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Damian Wayne (Scenesys ID: 973)
Let me tell you a story. Once, there was a boy. A warrior of the soul, seeking the cleansing hand of redemption. His journey brought him to Edo, known now as Tokyo. He'd heard whispers of a dark force tearing the city apart. He thought himself a hero. He thought he would make things right. But these forces were darker, stronger and more vicious even than the boy had been at the peak of his unworthiness. They took the boy. Chained him in a tower. Swore to drain him of every ounce of powerful blood to fuel their conquest. They thought the boy an orphan.

I am Robin. Son of Batman. And that's all you need to know!
Full Name: Damian Wayne
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Complicated
Citizenship: None
Residence: Mobile
Education: Complicated
Status: Approved
Groups: Gotham-OOC, Batman Family, Titans
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 1 April 2011 Actor: Art
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 82 kg (180 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: See the Light by: Ghost


Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Originally raised with the sole intention of leading the League of Assassins and eventually, inheriting the cowl, by his mother, Damian was convinced of a better path by his father. Ever since, he has been raised as the Son of Batman. He is currently attending Gotham University and is often seen at Wayne Enterprises attending meetings with Lucius Fox and learning how the company works in a more formal fashion by day. By night? He's the other half of the Dynamic Duo. The Boy Wonder. Robin.

Current Player Approved: January 14, 2024



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Damian Wayne is depicted as a young man no older than his early-mid twenties with striking black hair and piercing green eyes, inherited from both his parents, Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Talia al Ghul. He possesses a lean yet athletic physique, a result of rigorous training inherited from his lineage and bearing the scars of numerous engagements and previous conflicts.

In terms of attire, Damian often dons a costume reminiscent of his father's iconic Batman suit, albeit tailored to fit his identity of Robin. This typically includes a dark bodysuit with a hooded cape that billows dramatically behind him as he moves, evoking a sense of mystery and intimidation. The suit is adorned with a stylized 'R' emblem on the chest, symbolizing his connection to the legacy of the Dark Knight.

Despite his youthful appearance, Damian exudes an air of confidence and maturity well beyond his years, a testament to his upbringing in the League of Assassins and his intensive training under the tutelage of Batman himself. His demeanor is often described as stoic and disciplined, with a sharp intellect and keen observational skills that rival even those of his father and a witty charm that reminds others of his mother.

Overall, Damian Wayne's appearance reflects his dual heritage as both the son of the world's greatest detective and the heir to the League of Assassins, embodying a unique blend of darkness and determination of the eternal struggle he endured.


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Damian was born to Talia Al-Ghul, the son of Bruce Wayne. From the moment he could walk, he was grasping a sword and sparring. A student of Ra?s Al-Ghul, and the League, Damian soon proved to be one of the best the League had to offer at a staggering age. In order for Ra's to complete his plan for Damian, he needed the young man to leave the League. Having spent his first 15 years in training with the League of Assassins, it was soon decided that he needed to take his leave from training and a League presence, if not only temporarily. He was allowed to travel about the world, not only to get exposure and to bear witness to the world and its ills. Admittedly his curiosity has got the better of him and he has made his way to America to see the famed World's Greatest Detective and his Gotham City.


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Driven: Damian has been controlled all his life.. He wants to strike out on his own, see who he is, and what he can do. He is driven to do his best because in a way it is his chance to prove he is better then the League.

Disciplined: If there is one thing Damian has always been around it is Discipline. He knows no other way so it is just something he does. He doesn't play video games, he doesn't hang out he keeps his eye on the prize, and works tiredly towards that goal.

Not a Bad guy: While things he may do are bad... Damian himself is not the kind of person to enjoy others suffering. He wants to make a better world for the masses, and his own group that he may later aquire. Though he would be willing to kill anyone that stands in the way of that.

The Ends justify the means: Pretty self explanitory.. He does what he needs to do to reach his goals.. Kill, steal, whatever it takes to get the job done.


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Enhanced Willpower:
If there is one thing Damian has picked up from his father it is his stubberness.. Damian refuses to break, is driven to hold even in the worst situations. The will to keep going, even when others would of given up pushed further by the training of his grandfather has given him some methods to resist some mind control.

Damian is extremely intelligent. He possesses an eidetic memory and remembers everything he actively sees, hears, and experiences. Additionally, he is gifted in learning and catches on quickly to other concepts. Aided by his extremely diverse and yet also in-depth education, he is incredibly resourceful and keenly analytical. His mind makes him an effective hero and, in a world where gods walk among us, he survives by outthinking and outwitting his foes. He is a master strategist and tactician as well as a mathematician. He is able to see the patterns and make the intuitive leaps needed to get to the next level.

Peak Fitness:

Relative to his age and size, Damian hits harder and faster than most his size. Damian can lift up to 200lbs comfortably, if the situation calls for it he could lift up to 275 lbs with concentration and strain.


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Damian actively relies on acrobatics as a primary form of mobility during his vigilante work. Thanks to his physical conditioning and excellent exercise program, Damian can perform highly complex gymnastic and acrobatic maneuvers, with an additional preference for free running/parkour. Especially since taking a superhuman blow would be remarkably unwise, Damian also dedicates himself with this skill to be able to dodge properly against foes that are stronger and/or faster than he is.

Business Management:
Damian was trained by Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins in the way of controlling a company with an iron grip. Even as a young boy, he knew that in business there are many, much more subtle, wars and even in war there are methods of assassination. Damian is business savvy, truly with a gift for it, and Damian has been involved with Wayne Enterprises' board members, mostly to intimidate them into changing their ways and avoiding corruption by tracking down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises' accounts.

As part of being an assassin and with additional training from the Bat-Family, Damian has been taught to circumvent security systems via hacking. It's not his primary focus and he still has room to grow on this front compared to some other members of the Bat-family.

Under Ra's al Ghul's initial instruction, Damian has been able to use his resources to note clues, take advantage of an environment's characteristics, and to be extremely observant of other's body language and facial expressions. Under Batman's tutelage over the years, Damian has become a helluva detective. Among the best in his field, Damian can solve crimes and similar matters of mystery with limited information on the actual crime, is able to use forensic equipment, a master of deductive and inductive reasoning, and is able to observe other's micro-expressions to determine lies and falsehoods. While he might not yet be as good as he can be, he tries to continue learning under Batman and Red Robin.

