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|NameOnMUSH=Luke Cage
|NameOnMUSH=Luke Cage
|FullName=Luke Cage<br>Carl Lucas
|FullName=Carl Lucas
|Occupation=Hero For Hire
|Occupation=Bar owner
|Groups=[[Defenders]], [[Heroes For Hire]]
|Quote="Sweet Christmas."
|Residence=Harlem, NY
|PAge=Late 20s.
|Education=High School
|Groups=[[Street Level-OOC]], [[Defenders]]
|DOB=December 20
|Quote="That's Charles Darwin, not Mobb Deep you ignorant bastard."
|Height=198.12 cm
|Weight=193 kg
|DOB=20 December 1998
|Height=195 cm (6'5")
|Weight=115 kg (253 lb)
|Actor=Mike Colter
|Actor=Mike Colter
|Song=[https://youtu.be/EDR1Mlb4Lzo Bulletproof Love] by Adrian Younge and Ali Shaheed (featuring Method Man)
|Song="Set it Off" by Audioslave
|Profile=While imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, inmate Carl Lucas was subjected to medical experimentation that gave him superhuman strength and unbreakable skin. Once free, Carl Lucas became '''Luke Cage''' and used his abilities as a '''Hero For Hire''' -- protecting people that had nowhere else to turn. Over the years he has buttheads with some of the world's greatest heroes and worst threats, traveled the world and beyond but he's never once forgotten where he came from. Now this 'power man' continues to fight for everything that truly matters in this world as a Defender of the defenseless. So go ahead...
Carl Lucas grew up rough in Harlem, going so far as to run the streets with other youth his age. After becoming a Marine to avoid jail, he followed his father's footsteps into the police force. It was not long before conflict with people from his former life came to a head and Carl was framed for drug possession. Carl was ultimately transferred to Seagate Prison and nearly killed. An experimental intervention by Dr. Burstein that was derailed by prison guards out to kill Carl made him massively strong and virtually impenetrable. Carl escaped from prison and assumed a new identity with the help of his prison psychologist and wife, Dr. Reva Connors before her passing. Now living as Luke Cage, he is trying to create a new, better life for himself and for Harlem.<br>
===Current Player Approved: Character Available for Application===
|Description=<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description'''</span>
Luke Cage is a towering African-American of six and a half feet tall. He not only towers over most, but his masculine form is a rugged study in pure muscle. He's shaved bald but sports a black goatee. His highly expressive brown eyes can be warm and gentle, but add an additional intensity to his noticeable physical presence when his ire is raised.<br>
His attire is as simple as he is. He wears a pair of dark denim jeans, held up with a simple black belt. A tight fitted t-shirt is wrapped around his incredibly muscular frame and thrown over that is a black hoodie with a dark interior. On his feet are a pair of butterscotch colored boots.<br>
|Personality=<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality'''</span>
When he was young, Carl Lucas tried his hand at the rough life of the streets, getting by at the expense of others. He learned his lesson and he learned it the hard way. It was not just having to go into the Marines to avoid jail time. Carl saw the hurt that he did to his family, and that changed him as much as the military did.<br>
Dealt a raw hand and convicted of a crime he didn't commit, Carl was made to suffer in prison. Perhaps it was karma that sicked a racist guard on him, but it further drove into Carl the differences between right and wrong, and the kind of person he wished to be.<br>
After his escape, and his adoption of the name Luke Cage, the world has been a different place. Somewhere that needs the protection of someone with his enhanced physical abilities. Luke is compassionate and kind, rather funny, and a very well-spoken and likeable guy to those who deserve it. But he is an implacable enemy to those who have earned it.<br>

