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|FullName=Raven Darkholme
|FullName=Raven Darkhölme
|Occupation=Mercenary / Terrorist / Mutant Freedom Fighter
|Occupation=Mutant Rights Activist
|Groups=[Brotherhood], [Xavier's], [Mutants]
|Citizenship=Multiple Countries
|Quote=Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent question. Though not one easily answered.
|Education=Self Taught
|Groups=[[Brotherhood]], [[Hellfire Club]], [[Hench]], [[X-Men]], [[Mutant-OOC]]
|DOB=September 13, 1897
|Quote="Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent question. Though not one easily answered."
|Weight=120 lbs
|DOB=13 September 1897
|Height=178 cm (5'10")
|Weight=54 kg (119 lb)
|Actor=Rebecca Romijn
|Actor=Rebecca Ferguson
|Song="Red Right Hand" - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
|Song="Evil Has No Boundaries" by Slayer
|Profile=Mystique has many faces and many names. Her real name is Raven Darkholme, which is associated with her time as the Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense. Her true face was not associated with that role in her life. She's been a senator's wife in another incarnation. Basically, she is whomever she chooses to be, having the ability to take on the physical appearance of anyone. Her true cause is equal rights for mutants, even at the destruction of humans. She has lived over 100 years and has learned many skills during her long life. She will lie, cheat, steal and kill if it helps her achieve her goals. She's led villain teams and she has worked with the heroes. For her, everything is as mercurial as her appearance.
|Profile=Mystique has many faces and many names. Her real name is Raven Darkholme, which is associated with her time as the Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense. Her true face was not associated with that role in her life. She's been a senator's wife in another incarnation. Basically, she is whomever she chooses to be, having the ability to take on the physical appearance of anyone. Her true cause is equal rights for mutants, even at the destruction of humans. She has lived over 100 years and has learned many skills during her long life. She will lie, cheat, steal and kill if it helps her achieve her goals. She's led villain teams and she has worked with the heroes. For her, everything is as mercurial as her appearance.
|Abilities=-------------------------------< Metamorph >---------------------------------
==Current Player Approved: Available for Application==
        Mystique is able to alter the formation of her biological cells with a thought. She can duplicate anyone as long as they are humanoid in appearance. She will become an exact duplicate of the person including sex, voice, fingerprints, retinal patterns, and palm/skin patterns becoming an absolute perfect copy of the person save for the fact she cannot duplicate another person's scent. The transition from one form to another is instantaneous when she chooses to do so. In addition, she can manipulate her own form to simulate any clothing visually or even simulate the appearance and refractive capabilities of metal to simulate armor as well as make additional growths appear (such as claws like Wolverine) though these are only copies made from her own body and do not have those items intrensic properties.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
        She has such precise control she can go beyond regular shapeshifting to simply duplicate people. She can move her major organs to other locations to protect them if she needs for any reason. She can change her skin color, allowing her to camouflage to an extent much like that of a chamelon. Somehow she is able to manipulate her body mass, drawing it from somewhere but it is not understood where. She can take on the form of someone as large as Blob or as small as Puck but she wouldn't be able to go further above or below those limits.
When there is no chameleon appearance in play Mystique is a rich regal shade of sapphire that encompasses the full sleek expanse of her feminine curves. Long legs and shapely hips rise into shoulders set with an elegant neck and a classically beautiful face despite the hues present, the over all look creating a rather regal statuesque presence. Large yellow eyes are without pupils and irises and at times hold their own illumination. A subtle scaling to her body makes her slightly reptilian and feral looking. Blue lips draw back to show a canines slightly longer than the average humans only enhancing the primal air that she gives off.<br><br>Elegance is her focus and just like the power she wields it influences the material choices she makes. A silk sleeveless blouse crosses over her front in a stark white, tiding so that it reveals a generous amount of skin. A pair of white relaxed slacks cut short at her shins to reveal the glossy white heeled boots. Gold jewelry adorns her neck like a collar with gold cuffs at her wrists. She is the epitome of style meets statement.
-----------------------------< Psychic Defense >------------------------------
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
        Due to the fluidity of her form and brain, it is difficult to manipulate Mystique or read her thoughts through psonic/psychic influence. She has a natural defense against mind reading and is somewhat resistant to other types of mental attacks but a psionic bolt by a strong telepath can take her out as much as any other person. She may recover from it more quickly due to her regenerative capabilities.
