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|Img= http://tinyurl.com/y5owb4vu
|FullName=Dean Winchester
|FullName=Dean Winchester
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|Residence=Black 1967 Chevrolet Impala (or Anywhere..)
|Residence=Black 1967 Chevrolet Impala (or Anywhere..)
|Groups=[[Scooby Gang]], [[Dark Universe-OOC]]
|Groups=[[Scooby Gang]], [[Angel Investigations]]
|Quote="Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."
|Quote="Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."
"Leave your name, number and nightmare at the beep."
"Leave your name, number and nightmare at the beep."
"Demons, I get... but people are crazy."
"Demons, I get... but people are crazy."
|DOB=24 January 1997
|DOB=24 January 1997
|Height=183 cm (6')
|Height=183 cm (6')
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Saving people and hunting things.
Saving people and hunting things.
===Current Player Approved: February 10, 2020===
===Current Player Approved: Available for Application===
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[[Category:Dark Universe-OOC]] [[Category:Scooby Gang]]
[[Category:Scooby Gang]][[Category:Angel Investigations]]

Latest revision as of 20:16, 17 July 2024

Dean Winchester (Scenesys ID: 306)
"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."

"Leave your name, number and nightmare at the beep." "Demons, I get... but people are crazy."

Full Name: Dean Winchester
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Hunter
Citizenship: American
Residence: Black 1967 Chevrolet Impala (or Anywhere..)
Education: GED
Status: Dropped
Groups: Scooby Gang, Angel Investigations
Other Information
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 24 January 1997 Actor: Jensen Ackles
Height: 183 cm (6') Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Back in the Saddle" by Aerosmith

"Trampled Under Foot" by Led Zepperlin "Carry on Wayward Son" by Kansas


Everything changed when Mom died. He was six at the time. His father dove head first into getting revenge on the monster that killed his wife, bringing his two sons along for the ride. Since before he was ten years old, Dean Winchester has been trained to hunt and kill supernatural threats to humanity. One at a time. Coast to coast. Living life on the outskirts of society, he uses a formal and informal network of supernatural hunters, theorists, lorekeepers and survivors to continue his family business.

Saving people and hunting things.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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You know what keeps you in shape? Constantly hunting supernatural abominations and trying to knife fight them into submission. Dean Winchester is what you would call in pretty good shape. Broad shoulders, strong arms and a sturdy frame. A natural tan, left arm a little darker than the right. The mark of the Driver. Those green eyes hold the classic depth of a rough past, the spark of an unrepentant jester. Strong jaw, classical good looks. A light brown Ivy League hair cut, goes well with the five o'clock shadow he's been rockinfg as of late. Fashion or procrastination is anyone's guess. A roguish smile, amazingly the man still has all his teeth and in fine order at that.

His style is, well... telling of the man. T-shirts and Henley's, jeans are a constant. Well traveled and faded. Favoring leather jackets for durability and that extra layer of protection, the weight of a concealed firearm sometimes comforting burden under his left arm. Jewelry isn't a big concern for the man but he always seems to have at least that old brass steer skull on a leather cord around his neck. A simple silver band around his middle finger. Nothing special.


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Dean Winchester was born fighting and screaming on January 24th, 1997 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. The first born son. Something he will rub in his little brothers face for decades to come. Great life, really. Warm and happy. Until the begining of November in 2001. That's when Dean's life -really- started. Mary Winchester was murdered in Sam Winchester's nursery by the demon Azazel, pinned to the ceiling and engulfed in flame. With his little brother in arm, Dean raced out of the burning building under the orders of his father. Get Sam to safety. That protective responsibility was burned into him early.

Tasked with basically raising his little brother while his father hunted, both revenge and a growing list of supernatural creatures, Dean grew self sufficient at a young age. He had to. Between the constant moves about the country and the extensive training recieved from his father, Dean Winchester experienced a childhood far, far from the norm. At the age of sixteen, he was arrested for theft. Given a taste of a different life, he chose to return to the family.

When Sam left to experience life away from the supernatural, Dean continued to hunt with his father across the country. Coast to coast. Honing his skills to a razors edge. A decade of the Family Business. Let that sink in. A decade of motel rooms, stitching himself up, chasing deranged monsters through the dark and somehow surviving. Thriving even. Building a network of like minded hunters and gaining the attention(and eventually support) of the Watchers Council, Dean became a known quantity in the fight against the strange and unnatural.