Say. His. Name.  
|History=<span style="color:#009999">'''History 1'''</span>
== History ==
Harlem. Yeah, I know what people say. I hear it. I just don't care. Ain't no place better or worse than my hometown. It's all the same shit, just different streets. And those streets is where my story begins.
Luke Cage was originally born as Carl Lucas. Carl grew up in Harlem, the son of James and Etta Lucas. His father was a cop who reached detective before retiring from the police force to become a minister. Despite his father's occupation as a lawman, Carl's early life was headed in the opposite direction, living a rough and tumble life on the streets with his friend Willis Stryker.<br>
The pair ended up in a gang called The Rivals, committing minor crimes and frequently rumbling with a rival gang known as the Diablos. The two boys caught the eye of a small time crime lord, Sonny "Hammer' Caputo, and committed thefts and assault for him. Carl's size and strength made him a valuable tool. He also excelled at football and learned to box from Willis. Eventually the two boys stole a car and were arrested for grand theft auto. Carl's father convinced the judge to let Carl join the Marines instead of receiving jail time. As Carl went off into the military, Willis went off to do hard time.<br>
After serving his time as a Force Recon Marine, Carl moved down to Georgia and got a job as a police officer. He had put some space between himself and the life in Harlem that had once tried to pull him down into crime. But then Carl was blindsided as he was arrested on a trumped up drug charge. He never knew why he'd been framed, or by whom. But he found himself convicted and sent off to Seagate Penitentiary.<br>
While in Seagate, Carl ran afoul of a corrupt guard. Albert Rackham staged fights between prisoners as entertainment. He sent Herman "Shades" Alvarez and Darius "Comanche" Jones, a pair of members of the Rivals, after Carl. When they failed to beat Carl down, his fighting skills further drew Rackham's attention. He began persecuting the inmate until Carl was forced to agree to participate in his underground fights.<br>
During this time, Carl attended therapy under a woman named Reva Connors. During her interventions with Carl the two developed feelings for each other. At the same time as this bright spot was growing in Carl's life, illegal experiments were being done on inmates with Reva's knowledge. After Carl was beaten nearly to death by Shades and Comanche, Reva convinced Dr. Noah Burstein to use his experiment to save Carl's life.<br>
Rackham intervened and caused the experiment to go awry, enhancing Carl until his skin was nigh invulnerable, and he had the strength to punch his way through brick walls and escape with Reva.<br>
(Continued in History 2)<br>

I ain't gonna' front, I was a little bastard back in the day. Runnin' the streets with my man, Willis. We got into everything, man and wasn't none of it good. Bein' a little knothead, I let Willis talk me into joining The Rivals. We was bad as ever and didn't take no mess from no one. 'Specially no damn Diablos. But it ain't stop there, 'cause it never does, right? We started doin' jobs for punk ass Sonny Caputo, stealin', robbin', whatever got us money. Get busted, hit Juvey, get out an' start over again. I'mma tell ya' right now, that ain't no way to live. An' it took me seein' my Mama cry every night, 'cause of me, to realize there had to be another way. Livin' where I lived, the struggle, The Man? All thems was just excuses. And I hate excuses.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History 2'''</span>
Carl was still wanted, so took the name Luke Cage from a Bible verse that said "a free man would never be caged". Luke and Reva were married and returned to New York to Luke's old stomping ground. While there, Reva was seemingly killed in a bus accident, though there were more nefarious deeds afoot, tied to her knowledge of Dr. Burstein's experiments.<br>
After grieving, Luke eventually opened a bar called "Luke's" and hired Roy Healy to be a bartender. His strength and invulnerable skin eventually drew the attention of some of Harlem's criminal element. And in particular, a hoodlum named Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes, the leader of the Stokes crime family. Along with his sister Mariah Dillard, the two have been waging a war for control of Harlem, with Luke opposing them. Luke has become something of a hero of the people, sometimes referred to as "Power Man" though more often he is just known as Luke Cage. Though the Stokes are always out to ruin his public image.<br>
Luke had his hand in a few other affairs after his return to Harlem. Matters he was involved in because of the Stokes draw him into contact with other heroes, and Luke has worked alongside The Defenders from time to time. At one point, low on cash, Luke agreed to take part in a business venture called Heroes for Hire. Selling his services frequently chafed Luke, however, and while he is still a founder and even part-owner of the endeavor, he tends to keep his for-profit heroing to a minimum and focus on the needs of Harlem.<br>