Raven Darkholme was born in the late 1800s in Austria as a normal girl. It wasn't until her twelfth year that her powers appeared. Her mother was very religious and when faced with the yellow eyes of what she presumed was a demon, she cast the child out of her home. Left on her own to fend for herself, Raven barely survived her first year but she learned to adapt. To survive. To overcome. That became the theme for her life. As she learned to control her shapeshifting powers, she also learned to lie and steal if she had to for her survival. In time, she managed to move to the United States where she continued her unlawful ways, running with unsavory sorts. From thief to killer, she did what she needed and didn't think twice about the blood money.<br><br>She met a fellow mutant named Irene Adler while still a young woman and the pair became fast friends then later, they became lovers. Irene would be the only person she allowed close for many years of her life. They had their ups and downs though, sometimes parting but always going back to one another in the end. During these times, Mystique lived as alternate people including Leni Zauber. It was in this persona that she met Sabretooth briefly, both on a mission to kill the same target. The result of that time together was Graydon Creed who she left in the care of others but monitored his life until he became a teen and showed no mutancy. While she kept track of him after, he was not as important to her any longer as she had decided by then humans were the enemy as their prejudices were what forced her to live the life she did in the shadows. She blamed them for her own choices.<br><br>Years passed. She found love in the arms of Baron Christian Wagner but they were unable to have a child due to his infertility. She started spending time with other men in secret and that's when she met Azazel. Unbeknown to her, he was actually a demon. She bore him a child, Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler. She tried to raise her son who was so much like her but when the biased villagers of the area they lived sought to kill them both, she was faced with a choice. Knowing she could shapeshift but he could not, she knew what his life would be like and she chose to sacrifice the child both to save him the pain of the life she lived and to save her own skin. He was tossed away and she believed him dead until many years later.<br><br>So many lifetimes, so many identities. She served with the Israeli Special Forces in the identity of Amichai Benvenisti, learning the deadliest of skills by some of the most skilled in the world. As her life continued, as eventually took in a young girl in Mississippi. This girl would become her adoptive daughter. She taught her the ways that had kept her alive, which put the girl firmly as a villain. They faced off against multiple foes including Ms. Marvel. During this time Mystique was also living in the identity of Mallory Brickman, a US Senator's wife. Eventually she used her own name but not her true face, serving as Deputy Director of DARPA which gave her access to information and weaponry. Everything was fair game for Mystique if it helped advance her path.<br><br>She organized a group of mutants who wanted the same as her, to get mutants out of the shadows. They became the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In time, they would become Freedom Force, working for the government instead of as villains. This time as Freedom Force had gotten her a government pardon for all crimes she'd committed in the past. As long as she behaved. She even became a member of X-Factor for a time, fighting with the good guys but if she saw something that needed dealing with, she went after it and that led to her parting from their group. Finding that the government was out to get rid of and/or control all mutants, she again focused her efforts on stopping that from happening even if it meant she had to destroy the humans to do it.
-------------------------------< Regeneration >-------------------------------
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
        Mystique's cells duplicate at an advance rate, allowing for her to heal more rapidly from wounds. She can mentally focus to speed up the process even more than it already is. Because her body is constantly regenerating, her aging process is greatly reduced, allowing her to survive for centuries if she avoids major injuries. Injuries that may kill a normal human being she can recover from in a short period of time. This ability also gives her a resistance to toxins and disease since her body will reject them immediately. She has enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses since all of these areas are kept at optimum health by her body.
Mystique is a megalomaniac primal force wrapped up in a cunning facade of regal importance and topped off with a severe God Complex. She's lived a long time, been many people and for this very reason she can be a personality chameleon. Yet at her very core she is driven and zealous, focused on her agenda to the detriment of all relationships. What is good for the whole must be also good for Mystique. She trusts none and loves none. Life has shown her a great deal of pain and loss and she would tear apart the very existence of the world to see it remade as she envisions, risking human or mutant alike.<br><br>When she is not a charade she is cool, calculating and for the most part cruel. She will manipulate the situation to her advantage to the point of gaining the trust of another to use them. Nothing is above her and every option can be used if it gets her what she wants. She is clever and composed up until the point someone rubs against her core beliefs and views. Then all bets are off and she will be quick to anger with vicious repercussions. Her patience as they say has worn away to nothing.
|Skills=----------------------------------< Combat >----------------------------------
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Metamorph:'''</span>
        Mystique's long life has allowed her to learn extensive combat and weapons skills. From hand-to-hand training in the Mossad to advanced experimental weapons with DARPA, her experience is vast and high level. In hand-to-hand combat, she would be on par with Captain America and the Black Widow. She is an expert marksman with any type of firearm in the world.
