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|NameOnMUSH=Captain America
|NameOnMUSH=Steve Rogers
|FullName=Col. Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers
|FullName=Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers
|Occupation=Sentinel of Liberty
|Occupation=Hero, Super-Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=Brooklyn, New York
|Residence=Avengers Mansion (Upper East Side, Manhattan) and 569 Leaman Place (Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn)
|Education=High School Graduate
|Education=Army, self-learning
|Groups=[[Avengers]], [[Justice League]], [[SHIELD]], [[Adventurers]]
|Groups=[[Avengers]], [[SHIELD]]
|Quote="Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the River of Truth and tell the whole world--<br><br>No. You move."
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the River of Truth and tell the whole world--No. You move."
|DOB=4 July 1918
|DOB=4 July 1918
|Height=188 cm
|Height=188 cm (6'2")
|Weight=100 kg
|Weight=100 kg (220 lb)
|Actor=Chris Evans
|Actor=Chris Evans
|Song="This Land is Your Land" by Woodie Guthrie
|Song="Triumphant Return" by Alan Silvestri
|Profile=Captain America, the 'first' super-soldier, and the one who got all the  movie deals. Cap's a soldier from a different time who was unfrozen in the modern day. He's been called many things, but at the end of the day he's just a man who doesn't like bullies. He's punched Hitler a few hundred times and lived to tell the tale, he's a rough and tumble man with ideals that he sticks to, even if the rest of the world has forgotten them.
|Profile=From a pale and sickly 'lab gerbil' to America's 'First Avenger', Steve Rogers - better known as Captain America to the public eye - is a man out of his time. After spending several years in a state of frozen sleep, he's been revealed to modern society. While the world has changed around him, his belief that freedom is for all has not.
|Description=With muscles to the hilt and chiseled features that would make a Greek god blush this man is built to kill. He stands tall with practices posture, the stance every bit a soldier.<br><br>Atop his head, covering bright blonde hair is a deep blue helmet, in the center of the forehead a pure white letter A. Beneath the helm a pair of thick leather motorcycle goggles cover his deep blue eyes, connected to a thick brown leather neck protector. Equally thick brown leather gloves cover each arm and reach far back to the forearm. <br><br>His near skintight shirt has vertical red and white bars running his abdomen, a single white star at the center of his chest on a deep blue background matching his helmet. The shirt itself is made from a rather thick material, yet sculpted still to show his overtly muscular nature. <br><br>All across his belt are a large assortment of munitions pouches for various firearms, along with a pouch on either shoulder for yet more munitions, and a holstered M1911. This simple yet sturdy belt holds up a pair of thick bluejeans. Across his back is a large round metal shield, and a Thompson SMG. Lower on the back is a water canteen, and a pouch for storing rations.
===Current Player Approved: Available for Application===
|History=Born Steven Grant Rogers to poor Irish immigrant parents, Sarah and Joseph Rogers right during the great depression Rogers learns harsh life lessons fast. Even with a cramped home, and many a meal-less night he still doesn't harden from the experience instead choosing to meet lifes challenges head on. <br><br>Scrawny and stunted Steve is often the target of bullies, never quite growing as tall as he could or should have. He's weak, and often sick, but survives with the help of good friends and determination to keep going, even in the face of his fathers death while he's still just a child, and his mothers death on his 16th birthday from pneumonia. <br><br>At the very start of the war Steve feels a drive to enlist. He see's the chance to do some good, and is horrified by the atrocities being committed by the Nazi's. He sees his chance to help the helpless. He puts his heart into it giving his all to get into shape, yet every time he finds himself denied. Still every chance he gets he tries to enlist just one more time, even following his engagement to his then girlfriend Gail Richards. <br><br>Finally, as he's being drug out from the recruitment center General Chester Phillips, and Dr. Erskine overhear his plight, and offer him a single chance. Join the Army as part of an experimental program, and become superhuman. <br><br>Voluntarily Rogers is subjected to one battery of experiments after another, from surgery, to steroid treatments, and many failed serums. As many fail then Private Rogers is sent about as more of a military mascot given costume and sent to preform to improve troop moral. <br><br>Finally he is chosen from a large pool of potential subjects and brought to Dr. Erskine, under his care Rogers is subjected to a new battery of tests culminating in exposure to a highly experimental and dangerous new machine, in combination with a potentially highly lethal dose of radiation, and one last formula. <br><br>After a time of uncertainty Rogers finally steps fourth from the chamber, now possessing the perfect human body! An assassin attempts to take his life and steal the formula only to be defeated by the newly empowered Captain America, but not before the killing of several soldiers, and Dr. Erskine by the assassin. <br><br>Following the assassination Rogers is put through intense and extensive military training from some of the greatest minds of the war effort. After months of extensive and intensive training. Once finally deemed fit for combat Rogers bids farewell to his Fiance, and travels over sea for his tour of duty. <br><br>From the moment he hits the battlefield Rogers makes a name for himself quickly raising through the ranks. With dual identities: One as lowly Private Steve Rogers, and the other as the valiant and heroic Captain America. Becoming a legend on the front in under a year he cuts a bloody swath through enemy combatants, and earns his way through the ranks. He comes fully into his own thanks to efforts on the beaches of Normandy, working right on the front lines. He even manages to land himself a position working with The Invaders. <br><br>His dedication and tenacity earns him the rank of Colonel, but the name Captain Sticks. Everything from toys to cartoons and comics are made based off of him. Though there isn't much time Cap does his best to make some time for recordings to be sent back home promoting War Bonds. <br><br>In the twilight days of the war Captain America hits his stride, victory after victory solo or as part of a career. He still writes home to the Gail, the double life of a soldier and super-hero proving a difficult, but not impossible one. The death of Bucky shocks him to his core, and it's only a few short months later that Cap is sent plunging into the depths of the Canadian arctic riding the back of a nuclear inter continental ballistic missile meant to strike Washington DC. <br><br>The serum in his blood keeps him alive for decades, frozen in the ice drifting in a state of cryostasis. Despite being found in early 2021 he's not thawed till a full four years later, NOW.
