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<pre>Zack is a skilled enough vocalist to be perhaps, with proper training and guidance, do it professionally some day. Right now he can perform and rock talent shows and maybe small venues with his natural ability. Singing comes naturally to him but he can also craft a pretty mean rhyme or two when needed.</pre>
<pre>Zack is a skilled enough vocalist to be perhaps, with proper training and guidance, do it professionally some day. Right now he can perform and rock talent shows and maybe small venues with his natural ability. Singing comes naturally to him but he can also craft a pretty mean rhyme or two when needed.</pre>
* '''Angel Grove Community'''
===== Angel Grove Community =====
Zack Taylor has been in Angel Grove since he was born. He knows the town inside and out. He knows the good parts, the bad parts and even some of the secret parts that people shouldn't know about. He also knows the people, a lot of them and more often than not he can call upon various members of the community for favors or assistance.
Zack Taylor has been in Angel Grove since he was born. He knows the town inside and out. He knows the good parts, the bad parts and even some of the secret parts that people shouldn't know about. He also knows the people, a lot of them and more often than not he can call upon various members of the community for favors or assistance.
* '''Angel Grove High'''
Zack knows Angel Grove High School inside and out. He knows the layout of the building, the rules (and how to bend/break them) and he's even managed to get keys to some of the rooms through various deals with different janitors. He also has his own desk in Detention.
* '''Angel Grove Youth Center'''
Zack knows the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center well enough to be allowed to sleep in the building whenever he needs a place to crash that's not his house. Also, this is where Zack teaches his Hip Hop Kido classes for a little extra cash to burn. Or spend on his mother's medications.
* '''Black Ranger Suit'''
The Power Ranger suit is an armored design that follows a distinctive pattern in line with prehistoric theme that is ever present in the Power Ranger Mythos. The Suit is designed to withstand incredible amounts of damage and protects the wearer from suffering physical harm while in combative situations. Zack's suit is Black.

The Suit's come with a helmet that provides the wearer with to the second HUD intel and offers extensive protection for the skull and brain area. The helmets are designed in various prehistoric themes. Zack's is framed by the tusks of the Mastodon beast.
===== Angel Grove High =====
Zack knows Angel Grove High School inside and out. He knows the layout of the building, the rules (and how to bend/break them) and he's even managed to get keys to some of the rooms through various deals with different janitors. He also has his own desk in Detention.

Power Rangers suits are kept inside their bodies through sophisticated alien technology. When they "Morph" the suits appear on the Rangers instantaneously. No transformation sequence required.
===== Angel Grove Youth Center =====
* '''Blade Blaster'''
Zack knows the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center well enough to be allowed to sleep in the building whenever he needs a place to crash that's not his house. Also, this is where Zack teaches his Hip Hop Kido classes for a little extra cash to burn. Or spend on his mother's medications.
The Blade Blaster is a standard sidearm of the Power Rangers. It serves the dual purpose of being a low impact dagger style weapon and a personal blaster. It fires laser-based energy that can be combined with the other blasters to perform incredible team up techniques.
* '''Command Center'''
Zack has access to the Command Center and everything that entails. The includes the various rooms and technology stored within the alien ship. The most used are often the Power Chamber and the Training Pit where the Rangers are constantly training to be ready to combat evil.
* '''Mastodon Dinozord'''
The Mastodon Dinozord is the Black Ranger's oversized vehicle. It can be used as a stand-alone Battle Zord or can combine with the other Dinozords to create the Megazord.

'''Height:''' 4.4 m
===== Black Ranger Suit =====
The Power Ranger suit is an armored design that follows a distinctive pattern in line with prehistoric theme that is ever present in the Power Ranger Mythos. The Suit is designed to withstand incredible amounts of damage and protects the wearer from suffering physical harm while in combative situations. Zack's suit is Black.<br />
The Suit's come with a helmet that provides the wearer with to the second HUD intel and offers extensive protection for the skull and brain area. The helmets are designed in various prehistoric themes. Zack's is framed by the tusks of the Mastodon beast.<br />
Power Rangers suits are kept inside their bodies through sophisticated alien technology. When they "Morph" the suits appear on the Rangers instantaneously. No transformation sequence required.

