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|FullName= Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme Cuckoo
|FullName=Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme Cuckoo
|Citizenship=US Citizens
|Citizenship=US Citizens
|Residence=Xavier Institute
|Residence=Xavier Institute
|Education=Some high school
|Education=Some high school
|Groups=[[Xavier's School]], [[Brotherhood]], [[Mutant-OOC]]
|Groups=[[Mutant-OOC]], [[Brotherhood]], [[Xavier's School]]
|Quote="What did you do, Irma?" "I cut my hair! Let go!" "How could you?!"
|Quote=Irma, Sophie, Celeste, and Phoebe: "Esme! What is wrong with you?!"<br>
Esme: "I... I can't..."<br>
Irma, Sophie, Celeste, and Phoebe: "There is no 'I' Esme, there's only 'we', you're nothing!"
|DOB=11 August 2008
|DOB=11 August 2008
|Height=165 cm (5'5")
|Height=165 cm (5'5")
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|Actor=Elle Evans
|Actor=Skyler Rose Samuels
|Song="One" by Three Dog Night
|Song="We Are Family" by Sister Sledge
|Profile=The Cuckoos are clones of Emma Frost who have been sent to the Xavier institute to infiltrate and gather the details of the place. They are fresh from their vats and aging tubes, as well as new to Xavier's school with deeper unknown sinister goals.
|Profile=The Cuckoos are clones of Emma Frost who have been sent to the Xavier institute to infiltrate and gather the details of the place. They are fresh from their vats and aging tubes, as well as new to Xavier's school with deeper unknown sinister goals.
===Current Player Approved: Character Available for Application===
===Current Player Approved: April 04, 2024===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
Five girls, young, each one a carbon copy of the other and almost perfectly beautiful by today's standards, like works of art. The Cuckoos reflect maturity beyond their age. Despite the twinge of constant youthful curiosity in their eyes, the girls exude responsibility and sophistication, almost as if they come from nobility and good breeding stock. With figures of lithe dancers, they have the curves and shapes that often get an appraising eye or wicked and intent grin.
The Stepford Cuckoos tend to be in the full group five (Unless specified) and they all wear identical clothes. The girls have the same hair, same facial features, same physique and even the same attention. The girls have a shorter blonde hair cut, hanging just down to their shoulders and smoothed perfectly without a strand out of place. Their piercing blue eyes belie their ignorance, with unknown wisdom and stolen intelligence. They wear a standard school girl outfit style with the button up blouse and a deep red tie and a pleated skirt down to their knees with a pair of socks that go up and cover their calves. Covering their fancy socks each wear a pair of clean white tennis sneakers.
Silky blonde hair of spun gold, cut just above the shoulder line. The features of their face are fair, retaining a strong distinctive British heritage, as if they were crafted with the most artistic hands, yet there is nothing fragile or delicate about their beauty, more dangerous and possibly deadly. Then you come to the eyes, like gems of cut blue ice given life. harbouring an awareness and cold pierce that can send shivers down one's spine
Normal mode of dress consists of a classy but sexy uniform of a white dressy blouse, with a black school uniform blazer overtop, and a matching pencil skirt, giving them an almost business-like quality. Their legs are bare other than the white knee socks stretched tightly, displaying the lengthy athleticism and smooth skin, and their feet are adorned with a black pair of girl's loafers. Top it off with a tennis bracelet around their wrists, a sensible pair of silver earrings and an expensive looking black and white diamond choker around their necks.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
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<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
After getting some time in the Xavier Institute, the girls, while still a hive mind, developed individual personality traits: Phoebe has demonstrated some aggressive behavior, Esme is power hungry and rather selfish, Sophie is heroic, and along with Esme they are both above the rest in terms of power and are able to lead the hivemind, Irma enjoys playing piano, and is the most romantic, Celeste was initially the most timid and affectionate of the Cuckoos, she is the third contender for the leader position and is generally defined by being more mature than the others. According to her sisters, Celeste has began to think she is better than them. Celeste has urged her sisters to watch something a bit more self-improving than Glee.
After getting some time in the Xavier Institute, the girls, while still a hive mind, developed individual personality traits: Phoebe has demonstrated some aggressive behavior, Esme is power hungry and rather selfish, Sophie is heroic, and along with Esme they are both above the rest in terms of power and are able to lead the hivemind, Irma enjoys playing piano, and is the most romantic, Celeste was initially the most timid and affectionate of the Cuckoos, she is the third contender for the leader position and is generally defined by being more mature than the others. According to her sisters, Celeste has began to think she is better than them. Celeste has urged her sisters to watch something a bit more self-improving than Glee.<br><br>Collectively, For their age, the girls are pretty well put together. They lack a lot of the immaturity associated with girls their age. Like Emma, they have a very refined nature which is displayed in their usual mode of dress and the way they carry themselves. They can be cold, well-spoken and knowledgeable. They do what they have to do to get what they need to get done, regardless of feelings from others or circumstances with extreme results at times, giving them a questionable sense of ethics. Despite their vast powers, they rely primarily on cunning. They can be ruthless, but care deeply for their friends. The Cuckoos are supremely confident in their abilities, yet tend to underestimate their adversaries and allies alike. Perhaps their most defining personality trait is their desire to be in control, both of herself and their environment.
