the Badilino. This mystically charged bloodline, as well as his sisters innocent blood on his fingers provided the catalyst to spark the transformation when he touched the cycle.<br><br>Recently, Ketch has learned the origins of his power. His ancestor, Noble Kale shares his soul. Cursed to never enter heaven or hell, but to remain in the void between, Noble is a Spirit of Vengeance until the end of time. Made a living Spirit of Vengeance by the mad angel Uriel during his own time (in the early 1700's). <br>Danny shares his soul with Noble Kale, as well as Uriel, part of the deal made so very long ago. Empowered by the mad angel.. Ghost Rider wages war on evil.
|History= Danny's history is fairly short and somewhat uninteresting. He had a normal childhood, and grew up as any other boy would. But when he was just 19.. his world erupted in supernatural violence and flame. The night his sister Barbara died. The night he became the Ghost Rider. He and his sister stumbled upon a fight between two rival gangs and were caught in the crossfire. Barara was struck down in the fighting and Danny carried her away to a junkyard not far away. There he found a motorcycle and when he touched it, he was transformed into the Spirit of Vengeance. The Ghost Rider rode back to the gang war and put down both sides. From there the Ghost Rider and Danny himself became a Terror to those who terrorized others. Putting down evil by being something worse.<br><br>But to understand how and why Danny was suddenly transformed into a Spirit of Vengeance, you have to wind the clock back. By twenty thousand years.. In the days of prehistory, before mankind rose out of caves and grunts. There existed a race of immortals known only as 'the Blood'. These immortals got into a war with an ancient and powerful demon by the name of Zarathos. To stack the deck in their favor, the allied themselves with the Spirits of Vengeance, Heavens enforcers. With their help, they forged a Medallion of Power, an artifact that housed the collective might of the spirits, as well as a portion of Zarathos's own essence. <br><br>Deeming the Artifact too powerful to properly control, they broke it in half, mystically putting the 'shards' into the spiritual bloodlines of two families. The Kale and the Badilino. This mystically charged bloodline, as well as his sisters innocent blood on his fingers provided the catalyst to spark the transformation when he touched the cycle.<br><br>Recently, Ketch has learned the origins of his power. His ancestor, Noble Kale shares his soul. Cursed to never enter heaven or hell, but to remain in the void between, Noble is a Spirit of Vengeance until the end of time. Made a living Spirit of Vengeance by the mad angel Uriel during his own time (in the early 1700's). <br>Danny shares his soul with Noble Kale, as well as Uriel, part of the deal made so very long ago. Empowered by the mad angel.. Ghost Rider wages war on evil.
|Personality=Danny is one of the good ones. He genuinely wants to make the world a better place. Right the wrongs, fight the good fight. A heart of gold. That said, he is intimately aware he has a monster inside him. Quite literally. A monster capable of untold devastation if he releases control and lets it run amok. But.. properly guided and aimed, maybe it can do some good.
|Personality=Danny is one of the good ones. He genuinely wants to make the world a better place. Right the wrongs, fight the good fight. A heart of gold. That said, he is intimately aware he has a monster inside him. Quite literally. A monster capable of untold devastation if he releases control and lets it run amok. But.. properly guided and aimed, maybe it can do some good.