Mystique is able to alter the formation of her biological cells with a thought. She can duplicate anyone as long as they are humanoid in appearance. She will become an exact duplicate of the person including sex, voice, fingerprints, retinal patterns, and palm/skin patterns becoming an absolute perfect copy of the person save for the fact she cannot duplicate another person's scent. The transition from one form to another is instantaneous when she chooses to do so. In addition, she can manipulate her own form to simulate any clothing visually or even simulate the appearance and refractive capabilities of metal to simulate armor as well as make additional growths appear (such as claws like Wolverine) though these are only copies made from her own body and do not have those items intrinsic properties.<br><br>She has such precise control she can go beyond regular shapeshifting to simply duplicate people. She can move her major organs to other locations to protect them if she needs for any reason. She can change her skin color, allowing her to camouflage to an extent much like that of a chameleon. Somehow she is able to manipulate her body mass, drawing it from somewhere but it is not understood where. She can take on the form of someone as large as Blob or as small as Puck but she wouldn't be able to go further above or below those limits.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Psychic Defense:'''</span>
--------------------------------< Computers >---------------------------------
Due to the fluidity of her form and brain, it is difficult to manipulate Mystique or read her thoughts through psonic/psychic influence. She has a natural defense against mind reading and is somewhat resistant to other types of mental attacks but a psionic bolt by a strong telepath can take her out as much as any other person. She may recover from it more quickly due to her regenerative capabilities.<br><br>
        Mystique is dangerous with a computer, and realized their potential the moment they came on scene. Having 'been there since the begining', she can virtually hack or expose any system, or nearly fluently use any system she's not used before. Only other world-class hackers or tech geniuses if she's trying to access information from the outside. If she's inside? Kiss your data goodbye, most likely.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Regeneration:'''</span>
--------------------------------< Espionage >---------------------------------
Mystique's cells duplicate at an advance rate, allowing for her to heal more rapidly from wounds. She can mentally focus to speed up the process even more than it already is. Because her body is constantly regenerating, her aging process is greatly reduced, allowing her to survive for centuries if she avoids major injuries. Injuries that may kill a normal human being she can recover from in a short period of time. This ability also gives her a resistance to toxins and disease since her body will reject them immediately. She has enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses since all of these areas are kept at optimum health by her body.
        With her ability to copy a person exactly, Mystique is the perfect spy and perhaps the best in the world because of that, coupled with her many years of experience in the field and honed skillset. She is able to act exactly like the person she is emulating. She can manipulate people to gain information or access to locations. She knows security and how to bypass it. She can get into places that are supposed to be impossible to breach, by skill alone and if not, by taking the place of someone who would be there. She would be considered on par with the Black Widow in her skill at espionage.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Combat:'''</span>
--------------------------------< Languages >---------------------------------
Mystique's long life has allowed her to learn extensive combat and weapons skills. From hand-to-hand training in the Mossad to advanced experimental weapons with DARPA, her experience is vast and high level. In hand-to-hand combat, she would be on par with Captain America and the Black Widow. She is an expert marksman with any type of firearm in the world.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Computers:'''</span>
        Mystique is able to speak at least eleven languages including English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, Czech, and Russian.
Mystique is dangerous with a computer, and realized their potential the moment they came on scene. Having 'been there since the beginning', she can virtually hack or expose any system, or nearly fluently use any system she's not used before. Only other world-class hackers or tech geniuses if she's trying to access information from the outside. If she's inside? Kiss your data goodbye, most likely.<br><br>
---------------------------------< Science >----------------------------------
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Espionage:'''</span>
        Mystique has been shown to have extensive knowledge in the field of science, even allowing for her to actually create a virus and anti-virus. It is not something she uses often but should there be a need, she would be comfortable in a lab setting performing advanced scientific tasks.
With her ability to copy a person exactly, Mystique is the perfect spy and perhaps the best in the world because of that, coupled with her many years of experience in the field and honed skillset. She is able to act exactly like the person she is emulating. She can manipulate people to gain information or access to locations. She knows security and how to bypass it. She can get into places that are supposed to be impossible to breach, by skill alone and if not, by taking the place of someone who would be there. She would be considered on par with the Black Widow in her skill at espionage.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Languages:'''</span>
|Resources=--------------------------------< Identities >--------------------------------
Mystique is able to speak at least eleven languages including English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, Czech, and Russian.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Science:'''</span>
        Mystique can be anyone. She has a wide variety of established identities she can assume instantly should she choose. With a little work on her part, she can have any paperwork or identification necessary to become another in a short period of time. These identities are through multiple countries throughout the world, always giving her a way out when things get too hot for the current one.
Mystique has been shown to have extensive knowledge in the field of science, even allowing for her to actually create a virus and anti-virus. It is not something she uses often but should there be a need, she would be comfortable in a lab setting performing advanced scientific tasks.