Damian is good at disguise. Like his father, he has numerous identities to traverse the world, including a criminal alias and a hacker identity. He has posed as a judge, an elderly bus driver, and a substitute teacher at a friend's school.

Escape Artist:
Damian is extremely skilled in the art of escape artistry. Very few contraptions, regardless of human or alien make, have been able to hold him for long. He is skilled in using muscular techniques to help himself be more flexible to assist him in this. Don't turn your back while Damian is in a bind, or you may find that he's gone when you turn back around.

Martial Arts:
Despite his young age, Damian is one of the most dangerous combatants alive. Boasting that he knows as many styles and techniques as the Dark Knight himself, Damian has been schooled from a young age in hand-to-hand fighting techniques, primarily drawn from Ninjutsu as taught by his instructor Kirigi, who once taught his father as well. Damian's fighting style also incorporates techniques from Northern Style Shaolin Kung-fu, and Krav Maga. He has developed all of these techniques to a masterful level and he's learned can control his weight to maximize the damage his punches and kicks can inflict. Damian can handle multiple unarmed opponents, armed opponents, and highly skilled hand to hand fighters without assistance. Damian's style of fighting tends to be aggressive and he's grown to use soft-style techniques to redirect attacks rather than take them head-on.

Additionally, Damian has received a varied education in weapons ranging from the modern to the ancient, however Damian is first and foremost a swordsman. (See +ski Weapons)

Master Ninjistsu:
Through mental, and then physical training Damian is a master of Ninjistsu. This is focused on stealth, Camoflauge, and fast killing strikes to sensitive areas where they will do the most damage. Acrobatics is a main factor in his fighting, but locks, and pressure points are important targets.

Master Ninjutsu:
Damian was extensively trained in stealth techniques by the League of Assassins. This training included control of his body and breathing, relying on other senses to move in low light and total darkness, and the completion of complex tumbling maneuvers in near total silence. He received further training from Batman that focused on additional stealth techniques to such an extent that he has snuck up on Kryptonians and provided additional focus on pressure points, lockpicking, and sabotage techniques.

Damian is skilled at mimicking voices. After speaking to someone for a relatively short period he can copy their voice perfectly. He's even capable of mimicking another's voice to fool voice print sensors.

Damian has been taught languages from an early age and can speak English, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, ASL, and Cantonese fluently and is conversational in French, Greek, Urdu and Malay.

Given his intellect, Damian has the ability to juggle multiple tasks at once, keeping them in mind at all times, even during combat.

Another one of the skills his grandfather insisted on, and Batman encouraged upon him was learning. Possessing a genius intellect, Damian is well-versed in a a wide array of academic and professional disciplines. He has mastered the subjects of engineering and military strategy enough to earn a degree in the fields with actionable knowledge of chemistry, computer science, criminology, engineering, biology, sleight of hand, forensic science, and law. He is better at some than others. (Engineering is much easier to him than law for example.) It should be noted that he can perform advanced first aid, but probably can't do generalized surgery unless he's specifically trained in it.

Psychological Warfare:
Fear tactics are Damian's best form of combat. He's well studied on Specialized Warfare with a focus on Alexander the Great. Robin knows how to make himself look good at what he's doing and make you look incredibly bad. He can set men up to attack each other, replace loot with dye bombs, pull pins on grenades, and all manner of tricks designed to rattle you, make you want to quit, and call the cops. Then he'll cut the phone lines and jam your cell phone so you can't just yet. He is a pro at knowing what scares and how to present it. It's a beautiful tactic to use and one that Damian uses effectively to gain information he wants from others.

Damian is a talented artist and has been able to recreate perfect likeness of others with his artistic talent. He mostly does this as a way to calm down and relax after missions and enjoys using this talent to remember people's faces for research.

As an assassin, Damian was trained to deceive and misdirect in order to get his way. He easily can mimic any voice he hears given little practice. He can use the gadgets in his arsenal to misdirect someone and get the upper hand in combat.


Swords: Damian has trained extensively and passionately in swordplay, primarily focusing on the Japanese katana. He is able to best multiple similarly armed opponents and hold his own one on one with extremely gifted swordsmen.

Thrown weapons: Damian is skilled with thrown blades and can hit small targets at the range of 50 feet without difficulty. Farther becomes somewhat difficult, but his accuracy is extremely potent.

Ninjitsu weaponry: Damian is trained but not exceptional in the use of blow guns, tonfa, kusari gama, manriki gusari, and the other tools of the trade for Ninjutsu.

Firearms: Damian, unlike his mother, despises firearms and believes them to be a form of cowardice, however he has been trained in their use and maintenance and can use most modern pistols and rifles with minimum familiarization.

Escrima Sticks: Damians secondary weapon besides swords, the art uses similar skills as the ninjutsu jo staff and swords, and he has adapted the weapons as non-lethal option since joining Batman and receiving training in their use from Dick Grayson.


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Having run away from the League of Assassins, Damian had found he has a family with his father. His brothers, the former Robins before him, along with Batgirl and Oracle and Alfred Pennyworth.

As Robin, Damian has access to the famous Batcave, with that access, he has the ability to access the resources that it holds. The Batcomputer along with the training hall and the array of bat technology.

Like the more famous Batarang, Robins carry an assortment of throwing birds, more colloquially referred to as ?Birdarangs?. They can vary from shuriken style, to broad and sharp, to remote controlled and equipped with sonar or other distracting methods.

Damian is the only blood descendant of Bruce Wayne and so has most of his needs taken care of beneath his billionaire father's gaze. However unbeknownst to his father, or his mother for that matter, Damian used some of his skills in finance, mimicry and computers to siphon off some of the League's money into an escape fund. While he never did need to use it, the money is still there and can be tapped if needed.

While not at the level of his father, Damian offers a different perspective when it comes to the creation of gadgets, Damian does have a knack for making new gadgets and improving designs.