All good things, bloody and nightmarish as they were, must come to an end. John Winchester gave Dean a direction. A lead. The keys to the Impala. Then disappeared. Said he went on a hunt but didn't take the journal. The. Journal. So he did the first thing that came to mind.

He went and got Sam. Dragging his brother away from a full ride at Stanford, Dean was... admittedly happy. It was like old times. Him and Sam. Back in the swing of the Family Business. Then Azazel did what Azazel does. Namely murder and arson. Killing Sam's girlfriend in the same manner as Mary Winchester. The hunt for Yellow Eyes began. Which put the boys in the path of their previously missing father. Nevermind that Dean was pretty sure Sam was becoming a mutant or something. Oh, but they hoped it was that. It wasn't. When it all came down to it, the truth and road ahead was beyond rough.

In the confrontation with the yellow eyed demon Azazel, Dean watched his little brother die. Watched him die and couldn't stop it. Couldn't live up to the oath he made to always protect Sam. So he did what anyone would do. He tried to make a Deal. Timing, however, is everything. The angel Castiel, restoring Sam's life, also saved Deans. Turning their attention back on Azazel, they forced the demon's hand to free John Winchester from Hell. Then immediately turned their guns back on the yellow eyed demon.

A couple-few hundred demons escaping Hell in the ensuing chaos left quite the mess to clean up. Their father vanishing again with Bobby Singer, the brothers and their angelic cohort turned their attention now to cleaning up this catastrophic mess. Try and find their father again and maybe save the world along the way.


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Dedicated. Clearly not the first thing that comes to mind when describing a man who changes aliases like some people change socks. Yet true. Dean Winchester is devoted to that which is close to him in a way that borders on obsession. Unquestioningly following the orders of his father, putting his life on the line for total strangers, literally offering himself as a sacrifice in the stead of others. That unwaivering devotion to his little brother Sam. When Dean decides something is worth fighting for, it's worth dying for.

Uncomplicated. The man likes what he likes and dislikes what he dislikes. He tends toward a very black and white mentallity on things. He's either for it completely or against it absolutely. Not to say he can't be swayed from one side to the other, he just takes a steady stance when given the choice. He prefers classic rock, has a casual style of jeans and leather jackets, doesn't like ketchup on hotdogs and is a sucker for a woman that can swing a solid punch. He's not simple, but he is a little predictable at times.

Aggressive. When on the hunt, Dean tends to have a more enthusiastic approach than most would. Ruthless when closing in for the kill, it's pretty evident that he passionately despises what he hunts. A real 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach when he gets the target in his sights. In spite of that, he is capable of seeing the line when nearing it and being able to avoid crossing. Mostly. This forward nature isn't exclusive to the hunt. Quick to offer assistance, wasting no time in flirting, naturally competitive, Dean is just a forward momentum kind of guy. It works for him.

Of course, this does not mean that is the whole of Dean Winchester. He's smarter than he lets on, genuinely open hearted toward those in a bad situation and a consumate jester. Generous and irresponsible all while coveting the last beer and sticking his neck out for a stranger. An unexpectedly skeptical man considering his constant encounters with the unexplainable. All said and done, Dean is what he thinks he needs to be.


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Angelic Vessel:

Angelic Vessel - While not necessarily a power in the traditional sense, Dean Winchester is destined to become the vessel of an insanely powerful celestial entity. Whatever you want to call it. Namely the Archangel Michael. What this means is that at some point, Dean Winchester gets to look forward to being the skin suit of a near omnipotent angel. He's not particularly fond of this.


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Consumate Con Man:
Dean Winchester is living life off the grid and against the grain of society. Constantly playing a shell game with various fake identities, he lives life by cash and stolen card. He's good at it. Picking locks is a snap, breaking and entering is a habit, alibis flow like water. The fact that he's charming, good looking and generally holding a fake badge helps too.

Family Business:
Dean is an accomplished hunter and killer of supernatural and mythical creatures. You read that right. He's a professional slayer of Things(tm). Following rumors, local legends and rattled witness testimony all lead to the culmination of this profession. Killing the monster. When it comes to the Hunt, Dean Winchester has it down. Known weaknesses, specialized gear and straight up dedication means the job gets done.

The Wheelman:
Maybe it's a control issue but Dean insists on driving. Luckily, he's very good at it. A knack for getting the feel on muscle cars and trucks, he's been known to lose a tail or two. He's also been known to use a Cadillac as a weapon, so there's that.