----------------------------------< Money >-----------------------------------
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Identities:'''</span>
        Mystique has been alive over 100 years. She has saved up money to have available to her when she needs it. She literally has millions of dollars she has earned either through her mercenary or larcenous means. This money is stored all over the world in a variety of accounts under a wide range of identities. If she needs it, she can afford it.
Mystique can be anyone. She has a wide variety of established identities she can assume instantly should she choose. With a little work on her part, she can have any paperwork or identification necessary to become another in a short period of time. These identities are through multiple countries throughout the world, always giving her a way out when things get too hot for the current one.<br><br>
--------------------------------< Safehouses >--------------------------------
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Money:'''</span>
        With the many sudden exits she has had to make, Mystique learned not to keep all her eggs in one basket. She has safehouses all over the world. They are owned under a variety of identities. There are resources kept at all of them, from money to weapons to new identification paperwork. These can be anything from a penthouse in Manhattan to a hovel in Austrian mountains or anything in between.
Mystique has been alive over 100 years. She has saved up money to have available to her when she needs it. She literally has millions of dollars she has earned either through her mercenary or larcenous means. This money is stored all over the world in a variety of accounts under a wide range of identities. If she needs it, she can afford it.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Safehouses:'''</span>
---------------------------------< Weapons >----------------------------------
With the many sudden exits she has had to make, Mystique learned not to keep all her eggs in one basket. She has safehouses all over the world. They are owned under a variety of identities. There are resources kept at all of them, from money to weapons to new identification paperwork. These can be anything from a penthouse in Manhattan to a hovel in Austrian mountains or anything in between.<br><br>
        Between the years she has been alive and her time at DARPA, Mystique owns practically every type of weapon under the sun, including some that are experimental. From firearms and blasters to swords and daggers. While she can use all of them, she has a particular love of firearms/blasters which she often has concealed on, or even within, her body. Like all things, she has caches of these spread all over the world should she need them.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Weapons:'''</span>
Between the years she has been alive and her time at DARPA, Mystique owns practically every type of weapon under the sun, including some that are experimental. From firearms and blasters to swords and daggers. While she can use all of them, she has a particular love of firearms/blasters which she often has concealed on, or even within, her body. Like all things, she has caches of these spread all over the world should she need them.
|Weaknesses=--------------------------< Metamorph Limitations >---------------------------
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Metamorph Limitations:'''</span>
        Mystique is only able to copy the appearance of someone else. She is not able to copy their powers. Were she to take on the form of Colossus, she would be an exact replica of him but she would not have actual metallic skin. It may look like it and it will be a hardened version of her skin but it would not be metal and would not have that level of resistance. She may take on the appearance of Archangel's wings but she would not actually be able to fly.
Mystique is only able to copy the appearance of someone else. She is not able to copy their powers. Were she to take on the form of Colossus, she would be an exact replica of him but she would not have actual metallic skin. It may look like it and it will be a hardened version of her skin but it would not be metal and would not have that level of resistance. She may take on the appearance of Archangel's wings but she would not actually be able to fly.<br><br>
--------------------------------< Mistrusted >--------------------------------
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mistrusted:'''</span>
        Because Mystique has, and does, shift loyalties from time to time, she is not the most trusted person on the planet by many parties. There are, perhaps, one or two that might trust her because they know her agenda aligns with theirs completely. Others might work with her if there was a common goal or need or she was -realy- convincing, but they most assuredly would question her motives, or be waiting for the knife in the back to come, unless they didn't know her.
Because Mystique has, and does, shift loyalties from time to time, she is not the most trusted person on the planet by many parties. There are, perhaps, one or two that might trust her because they know her agenda aligns with theirs completely. Others might work with her if there was a common goal or need or she was -realy- convincing, but they most assuredly would question her motives, or be waiting for the knife in the back to come, unless they didn't know her.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Schizophrenia:'''</span>
------------------------------< Schizophrenia >-------------------------------
Mystique is not mentally stable. Spending long amounts of time as other people throughout her life, in addition to the physical shifting of her brain into other shapes, has led to a mental instability which leads to many of her mercurial mood shifts and changes of loyalties.
        Mystique is not mentally stable. Spending long amounts of time as other people throughout her life, in addition to the physical shifting of her brain into other shapes, has led to a mental instability which leads to many of her mercurial mood shifts and changes of loyalties.
[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Brotherhood]] [[Category:Hellfire Club]] [[Category:Hench]] [[Category:X-Men]]

