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|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANGER'''</span><br>Buffy is quick to anger, she has temper issues and she has ever since her father left.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FRIENDS'''</span><br>Buffy's friends are a weakness because if someone threatens them, she may rush headlong into danger to try to stop it. She cares so much about her friends that she may become irrationally motivated to protect them.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''GILES'''</span><br>Buffy relies too much on Giles and she doesn't even know it. Giles is like a father figure to her and she doesn't even know it. She's never had a real father, she doesn't even know what a father is supposed to provide in her life. Giles sees all of this, but also doesn't know how to broach the subject with her.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MOTHER'''</span><br>Much like her friends, Buffy's mother is a source of potential weakness for her. Should anyone, or anything, threaten her mother it might cause Buffy to lose her ability to think clearly or rationally and cause her to do something reckless to try to save her.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ANGER'''</span><br>Buffy is quick to anger, she has temper issues and she has ever since her father left.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FRIENDS'''</span><br>Buffy's friends are a weakness because if someone threatens them, she may rush headlong into danger to try to stop it. She cares so much about her friends that she may become irrationally motivated to protect them.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''GILES'''</span><br>Buffy relies too much on Giles and she doesn't even know it. Giles is like a father figure to her and she doesn't even know it. She's never had a real father, she doesn't even know what a father is supposed to provide in her life. Giles sees all of this, but also doesn't know how to broach the subject with her.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MOTHER'''</span><br>Much like her friends, Buffy's mother is a source of potential weakness for her. Should anyone, or anything, threaten her mother it might cause Buffy to lose her ability to think clearly or rationally and cause her to do something reckless to try to save her.
[[Category:Scooby Gang]]
[[Category:Scooby Gang]]

Revision as of 00:08, 30 December 2017

Buffy Summers (Scenesys ID: 328)
"Okay, how many times do I have to kill you? Ballpark figure."
Full Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: Dark Horse (FC)
Occupation: Student, Slayer
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Approved
Groups: Scooby Gang
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 19 January 2007 Actor: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Height: 162.56 cm Weight: 56 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-xnvdtuRRo


Buffy just graduated from Sunnydale High and is preparing to enter the workforce AND go to College in the fall. She's also, you know, the SLAYER OF EVIL and patrols the streets of Sunnydale most nights. She has a close-knit group of friends (and a few stragglers that think they're friends, but they're really not, they're weirdos she tolerates). Vampires are the calling of the Slayer, they must be stabbed...with wood...in their dried up crusty old hearts. And Buffy's here to do just that! 'POOF, YER DUSTED.'



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