Stealth Suit:
While more colorful than the Batsuit, Robin's uniform has a variety of uses and protections for the wearer. The boots are made with soles that dampen movement sounds, the cape can be used to cover up the more colorful parts underneath, making Robin almost as difficult to see in the dark as Batman. The survival suit under the Assassin style tunic serves to protect Damian from bullet fire, along with providing slashing resistance from knives. The cape itself has a paragliding function like Batman?s and the fabric is made from a heavily fire resistant fabric.

Utility Belt:
As capable as Batman?s own utility belt, a number of items can be kept in the pockets and compartments in the belt. Smoke pellets, grappling gun, flash grenades, a rebreather. ?Failing to prepare is preparing to fail? as Batman has put it. And while you won't find a tool for every nuanced situation, the items that are usually in the belt have a very wide arrange of purposes.


Robin has the ability to access various vehicles, mainly the Redbird. a prototype motorcycle that Robin will use if he is not riding passenger in the Batmobile with Batman himself.


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Damian's biggest weakness is his temper. While he has improved since his younger days, he will still give into outbursts of rage and he can be distracted easier than others by stoking that inner fire of his. He gets more reckless, and less caring of the rules, especially when someone he cares for is hurt or threatened.

Damian's mother only looked at him as a tool. A way to further the league's goals, and get revenge on those that have wronger her. To his grandfather he is an experiment to be tested till he is satisfied he is a sutiable weapon. This is what Damian knows of family as this is all he had. Needless to say this has messed him up a bit when it comes to family connection though still deep down he does care about his mother he can't aknowledge it because he has had no example what that even means.

Leading into his anger, his prodigal status in most thing combat related or intellectually has lead him to develop quite the ego. Any threat to that ego is followed up swiftly with anger and rage.

Offically Damian is an enemy of the League. Unofficially this is Ra's watching him to see if he can be the independent tool of distruction, and regrowth that it takes, but to any league member that finds him he is an enemy if they are loyal to the League ran by his grandfather.

Secret Identity:
Like Batman, Damian leads a double life. one as Damian Wayne, the other as Robin. He keeps contacts as both sides of his person, and very few know he is both, this is for security as if one were to know He was both Damian Wayne and Robin, his father's identity would also be compromised.

Social Ineptitude:
Having been cloistered from most contact with people his age, Damian finds it very hard to participate in social situations. People often find him rude and unpleasant, he also doesn't care much for other people, which is something his family is attempting to work on.

Damian has a fear of sleeping as he aquired it from the tube he was aged in. He sleeps as little as possible, and when he must he does so for as little as possible.

Year of Blood:

On Damian's thirteenth birthday, he began what was dubbed: The Year of Blood. This was a set of missions designed for Damian to go out on his own and test himself. The boy killed a great number of people and creatures on his quest. The things he did still haunt him to this day, and contribute to his fear of sleeping.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
You again. August 31st, 2024 Summary needed
Gotham's Night of Mayhem: Robin Edition June 17th, 2024 Summary needed
...Said the spider to the bat. May 29th, 2024 Summary needed
Welcome to the Farm May 28th, 2024 Damian invites Gwen to the Manor. She's awestruck and cautious and Damian is seemingly carefree, yet sincere.
Old friends catching up over coffee... May 26th, 2024 Angelica and Gwen were having dinner. They invited Damian to join them. What's the worst that could happen?
Punking Gotham's Elite Pt. 2 May 21st, 2024 Damian and Gwen escape a horrible night of finance and stiff upper lips to go on a impromptu date. So much changes.
It's a Small World : Gotham Edition May 6th, 2024 Damian and Nikki run into one another and have a quick chat.
Art Galas to Remember May 2nd, 2024 Yelena protects Damian as his security at a gala. They manage to get along better than expected.
Pick a Card April 26th, 2024 Zee has a performance in Gotham and is met backstage by her friends Nikki, Damian, and Tim.
Finders Keepers March 25th, 2024 Damian is looking for some fresh clothes...and finds Harley breaking into Selina's apartment instead
Hey love March 20th, 2024 Summary needed
Mother and Son February 20th, 2024 Talia learns of Damian's situation and his current interest
Knocking on the Clocktower Door February 8th, 2024 Summary needed
I need your advice. February 3rd, 2024 Damian asks Kori some questions about her species: namely their weaknesses and current threat.
Robin and Supergirl January 27th, 2024 Summary needed
Welcome Home, Mother January 23rd, 2024 Talia returns home and reunites with Damian.
Big Trouble, Little Gotham January 19th, 2024 Summary needed
The people you see when you are flying along. January 15th, 2024 A gathering of younger heroes on the roof of Titan Tower.
Clowns Can Cook January 15th, 2024 Summary needed
What Goes Bump in the Night October 19th, 2023 Damian and Vampirella.
Frequent Interruptions October 8th, 2023 Damain and Black Canary.
Late-ish study session October 7th, 2023 A chance encounter introduces Agelica to She-Hulk. The duo were joined for dinner by Damian Wayne.
My Kind Of Town October 6th, 2023 Juggernaut, Damian, and Rachel.
It had to happen someday. Whether they are aware or not, Starfire meet Firestar. October 3rd, 2023 Angelica went to study and encountered Koriand'r and Damian Wayne. A friendly interaction to follow.
Robin and the Bat-Winged Bimbo from Hell September 29th, 2023 Satana and Damian.
Punking Gotham's Elite September 23rd, 2023 Gotham city opera house.
The Robin and the Hawk September 22nd, 2023 Robin is in the middle of a car chase! Hawkeye lends a hand.
Claws in Gotham Nights September 20th, 2023 Robin encounters Laura Kinney about to look for some trouble. They end it together and decide to get to know each other better.
Dumpling Meet Up February 4th, 2020 Carrie, Dick, Damian and Stephanie gather at their favorite dumpling place. Damian likes it hot. Dick is a food thief.
Yo! January 26th, 2020 Stephanie and Damian try a new Asian restaurant, and the young Wayne asks about Stephanie and the Wayne Trust
Consulting the Elder January 22nd, 2020 Damian consults Dick about matters of grandparents, and his father.
Na Na Na Na Bat Dumplings January 20th, 2020 The Bat crew spend an evening chatting and enjoying dinner. It's Carrie's birthday. Nothing explodes.
Becoming Official is Awkward January 16th, 2020 Volt is suddenly inducted into the Titans as an official member! When Robin arrives, things become awkwardly intense as he appears to be more irritable than usual.
Clocktower Catch Up January 12th, 2020 The finest from Los Pollos Hermanos sates the hunger of a hungry Batclan at the Clocktower
Working out Baggage January 9th, 2020 Robin gives Kestrel some advice after her familial loss. He denies being nice.
Simply Shocking January 3rd, 2020 Robin and Kian have a, uh, debrief. Sort of. Volt and Kian go over the aftermath.
TITANS: Another Bird Comes to Roost December 29th, 2019 Carrie accepts her invitation to the Titans, and Vorpal returns from extra dimensional shenanigans.
When Robins Cry December 19th, 2019 Damian and Diana discuss what family and happiness means. And Batcow chews the cud.
The Power of Change December 13th, 2019 A bank robbery in Red Hook draws in some Mutants and some Robins. Nobody dies and an uncomfortable truth is revealed.
Bat Night At The Movies December 12th, 2019 Carrie, Stephanie, and all the Robins except Dick hit the cinema to watch Sharknado 9: Ninja Sharknado
Knightfall: Our Sins December 7th, 2019 As the League of Assassins lay siege to Gotham, the Bat Family receive a crippling blow ...
What's In YOUR Utility Belt December 4th, 2019 Wherein Volt meets with Robin to discuss his costuming and gear loadout needs. Robin discloses his full (read: not full) arsenal, and development gets underway!
TITANS: Stay Outta Gotham November 27th, 2019 Beast Boy, Kían, Robin, Stardust and Volt investigate a warehouse owned by a New York gang with its eyes on Gotham. It starts with stealth, and ends with explosions and a T-Rex.
The Scion meets the Stalwart Lawman November 26th, 2019 Damian meets with Commissioner Gordon, assuages any doubts there could have had with Wayne Enterprises and the GCPD.
To Catch A Cat November 24th, 2019 Villains Catman and Cheshire rob the Gotham Diamond Exchange, but their caper is foiled by Red Hood, Batgirl, Kestrel and Lucifer.
Coventry Murders: Bloody Exorcism November 24th, 2019 The Bat-Squad (plus Lucifer) engage the demon Gaulichu, finally!
Titans: Alternating Currents November 23rd, 2019 Volt and Kian experiment with combining their powers, while Stardust prompts and heckles. Robin does not approve. Of ANYTHING.
About those Brothers... November 14th, 2019 Jason and Damian talk about the 'four brothers' Tim mentioned and then touch on matters closer to home. Also, Jason still doesn't know that the brothers are turtles.
Knightfall: Dark Christmas November 11th, 2019 The Heroes of Gotham unite atop the GCPD Headquarters to save their city.
Knightfall: The Master Passes On November 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Knightfall: Lazarus November 4th, 2019 Constantine meets with the Bat Family, deals with a Loa, and sets Bruce on the path of recovery.
Knightfall: Paterfamilias November 2nd, 2019 Damian, Dick, and Bruce discuss the current state of affairs and make plans for the Bat-future.
Robins Stop All Crimes November 2nd, 2019 Friends of Humanity members attempt to abduct Andrea Jackson, only to be stopped by Robin, Andrea, and her badass bodyguard! Words were had, Robin didn't kill anyone.