Latest revision as of 22:04, 17 July 2024

Mystique (Scenesys ID: 197)
"Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent question. Though not one easily answered."
Full Name: Raven Darkhölme
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Occupation: Mutant Rights Activist
Citizenship: Multiple Countries
Residence: NYC
Education: Self Taught
Status: Dropped
Groups: Brotherhood, Hellfire Club, Hench, X-Men, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: Actual Age: 134
Date of Birth 13 September 1897 Actor: Rebecca Ferguson
Height: 178 cm (5'10") Weight: 54 kg (119 lb)
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Yellow
Theme Song: "Evil Has No Boundaries" by Slayer


Mystique has many faces and many names. Her real name is Raven Darkholme, which is associated with her time as the Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense. Her true face was not associated with that role in her life. She's been a senator's wife in another incarnation. Basically, she is whomever she chooses to be, having the ability to take on the physical appearance of anyone. Her true cause is equal rights for mutants, even at the destruction of humans. She has lived over 100 years and has learned many skills during her long life. She will lie, cheat, steal and kill if it helps her achieve her goals. She's led villain teams and she has worked with the heroes. For her, everything is as mercurial as her appearance.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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When there is no chameleon appearance in play Mystique is a rich regal shade of sapphire that encompasses the full sleek expanse of her feminine curves. Long legs and shapely hips rise into shoulders set with an elegant neck and a classically beautiful face despite the hues present, the over all look creating a rather regal statuesque presence. Large yellow eyes are without pupils and irises and at times hold their own illumination. A subtle scaling to her body makes her slightly reptilian and feral looking. Blue lips draw back to show a canines slightly longer than the average humans only enhancing the primal air that she gives off.

Elegance is her focus and just like the power she wields it influences the material choices she makes. A silk sleeveless blouse crosses over her front in a stark white, tiding so that it reveals a generous amount of skin. A pair of white relaxed slacks cut short at her shins to reveal the glossy white heeled boots. Gold jewelry adorns her neck like a collar with gold cuffs at her wrists. She is the epitome of style meets statement.


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Raven Darkholme was born in the late 1800s in Austria as a normal girl. It wasn't until her twelfth year that her powers appeared. Her mother was very religious and when faced with the yellow eyes of what she presumed was a demon, she cast the child out of her home. Left on her own to fend for herself, Raven barely survived her first year but she learned to adapt. To survive. To overcome. That became the theme for her life. As she learned to control her shapeshifting powers, she also learned to lie and steal if she had to for her survival. In time, she managed to move to the United States where she continued her unlawful ways, running with unsavory sorts. From thief to killer, she did what she needed and didn't think twice about the blood money.

She met a fellow mutant named Irene Adler while still a young woman and the pair became fast friends then later, they became lovers. Irene would be the only person she allowed close for many years of her life. They had their ups and downs though, sometimes parting but always going back to one another in the end. During these times, Mystique lived as alternate people including Leni Zauber. It was in this persona that she met Sabretooth briefly, both on a mission to kill the same target. The result of that time together was Graydon Creed who she left in the care of others but monitored his life until he became a teen and showed no mutancy. While she kept track of him after, he was not as important to her any longer as she had decided by then humans were the enemy as their prejudices were what forced her to live the life she did in the shadows. She blamed them for her own choices.