|Abilities=FIRES OF HEAVEN<br>Given dominion over the elements, the Spirits usually use cleansing flame as their weapons. In Danny's case, his connection to the angel Uriel, and thus straight to Heaven is that much stronger being that Uriel shares 1/4 of his soul.<br><br>Rather than the reddish hellfires of other Spirits, Ketch's flames burn a brilliant blue, almost white hot. In all other aspects Ketch's powers match those of all other Spirits of Vengeance, he simply has a greater degree of control over them.<br><br>The control he has, is sufficient to form and hurl fireballs of celestial flames, or spew them from his jaws like a white hot flamethrower. He can even manifest his chain or shotgun or even his motorcycle out of pure heavenfire if separated from the physical objects.<br><br>GHOST RIDING<br>A large aspect of Ketch's powers is to infuse mortal vehicles or objects with his flames and transform them into tools and weapons in his war against evil. Most famously, his motorcycle. It transforms when he does, and gains an intelligence of it's own. <br><br>It will come to his side when summoned, no matter the barriers between them.<br><br>It can ride across water, up walls and across ceilings with no trouble. <br><br>Wreathed in the same flames as the Ghost Rider, it leaves a trail of flames behind him.<br><br>Is almost as durable as Ghost Rider himself is. And can be reformed by force of will if damaged or shattered.<br><br>GHOST WEAPONRY<br>A subset of the Ghost Riding ability, Ghost Riders can infuse everyday objects with their own essence. For Danny, that is the very fires of heaven. His weapons of choice are as follows.<br><br>Chain: Ketch infuses a simple metal link chain with Heavenfire, granting it the same incredible resilience that the Ghost Rider enjoys. Additionally, it burns with his flames, and responds mentally to his commands, growing as long as he wants it, and wrapping itself around anything he desires. <br><br>Shotgun: A Remington Spartan sawed off shotgun, double barrel. As powerful a short ranged weapon as can be had. Now infused with the fires of heaven, it spews white hot fireballs when fired, wreaking havoc on foes and anything behind them as well.<br><br>PENANCE STARE<br>A signature ability of the Ghost Riders, this is nothing more or less than to be able to call up and force feed all the taint and evil and wrongdoing a person has ever done, in a single violent assault on their mind and soul. The less evil a person has done, the less effective it is. Certain individuals are immune to this, normally those lacking a soul to burn.<br><br>SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE<br>Empowered by agents of God itself, the Ghost Riders are incredibly resilient beings.<br><br>Durability and Stamina: Fueled by Heaven itself, a Ghost Rider (the spirit, not necessarily the human host.) Is immortal. They will not age, or tire. They do not fatigue. They can take incredible punishment, and are immune to flames of any kind. Only a weapon forged in heaven that takes the spirits head can truly kill it, and being that Spirits of Vengeance ARE weapons of heaven, they can technically kill each other.<br><br>Supernatural Strength: Being that the Ghost Riders doesn't exactly have a gym membership, the upper limits of their physical strength is unknown, but they can been witnessed performing feats usually limited to the upper echelons of superhumans.<br><br>Supernatural Speed: Physics don't mean much to a spirit, and when needed, Ghost Riders can move impossibly fast. Appearing almost to teleport, they will hunt down evildoers no matter the distance.<br><br>Regeneration: Despite their impressive resilience to damage, Ghost Riders can be hurt or temporarily put down. But they will simply get back up again, again and again... they cannot be stopped forever. This extends to a small degree to their human hosts. Injuries to the human body heal when transformed and heal at an accelerated rate when not transformed.<br><br>Empath: Spirits of Vengeance can sense emotion and 'taint' as easily and naturally as you or I can feel heat or cold. They cannot turn it off, they get it all the time. When human, Danny gets a vague sense from those around him, it gets stronger as they get closer. Transformed, The Ghost Rider's sense is magnified a thousand fold. This means they sense when evil is near, they can feel the taint upon a person soul. Smell it. And they will follow that scent to destroy the thing that stinks.<br><br>WRATH OF GOD<br>The Spirits of Vengeance are aptly named. Immortal spirits created by God (yes THAT god) as an alternative to the Great Flood, to punish sin, and combat evil, both mundane and supernatural. The do this by being so much worse. Appearing as demons, of flame and wrath.. They combat evil in all it's forms. From the most horrid thing the depths of hell can conjure to a man slapping his wife around.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#1F75FE">'''FIRES OF HEAVEN'''</span><br>Given dominion over the elements, the Spirits usually use cleansing flame as their weapons. In Danny's case, his connection to the angel Uriel, and thus straight to Heaven is that much stronger being that Uriel shares 1/4 of his soul.<br><br>Rather than the reddish hellfires of other Spirits, Ketch's flames burn a brilliant blue, almost white hot. In all other aspects Ketch's powers match those of all other Spirits of Vengeance, he simply has a greater degree of control over them.