Two-Fisted Hunter:

Dean Winchester is what many in the Hunting business would call a natural. When the clues line up, when the target is in his sights, few can compare to the enthusiasm and skill that Deano brings to the game. Whether it means putting silver slugs in a fleeing shapeshifter, a knife fight with a vampire or trading punches(and the occasional headbutt) with a pack of ghouls, Dean seems to have it under control. While not a master assassin or martial arts luminary, there are more than a few dead monsters out there that made the fatal mistake of underestimating him. Decades of experience in dire situations has left Dean with a firearms skill rivaling career soldiers. His expertise with a blade is impressive, especially the two Bowie knives he often favors. Taking pointers from his father, he's blended hints of martial arts with a no-nonsense, bar brawling style that has kept him alive pretty well so far. Factor in his experience with the more esoteric and bizarre tools and tactics of his chosen trade and Dean Winchester is a definite challenge for almost any combatant.


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Baby, the Impala:
Don't you dare touch the radio. Dean lives and works out of this immaculately maintained 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Pretty much everything the man owns is in this car and it's shockingly spartan in that regard. Until you pop the trunk. Originally his fathers, Dean has kept this ride in outstanding shape. Which is impressive considering how many times it's been wrecked, shot, jumped and rammed. Still purrs like a kitten.

Dads's Journal:
John Winchester liked to keep notes. Thankfully. In his possession, usually in the trunk of the car, Dean has a near encyclopedia of Hunter's knowledge. Facts and rumors, maps and diagrams. The Journal is filled to the brim with everything from tips on tracking, trapping and killing vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons and more to guides through some low magic in the form of wards and exorcism pointers. It's not exactly completed but it is a bizarre read for sure.

Hunter's Network:
Years of contacts. Decades now. The Winchesters are a known factor in the Hunter lifestyle and have built quite the web of informants, friends and allies. Other hunters, survivors, conspiracy theorists, low-lives and drifters. It's a wide net but one that Dean can call on for direction, aid and interference. This is not without a price as favors demand favors. While sometimes at odds with the Watcher's Council, they are a more formal source of support. Which Dean is sometimes loathe to accept even if the rewards are generally far better than his usual fare.

The Colt:
Halley's Comet. The Alamo. Samuel Colt. All these things came together in 1835 to make the legendary .36 Colt revolver. A supernatural six shooter capable of killing anything. Originally made with thirteen shots, twelve were used. On who or what is up for endless debate among occult theorists. That one bullet somehow became six. Then... none. Intimidating as the weapon may be, especially to those in the know, without the bullets? Just a gun. Rumor has it that somebody out there knows how to make more.

Trunk Stockpile:

Lift the false bottom of the trunk in Baby and you'll find a plethora of weapons both legal, illegal, homemade and... unexplainable. Nothing of military grade (except for that hand grenade), the collection is still quite impressive. Handguns, shotguns. A rifle. Knives, bats and stakes. Throwing stars (right?!), hand axes, machetes. Then it gets weird. Ritual daggers, a dream catcher, holy water, various holy objects from assorted religions, and flare guns. Jars of salt, grave dirt and... is that... is that a jar of blood? Silver bullets, wrought iron rounds. A lock box of credit cards, fake IDs and falsified badges. If someone with a real badge gets in that trunk, Dean is going to have a very, very bad day.


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Nope. Full on nope. In Houston and need to be in Bludhaven? Not taking a red eye, that's for sure. Dean and flight do not mix. It's not so much the height being an issue. Again, maybe it's a control issue. He's not behind the wheel and that uncertainty does not work for him one bit. In the end, no matter what the hang up may be, Dean Winchester would rather walk across two states than fly over one.

Family Matters:
A classic. Go after his brother, his father, anybody he allows to get that close and Dean is off the rails. Good judgement goes out the window, patience is an after thought and self-control is laughable. In a situation this dire, Dean will make the ultimate sacrifice without question. That does not make for a long, full life. Not in the hunting life.

Comedy as a defense mechanism can sometimes backfire. Especially when you just can't help but push a few buttons. Dean has a penchant for trash talk and pushing some boundaries, normally in an attempt to throw off an oponent and gain the advantage. Sometimes just because. This makes earning enemies entirely too easy for the man. When tied to a radiator, sometimes you just have to make fun of a vengeful skinwalkers mother.