Collectively, For their age, the girls are pretty well put together. They lack a lot of the immaturity associated with girls their age. Like Emma, they have a very refined nature which is displayed in their usual mode of dress and the way they carry themselves. They can be cold, well-spoken and knowledgeable. They do what they have to do to get what they need to get done, regardless of feelings from others or circumstances with extreme results at times, giving them a questionable sense of ethics. Despite their vast powers, they rely primarily on cunning. They can be ruthless, but care deeply for their friends. The Cuckoos are supremely confident in their abilities, yet tend to underestimate their adversaries and allies alike. Perhaps their most defining personality trait is their desire to be in control, both of herself and their environment.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flawless Diamond Form:'''</span>
Flawless Organic Diamond Form: Like their biological mother, the Cuckoos have the ability to transform themselves into a flexible, translucent, organic diamond-like substance while retaining mobility. In this form, their skin is as hard as real diamond. In this state, food and water are not needed for a undetermined amount of time. Their diamond form does require a conscious hold as however. Unlike Emma Frost, their diamond forms are completely flawless. Nothing can enter or escape from their core. However, maintaining this form for extended period of time reduces their emotional capabilities. While in their Diamond form, the girls have specific traits:<br><br>Telepathic Immunity: Although they are immune to all psychic powers, they can not use their telepathy.<br><br>Superhuman Strength: In diamond form they can lift 2 tons.(maximum)<br><br>Superhuman Stamina: Their diamond form grants the ability to sustain peak exertion for up to a day.<br><br>Superhuman Durability: Their diamond form augments their skin, bone, and muscle to become stronger and harder than human. They're far more durable in this form, but capable of being shattered or broken by diamond objects or harder than such with enough or repeated force.<br><br>Compartmental Diamond Transformation: Unlike Emma, the Cuckoos can selectively transform discrete parts of their bodies.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Hive Mind:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Hive Mind:'''</span>
The Stepford Cuckoos have a linked hive mind, which allows them to share thoughts and maintain a continuous telepathic connection. The link is strongest when the girls are in close physical proximity. This mental phalanx also allows for increased telepathic strength and shared intellect. The girls' powers are greater the sum of its parts. A stronger personality can take lead of the hive mind, but the girls still maintain their independence.<br><br>
The Stepford Cuckoos have a linked hive mind, which allows them to share thoughts and maintain a continuous telepathic connection. The link is strongest when the girls are in close physical proximity. This mental phalanx also allows for increased telepathic strength and shared intellect. The girls' powers are greater the sum of its parts. A stronger personality can take lead of the hive mind, but the girls still maintain their independence.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepaths:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telekinesis:'''</span>
Telepathy: The Cuckoos can read minds and project their thoughts to others with a range of roughly 200 meters. Though they individually possess their own telepathy, but their telepathic abilities are greater when the girls join together. The girls have stated that together they can block even very talented telepaths from reading their minds. Only able to use their mind altering within 50 meters and 10 meters respectively. Even at their young age, they're nearly on par with 'mother' only in sheer telepathic strength. They lack the finesse, precision and experience that Emma Frost possesses, yet they are capable of an array of telepathic skills:
Telekinetic: At least one of the Cuckoos has unintentionally levitated small items. It is unknown if they can do this deliberately or not at this time.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepathy:'''</span>
-Illusions: The Cuckoos can create realistic psychic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
-Mind Alteration: The Cuckoos are able to alter the minds of others by force of will. This can be restoring memories or transferring knowledge.
-Telepathic Tracking: The Cuckoos' psionic senses enable them to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations or thought patterns. This ability is highly sensitive to proximity, but can be enhanced with the use of Cerebra.
-Astral Projection: The Cuckoos are capable of sending astral projections, astral travel, and communicating with others astrally through their own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.
-Paralysis: The Cuckoos are able to effect certain areas of the brain to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
-Memory Erasure and Restoration: The Cuckoos can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. They can also restore memories.
-Mental Triangulation: Due to their hive mind, the Cuckoos have the perspective of multiple directions and are able to triangulate on individuals' minds.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flawless Diamond Form:'''</span>
Flawless Organic Diamond Form: Like their biological mother, the Cuckoos have the ability to transform themselves into a flexible, translucent, organic diamond-like substance while retaining mobility. In this form, their skin is as hard as real diamond. In this state, food and water are not needed for a undetermined amount of time. Their diamond form does require a conscious hold as however. Unlike Emma Frost, their diamond forms are completely flawless. Nothing can enter or escape from their core. However, maintaining this form for extended period of time reduces their emotional capabilities. While in their Diamond form, the girls have specific traits:
Telepathy: The Cuckoos can read minds and project their thoughts to others with a range of roughly 200 meters. Though they individually possess their own telepathy, but their telepathic abilities are greater when the girls join together. The girls have stated that together they can block even very talented telepaths from reading their minds. Only able to use their mind alterining within 50 meters and 10 meters respectively. Even at their young age, they're nearly on par with 'mother' only in sheer telepathic strength. They lack the finesse, precision and experience that Emma Frost possesses, yet they are capable of an array of telepathic skills:<br><br>Illusions: The Cuckoos can create realistic psychic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.<br><br>Mind Alteration: The Cuckoos are able to alter the minds of others by force of will. This can be restoring memories or transferring knowledge. <br><br>Telepathic Tracking: The Cuckoos' psionic senses enable them to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations or thought patterns. This ability is highly sensitive to proximity, but can be enhanced with the use of Cerebra.<br><br>Astral Projection: The Cuckoos are capable of sending astral projections, astral travel, and communicating with others astrally through their own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.<br><br>Paralysis: The Cuckoos are able to effect certain areas of the brain to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.<br><br>Memory Erasure and Restoration: The Cuckoos can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. They can also restore memories.<br><br>Mental Triangulation: Due to their hive mind, the Cuckoos have the perspective of multiple directions and are able to triangulate on individuals' minds.
<br><br>Telepathic Immunity: Although they are immune to all psychic powers, they can not use their telepathy.<br><br>Superhuman Strength: In diamond form they can lift 2 tons.(maximum)
Superhuman Stamina: Their diamond form grants the ability to sustain peak exertion for up to a day.
Superhuman Durability: Their diamond form augments their skin, bone, and muscle to become stronger and harder than human. They're far more durable in this form, but capable of being shattered or broken by diamond objects or harder than such with enough or repeated force.
Compartmental Diamond Transformation: Unlike Emma, the Cuckoos can selectively transform discrete parts of their bodies.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Acting:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Acting:'''</span>
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The girls have access to Xavier's for a room and a school offered phone (That the girls refuse) and the laptops and a few others items. Like vehicles and clothes and bathrooms and shampoo and conditioners.
The girls have access to Xavier's for a room and a school offered phone (That the girls refuse) and the laptops and a few others items. Like vehicles and clothes and bathrooms and shampoo and conditioners.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Born Yesterday:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Diamond Form:'''</span>
The Cuckoos are beyond naïve, they're less than a year old despite their advanced physical appearances. They have to look into a person's mind in order to understand how they're supposed to respond to nearly any social situation.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Cuckoos:'''</span>
The clones are exactly that, clones. They're young, inexperienced, and actually quite impressionable, yet that goes with their powers as well. The hive mind ability is actually quite vulnerable to a fellow unknown telepath getting linked into the five's mental pentagram. They could disconnect the hive mind, or block access to it in any number of ways. Needless to say they're physically weak and quite easy to overpower in the physical realms.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Emotionless:'''</span>
The girls are technically orphans with no spiritual or even physical mother and father, they only had the biological mother and a man who taught them purpose and a few basic things to allow his 'scouts' and 'experiments' into the world as a test run. They don't have emotional teachings, or a maternal figure who taught them rights and wrongs, or a paternal figure to show them the paths of social situations or how to use their hearts AND their minds in unison. They're severely crippled in nearly all social aspects.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Inexperienced:'''</span>
The girls have been in this world a short time and as such, they haven't encountered other telepaths except for themselves and they've been told about their 'mother' so they don't have the mental barriers any telepath would quickly learn to have erected to protect their mind from not only attacks, but also strong enough thoughts. They have a sort of 'always on' mental reading, uncaring of others as they probe into others with reckless abandon. They also don't think about leaving mental residue or a sort of psychic signature in their probings or even reading that they do.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''New Telepaths:'''</span>
They are not only knew to life, they're new to their bodies and new to their telepathy, and as such they don't know everything they CAN do with their powers, and yet on the flip side, they're afraid to be apart from each other, as it feels alien and dangerous to be alone and an individual. They feel their own weakness and it feels, unwhole. They can over do it on their powers, and initially they wont be afraid to look into people's minds and extract what they deem is important.<br><br>
While in their Diamond Form, the Cuckoos are unable to access their own telepathic powers.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Unknown Host:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Unknown Host:'''</span>
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[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Xavier's School]][[Category:Brotherhood]]
[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Brotherhood]] [[Category:Xavier's School]]

Latest revision as of 17:54, 29 August 2024

Stepford Cuckoos (Scenesys ID: 1702)
Irma, Sophie, Celeste, and Phoebe: "Esme! What is wrong with you?!"

Esme: "I... I can't..."
Irma, Sophie, Celeste, and Phoebe: "There is no 'I' Esme, there's only 'we', you're nothing!"

Full Name: Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme Cuckoo
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Students
Citizenship: US Citizens
Residence: Xavier Institute
Education: Some high school
Status: Approved
Groups: Mutant-OOC, Brotherhood, Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 11 August 2008 Actor: Skyler Rose Samuels
Height: 165 cm (5'5") Weight: 47 kg (103 lb)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "We Are Family" by Sister Sledge


The Cuckoos are clones of Emma Frost who have been sent to the Xavier institute to infiltrate and gather the details of the place. They are fresh from their vats and aging tubes, as well as new to Xavier's school with deeper unknown sinister goals.

Current Player Approved: April 04, 2024



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