So I manned up. I got off the streets and got to work. I ain't finish high school so I worked wherever I could. I had a lot of crap to make up for but that's what bein' a man is all about. You gon' make mistakes, but you better learn from 'em and when the time comes, you better handle business. And that's what I was doin'. But so was Willis, jus' the wrong kind of business. I couldn't get him out. I tried, Lord knows I did. But he was stubborn as I was. But we was still friends, damn near brothers, an' I'll be damned if I was just gonna' write him off. Naw, that ain't my style. We been through too much for me to just turn my back on him. So when I heard things was goin' south for him, I stepped in, saved his life.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhanced Endurance'''</span>
Despite being a large man, Luke has an exceptional endurance compared to normal humans as a result of the experiment in Seagate Prison. While he will eventually tire, he can perform at his enhanced levels for several times longer than fit athletes would be able to.<br>

Or ruined it.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhanced Speed'''</span>
While not a speedster by superhero standards, Luke is capable of running slightly faster than the best Olympic athletes. He once was clocked running the 40 in 3.7 seconds, about a half-second faster than the non-enhanced World Record.<br>

To hear him tell it, I'm the reason his girl broke it off with him. He thought I was pushin' up on her, which I wasn't. She was fine but not even my type. Next thing I know, I'm gettin' hauled off to prison on a bum ass drugs charge. Figures, right? The one that actually took the time to turn his life around ends up behind bars. Bullshit.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Healing Factor'''</span>
Though the durability of his skin protects Luke from most injuries, when he has been hurt he has healed faster than a normal person would from such an injury. While he does not heal before one's eyes, his recovery times may be only one-third those of normal humans.<br>

Now, I'mma' be real with y'all. A lot of people will try to tell you that prison is sweet an' it ain't no thing. But the truth is, prison is a bitch. I ain't have nobody. I tried to write my fam but I ain't never hear back. I got no visitors, no nothin'. I was on my own. And there was only one man to blame, at least how I saw it, and that was Willis Stryker. I knew his punk ass set me up, but good luck tryin' to get anybody to listen to you while you in prison. I might as well have been tellin' people I was the king of England. I was ruled by anger at that time, brawlin' with anybody that looked at me longer than two seconds. Hell, I even tried to escape a few times. I wasn't lettin' no prison stop me from whoopin' Stryker's ass. Believe that.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Invulnerability'''</span>
Luke's body mass has become increasingly dense and his skin has hardened to the point of being as resilient as titanium. Blades will not cut him, and a past surgery required an overpowered medical laser. Only bullets made from exotic metals like adamantium or vibranium have a chance to penetrate his skin. He can withstand blunt force exceedingly well without sustaining serious injuries, including long falls, impacts up to one ton, or blasts of hundreds of pounds of TNT. Electricity, fire, and temperature extremes have little impact on him.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Strength'''</span>
The experiment gifted Luke with super strength beyond that of normal men. He originally could only lift about 5 tons, but over time this has increased to around 25 tons and could increase further as he ages. He can punch through a brick wall or four inches of steel, and rip a fire hydrant or parking meter out of the ground.<br>

I was causin' too much trouble, though, 'cause eventually they found a way to get me outta' upstate and sent me down south to Seagate. My rep got me hassled the moment I stepped foot in the place. Buttin' heads with one of the guards, Racist Rackham we called him. Beatings were daily with Rackham and eventually I heard he got demoted or somethin', 'cause he was no longer in my face. Lucky for him.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Athlete'''</span>

I guess my time at Seagate wasn't all bad. That's where I met Doc Burstein. Noah. I ain't know the dude from Adam but after a couple visits, he was talkin' to me about some crazy research experiment he was doin'. I was down. Why not? Wasn't like I had anythin' better to do. Prison ain't exactly the Ritz, y'know? So I'm gettin' hooked up to this crazy ass machine, I don't know what it is. All I know is Noah's tellin' me I might die, but if I don't, what he's doin' could change the world. He gets his machine goin' and then he's off. At this point, I'm feelin' weird as hell. My body's goin' all kinda' crazy and then it goes crazier. Somethin' musta' went wrong 'cause I feel like a billion bucks. Or, I guess, somethin' musta' went right. By the time the machine powers down, I'm up an' at 'em and I see Rackham. This fool shoots me but I don't feel a thing. So you know what I do, right? I beat his ass an' get the hell outta' dodge.
A standout football player and boxer in particular, Luke has above average athletic skills on top of his physical enhancements.<br>

