Crowley (Scenesys ID: 1365)
"Enjoy the obscene wealth! See you in ten years."
Full Name:
Fergus MacLeod
King of the Crossroads
Other Information
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
March 14, 1661
Mark Sheppard
162 cm
90.71 kg
Hair Color:
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Theme Song:
To the world at large, Crowley is nobody. The salesman in a vague industry that shows up out of nowhere, is charming and fun to be around, and who is prone to disappearing just as quickly. To those in the know, however, he is the King of the Crossroads, one of Hell's most powerful and devious demons. He's always got an agenda, he's always got a plan, and he might just make you an offer you can't refuse.
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Animal Communication
Crowley can speak to animals and understand them. This is of somewhat limited use...dogs only have so much to say, and can't exactly give a detailed report of conversations heard...but. Every now and then. It can make a difference.
Crossroads Deals
Crossroads deals literally give his class of demon the ability to warp reality so long as the contract is signed and sealed. Turn a scrawny nobody into a football hero? Sure. Make the blind see and the lame walk? Child's play. Resurrect the dead? As long as it's within the terms of the deal, or as long as he holds that person's contract.
Crowley no longer ages. He's nearly 370 years old now, and he could very well continue throughout eternity.
Crowley has become powerful enough that some of a demon's traditional weaknesses no longer concern him. Salt just annoys him. Hallowed ground? It kind of itches.
Crowley can simply choose to become invisible to normal sight, though he is still visible to magical perception and mental powers which might pick out thought waves in the room.
Telekinesis, thermokinesis, electrokinesis, terrakinesis, biokinesis, even molecular combustion. Crowley can impact a great deal with a smirk and a snap of his fingers. The one thing he can't do is ice. Hell kind of has a motif, you know. He can mentally lift anything he could physically throw. He does have to be within line of sight of anything he's trying to impact.
Minor Mental Manipulation
He can't control minds or communicate telepathically. He can wipe memories, though, and he can implant knowledge directly into someone else's head. For example, he could teach someone another language with a touch, simply by passing the knowledge directly into their minds.
Crowley can be in and out of just about anybody in a burst of bright red smoke. People who are under physical or mental stress, or who allow him in willingly, are the easiest. However, as old and powerful as he is he can force his way into any person who doesn't carry an anti-possession ward. While in another person's body he gains access to all of their inherent powers, as well as access to all of their thoughts and memories. He can also communicate with that person within the confines of their shared mind.
Supernatural Perception
Crowley can perceive magic, ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural entities. In addition, he can see, hear, taste, and smell better than your average person. This ability is strong enough that he can distinguish dog's blood, say, from human blood with a single sniff.
Super Stamina
Crowley can take a massive amount of damage with little more than some spat blood and a shake of his head to walk it off. In addition, he can regenerate his entire body with a little concentration. And of course, if things get bad enough he'll just hop vessels. He's just rather partial to the one he's got.
Super Strength
Crowley can easily lift or throw up to 1000 pounds of weight.
Crowley can bring himself and others around the world in a heartbeat. He appears and disappears with ease. He can also teleport small objects, bringing them to his hand. In battle, he might well flicker in and out of view, now in front of you, now behind you.
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I'm in SALES!
The number one thing that has helped Crowley elevate his station is his ability to develop a rapport with an individual, read them like a book, ask enough questions to understand their problems. He then devises a solution that meets their needs, solutions his division is absolutely equipped to provide, explains the investment they'll need to make, and closes the deal. Objections? He can meet them. Of course, this skill carries over into other areas too. He's a keen negotiator, and is capable of manipulating people into doing what he wants. The truth is, for all his power and knowledge, raw charisma is what makes Crowley truly dangerous.
He's had ample time to learn every language on earth, and in fact has had to in order to move through the ranks. If some human on earth speaks it or ever has spoken it, you can assume Crowley speaks it as well. This includes dead languages, mystic languages, and the like.
Son of a Witch, Actually
Crowley didn't actually sell his soul to get magical power. He was born with it. He would have been more than capable of becoming a White Council Wizard if they or some similar organization had happened to find him before he sold his own soul. As it was, his mother, Rowena, both taught him the basics and stingily kept him from anyone who might have helped him develop his power into anything that might threaten or challenge her. Nevertheless, he's had centuries to learn the ins and outs of magic now. It's safe to say there's not a thaumaturgical spell on earth that he couldn't perform at this point. It's also safe to say his demonic powers pretty much account for most anything he'd really want to do...and his own hatred for his mother and her methods mean that he's not likely to break out much of what he knows unless it is absolutely necessary to some plan or scheme that he has hatched. However, this does mean that by this point he can read and counter spellwork like a pro, knows his magical artifacts like the back of his hand, and has little trouble deducing the weaknesses of any mage, witch, or wizard he comes across. He also knows enough to avoid most true mages, witches, or wizards, because they are usually some of the few people who can give him a truly bad day.