Farewells, And Soup October 31st, 2019 Talia is leaving Gotham ahead of her Leviathan enemies, and says goodbye to Damian
Coventry Muders: Reach Out and Track Somebody October 29th, 2019 The Bats check the phones Lucifer gave them and make plans to ambush the demon (they think) is behind it all.
Halloween Eve Bash October 28th, 2019 the Van Dyne Halloween Party is a great success!
Breakfast for Dinner October 27th, 2019 The Bats make breakfast for dinner, tales are told, revenge is promised, and Ivy is discussed.
The Murderbats Chat October 27th, 2019 The black sheep of the Bat Family have a heart to heart. Nobody hugs, nobody cries, nobody decides to stay at the Manor.
Zombies are real October 25th, 2019 Summary needed
Age of Darkness: Grail Relays Super Information October 21st, 2019 Grail meets with a pair of Robins and discusses plans to find out where Superman Really is. Now the search is on for a ghostly pair.
Knightfall: Talks While Taking out the Trash October 20th, 2019 Jason, Carrie and Damian crash a 'No More Bat' party to talk and punch out their feelings. It sort of works?
A Robin Round October 15th, 2019 Three Birds plan for tomorrow.
Knightfall: Daddy's Fallen Angel October 12th, 2019 Damian reminds the Gotham underworld that Batman is still around. Colette shows up and the two share a drink, and many glasses were smashed.
Age of Darkness: Celebration of Life October 12th, 2019 It was the Memorial Celebration for Superman, and it was a sombre event for everyone to be a part of.
Knightfall: Their Worst Fears October 11th, 2019 Barbara tells Talia Bruce's condition. Carrie and Damian work with the doctor to try to save Bruce.
Knightfall: Shadow of the Cowl October 10th, 2019 Babs gives Damian some marching orders in the shadow of Bruce's injuries.
Knightfall: The Death of Batman October 9th, 2019 The Bat Family, locked in the Batcave and unable to aid Batman in his fight with Superman, rush to his aid in the aftermath.
Knightfall: Thanksgiving October 5th, 2019 The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
A Night In The Batcave October 5th, 2019 Batman, Nightwing, Damian, Batgirl and Misfit hear of Superman killing people, and Misfit learns Batman's identity
Trouble with a T for Titans September 25th, 2019 Zach Zatara, Robin, and Danger help scope out Negasonic's sketchy birthday presents.
TITANS: Meeting, At Last! September 18th, 2019 Robin retakes the crown, directions are considered, decisions are made, and Raven is voted down on her plan of building a trebuchet to fling Beast Boy from the tower.
A Day in the Life of Bruce Wayne September 15th, 2019 Zachary comes to Wayne Manor to experience 'A Day in the Life of Bruce Wayne'
Hunted Demon: The Sins Of The Mother September 14th, 2019 Damian and Tim are assaulted by members of Leviathan hunting for Talia. Damian ends with an arrow to pick from his body, and a bone to pick with his mother.
Day in the Life September 8th, 2019 Zachary visits the Wayne Manor after the auction and meets some of its residents. *UnFin*
=No Happy Clouds Allowed September 6th, 2019 Damian warms up his portraiture skills by painting Carrie. Conversations ensue.
Robini Eunt Domus September 3rd, 2019 Damian finally returns to the Tower, only to find that there's a second bunch of Titans running about.
So You Are Mr Wayne September 1st, 2019 Wanda brings some things for the charity auction, and discusses how else she might contribute with Bruce and Damian
Rock Around The Clock(tower) August 31st, 2019 Charlie thinks she is home alone. She isn't. Kara and Damian show up for very different reasons. Babs makes a brief appearance. Angst ends the day.
Wayne Foundation Charity Auction August 29th, 2019 The luminaries turn out for the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction!
Birbs of a Feather August 26th, 2019 A small chat and catching up with current events over some Korean food.
Explanations are Due August 20th, 2019 Carrie, Tim and Damian follow up on the situation from the charity event. Talia makes her son's favorite meal
Spider-Man: Homecoming... wait make that Robin: Homecoming August 15th, 2019 Damian finds out his mother is in Gotham, and staying with Bruce. No blood was shed in the family reunion.
Children's Charity Gala August 13th, 2019 The Children's Charity gala for the Pediatrics units of several New York hospitals goes swimmingly. Atlantean Royalty makes an unexpected appearance. New introductions are made. The Bat-Tots are not webbed to the wall. Success!
Visceral Visitation August 4th, 2019 Summary needed
Was it ice that slain the beast August 3rd, 2019 Frost gives Damian the cold shoulder, but Damian still gets some interesting answers to his questions.
Shell-Shocked August 3rd, 2019 Turtle attacks a mob business meeting, which Damian is undercover guarding. Spoiler responds to the reports of gunfire. Hilarity ensues.
A Grand Party August 2nd, 2019 Grail, Damain, and Power-Girl visit a party hosted by one of Hammerhead's top lieutenants.
There's Trouble At The Mill! August 2nd, 2019 Damian calls Kitty, bleeding out after a demon attack. Illyana teleports him to the X-men medical bay, where Josh heals him.
A not so holy arrival... July 31st, 2019 Grail arrives on Earth and has a minor tussle with the locals before moving on.
Robin has the talk with Steph... Part 2, this time with explosions.. July 28th, 2019 Damian, and Steph have their talk, though there were no explosions!
A Bat, a Rat, and a Turtle Walk Into an Abandoned Building... July 27th, 2019 Splinter and Leonardo have a clandestine meeting with Damian.
A nice night for an interrogation July 27th, 2019 Damian asks Dragon some quick questions, and then lets him go.
The Bird, the Bat, and the 'Bot July 24th, 2019 This log needs a summary
The second chance July 23rd, 2019 Stockholm and Damian talk with only the minimal threats.
Damian released in the Big Apple July 22nd, 2019 Pip, and Damian meet with him giving her a message, and realeasing her into the world of Burner Phones!
Sometimes the tunnels suck July 18th, 2019 Damian meets Selene while undercover, and underground!
City Fall: Who Invited You July 16th, 2019 Damian tries to pose as a League of Assassins representative to intimidate Shredder.
It's a Trap! Or is it July 14th, 2019 Damian, and Ivy have a talk about the future and her place in it... Maybe with a little help.
Risky Business July 11th, 2019 Damian approaches Kate about stepping outside the lines.
City Fall: Turtles and an Assassin in Gotham July 9th, 2019 The Purple Dragons hold a recruitment drive in Gotham City. A disguised Damian crashes it. So do the turtles.
The wild card, July 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Steph gets the talk from Damian July 6th, 2019 Damian talks to Stephanie about the fight against Mr. Freeze
A mysterious meeting. July 6th, 2019 Damian and Bruce discuss an upcoming undercover mission.