Years passed. She found love in the arms of Baron Christian Wagner but they were unable to have a child due to his infertility. She started spending time with other men in secret and that's when she met Azazel. Unbeknown to her, he was actually a demon. She bore him a child, Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler. She tried to raise her son who was so much like her but when the biased villagers of the area they lived sought to kill them both, she was faced with a choice. Knowing she could shapeshift but he could not, she knew what his life would be like and she chose to sacrifice the child both to save him the pain of the life she lived and to save her own skin. He was tossed away and she believed him dead until many years later.

So many lifetimes, so many identities. She served with the Israeli Special Forces in the identity of Amichai Benvenisti, learning the deadliest of skills by some of the most skilled in the world. As her life continued, as eventually took in a young girl in Mississippi. This girl would become her adoptive daughter. She taught her the ways that had kept her alive, which put the girl firmly as a villain. They faced off against multiple foes including Ms. Marvel. During this time Mystique was also living in the identity of Mallory Brickman, a US Senator's wife. Eventually she used her own name but not her true face, serving as Deputy Director of DARPA which gave her access to information and weaponry. Everything was fair game for Mystique if it helped advance her path.

She organized a group of mutants who wanted the same as her, to get mutants out of the shadows. They became the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In time, they would become Freedom Force, working for the government instead of as villains. This time as Freedom Force had gotten her a government pardon for all crimes she'd committed in the past. As long as she behaved. She even became a member of X-Factor for a time, fighting with the good guys but if she saw something that needed dealing with, she went after it and that led to her parting from their group. Finding that the government was out to get rid of and/or control all mutants, she again focused her efforts on stopping that from happening even if it meant she had to destroy the humans to do it.


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Mystique is a megalomaniac primal force wrapped up in a cunning facade of regal importance and topped off with a severe God Complex. She's lived a long time, been many people and for this very reason she can be a personality chameleon. Yet at her very core she is driven and zealous, focused on her agenda to the detriment of all relationships. What is good for the whole must be also good for Mystique. She trusts none and loves none. Life has shown her a great deal of pain and loss and she would tear apart the very existence of the world to see it remade as she envisions, risking human or mutant alike.

When she is not a charade she is cool, calculating and for the most part cruel. She will manipulate the situation to her advantage to the point of gaining the trust of another to use them. Nothing is above her and every option can be used if it gets her what she wants. She is clever and composed up until the point someone rubs against her core beliefs and views. Then all bets are off and she will be quick to anger with vicious repercussions. Her patience as they say has worn away to nothing.


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Mystique is able to alter the formation of her biological cells with a thought. She can duplicate anyone as long as they are humanoid in appearance. She will become an exact duplicate of the person including sex, voice, fingerprints, retinal patterns, and palm/skin patterns becoming an absolute perfect copy of the person save for the fact she cannot duplicate another person's scent. The transition from one form to another is instantaneous when she chooses to do so. In addition, she can manipulate her own form to simulate any clothing visually or even simulate the appearance and refractive capabilities of metal to simulate armor as well as make additional growths appear (such as claws like Wolverine) though these are only copies made from her own body and do not have those items intrinsic properties.

She has such precise control she can go beyond regular shapeshifting to simply duplicate people. She can move her major organs to other locations to protect them if she needs for any reason. She can change her skin color, allowing her to camouflage to an extent much like that of a chameleon. Somehow she is able to manipulate her body mass, drawing it from somewhere but it is not understood where. She can take on the form of someone as large as Blob or as small as Puck but she wouldn't be able to go further above or below those limits.

Psychic Defense:
Due to the fluidity of her form and brain, it is difficult to manipulate Mystique or read her thoughts through psonic/psychic influence. She has a natural defense against mind reading and is somewhat resistant to other types of mental attacks but a psionic bolt by a strong telepath can take her out as much as any other person. She may recover from it more quickly due to her regenerative capabilities.


Mystique's cells duplicate at an advance rate, allowing for her to heal more rapidly from wounds. She can mentally focus to speed up the process even more than it already is. Because her body is constantly regenerating, her aging process is greatly reduced, allowing her to survive for centuries if she avoids major injuries. Injuries that may kill a normal human being she can recover from in a short period of time. This ability also gives her a resistance to toxins and disease since her body will reject them immediately. She has enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses since all of these areas are kept at optimum health by her body.