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As the King of the Crossroads the Hounds of Hell belong exclusively to Crowley. These giant, invisible dogs are vicious and deadly. They do not give up on their prey once they have the prey's scent, and can only be killed with special supernatural weapons. Salt, iron, and a substance known as goofer dust can slow them down, but that's about it. Crowley has a favorite: her name is Fluffy. She's almost as big as he is. Every hellhound obeys Crowley's commands except for the Queen Bitch in the breeding kennels. There's a reason that one is never let out.
King of the Crossroads
Crowley can command any other crossroads demons, and, in a pinch, other lower ranking demons. When he needs it one can assume he can summon up to 10 demons to his immediate aid, and can send the same out to do his bidding. In addition, he doesn't always kill his victims after their ten year contracts are up. Sometimes he offers them "riders," in which they gather information or perform tasks for him on earth in exchange for more years of life. He's built quite a network in this fashion, and can call on up to 10 or so human thralls at a time as a result.
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Dem Bones
Demons can be destroyed forever if their bones are dug up, salted, and burned, just as if they were ghosts. Which is why Crowley retrieved his own bones from his grave in Scotland ages ago and hid them somewhere...very inaccessible. Still, they exist, and if someone found him that could be it for him. Certainly, a threat or potential threat to those bones could be used to force Crowley's hand on any number of counts.
Devil's Traps
A special sign drawn in a magic circle. Should Crowley step on or under one he will be unable to leave its confines. This is a hedge spell, which means anyone who knows the sigil and who duplicates it perfectly can trap him with one.
It's difficult. It takes phenomenal will and skill. But Crowley can be forced from his vessel and sent fleeing back to Hell just like any other demon.
Gavin is Crowley's son. He died in a shipwreck-- and ironically went to heaven-- centuries ago. But were he to be brought forward in time or resurrected somehow he could conceivably be used against him. Crowley still loves the boy. Of course, that love sort of translates into a wistful desire to make him Prince of the Crossroads without forcing him to go through the whole demon torture process, a pipe dream if there ever was one.
His Own Petard
Sometimes Crowley is too clever by half. There are times when he manages to get tangled up in his own schemes, usually as a result of the actions of other infernals scrabbling to try to take what he has or thwart what he does. He can make a short-term sale but he struggles to command long-term loyalty...after all, he's worked his way up through the ranks in a place where such concepts are all but alien. The only language infernals understand is fear, and for all his power Crowley is remarkably bad at inspiring it. He's transformed himself into someone who is urbane to the point of being /banal/, and that is not a combination that achieves the necessary levels of terror to bring many of his plans to fruition. He's adjusted to these shifting sands quickly enough to avoid disaster so far, but that doesn't mean his luck will hold out forever, and his reach may yet exceed his grasp.
Holy Water
Holy water still burns, and while it would probably take gallons of the stuff applied at length to actually kill him, well. Being doubled over in massive amounts of pain still is problematic even for the King of the Crossroads.
His hated mother. Mostly hated. Here's the problem. Crowley wishes that she'd love him. He's sure someday she'll see how far he's come and be proud of him. She is in fact still alive, still practicing witchcraft, and has long forgotten him. Should they come into contact with one another they'll be perfectly horrid to each other. But the relationship is complicated, and could be manipulated in any number of ways.
An angelic power. Though lower choirs of angels aren't strong enough to take him out, Archangels certainly are. They can beat him down with an explosion of holy energy...which is why Crowley tends to flee when the winged morons come to town.
Special Weapons
Enchanted swords, enchanted bullets, demon swords, angel blades, legendary spears...there are dozens upon dozens of weapons in the world that could put an end to Crowley's whole damned existence. Which is why when he hears someone's snapped one up he tends to go to great lengths to take those toys away from them. Evocations such as magical fireballs and magical lighting can also give him a truly craptacular day.
Certain spells can affect Crowley, and there's no exhaustive list...any well designed thaumaturgical spell with the proper parameters could potentially have any number of impacts on the King of the Crossroads.
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Top shelf keeps them coming back... |
February 22nd, 2022 |
Sinister and Crowley have another chat. Interesting things foment
What Lurks in the Shadows |
February 21st, 2022 |
Crowley came to Lux. Enuff said.
Deals and Demons I |
February 5th, 2020 |
Crowley meets Buffy and helps people fulfil their wildest wishes. Not entirely too wild, but...
A Practice Run |
August 29th, 2018 |
Green Arrow, Carrie, and the Red Ranger deal with a celebrating gang. Green Arrow takes prisoners. Crowley amuses himself watching the show.
Peabody's Improbable History |
October 2nd, 2017 |
Summary needed
Strange Bedfellows |
September 28th, 2017 |
Castiel and Crowley come to an uneasy truce. For better? Or for much, much worse?
The Angel and Demon on My Shoulders |
September 24th, 2017 |
What happens when an angel, a demon, a human, and a bottle of whiskey meet at a Crossroads? Posturing. Arguing. And... sleep.
Polemically Sent |
September 12th, 2017 |
The King of the Crossroads pays Melinda May a little visit.
Coming to Call |
September 7th, 2017 |
Summary needed
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