Y'know, by punchin' down the wall. No bullshit.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Combat'''</span>

So now I'm super, right? I mean, I'm indestructible. I'm punchin' down walls. I'm stronger than I ever been. And I damn sure ain't normal no more. Gift or curse, it ain't even matter. This the hand I was dealt and I was just gonna' have to play these cards. So I made my way back to New York. While I'm layin' low, I'm seein' what's goin' on. Crime is high, super this and super that is poppin' up all over the place. Innocent people is gettin' caught in the middle. And I got people gettin' robbed right in front of me. Now, I ain't sayin' life was all peaches an' cream when I left but this ain't what I wanted to come back home to.
Luke has learned a number of fighting techniques, including boxing, street brawling, military training as a Marine, and some minor martial arts training by Iron Fist. Luke has melded these into his own brawling style that even without his physical enhancements makes him a middle-tier fighter by super-hero standards.<br>

So I did somethin' 'bout it. I saw somethin' bad goin' down, I stopped it. I became Luke Cage. Started workin' outta' the Gem Theater. Doin' what I could to try and keep my city from goin' to the dogs. But I had to eat too. So I became what I like to call a Hero For Hire. This is when things really started to get crazy. When I wasn't hired to be a hero, I was tag teamin' with other heroes, stoppin' craziness or savin' the world. Whatever works. But I wasn't gonna' forget about New York. I couldn't. So I played it close to home.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Intimidation'''</span>

Now you don't whoop some bad guy ass an' save lives without startin' to get noticed. And I did. Eventually, I took to callin' myself Power Man. Even got me one of them stupid costumes. Tryin' to fit in with the hero crowd. It worked for a bit. People started recognizin' the skills and I was makin' pretty good bank. But that whole 'Power Man' gig got stale and I went back to keepin' the lowest profile I could keep.
For a normal person, Luke is one big, scary dude. He was intimidating before he gained super strength and unbreakable skin. Now? He can sometimes use his intimidation factor to end problems without needing to resort to violence.<br>

You can only stay in the shadows for so long, though. Things got heated on the street again an' eventually I ain't have no choice but to step in. I was watchin' my neighborhood get torn apart an' that jus' ain't a life I'm about. So I stood up. I did somethin'. I fought back. Against anythin' an' everythin' that tried to wreck Harlem. An' I still do. To this day.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Legal Knowledge'''</span>

I fight. I defend. I help. And I love what I do.
Having served as a police officer, plus going through his own trial for narcotics when he was framed, Luke has firsthand working knowledge of the legal system and police procedures, while not being a lawyer himself.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Street Knowledge'''</span>
Having grown up on the streets and as a member of gangs, Luke has extensive knowledge of the streets of Harlem, and less of other nearby urban areas. He knows people that might provide information or help of various types, as well as being aware of some of the major underworld players in the area.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Strong Speaker'''</span>
While he seems in many ways a simple man, Luke has a far more educated sound to him than one would suspect given his background. He speaks simply but from the heart, and has an honest charisma that gives him a chance to sway listeners to his side.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Weapons Combat'''</span>
Luke does not like guns. But he was in Force Recon in the Marines, so is skilled in the use and maintenance of all sorts of firearms and military weapons.<br>
|Resources=<span style="color:#228B22">'''Allies'''</span>
Luke has accumulated some non-super hero allies during his time in Harlem. He is close with a nurse who has aided him on a number of occasions, and also works collaboratively with an NYPD detective who he knows from the old days. Luke also has a close relationship with Pops, a barber and one of Harlem's most respected citizens. Pop's Barber Shop is considered neutral territory by many factions in Harlem.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Defenders'''</span>
Though he may not always have close relationships with all of them, Luke is one of The Defenders and can call on the others for aid, as they can call on him.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Heroes For Hire'''</span>
Luke was a founder of Heroes For Hire, which farms out super hero services for a fee. However, he quickly found this practice distasteful for the most part. While he is still a part-owner, and associated with the group, he rarely takes jobs himself. In times of need, it does give him access to heroes willing to work for some compensation.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Momma'''</span>
Luke's mother, Etta Lucas, is one firebrand of a lady. It is a wonder he ended up in the street troubles he did with her as a mother. She has a force of will, and a leather belt, that she's not afraid to exert on others.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Reputation'''</span>
By hero standards, Luke is a big fish in a small pond. He is well known in Harlem, and many ne'er-do-wells will do what they can to avoid confrontations or getting on Luke's bad side.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Small Businesses'''</span>
Luke has a small neighborhood bar, Luke's Bar, with an apartment above it. He also owns the Gem Theater, an old movie theater which mainly shows "B" quality Western movies, of which Luke is a noted fan. There is an apartment and a small amount of office space on the floor above it.<br>
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#EE204D">'''A Good Man'''</span>
Luke truly is a good man at heart. He has honor, even when dealing with those who do not. This provides others with an opportunity to exploit him.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Framed Fugitive'''</span>
Luke Cage is really Carl Lucas, who was framed and convicted of narcotics trafficking. Luke was sentenced to jail at Seagate Penitentiary, which he escaped from during an experiment intended to save his life, but which instead left him an enhanced individual. Carl fled and assumed the identity Luke Cage. But Carl is still wanted and could be returned to prison if found out.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''List of Enemies'''</span>
Luke has become a protector of Harlem, and that means making enemies with those seeking to control or prey on the people. He also has people from his past, including someone who set him up to be arrested, that are out to get him.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Radiation'''</span>
Luke's dense skin and muscles may provide some protection from radiation, but not much. Too much exposure will affect him much like it would other people.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Unbreakable Skin'''</span>
The good thing about nearly unbreakable skin is that not much can get inside. The bad thing about it is that if you need something to get inside, like for surgery, not much can get inside. Surgery and other medical procedures are often made difficult. An overpowered medical laser has had to be used in the past.<br>