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Mystique's long life has allowed her to learn extensive combat and weapons skills. From hand-to-hand training in the Mossad to advanced experimental weapons with DARPA, her experience is vast and high level. In hand-to-hand combat, she would be on par with Captain America and the Black Widow. She is an expert marksman with any type of firearm in the world.

Mystique is dangerous with a computer, and realized their potential the moment they came on scene. Having 'been there since the beginning', she can virtually hack or expose any system, or nearly fluently use any system she's not used before. Only other world-class hackers or tech geniuses if she's trying to access information from the outside. If she's inside? Kiss your data goodbye, most likely.

With her ability to copy a person exactly, Mystique is the perfect spy and perhaps the best in the world because of that, coupled with her many years of experience in the field and honed skillset. She is able to act exactly like the person she is emulating. She can manipulate people to gain information or access to locations. She knows security and how to bypass it. She can get into places that are supposed to be impossible to breach, by skill alone and if not, by taking the place of someone who would be there. She would be considered on par with the Black Widow in her skill at espionage.

Mystique is able to speak at least eleven languages including English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, Czech, and Russian.


Mystique has been shown to have extensive knowledge in the field of science, even allowing for her to actually create a virus and anti-virus. It is not something she uses often but should there be a need, she would be comfortable in a lab setting performing advanced scientific tasks.


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Mystique can be anyone. She has a wide variety of established identities she can assume instantly should she choose. With a little work on her part, she can have any paperwork or identification necessary to become another in a short period of time. These identities are through multiple countries throughout the world, always giving her a way out when things get too hot for the current one.

Mystique has been alive over 100 years. She has saved up money to have available to her when she needs it. She literally has millions of dollars she has earned either through her mercenary or larcenous means. This money is stored all over the world in a variety of accounts under a wide range of identities. If she needs it, she can afford it.

With the many sudden exits she has had to make, Mystique learned not to keep all her eggs in one basket. She has safehouses all over the world. They are owned under a variety of identities. There are resources kept at all of them, from money to weapons to new identification paperwork. These can be anything from a penthouse in Manhattan to a hovel in Austrian mountains or anything in between.


Between the years she has been alive and her time at DARPA, Mystique owns practically every type of weapon under the sun, including some that are experimental. From firearms and blasters to swords and daggers. While she can use all of them, she has a particular love of firearms/blasters which she often has concealed on, or even within, her body. Like all things, she has caches of these spread all over the world should she need them.


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Metamorph Limitations:
Mystique is only able to copy the appearance of someone else. She is not able to copy their powers. Were she to take on the form of Colossus, she would be an exact replica of him but she would not have actual metallic skin. It may look like it and it will be a hardened version of her skin but it would not be metal and would not have that level of resistance. She may take on the appearance of Archangel's wings but she would not actually be able to fly.

Because Mystique has, and does, shift loyalties from time to time, she is not the most trusted person on the planet by many parties. There are, perhaps, one or two that might trust her because they know her agenda aligns with theirs completely. Others might work with her if there was a common goal or need or she was -realy- convincing, but they most assuredly would question her motives, or be waiting for the knife in the back to come, unless they didn't know her.