'''Weight:''' 12 tons
===== Blade Blaster =====
The Blade Blaster is a standard sidearm of the Power Rangers. It serves the dual purpose of being a low impact dagger style weapon and a personal blaster. It fires laser-based energy that can be combined with the other blasters to perform incredible team up techniques.

'''Speed:''' 142 km/h
===== Command Center =====
Zack has access to the Command Center and everything that entails. The includes the various rooms and technology stored within the alien ship. The most used are often the Power Chamber and the Training Pit where the Rangers are constantly training to be ready to combat evil.

'''Megazord Location:''' Back, Arms, Shield.
===== Mastodon Dinozord =====
The Mastodon Dinozord is the Black Ranger's oversized vehicle. It can be used as a stand-alone Battle Zord or can combine with the other Dinozords to create the Megazord.<br />
'''Height:''' 4.4 m<br />
'''Weight:''' 12 tons<br />
'''Speed:''' 142 km/h<br />
'''Megazord Location:''' Back, Arms, Shield.<br />
'''Armaments:''' Retractable Blaster Cannons, Harpoon / Winch, Web Launching Catapult<br />
'''Specialty Weapon:''' Glacier Gas / Freezing Mist

'''Armaments:''' Retractable Blaster Cannons, Harpoon / Winch, Web Launching Catapult
===== Mom =====
Zack's Mom is his heart and soul. Sometimes just thinking about her gives him the kick in the ass he needs to do what he needs to do. Whether that's save the world or just finish a school assignment.

'''Specialty Weapon:''' Glacier Gas / Freezing Mist
===== Power Axe =====
* '''Mom'''
The Power Axe is the Black Ranger's personal weapon. A black, single-blade axe that can be used to strike enemies with an impressive amount of blunt force damage. The Power Axe can be converted into a cannon-like weapon that is also called the Cosmic Cannon. It fires an impressive blast of powerful energy.<br />
Zack's Mom is his heart and soul. Sometimes just thinking about her gives him the kick in the ass he needs to do what he needs to do. Whether that's save the world or just finish a school assignment.
The Power Axe in Cosmic Cannon mode serves as the base of the Power Blaster.
* '''Power Axe'''
The Power Axe is the Black Ranger's personal weapon. A black, single-blade axe that can be used to strike enemies with an impressive amount of blunt force damage. The Power Axe can be converted into a cannon-like weapon that is also called the Cosmic Cannon. It fires an impressive blast of powerful energy.

The Power Axe in Cosmic Cannon mode serves as the base of the Power Blaster.
===== Power Coin =====
* '''Power Coin'''
The Power Coin of the Mastodon chose to bond with Zack Taylor. This alien artifact gives Zack access to the powers and abilities of being a Power Ranger. With the Power Coin being the source of his powers and abilities, should the Power Coin ever be destroyed (which would take unimaginable power) then Zack's access to his abilities would also be severed.<br />
The Power Coin of the Mastodon chose to bond with Zack Taylor. This alien artifact gives Zack access to the powers and abilities of being a Power Ranger. With the Power Coin being the source of his powers and abilities, should the Power Coin ever be destroyed (which would take unimaginable power) then Zack's access to his abilities would also be severed.
Power Coins are dormant until they come into contact with the warriors they have chosen to bond with. While in close proximity to the Rangers the Power Coins may exhibit and radiate power and energy on a scale that's difficult to measure. The Power Coins themselves have been known to generate heat strong enough to melt metal.<br />
The Power Coins are capable of minor shapeshifting between looking like ancient gold coins or having more crystalline features.

Power Coins are dormant until they come into contact with the warriors they have chosen to bond with. While in close proximity to the Rangers the Power Coins may exhibit and radiate power and energy on a scale that's difficult to measure. The Power Coins themselves have been known to generate heat strong enough to melt metal.
===== Power Morpher =====
The Power Morpher is a way to access the metamorphosis process through which Zack Taylor becomes the Black Ranger. While it is true that he could access the Power Ranger Suit during times of extreme duress and need without using the Power Morpher to activate the Mastodon Power Coin's transformative capabilities just makes it easier.<br />
Zack doesn't have to but he often shouts, "MASTODON!" when using the Power Morpher to change.