So tell me, li'l man. You still want some?
== Personality ==
Luke Cage. Carl Lucas. Power Man. They all are different sides of the same man. A man that was dealt a bad hand and played the wrong cards. Upon getting a second chance, though, Cage has taken it upon himself to make things better for those that don't have the power to do that themselves. He's very much a passionate individual that believes in doing the right thing no matter the cost to himself. He's honest, blunt and extremely strong-willed. He's moved from being a man that only cares about himself to a man that cares about everyone else. He has a strong sense of loyalty and justice that carries him through his life. No matter what's going on or where he is or what's happening, you can always count on Luke Cage to be a man that's built on honor, justice and punching mofos in the face that deserve it. He shows and proves. He talks big and backs it up bigger. He will make it so you will have no other option but to answer when he asks: "What's my name?"
* '''Durability'''
Luke Cage's entire cellular structure has been augmented on a genetic level. His skin has become as hard as titanium steel. Beneath the skin his muscle and bone are eons more dense than ordinary humans. All of these features combined allow Cage to be able to withstand a variety of different things. His skin is unable to be cut by any conventional bladed means nor can it be pierced by bullets. Beyond unbelievable metals such as Adamantium the only other thing that has been capable of piercing Cage's skin was an overpowered medical laser. Fire, extreme temperatures, one-ton impacts, explosions and other destructive energy attacks are all things that Cage seems to be able to tank due to his marvelous durability.
* '''Endurance'''
Luke Cage's muscles have been augmented to superhuman levels. His muscles create considerably less fatigue toxins than that of normal and ordinary humans. This allows him to function at peak superhuman capacity for 24 hours before fatigue actually starts to affect him. With extreme duress he can likely push himself past these limits but that would severely increase the rate at which he fatigues after that 24 hour mark.
* '''Healing Factor'''
Luke Cage is blessed with an accelerated healing ability that allows him the chance to heal himself at a faster rate than normal humans. Granted, it is already difficult to harm or wound him in the first place, but should this happen, he will heal much faster than he would've prior to the experiment that turned him into the powerful man that he is today.
* '''Speed'''
Due to the enhanced musculature of his legs, Luke Cage is capable of moving at speeds that are faster than the finest of human athletes. It gives him a serious edge when it comes time to put some punks on the ground.
* '''Strength'''
Luke Cage has had his strength augmented in an incredible way by experimentation via a program that he signed up for in prison. This experiment initially caused his strength to be augmented to be capable of lifting 3 Tons. However, over the years, his strength has substantially increased to being able to lift 25 Tons. This also means that he can exert just as much force. Considering that his strength increases with age there's the potential for his superhuman strength to continue to rise as well.
* '''Athletics'''
Luke Cage has been gifted in athletics since he was a child. He's been a natural athlete without ever playing any formal sports or getting any actual fitness or athletics training. All of his ability is natural and therefore can be modified to fit a variety of situations, on the fly. Things like running, climbing, jumping, tackling and various other physical activities round out Cage's tremendous athleticism.
* '''Boxing'''
Luke Cage studied boxing while in prison. It was one of the only things that allowed him a legal way to channel his rage into something productive. While he is nowhere near capable of being a boxing legend, he does understand the foundation of the sport and could handle himself in the squared circle should the need for such things arise. With or without his special abilities.
* '''Criminal Mind'''