Way Off Grid:

He doesn't have a work history. The last permanent address he held was before puberty. The man rarely uses his real name. Dean Winchester is a ghost and this is not always helpful. A real job? Never going to happen. Retirement? 401K? A shallow grave more likely. No social media presence can be seen as strange. The usual comforts of life just won't be available. He's got no idea what's trending right now.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Dark Shadows May 12th, 2024 Dean bumps into Laura Hanes and her posse of vampires while investigating mutant town.
Hot Dog of Doom May 8th, 2024 Dean avoids a poisoned Hot Dog.
Supernatural and the Clown May 7th, 2024 bad guys killed with water yay!
Chaotic Clubbing April 21st, 2024 Faith bumps into another hunter and they bond over vamps
Fly in for a good meal and meet someone new as well. April 14th, 2024 Angelica met Dean. It was an interesting encounter considering the introvert and extrovert dynamics.
the Nerds of Doom April 11th, 2024 Dean drives screaming away as the girls mention how messed up his mind is and discussing setting him up with Emma after trying to save them whilst the girls saved themselves
The Hunter and the Devil....oh and Nick too. April 7th, 2024 So. A Winchester walks into Lux....and doesn't actually shoot the place up for being filled with demons and a Devil. Lucky Lucifer.
Bounty. The quicker kill you deader. April 6th, 2024 Dean is informed about the bounty on his car... and also him and his brother. Plans are made to make things uncomfortable for the Red Court.
Casing the Joint March 24th, 2024 Dean and Sam rob the Hellfire of a curated membership list, but not before Emma lets him know she let him...and Lorna watches on with her with amusement.
Gunslingers November 20th, 2022 Summary needed (scene not completed)
Splattercon!!! 1 hour before Blood Storm Panel. November 4th, 2022 Summary needed
Stopping in June 6th, 2020 Dean seeks an audience with the Nick but must first get past the three guardians.
More Angel Talk June 4th, 2020 Buffy talks angels with Dean and is introduced to Castiel.
So, witch house is it, then May 31st, 2020 Dean and Petra go on a mission
Dean Ded Drunk May 26th, 2020 Dean visits the condo drunk and passes out. Willow and Nick have a bit of fun.
Meeting A Supernatural Killer May 26th, 2020 Elle decides to take the measure of a supernatural hunter in Dean Winchester, she sends him a private invitation to her club, as they two hold discourse.
Blood of the Ancients: Final Rendezvouz May 21st, 2020 Scoobies attempt to stop another recruitment of vamp converts.
Maticating on a Saturday Evening May 9th, 2020 Nick and Dean have food.
Catching up on Things May 8th, 2020 Buffy brings Harry up to speed on things. Dean raids his fridge.
Footwork=Homework..Or something like that April 30th, 2020 Buffy and Dean wrangle Information out of a shady tattoo artist.
Cars cars cars. April 27th, 2020 And some good and some not so good is found.
Hyperion Hype April 26th, 2020 Buffy introduces some allies to Angel. A mysterious visitor makes another appearance.
Weird Sleep Locales April 26th, 2020 Phantasm shows Dean how to fly
Bacon Double Cheeseburger April 23rd, 2020 Dean goes for food and all sorts of Loki shenanigans happen
Demon Tag Team April 22nd, 2020 Buffy and Dean beat up Ghouls, then meet Nick for drinks after.
Cheeseburgers and Dean April 21st, 2020 Dean goes for a cheeseburger, runs into Petra, and gets a new friend to go house exploring with
Dean plus Magic=Trouble April 21st, 2020 Buffy runs into Dean at the Magic Box. Barbs are traded.
A Dip in the Mediterranean: Green Olives March 8th, 2020 Great White Shark is hired to set up a contract to construct a racket for some demon hunting, in a good ol' fashioned bottleneck finance trace - animal shelter style.
Angel or Mutant March 6th, 2020 Summary needed
The afternoon after the morning before ... March 1st, 2020 Dean, Buffy and Nick meet up to chat
Alcohol, A hunter, and a Music Exec. What's the worst that can happen March 1st, 2020 LANGUAGE - Wade and Dean are hungover. Nick is treated to TMI.
The afternoon aftre the morning before... March 1st, 2020 After a drunken text gone wrong, Buffy stumbles in on a hungover Nick and Dean and jumps to the wrong conclusions..
Due Diligence February 23rd, 2020 Dean tracks down Nick for ANSWERS... and to make cheeseburgers
Dean & Tatum get ideas February 21st, 2020 Summary needed
Reunions and Introductions February 20th, 2020 Dean gets his car back. Scoobies get a Mystery.
Dean meets a Contessa February 18th, 2020 Summary needed
On the Road Again February 17th, 2020 Dean gets a bacon cheeseburger and steals a car