<br><br>The control he has, is sufficient to form and hurl fireballs of celestial flames, or spew them from his jaws like a white hot flamethrower. He can even manifest his chain or shotgun or even his motorcycle out of pure heavenfire if separated from the physical objects.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''GHOST RIDING'''</span><br>A large aspect of Ketch's powers is to infuse mortal vehicles or objects with his flames and transform them into tools and weapons in his war against evil. Most famously, his motorcycle. It transforms when he does, and gains an intelligence of it's own. <br><br>It will come to his side when summoned, no matter the barriers between them.<br><br>It can ride across water, up walls and across ceilings with no trouble. <br><br>Wreathed in the same flames as the Ghost Rider, it leaves a trail of flames behind him.<br><br>Is almost as durable as Ghost Rider himself is. And can be reformed by force of will if damaged or shattered.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''GHOST WEAPONRY'''</span><br>A subset of the Ghost Riding ability, Ghost Riders can infuse everyday objects with their own essence. For Danny, that is the very fires of heaven. His weapons of choice are as follows.<br><br>Chain: Ketch infuses a simple metal link chain with Heavenfire, granting it the same incredible resilience that the Ghost Rider enjoys. Additionally, it burns with his flames, and responds mentally to his commands, growing as long as he wants it, and wrapping itself around anything he desires. <br><br>Shotgun: A Remington Spartan sawed off shotgun, double barrel. As powerful a short ranged weapon as can be had. Now infused with the fires of heaven, it spews white hot fireballs when fired, wreaking havoc on foes and anything behind them as well.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''PENANCE STARE'''</span><br>A signature ability of the Ghost Riders, this is nothing more or less than to be able to call up and force feed all the taint and evil and wrongdoing a person has ever done, in a single violent assault on their mind and soul. The less evil a person has done, the less effective it is. Certain individuals are immune to this, normally those lacking a soul to burn.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE'''</span><br>Empowered by agents of God itself, the Ghost Riders are incredibly resilient beings.<br><br>Durability and Stamina: Fueled by Heaven itself, a Ghost Rider (the spirit, not necessarily the human host.) Is immortal. They will not age, or tire. They do not fatigue. They can take incredible punishment, and are immune to flames of any kind. Only a weapon forged in heaven that takes the spirits head can truly kill it, and being that Spirits of Vengeance ARE weapons of heaven, they can technically kill each other.<br><br>Supernatural Strength: Being that the Ghost Riders doesn't exactly have a gym membership, the upper limits of their physical strength is unknown, but they can been witnessed performing feats usually limited to the upper echelons of superhumans.<br><br>Supernatural Speed: Physics don't mean much to a spirit, and when needed, Ghost Riders can move impossibly fast. Appearing almost to teleport, they will hunt down evildoers no matter the distance.<br><br>Regeneration: Despite their impressive resilience to damage, Ghost Riders can be hurt or temporarily put down. But they will simply get back up again, again and again... they cannot be stopped forever. This extends to a small degree to their human hosts. Injuries to the human body heal when transformed and heal at an accelerated rate when not transformed.<br><br>Empath: Spirits of Vengeance can sense emotion and 'taint' as easily and naturally as you or I can feel heat or cold. They cannot turn it off, they get it all the time. When human, Danny gets a vague sense from those around him, it gets stronger as they get closer. Transformed, The Ghost Rider's sense is magnified a thousand fold. This means they sense when evil is near, they can feel the taint upon a person soul. Smell it. And they will follow that scent to destroy the thing that stinks.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''WRATH OF GOD'''</span><br>The Spirits of Vengeance are aptly named. Immortal spirits created by God (yes THAT god) as an alternative to the Great Flood, to punish sin, and combat evil, both mundane and supernatural. The do this by being so much worse. Appearing as demons, of flame and wrath.. They combat evil in all it's forms. From the most horrid thing the depths of hell can conjure to a man slapping his wife around.
|Skills=GRIFTING<br>Danny has been on his own a long time. As it's hard to form relationships or work a regular 9-5 when your head might burst into flame at any moment and you have to smite the wicked. As such, Danny lives off the streets, or cons what he needs from those who can afford to lose it. He's good at this, lots of practice.<br><br>MOTORCYCLES<br>Ketch has been around motorcycles a long time, riding and working on them. He rides at a professional level, though he lacks the trick riding skills his brother possesses.<br><br>Additionally, there is very little he cannot fix, repair or modify on a motorcycle. Engine, chassis or otherwise.<br><br>OCCULT LORE<br>Danny has been the Rider for a number of years now, since he was 19. His many fights against supernatural enemies have forced him to start to learn more of the occult sciences, to separate fact from myth and make believe. Things that go bump in the night. He's no expert by any means. Constantine has a PHD in the subject, Ketch is a high school senior.