Luke Cage has a criminal mindset. Granted, what he went to prison for was a frame job, but before then he was part of a gang and did jobs for the local criminal organizations. This gives him an insight into the way the criminal mind works, some adeptness with breaking & entering or theft, as well as just a blanket knowledge of the criminal underworld and how it works.
* '''Intimidation'''
Luke Cage can be a very intimidating individual. Sometimes he uses his fists. Sometimes he uses his size. Sometimes he uses his words. And sometimes, the best times, he just stands there and glares until he gets what he wants. This tends to be his primary method of persuasion and it tends to work quite a bit of the time. Results may vary dependent on whom he's attempting to intimidate.
* '''Leadership'''
Luke Cage is a considerable leader. He knows how to value those he works with and use their strengths to the advantage of the team. He can put together a plan and enforces it, either through his words or by leading by example. He's not exactly shy about being in a leadership position nor does he seem to be a power tripper. He will defer to someone with a greater expertise on matters just as quick as he will stand up and lead. What makes him a good leader are the same qualities that make him a great man and friend: Honesty, Nobility and Positivity.
* '''Self-Educated'''
Luke Cage is a high school dropout but that doesn't mean he hasn't taken it upon himself to learn things throughout his life time. He's extremely well read and self-taught in a manner that normally wouldn't seem to be something someone in his position would do. Prison allowed him much free time to hit the books and he's become something of a Street Scholar. He knows a whole lot more than people give him credit for.
* '''Small Business'''
Luke Cage has some growing knowledge of running a small business. He knows and understands how to deal with the problems that can arise in being a small business owner and puts a lot of time and energy into keeping Heroes For Hire on the up and up. He is nowhere near a master of business practices or anything. He's just good at running a business.
* '''Speaker In The House'''
Luke Cage is an incredible speaker. Whether he's speaking from experience or simply giving a rousing speech to his allies, Cage has a way with words. He could be trying to convince, persuade or even just inform. The topic or reasoning doesn't matter, as long as he's capable of speaking intelligently about it. He can be incredibly charismatic when it comes to letting the words flow in such a manner. This is one of the big ways he makes a difference.
* '''Street Fighting'''
Luke Cage is a masterful street fighter and knuckle up brawler. He's been fighting since a young age, against multiple opponents or one-on-one. He's a dedicated expert in using his environment to his advantage, as well as simply straight up whoopin' some ass. He doesn't pull punches and he doesn't believe in the notion of "fighting dirty", considering that when he fights it is for survival. Or to protect those that need protecting. His preference for fighting is using his own two hands, but he will use anything he can get his hands on as well.
* '''Street Knowledge'''
Luke Cage was born and raised on the mean streets of Harlem... in the 80s. It was the time spent here and in the company of those that are of the lower socio-economic status that he learned how to traverse the social landscape of these types of places. While he happens to be from New York, the elements and the philosophy behind being street smart and streetwise remains the same. This allows Cage to be able to communicate with, investigate in and traverse various 'streets' in a manner that keeps him alive.
* '''The Law'''
Luke Cage is not someone you'd expect to know the law, whether it be rules and regulations of the police or even how some of the things go down in the courtroom. That's one of the things that makes Cage different than the stereotypes that people seem to quantify him as. His time in prison allowed for some reading up on such things, which gives him a edge when dealing with law enforcement agencies and knowing just how far he can go as a Hero For Hire without breaking the law. He also knows loopholes. They come in handy.
* '''Defenders'''
Luke Cage is a member of the Defenders. This gives him access to everything being a member of the Defenders gets him access to. Especially the other Defenders. Even if they shouldn't be a team, they are one.
* '''Etta Cage'''