The Power Coins are capable of minor shapeshifting between looking like ancient gold coins or having more crystalline features.
===== Team Spirit =====
* '''Power Morpher'''
Zack is a part of the Power Rangers. He's a crucial member of the team and the closer they are the more powerful they can become. They are friends, they are a family. They exist to work with each other, compliment each other in all walks of their lives and they are always better when they are in the same space. Together, they are more.
The Power Morpher is a way to access the metamorphosis process through which Zack Taylor becomes the Black Ranger. While it is true that he could access the Power Ranger Suit during times of extreme duress and need without using the Power Morpher to activate the Mastodon Power Coin's transformative capabilities just makes it easier.

Zack doesn't have to but he often shouts, "MASTODON!" when using the Power Morpher to change.
===== The Zack Cave =====
* '''Team Spirit'''
Zack has created a bit of a personal space for his own hanging out purposes in the abandoned rail yard. It consists of a few train cars that have been put together. A couple of portable generators provide electricity and the place is decked out with various things from junkyards and discarded furniture.<br />
Zack is a part of the Power Rangers. He's a crucial member of the team and the closer they are the more powerful they can become. They are friends, they are a family. They exist to work with each other, compliment each other in all walks of their lives and they are always better when they are in the same space. Together, they are more.
This place is where Zack goes to be alone. However, he's shared the location with all of the Rangers. They're family.
* '''The Zack Cave'''
Zack has created a bit of a personal space for his own hanging out purposes in the abandoned railyard. It consists of a few train cars that have been put together. A couple of portable generators provide electricity and the place is decked out with various things from junkyards and discarded furniture.

This place is where Zack goes to be alone. However, he's shared the location with all of the Rangers. They're family.
===== Wrist Communicator =====
* '''Wrist Communicator'''
Primarily used as communication devices between the Power Rangers and the Command Center, the Wrist Communicators are watch-styled devices that also give the Rangers the ability to teleport using the Command Centers teleportation technology. The one distinguishing feature of these communicators is the catchy series of beeps that almost sound like they are beeping a tune.
Primarily used as communication devices between the Power Rangers and the Command Center, the Wrist Communicators are watch-styled devices that also give the Rangers the ability to teleport using the Command Centers teleportation technology. The one distinguishing feature of these communicators is the catchy series of beeps that almost sound like they are beeping a tune.
* '''Zordon & Alpha 5'''
Zordon serves the Wise Old Mentor role while Alpha 5 serves as the token robotic awesomeness that hangs out and assists with everything under the sun. Zack, in turn, respects Zordon's authority and is more than willing to learn from the Ex-Ranger.

Zack may or may not be teaching Alpha 5 how to dance.
===== Zordon & Alpha 5 =====
<pre>Zordon serves the Wise Old Mentor role while Alpha 5 serves as the token robotic awesomeness that hangs out and assists with everything under the sun. Zack, in turn, respects Zordon's authority and is more than willing to learn from the Ex-Ranger.
Zack may or may not be teaching Alpha 5 how to dance.</pre>
* '''Brash Ranger'''
* '''Brash Ranger'''

Revision as of 12:25, 8 August 2017

Zack Taylor (Scenesys ID: 334)
"Did I just hear you say we're Power Rangers?"
Full Name: Zachary Taylor
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Student / Power Ranger
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Power Rangers
Other Information
Apparent Age: Teens Actual Age: Seventeen
Date of Birth May 03 Actor: Roshon Fegan
Height: 173 cm Weight: 73 kg
Hair Color: Black (w/ Various Dyes) Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Come Down by Anderson .Paak


Zachary "Zack" Taylor has always been a bit of a cad, the life of the party and a rebel that doesn't need a cause. An on-again, off-again student at Angel Grove High School, Zack can often be found wandering the halls, pulling pranks or taking up space in his desk for his various brushes with detention. A former cheerleader and track sprinter, Zack's popularity never really took a hit when he stopped being a representative for Angel Grove High's stellar sports program. Instead, his popularity shifted into a whole new brand of wise-ass. All of which he uses to hide from and deal with his troublesome home life.

Things got turned up a notch when this teenager with attitude stumbled upon some new friends and ancient alien artifacts. Chosen by the Power Coin of the Mastodon, Zack became the Black Ranger of the Power Rangers. He works alongside the other Power Rangers as a protector of Angel Grove while trying to figure out exactly what the future holds.