|Skills=<span style="color:#1F75FE">'''GRIFTING'''</span><br>Danny has been on his own a long time. As it's hard to form relationships or work a regular 9-5 when your head might burst into flame at any moment and you have to smite the wicked. As such, Danny lives off the streets, or cons what he needs from those who can afford to lose it. He's good at this, lots of practice.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MOTORCYCLES'''</span><br>Ketch has been around motorcycles a long time, riding and working on them. He rides at a professional level, though he lacks the trick riding skills his brother possesses.<br><br>Additionally, there is very little he cannot fix, repair or modify on a motorcycle. Engine, chassis or otherwise.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''OCCULT LORE'''</span><br>Danny has been the Rider for a number of years now, since he was 19. His many fights against supernatural enemies have forced him to start to learn more of the occult sciences, to separate fact from myth and make believe. Things that go bump in the night. He's no expert by any means. Constantine has a PHD in the subject, Ketch is a high school senior.
|Resources=MEDALLION<br>Danny is also in possession of one half of The Medallion of Power. The ancient artifact forged by Immortals to contain the essences of the Wrath of God, bound with the essence of an even more Ancient Demon of the deepest Hells. It is one of the most sought after artifact in existence, along with it's other half. On it's own it is mighty, augmenting the Ghost Riders abilities with that of previous Spirits of Vengeance. But joined with it's other half, the Medallion is capable of granting it's wielder the power to assault the gates of Heaven itself.<br><br>MOTORCYCLE<br>Ketch owns (possesses) a Motorcycle with a very special artifact fused to it. It was this very same cycle and artifact that turned him into the Ghost Rider in the first place. It it supernaturally durable, and fast. Able to break the soundbarrier on land. It doesn't use gas when transformed, instead running on pure Heavenfire.
|Resources=<span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MEDALLION'''</span><br>Danny is also in possession of one half of The Medallion of Power. The ancient artifact forged by Immortals to contain the essences of the Wrath of God, bound with the essence of an even more Ancient Demon of the deepest Hells. It is one of the most sought after artifact in existence, along with it's other half. On it's own it is mighty, augmenting the Ghost Riders abilities with that of previous Spirits of Vengeance. But joined with it's other half, the Medallion is capable of granting it's wielder the power to assault the gates of Heaven itself.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MOTORCYCLE'''</span><br>Ketch owns (possesses) a Motorcycle with a very special artifact fused to it. It was this very same cycle and artifact that turned him into the Ghost Rider in the first place. It it supernaturally durable, and fast. Able to break the soundbarrier on land. It doesn't use gas when transformed, instead running on pure Heavenfire.
|Weaknesses=MAGIC<br>Ghost Rider, being a supernatural being.. is susceptible to strong magics. Someone on the level of Doc Strange, or Fate perhaps.. could weave a spell to perhaps even separate the spirit from the host, rendering Danny powerless. However.. most magic users capable of magic like that, know that to separate the two would be the greatest of folly.<br><br>MORTAL<br>Danny is just a guy when he's not transformed. He's not particularly strong, or fast or a really good fighter. He can ride a Motorcycle pretty well, but that's really all. If he is caught unawares, and incapacitated before he can transform, he will be in serious trouble.<br><br>SAFETY LOCK<br>Danny is augmented by the Spirit of Vengeance within him to become the Ghost Rider. But without the human host it's bound to, the Spirit is unchained, it's divine power released in full. Every punch a nuclear blast. Unchecked, it would wreak havoc on the world... A second divine cleansing like the Great Flood of antiquity.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MAGIC'''</span><br>Ghost Rider, being a supernatural being.. is susceptible to strong magics. Someone on the level of Doc Strange, or Fate perhaps.. could weave a spell to perhaps even separate the spirit from the host, rendering Danny powerless. However.. most magic users capable of magic like that, know that to separate the two would be the greatest of folly.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MORTAL'''</span><br>Danny is just a guy when he's not transformed. He's not particularly strong, or fast or a really good fighter. He can ride a Motorcycle pretty well, but that's really all. If he is caught unawares, and incapacitated before he can transform, he will be in serious trouble.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''SAFETY LOCK'''</span><br>Danny is augmented by the Spirit of Vengeance within him to become the Ghost Rider. But without the human host it's bound to, the Spirit is unchained, it's divine power released in full. Every punch a nuclear blast. Unchecked, it would wreak havoc on the world... A second divine cleansing like the Great Flood of antiquity.

Revision as of 01:26, 10 November 2017

Danny Ketch (Scenesys ID: 1358)
Full Name: Daniel Ketch
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 25 December 1988 Actor:
Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Danny is a crime fighter.. THE crime fighter, as the Ghost Rider hunts all evil from small to large. He never stays in one place, always following his 'nose' to find evil.



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