Welcome Bat Negasonic. July 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
Robin's Tail July 1st, 2019 Stephanie follows Damian in an impromptu shadowing exercise, only to find him... jazzercising
An Unexpected Guest June 30th, 2019 Robin visits May at Clint and Skye's house. They learn someone in SHIELD might be connected to murders and that the Bat Family really needs to learn manners when it comes to entrances and exits.
Good Job DA June 29th, 2019 Barbara, Tim, Damian and Stephanie are joined by Question in taking down a group of human traffickers on the docks of Gotham.
Gotham: The Deep Freeze June 28th, 2019 The Bat-fam has to respond to a crazy Mister Freeze who's attacked a armored convoy in Fort Clinton! Lots of chilling puns are told and there's quite a few explosions! Its that time of year after all.
An ally in the shadows June 28th, 2019 Summary needed
A house of Murder! June 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Beneath Stately Wayne Manor June 26th, 2019 Stephanie, Damian and Tim discuss the person trying to frame Tim.
May I give the update June 24th, 2019 Summary needed
The Bat and the Bat. June 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Bat Training Sessions (And Other Tortures) June 23rd, 2019 Carrie, Stephanie and Damian do some combat training. Tim bails out Stephanie with a job offer that will keep her from having to miss a semester of school.
The Day Damian Didn't Return to the Tower. June 22nd, 2019 Damian doesn't return to the tower to do a bit of investigation on the quiet, and Colette doesn't meet him there. Nope.
A round of Robins. June 21st, 2019 Two Robins meet, and leave with a lot of Questions
Robin - Homecoming June 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Kestrel Robin and Strange things are afoot. May 9th, 2019 Summary needed
How I learned to stop worrying and love the Omega May 6th, 2019 Things explode, assassins get wounded.
City Fall: Making a Murder April 22nd, 2019 Carrie gets help from the Bat team to stage a murder. Wait, aren't they supposed to be good guys?
The Question Of The Day April 13th, 2019 Batman, Robin, Red Robin, and Blackbird are caught in Riddler's (NPC) trap. Red Hood and Kestrel arrive in time to help stop Riddler from gassing an apartment building.
Tim and the Jetpack of Doom part 1. April 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Proof that Damian has a Heart April 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Batfamily Reunion March 31st, 2019 The four sons of Bruce Wayne, plus Barbara and Kitty, gather to discuss the latest happenings
Reunited and it feels...okay March 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Desperately Seeking Damian March 23rd, 2019 Red Robin and Kestrel seek Damian at Titans Tower. Stardust is less obstructive than she pretends.
Log 6974 March 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Log 6868 March 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Bon Voyage, Damian Wayne! March 10th, 2019 Jason meets with Damian and helps him with supplies and advice before sending him on his way.
Masquerade Ball March 9th, 2019 Selina Kyle holds a charity event for a big cat sanctuary. Lots and lots of people attend. Lots of money is raised.
X gon' give it to ya! March 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Father and Son Talk March 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Letting Cats Out Of Bags at a Chinese Restaurant March 3rd, 2019 Jason, Kitty, Carrie, Damian, and Harper Row meet up for Chinese
On Deconsecrated Ground March 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
Why is it Easier to Communicate in Masks February 24th, 2019 Red Hood crosses path with Robin and Batwoman. They share information on the goings on around Gotham before heading their separate ways.
A Joyous Reunion of the Best of Friends February 20th, 2019 Summary needed
Morning After Steaks February 20th, 2019 After the events of (Movie Night with the Stars), Jason and Kitty get an unexpected visitor.
Curious Coffee February 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Girl Problems and New Students February 15th, 2019 Dock Grayson has girl trouble and Damian makes an appearance! Both are things Richard Dragon is happy to help with.
Dark Knights at the Docks February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Dinner at Kelleys' February 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Titans: Danger, while Robin's on! January 14th, 2019 The Danger Room at Titan's Tower builds itself a body so that it can go for a walk. No, really.
Questing for the Shield January 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Quest Accepted January 11th, 2019 Vorpal and Damian talk to NYPD about a series of mysterious murders at ESU.
Faerie Gold January 4th, 2019 The final piece of the puzzle falls, and it looks like the Scoobies have a new trail to follow.
Deck the Cave December 25th, 2018 Summary needed
One of Our Robins is Missing. December 18th, 2018 Stardust and Robin talk. Some degree of clarity is found, but no bargains are struck. Honest.
It wasn't supposed to be this way December 17th, 2018 Summary needed
A Prisoner, and a visitor.. Which one is leaving December 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Of Snakes and Capes December 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
What do you mean it's not Winter December 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
All the best traps need bait. December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Gonna Need Your Parent's Signature November 29th, 2018 Summary needed
The hunt for a Battery November 27th, 2018 Summary needed
The Postman November 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Emotionless Support November 15th, 2018 Summary needed
The demon and the Demon pt.II November 14th, 2018 Damian and Colette discuss what it means to be the grandson of the Demon while watching Amarok attempt to calm the daughter of a demon. (Crossover with scene 5783)
The demon and the Demon November 8th, 2018 Summary needed
The Bat's Out Of The Bag November 4th, 2018 The Bat Family let Carrie in on their big secret.
Halloween Hijinks.. November 3rd, 2018 A Halloween party goes wrong, and the aftermath goes even wronger..
Amazons and Angry Birds November 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Catching Up with the Waynes October 30th, 2018 Carrie visits Damian at Wayne Manor to check up on him after hearing of his father's injuries at Wayne Tower.
Mind if I Punch You in the Face October 26th, 2018 Titans argue with each other about other Titans. No pizza occurs. That's probably the problem.
Tournament: There Can Only Be One October 20th, 2018 The Tournament culminates in one of the oddest battles yet. Robin, in a self-sacrificing move... WINS? How does that even work? (Because: Deadpool)
Tourney/Semi-Finals: Damian v. Karai October 17th, 2018 Tourney continues: Damian vs Karai