Luke Cage's Mama is alive and kicking and she don't take no mess. From nobody. Including her son. She will also whoop up on anybody that dares try to hurt her family. Including her son.
* '''Harlem'''
Luke Cage is Harlem. This is his 'hood. In much of the same way certain people claim Hell's Kitchen, Cage has claimed Harlem. Nothing goes on down here without his say so or without him knowing about it. Informants, the streets themselves, they all answer to Luke Cage. Whether they want to or not.
* '''Heroes For Hire'''
Luke Cage is the founder and current leader of the Heroes For Hire. This gives him access to everything that HFH has to offer, including databases, vehicles, cases and even heroes that are available for hire.
* '''Reputation'''
Luke Cage is a name that is known. Whether it be on the streets of Harlem or those crazy estates in Silicon Valley, a lot of the time Luke Cage's reputation precedes him. If it doesn't, it makes sure to leave a lasting impression on anybody that's meeting him for the first time. In some circles, his name and his reputation, are better than gold.
* '''Tiara'''
Luke Cage kept his tiara from his costumed hero days. Even if it does make him look like a damn fool.
* '''Tougher Than Leather'''
Luke Cage has a leather jacket that is as durable as he is. However, he very rarely wears or uses it. It does hang in his closet though for special occasions.
* '''Enemies'''
Luke Cage has amassed a few enemies over the years of superheroing. Whether it is from his days as a Hero For Hire or his days being a Defender, there are a list of people that may want to see Cage harmed or even dead.
* '''Near-Unbreakable Skin'''
Luke Cage's skin is can only be pierced by unconventional metals such as Adamantium. Beyond that, to date, only an extremely overpowered medical laser has been known to be able to penetrate Luke's skin. This makes surgery and other medical procedures requiring breaking through his skin highly difficult.
* '''People's Champion'''
Luke Cage has a responsibility to the People. Whether it be the people of New York or just People in general, Luke Cage believes himself to be their champion. He comes from the same beginnings as most of them and thus strives to make sure that he never forgets where he came from by sticking up for them and what he believes in.
* '''Radiation'''
Luke Cage can be hurt by extreme and excessive amounts of radiation. Such radiation can creates burns that will severely harm him. Prolonged exposure could even kill him.
* '''Working Class Hero'''
Luke Cage does not have the luxury of being a billionaire with a flying suit or an inheritance to live off of. Cage has to work every dime he collects and that is something that will always be troublesome. It's hard to save the world when you're also trying to pay the rent.
== Relationships ==
== Gallery ==
[[Category:Street Level-OOC]] [[Category:Defenders]]

Latest revision as of 17:33, 29 March 2023

Luke Cage (Scenesys ID: 242)
"That's Charles Darwin, not Mobb Deep you ignorant bastard."
Full Name: Carl Lucas
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Bar owner
Citizenship: American
Residence: Harlem, NY
Education: High School
Status: Dropped
Groups: Street Level-OOC, Defenders
Other Information
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 20 December 1998 Actor: Mike Colter
Height: 195 cm (6'5") Weight: 115 kg (253 lb)
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Set it Off" by Audioslave


Carl Lucas grew up rough in Harlem, going so far as to run the streets with other youth his age. After becoming a Marine to avoid jail, he followed his father's footsteps into the police force. It was not long before conflict with people from his former life came to a head and Carl was framed for drug possession. Carl was ultimately transferred to Seagate Prison and nearly killed. An experimental intervention by Dr. Burstein that was derailed by prison guards out to kill Carl made him massively strong and virtually impenetrable. Carl escaped from prison and assumed a new identity with the help of his prison psychologist and wife, Dr. Reva Connors before her passing. Now living as Luke Cage, he is trying to create a new, better life for himself and for Harlem.

Current Player Approved: Character Available for Application



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