Digging up Graves February 16th, 2020 Buffy encounters a grave-robbing Dean and suspicious are aroused. Others join the fray and misunderstandings abound.
My name is Dean Winchester. Prepare to buy! February 14th, 2020 Dean runs across Tate in a used car lot and they patch things up. He gets pie, finally!
Mutants, Motels and Misadventures February 13th, 2020 Dean opens his mouth. Loses Tatum
Evil Gets Hopping February 12th, 2020 Jack Burton and Faora meet a monster hunter and join forces.
Beer for your thoughts February 12th, 2020 Summary needed
Just pour me another February 11th, 2020 What starts off as a flirty meeting between a confused dimension hopper and a demon hunter ends up in a fight for their lives against a demon with some added help on their side from The Slayer.
Motel Schmotel February 10th, 2020 Dean comes to North Harlem. Trouble follow him, and demons happen to show up. So do Katsumi and Michelle, too.
A Little Bit of Mayhem October 24th, 2019 Witchblade and Dean drop a witch and a golem, then have beers.
Troll Bridge, Schmol Bridge.. October 10th, 2019 Dean, Jamie, Morrigan, and Harry find missing homless people captured by fear spirits..
Just a Normal Check In October 5th, 2019 In which milkshakes bring all the Winchester boys to the yard. Well... half of them anyway.
Just Dropped In July 16th, 2019 Dean needs information. Buffy needs a drink. Piper needs customers to pay their damn tab...
Subway Train to Deadland July 12th, 2019 Dean Winchester is found slaying vampires in a subway tunnel by two very non-vampire-slaying ladies in April O'Neil and Vanessa Carlysle.
Suprise Party! Supernatural Invite July 2nd, 2019 In which Darcy tries to con Dean back to SHIELD but manages only to get him to agree to come party with her leading Luke to suspect she might have been send to spy on him - Darcy laughed too hard at that one! Or Darcy is SHIELD's best recruiter and should get commission for this.
Supernatural is a goofy show. August 7th, 2018 Dean and Nightwing deal with Man-Bat
Welcome Home Boys July 15th, 2018 The Winchester brothers come home only to find there is an intruder their apartment! At least he brought alcohol.
They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Blood Ties October 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Thesis Projects October 2nd, 2017 Dean had received a text from Sam saying Mercy could use some help fixing a car. It turns out the car has been all but destroyed...
Rainbow in the Dark September 30th, 2017 An unusual arrival in Gotham gets the attention of SHIELD and WAND people. And others besides.
(Un)Invited September 28th, 2017 A bloodied Dean returns late and calls for the help of Castiel. Fred attempts to help, too, with mixed results.
Shot Through the Heart (Almost) September 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Ghostbusters Sort Of September 24th, 2017 Summary needed
The Angel and Demon on My Shoulders September 24th, 2017 What happens when an angel, a demon, a human, and a bottle of whiskey meet at a Crossroads? Posturing. Arguing. And... sleep.
Stairway to Heaven (or the Subway) September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Boulevard of Broken Dreams September 20th, 2017 The Winchesters smell 'off' and end up with an angel tailing them as a result.
Pawns and Wagers September 15th, 2017 Fred returns Dean's amulet to him.
Hey Jude September 14th, 2017 After the incident at Sioux Falls, Dean wakes up in SHIELD medical. He and Sam reconnect after nearly a month apart.
Third Option September 13th, 2017 After receiving word of Dean's possession, a team goes out of their way to get White Eyes out of the Elder Winchester's body. Things don't go as planned.
Back in Black September 11th, 2017 After Dean and Fred's contentious conversation, Sam returns home and realizes that something is not right with his brother.
Homecoming September 11th, 2017 Dean returns from Virginia. Fred attempts to apologize, but it does not go well.
Virginia Blues September 9th, 2017 Things go horribly, horribly wrong in Virginia for Jo Harvelle, Dean Winchester, and Agent Mom... er.. May.
Bad Moon Rising September 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Wandering Souls August 26th, 2017 A chance encounter of the weird kind has Violet and Dean fighting an artist... who collects golems.
Pie Guy August 26th, 2017 A guy can make pie appear from nowhere... what kind of witchcraft is this?
Epokhe August 23rd, 2017 Several days ago, Sam Winchester received a precognitive vision, telling him where the Winter Soldier would be on this date. He and Mercy, Fred, and Dean pull together their weeks of preparation, and set and spring a trap.