OOC Note: Karai emitted by Shredder

Child Abuse is Bad! October 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Titans: That Thing Happened Again. October 9th, 2018 A mystery from a year ago reappears. And gets even more mysterious. Damian mysteriously decides not to reveal just how mysterious it is.
Tourney: Welcome to Kairos September 30th, 2018 The combatants and guests of Elektra's Martial Arts Tourney are welcomed to Kairos Island.
Master Says... September 29th, 2018 Elektra and Damian have a chance encounter upon a roof. They swap assassin tales.. kind of. All ends well. Nobody is stabbed.
Robin Fight September 11th, 2018 Tim and Damian have a talk, and agree on something.
Robins Squared August 18th, 2018 The two Robins meet in Gotham and sparks fly..
Brotherly Squabbles August 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Insidious August 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Back, From Outer Space July 31st, 2018 A meeting is held to determine how to use their new 'weapon' against the fungus, if at all.
Germination: Float Down Here July 31st, 2018 Fungus DEFEATED, WORLD SAVED!
Dinner and Debriefing July 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Knowplace Like Home July 30th, 2018 The continued adventures of three Titans and one Novan on Knowhere. Sent to find some 'slow glass', they run into about as many kinds of trouble as it's possible, including an agent of the Collector, some self-duplicating bounty hunters, some illegal miners with immensely dangerous equipment, and a very strange cosmonaut. Somehow it all works out rather well in the end.
The Spaceman Says... July 25th, 2018 Nuala prepares to break more rules by taking some of the Titans on her ship.
For Once, it's Not Pizza July 24th, 2018 In which Damian and Colette share perspective and French Cuisine. Damian learns that not all sugar is equal.
Germination: A Hint From History July 17th, 2018 The Titans have information to share. Nuala, Tony Stark and Diana make their way to the Tower and get thoroughly Titaned. Stories are told, weapons are shared, theories are voiced, pizzas are (inevitably) ordered, and some very strange space-politicking takes place. Progress is being made!
Swords & Visions July 14th, 2018 The secret origin of the Germination threat is revealed. The Titans receive new high-tech weapons to fight them. The plan:
Gotham City - Murder Circles July 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Things that go bump July 11th, 2018 Damian and Nightwing meet Spawn.
Ok, so let's talk about that EVERYTHING. July 9th, 2018 The Titans discuss the need for a co-leader who knows how to Human, and realize they really ought to get themselves involved in the Germination plot.
Everyone Wants to Shout at Damian. July 8th, 2018 Colette suggests the Titans need a co-leader. Damian takes it rather well.
Breaking and Centering July 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: The Final Conflict July 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Brooding and Angst ....for Justice July 1st, 2018 Summary needed
The Bird and the Bug June 30th, 2018 Robin, Spidey, and Wasp go shopping... seriously
Red X: The Penultimate Deception June 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Broken Wings June 3rd, 2018 Damian is recovering from his encounter with
Red X: Tower Beatdown June 2nd, 2018 Red Hood breaks into Titans Tower to get back some of his old gear - and gets an offer he really can't refuse (even if he should) from Robin.
Red X: Tower Beatdown June 2nd, 2018 Red Hood breaks into Titans Tower to get back some of his old gear - and gets an offer he really can't refuse (even if he should) from Robin.
Nuclear Payload May 29th, 2018 A new villian has blasted onto the scene, and been defeated
Red X: The Third Pair May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: A Game Of Blood May 28th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: Bad Star Trek Plots Ensue May 19th, 2018 Cyborg breaks the Danger Room safeties with Robin inside. Various Titans either help or eat popcorn. The next ones to face Red X are revealed.
Red X: What's on the Disc, Rayner May 13th, 2018 Red X has another message for the Titans. Damian makes a shocking discovery. Lyssa gets hot under the collar. Rayner wants to try all 9,000 quintillion combinations. Dan is antisocial. Colette apparently can't count up to seven, repeatedly.
Private Eyes May 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: Showdown at the Bank May 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: Are you ready, Rayner May 5th, 2018 Rayner prepares for his showdown with Red-X. Schemes are revealed, strategies discussed - and even an apology made.
Only Questions April 30th, 2018 Damian has an answer to the identity of Red X. Colette doubts EVERYTHING.
Licking Your Wounds April 24th, 2018 Hospitals are an excellent place for a team pow-wow. It's a Titan tradition.
The Wolf and The Robin April 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Stately Wayne Manor April 20th, 2018 Summary needed
All The Best Choices April 18th, 2018 Vorpal meets Red X. It totally goes well.
Training Day April 12th, 2018 Robin finds Stardust modifying things in the danger room, but for once she doesn't appear to be trying to use it as a giant gaming rig. Can she be finally taking things seriously?
Danger, Will Robinson! April 10th, 2018 Robin and Breath meet up to talk in private.
Log 4228 April 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Pew! Pew! Pew! April 8th, 2018 The Titans get some workout time in and talk about things.
The Big Wakeup March 26th, 2018 The Death of Victor Stone, and the rise of Cyborg!
Kids these days! March 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
The Newest Consults the First March 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Lights, Camera, Victor! March 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Time to Train March 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Don't blow up my city! March 12th, 2018 The Bat crew deal with an arc reactor overload.
Ring Ring March 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Old Memories March 10th, 2018 Damian meets his mother, who he thought was dead.
Gotham Knights- Legacies March 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
What's your problem! February 16th, 2018 Summary needed
What Could Go Wrong February 7th, 2018 Damian's friends come over for a play date.
Doubts and Deliberations January 21st, 2018 The Elephant in the room is addresed. It isn't easy being the son of the Bat and the grandson of the Demon's Head. And that's without counting secret societies getting mixed into the whole thing. What's next? Ancient Aliens?
An Unpleasant Noising Drone January 16th, 2018 For every Old Man of the Mountain there is an Old Woman of the Marketplace who is just as deadly.
Mishaped Meetings January 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Billionaires gotta eat too January 9th, 2018 Summary needed
Robin's handiwork January 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Beware the Warehouses January 8th, 2018 Don't you just hate it when you accidentally take over a gang?
Always Something With You People! January 6th, 2018 Batgirl and Red Robin return to the cave after her fight in a club while unmasked. Fortunately for her, Batman is busy with other problems. For now. Robin, Red Robin and Batgirl all get their assignments for the night while Batman goes to deal with "League business".
Holiday Surprises December 29th, 2017 The Bat Crew gather before heading out for the night on patrol
Post Christmas 2025 December 27th, 2017 Summary needed
X marks the spot. December 18th, 2017 A new challenger has appeared! Who is the mysterious Red X, and why's he getting all up in the Titan's faces?
Dunk your Donuts December 12th, 2017 Donuts are the Answer, Chocolate is a Drug, and it's time to communicate with the team about PLANS.
The Judgmental Bird December 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Why are you always hassling me December 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas! December 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Go home you angry jerks! December 1st, 2017 There is a riot in Gotham. The Bat crew and Power Girl are on scene to deal with it.
Birds of a Feather November 17th, 2017 Robin and Vorpal hash out plans for the future- and they have either a terrible or the best idea ever.
WayneTech Launch Party November 3rd, 2017 WayneTech's launch party has some unexpected action.
Bats in the Belfry November 1st, 2017 Damian an Tommy spend some time seeing who is the more dysfunctional of the two. Damian wins. Totes.
TITANS: Now You Know Why He's Named Damian October 30th, 2017 Damian Wayne is a deceitful little imp. And that's one of his best qualities!
Full Potential Sparring October 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Return to the Cave October 24th, 2017 Batman and Robin return to the Batcave after speaking with Albert Wesker. They are met by Red Robin and Alfred. A discussion ensues regarding both Wesker and the situation with Shiva having challenged Nightwing to a fight in the far future.