Zachary "Zack" Taylor has had an interesting life ever since he was born. His father, Walter Jones Taylor, was an African American real estate agent and his mother, Tala Bayani, was a Filipino teacher at Angel Grove Middle School. Their relationship brought Zack into this world and he was a shining light from the moment he was born. His childhood was riddled with jokes, laughter and a healthy relationship with his parents. It was the most average childhood that one could have in the town of Angel Grove.
In school, Zack was always the class clown with solid grades and an outgoing personality that made him one of the popular kids. He rocked this natural charisma and persona all the way into middle school and even managed to continue to roll with his popularity during the years that he was in his mother's classroom. Even though his rebellious nature bubbled up during his middle school days, Zack always managed to smile or dance his way out of any real trouble. Most of his pranks or schemes were harmless and done more for the enjoyment of all than to actually hurt or ruin anyone's day.
Zack moved on from middle school and walked right into the summer from hell. In the span of three months, Zack's mother fell very ill, his father left to pursue another relationship and the results of being thrust into the role of Man of the House put enough pressure on Zack for him to explode. Instead, though, Zack retreated even more into his fun-loving persona and turned up the rebellious antics to give himself a bit more edge. A bit more attitude.
Zack hit high school and wrapped himself up in a tornado of pranks, wisecracks and extracurricular activities to keep himself sane while doing through so much drama and stress at home. He retreated even further into his love for music. He joined the cheerleading squad as a way to try and find something in his life worth caring about. His style of popularity shifted, though, as he stopped being a good student and moved more into world of someone that only cared about where the next laugh was coming from. Eventually, lackluster grades got him kicked off the cheerleading squad and his rebellious antics got him a regular desk in the corner of detention. His troubles at school fueled his excuse to attend less and spend more time with his Mom or on his own.
Zack spent a lot of time dancing by himself in abandoned rail yards or running through rock quarries. One of these visits got him caught up in some madness with four other teenagers from Angel Grove High. Together, they discovered alien artifacts that gave them all incredible powers and abilities. After separating and almost dying that night, the five teenagers with various attitudes met again and discovered the source of these alien artifacts. They met an alien being known as Zordon and his robot companion, Alpha 5. There they learned the origins of their artifacts, which were known as Power Coins. They were trained to become a team of chosen protectors. They had become the Power Rangers.
Zack embraced his role as the Black Ranger and found himself with some new friends and a reason to care again. With his newfound lease on life, Zack Taylor works with his Power Rangers to protect Angel Grove (and the world) from whatever evil threats dare to rear their ugly heads. For his Mother. For Angel Grove. For the World.
It's Morphin' Time.


Zack is a fun-loving, wisecrackin' teenager with attitude. Zack's primary role in life seems to be 'fun one'. In school he takes up the role as the class clown and tends to try his best to make his friends (or anyone) laugh. He's a jokester and a prankster without malicious intent. He's always good to step it up and throw some witty banter in the direction of anyone that's within earshot. A sarcastic and self-deprecating sense of humor keeps him from falling into the realm of being a complete jerk and leans him more towards that of a lovable cad!
A rebellious wild streak is very present in Zack's nature. He's often doing something to show just how fearless and uncaring he is but in the most wild ways possible. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, excluding a handful of people and he's more than willing to make a fool of himself. He seems to often go against the grain for no other reason other than to just rebel against the status quo. His sick mother and horrible father figure have shown him that life should be lived to the fullest every day because tomorrow everything could change. Nothing is promised so Zack doesn't believe in his own future. Even if he fights for everyone else's.
Underneath it all, Zack is a broken individual that deals with every problem as it comes. He's brash and impulsive, even sometimes to the point of being hotheaded under the right circumstances. It's hard to keep up with Zack as he tends to be a bit unpredictable but his heart is always in the right place when the chips are down. He wants to do the right thing. That's just the way he rolls.
Zack lives and breathes music. Music makes his world go around. Music is how he survives. Music keeps him sane. At least, it did before he became a Power Ranger. Now Zack doesn't have to rely so much on music as he actually has friends to lean on. He's found another family to replace the one he's going to eventually lose and that makes him as fierce and as loyal as he needs to be to protect them. They are bonded together, forever and he'll be damned if he gives any of that up without a fight.



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Jason Scott
Kimberly Hart
Tommy Oliver
Trini Kwan




  • The Zack Man
  • Black Ranger