Mystique is not mentally stable. Spending long amounts of time as other people throughout her life, in addition to the physical shifting of her brain into other shapes, has led to a mental instability which leads to many of her mercurial mood shifts and changes of loyalties.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Log 15975 January 16th, 2024 Summary needed
We're going to accomplish grand things together November 3rd, 2023 Investigating the case of the spontaneously appearing heir to an old money fortune turns into beseeching the legendary mutant freedom fighter Mystique for aid.
Log 15739 October 25th, 2023 Mystique and Tabitha.
Meeting in Genosha June 18th, 2023 Polaris runs into Mystique in Genosha
A Meeting of Two Minds March 13th, 2023 Magneto and Mystique discuss plans on reforming the Brotherhood of Mutants. Mystique warns Magneto of the consequences of ulterior motives.
Can't even go shopping March 1st, 2023 A date for another time is made
UFOs, Missing Kids and Yetis February 28th, 2023 The Xmen go searching for missing kids in the mountains and find more than they expected.
Dinner at Xhouse February 15th, 2023 Mystique went to teach
Breakfast at Remy's January 30th, 2023 Remy and Raven have a light breakfast before the day begins.
Billiards game January 7th, 2023 Remy and Mysti play pool and discuss identity.
Mystique Comes to Vist the Xmansion December 2nd, 2022 Off they went to get tea
It's Hip to Be Square May 16th, 2021 At long last, Victor and Raven finally meet! She gives him a job, and not a good one at all..
Guilty Until Proven Innocent May 12th, 2021 Alex's 'arrest' likely isn't all it appears to be.
Friends in High Places May 6th, 2021 The Diplomat makes a personal appearance at their latest endeavor. It all goes wrong when Cloak, Dagger, and Deadpool shows up on the scene. Deadpool makes contact, Sabertooth assists the Diplomat, the one and only Raven Darkholme, threats were thrown, a good portion of merchandise lost, and massive arrests for the goons at the docks. Heroes and villains are at a draw.
Ground Work January 31st, 2020 Mystique goes under cover and meets Colossus as part one of her plan.
Royal Problems December 30th, 2019 Lorna comes to Genosha looking for her father and finds Mystique instead.
Dear Rogue... September 4th, 2019 Revelations and puppies in the park.
A little manipulation among friends September 2nd, 2019 Mystique and Surge talk mutant rights. An offer is made.
Agamemnon Finds Mystique May 5th, 2019 Agamemnon provided Mystique with diagrams of the Sentinel Nullifier emitter in order to get the information to people she knows.
A Shifty Time in Mutant Town April 18th, 2019 Mystique offers Lorna and Rogue some information while holding onto a death switch. The two are not receptive.
When Two Are Better Than One November 4th, 2018 Black Cat comes Across a Duplicate?
Throwback Evolution Party October 27th, 2018 Party at Club Evolution, Mystique talks with ash about Mutant Rights.
Into Hellfire September 13th, 2018 Janet meets Shaw, Selene, and Mysique (after a fashion) at a Hellfire Club open event.
Behind Enemy Lines September 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Bad Medicine: Beginning September 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Deal with the Devil May 15th, 2018 Mystique arrives at the Triskelion and turns herself in, claming innocence and wanting to make a deal. Director Fury takes the gamble.
Shadow Bait and switch December 26th, 2017 Shadowlite gets a new job: breaking into SHIELD.
Our Die Hard December 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Trouble Brewing in DC Error: Invalid time. Error: Invalid time.th, Error: Invalid time. A bunch of people get together., Summary needed
Lorna meet Mom November 9th, 2017 Summary needed
The Legion of Doom October 7th, 2017 Summary needed
You Are Cordially Invited October 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Spies Like Us September 22nd, 2017 Sam Axe readies to meet with a contact, when things Go Wrong <tm>.
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
A Gracious Host September 2nd, 2017 Havok joins the Brotherhood, Molly meets Mystique-- Steps towards a brighter future.
Frenemies Forever August 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Doom in Deadlights August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Effect & Cause August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Mystique Comes To Parley. August 13th, 2017 Mystique investigates a generations old myth about a mutant legacy.
A Dangerous Game: The Game Begins August 10th, 2017 A group of Mystique's associates have been brought together for one purpose: to exterminate mutant slavers.
Memories of Winter: A Backstory August 9th, 2017 Two long-lived hunters meet for the first time when they have the same target, for entirely different reasons.
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Luck Bearer August 7th, 2017 Domino comes home to find Mystique waiting for her. With an offer she won't refuse.
Pink & Blue & Brotherhood All Over August 7th, 2017 Blink finally gets to meet Mystique. And gets offered her first real mission for the Brotherhood.
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Sabrecat August 6th, 2017 Mystique catches up with Sabretooth, and offers him a 'job'.
Reunions August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Prodigy August 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Temptations and Tonics August 4th, 2017 Mystique seeks out a new person on the chalkboard in St. Mary's Home For Wayward Girls to help her out with a little sumthin' sumthin'.
The Chefs Are In Hell's Kitchen July 31st, 2017 Mystique & Gambit meet. Sort of.
The meeting of minds July 30th, 2017 Mystique and Sebastian Shaw have a meeting.
Rogue Meets Magneto (Backflash Scene) May 8th, 2017 Mystique takes Rogue to meet the Master of Magnetism
Moral Compass May 2nd, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
Trouble Brewing in DC Error: Invalid time. Error: Invalid time.th, Error: Invalid time. A bunch of people get together., Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: The General's August 12th, 2017 Summary needed


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