Creative Acquisitions October 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Post-Shivonic Plague October 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Titans Tower Meet Up, Gotham Style! October 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Mad Props Come In All Sizes October 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Batcave Shenanigans October 16th, 2017 Damian and Babs chat; some beans are spilled.
When there's danger you know who to call October 15th, 2017 If there's not trouble, though, the Titans are just a dysfunctional little family.
Two Men and a Lady October 11th, 2017 Shiva speaks to Nightwing in front of Robin. She spills the beans on the challenge she made for a fight in one year.
Like a Thief in the Night... Wing October 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Counting Birds October 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Basic Maintenance September 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Late Night Sparring September 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Rite of Passage September 26th, 2017 Summary needed
All That And A Corndog Too! September 24th, 2017 Summary needed
The Search Continues September 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Responsibility September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Madness September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Seeing the sites September 15th, 2017 Summary needed
The Prodigal Prodigal September 14th, 2017 Damian proves timely undoing his own kidnapping; the Dynamic Duo discuss the threats ahead.
With Great Cookies Comes Great Responsibility September 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Redbirds and Bucklers September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Returning to the League September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
A little Light in Blackgate September 5th, 2017 Damian Wayne meets Doctor Light in Blackgate Prison, where he awaits trial. Arrogant as ever, the Doctor boasts over the plans of his associates at Meta Solutions and other front companies: In Robin's case, that they may have sought to reverse-engineer the effects of the Lazarus Pit through his own connection to his grandfather. Whether this boast holds any true possibility? Who is to say.
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: Meet and Greet and Shop Talk September 4th, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: Up On The Rooftop (Part II) September 3rd, 2017 Many revelations, and Damian clearly learned how to train his dragon.
Apokolips Now: Prelude to Intergang September 1st, 2017 Something is happening in the city of Gotham ... the small gangs have all disappeared. The GCPD and several heroes investigate.
Waterfront Rescue August 31st, 2017 The heroes arrive at the port, encountering henchment guarding a warehouse. On the approach, they are challenged by Mammoth and Shimmer, who duel with Wonder Girl and then withdraw, while others sneak into the warehouse, just as Damian effects his own escape. Inside, they discover Doctor Light seemingly in charge, though he bickers with Ravager. The team engages, with Colette and Kaelyn destroying some of the power-dampening machinery within while battling Light as he draws power from Cassie's lasso, lashing out with powerful attacks. Cassie meets Ravager's sword to give Damian an opening, and then Light seemingly destroys him with much of the rest of the building before being subdued. Saving a falling Wonder Girl and taking Light into custody, the group escapes, with Ravager seemingly the only casualty of the incident.
Medium Trouble in Little Tokyo August 26th, 2017 Gangland violence in Little Tokyo is revealed to be much more, becoming an ambush targetting one of Gotham's defenders. The wake of swordplay, high-tech violence, magic, and explosions leaves many questions. Was Robin their target all along? Who is the mysterious, armored ninja who lead the assailants? And most importantly, where have they taken the young hero now?!
The Motto August 25th, 2017 The Dynamic Duo discuss the Scout creed.
Invasion of the Googlers: Aftermath August 24th, 2017 Summary needed
A (sort of) Brother from Another Mother August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: Crouching Cheshire, Hidden Robin August 20th, 2017 As it turns out, Magpies aren't the only nosy birds.
Its Clobberin' Time! August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: Stealthy Is Our Middle Name August 16th, 2017 Our first name is 'Not.'
Demon's Kitten August 14th, 2017 Damian gets a kitten of destruction.
Up On The Roof August 13th, 2017 Damian and Vorpal get to meet a part of the team. Damian is totally a robot.
Shades of Green August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Hogwarts Got Nothing on Us August 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Someday In The Park With Vorp August 10th, 2017 Cats and bats don't mix together well. As for birds... that is yet to be seen.
Panic Button August 10th, 2017 Summary needed
The Guise of Georgie Goodspeed: A Primer For BeGrinners August 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Urban Pirate August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
The Root of the Problem August 6th, 2017 Catwoman goes looking for Poison Ivy. Robin and Lytle find her as well, or rather...Ivy finds them.
Shadows of the Father August 5th, 2017 Summary needed
The Oracle and The Demon August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
A Whole Lot of Ouch July 31st, 2017 Summary needed
The Arkham Breakout Bash! July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
No Seriously. A Hubcap. July 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Idle Hands are the Demon's Plaything July 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Fight Club: The Blood July 22nd, 2017 A drug deal in Gotham goes south.
Bruce takes a day off. July 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Kid Bat and Lil Devil July 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Fight Club Aftermath July 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Fight Club: Part Deux July 16th, 2017 Summary needed
The Voice of the Demon July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
The Veterans Ball July 14th, 2017 Omens, portents, and fortune telling games at the Veteran's Ball.
It's for Charity! July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Batman and junior July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Patchwork July 7th, 2017 Alfred, Damian, and Cassandra deal with the fallout from Nightwing's injuries.
The Batman: Tale of two Robins. July 7th, 2017 Batman & Batgirl capture a 'Demon'.
Places everyone! June 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Wine Tasting at Lux June 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
The League's Future Calls Upon Its Past June 20th, 2017 Damian Wayne wants to hire Shiva for a job. Ares comes along for the negotiations.
Hunting a Shadow June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
A rose by any other name June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
A Scandalous Encounter June 18th, 2017 Damian Wayne arranges a test for a potential ally in his feud with his mother, Talia al-Ghul. Things go largely according to plan - but unbeknownst to him, his chosen target was once challenged to a duel by Talia: Scandal is left perplexed by the dramatic differences in approach.
Leviathan: A Helping Hand June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Become a hero... It'll be fun! June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
This really bites! June 15th, 2017 Damian meets Buffy
Socializing at Lux June 15th, 2017 Damian Wayne approaches Club Lux' manager about running a snatch and grab on a mystical artifact.
the not so gentle giant's shadow June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Spare Parts June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
the prince and the pauper June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
The Brat and the Princess June 8th, 2017 Summary needed


Click to expand.

To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Knightfall: Ascent to the House of Wayne October 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Red X: The Third Pair May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: The Third Pair May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Red X: The First Disc April 27th, 2018 Red X sends a message to the Titans
Red X: I'll be Watching You April 5th, 2018 Summary needed
A New Challenger Appears December 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Damian's Thanks November 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Friends New and Old (Ver 2.0) August 28th, 2017 Summary needed

((Note: this scene takes place before the events of 'Medium Trouble in Little Tokyo': https://www.unitedheroesmush.com/scene/scene.php?id=2172))
Reflecting on Family July 27th, 2017 Summary needed


Click to expand.