Wanted August 23rd, 2017 After Sam uses his telekinesis to help capture the Winter Soldier, emotions run high and truth bombs are dropped.
Wasted Years August 23rd, 2017 Dean gets home after a particularly rough day to find his father perfectly fine. May comes to check on the younger Winchester. John gets an earful.
Another One Bites the Dust August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
At the Crossroads August 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Investigating Angel August 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Backahasten to the Future August 16th, 2017 The Backahasten begins a series of murders along the Hudson River with the aim of capturing one of the Brothers Winchester at last. Did she get a little nudge from a certain King of the Crossroads? Or is his latest offer just an attack of opportunity?
Devil in the Details August 14th, 2017 Fred and Dean have a one on one conversation about the Hunter Life and Sam.
Don't Treat Me Bad August 12th, 2017 Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Winnifred Burkle and Agent Melinda May team up to investigate a rash of freak accidents and suicides targeting NYU athletes.
Thoroughly Vetted August 11th, 2017 Dean comes clean about why he's been such a jerk to May and explains a past that not even Sam knows.
One Job August 11th, 2017 As Sam Winchester tries to tend his brother in the hospital, Dean is caught up in a memory of a deadly deal made 9 years ago.
We're All Okay Here August 10th, 2017 Sam and May pop over to Mercy's garage to check in, while Loki brings lattes and the battered form of Dean. With car.
Wayward Son August 7th, 2017 Dean Winchester goes in search of the Winter Soldier, and certainly finds him.
Another Day, Another Hunt August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Walking it Off August 5th, 2017 The brothers Winchester catch up in the aftermath of Sam's rescue. When a freak accident proves Dean is far more hurt than he's letting on, Sam insists on a trip to SHIELD medical, where Dean gets a clearer picture of what happened to his brother in Hydra hands. The resulting rage is epic.
I Want to Break Free August 4th, 2017 Mercy Thompson, Fred Burkle, Dean Winchester, The Black Widow, Melinda May and two werewolves team up to retrieve Sam Winchester from Hydra's clutches. The Winter Soldier shows up to stop them, as does a special guest hydra (emitted by Claire Temple).
The I-Hate-Bucky-Club August 4th, 2017 Returning from a case in Virginia, Dean finds the woman who has been leaving him multiple voicemails in the search for his brother.
Rivers Overflowing July 12th, 2017 A swim in the Niagara, a near-death experience, a headache, and a shirtless drive down the highway. Yup, the Winchester brothers are at it again.
Schwerpunkt July 2nd, 2017 A premonition prompts Sam and Dean Winchester to race to the aid of James Barnes. They're able to save Claire Temple, but Hydra gets their Soldier back.
Aftermath - Soldier lost, Nurse saved. July 2nd, 2017 "As advertised on the tin."
Training the Hunters June 25th, 2017 The Black Widow confronts Sam Winchester when she realizes he's had more encounters with The Winter Soldier. Then, she gives Dean Winchester a chance to work out some of his pent-up aggression. Melinda May is there to Mom at Sammy.
Brotherly Revelations June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
On Fire! or how hunters and speedster can create a really rough problem June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Oh Brother Where Art Thou June 5th, 2017 In which Darcy helps May track Dean because Sam is in the wrong hospital, Dean may or may not be completely happy about this, May has no fucks to give, and Sam is a big ol' moose puppy. Or May really dislikes misplacing assets.
Pills June 4th, 2017 The hospital calls one Fred Burkle because she's Sam's only emergency contact. Claire Temple covers for him and his unexplained injuries. Claire is rattled when Sam mentions his vendetta against the man with the metal arm.
SHIELD's Not Done With You Yet May 29th, 2017 SHIELD cleverly plants a tracker on one Sam Winchester in the form of a paperclip, which means Sam leads May and Darcy straight to Dean.
Bar in the Afterlife May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Reunion May 14th, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
A Memory of Barnes (Sam Winchester) July 29th, 2008 Flashback scene to July 29, 2008: Young Sam Winchester finds strength and comfort in the example of his favorite comic book/historical hero.


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