|Personality="In your warped, twisted mind, you think of combat as a game... some sort of noble sport! Well, it's not! It's a grim, dirty business... but it's a business that no one knows better than I do!" Rogers is from a different time, and he's been heightened by the serum in more ways then one. He's got a deep sense of patriotic duty, not to the country but to what it stands for. He might be out of time but he still firmly believes in his country.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
|Abilities=<span style="color:#EE204D">'''HALTED AGING'''</span><br>Cap no longer ages, the serum in his blood keeping him eternally the same ripe fighting age he was when injected with it. He'll be at his peak till the day he dies.<br><br><span style="color:#F8F8FF">'''INDOMITABLE WILL'''</span><br>Cap has an almost unrivaled force of will behind him. The will to keep going that can keep him standing when lesser men might die from their wounds, the will to hold out against the fiercest, and most inhumane of interrogation methods, the ability to hold out against mind-control itself.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''PEAK HUMANITY'''</span><br>Strength to lift up to 4 tonnes, Endurance to take beatings that would kill any normal man, Speed to reach a top sprinting speed of 50 miles per hour, Durability to shrug off small caliber rounds, Stamina to run for days at a time, Reflexes of a kung fu master, Agility of the worlds finest acrobats, Human Senses of the finest caliber, Mental Processing of a computer, and healing enough to mend a broken bone in hours not weeks, all bodily functions pushed to the absolute peak of human potential, thanks to the serum running through his veins.
|Skills=<span style="color:#EE204D">'''EXPERT MARKSMANSHIP'''</span><br>With the aid of his serum Cap has been able to greatly hone his skill with a weapon, capable of making far reaching, and trick shots with ease. His skills allow him to pick up most any conventional firearm, and put it to good use. Thanks to his extensive military training.<br><br><span style="color:#F8F8FF">'''EXPERT SWRODSMAN'''</span><br>Cap has a masterful ability with a blade, able to put it to good use as a part of his experience with martial arts.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''MASTER MARTIAL ARTIST'''</span><br>Specifically a master of World War II combatives, taught to him directly by Rex Applegate and William Ewart Fairbairn. This combat focused on quickly disabling the enemy at all costs, and the use of knife, bayonet, and improvised weaponry, with roots in boxing, and judo. It makes use of a great deal of 'dirty' fighting techniques.<br><br><span style="color:#EE204D">'''MASTER SHIELD FIGHTER'''</span><br>Cap knows every inch of his personal shield, down to the very grams it weighs. He's skilled beyond measure at making it do exactly what he needs it to do when he needs to, able to throw it and bounce it in such a way as it returns right back to him. This skill allows him to pull of bizarre feats of strength and skill with the shield otherwise all but impossible.<br><br><span style="color:#F8F8FF">'''POLYGLOT'''</span><br>Rogers is completely fluent in: English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, French, and Italian<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''SKETCHING'''</span><br>A true artist, Rogers is a sketch artist, keeping many of his own sketches on his person. He sketches anything and everything when the mood hits, and has a great deal of skill in it, enough to be almost professional.<br><br><span style="color:#EE204D">'''SPECIAL OPS'''</span><br>An expertly trained soldier Cap is a master of the art of soldiery with a full grasp on everything that could be needed of a soldier(Circa 1943). Hunting, demolitions, survival in most any conditions, cartography, interrogation, Computers (Circa 1940), vehicle operations (Boat, plane, tank, etc. (All circa 1940)), anything a special operations officer might need for the time.
Around 6'2", blond Steve Rogers is the visual epitome of classical masculine perfection. With a squared jaw and mobile brows able to convey everything from pleased surprise to the blank rage of the soldier, he's genuine in nearly every projection of emotion - transparent, with every boon and downfall that comes of it. In his true-blue eyes, a sense of aging that counters his youthful looks and gives him an undercurrent of weariness when he's not smiling. Every move he makes is decisive and smooth, from picking up a coffee mug to taking aim in throwing his signature Vibranium shield.<br><br>When in star-spangled mode, Steve wears a skin-tight uniform in a matte navy-blue and sturdy combat boots. Thicker fabric doesn't keep his musculature hidden. Emblazoned across his chest, a centralized silver star with bars exending horizontally from it in homage to the wings on his WWII helmet. Pockets in his fatigue pants allow storage, but his utility belt contains the majority of useful items (grenades, ammunition, first aid kit, etc). The uniform comes with back-mounts to hold the signature Vibranium shield, a resilient and impossibly dynamic buckler bearing the white star of Captain America.<br><br>In civilian mode, he's a fan of jeans, sturdy boots (if not sneakers), and t-shirt beneath his leather shearling-lined motorcycle jacket.
|Resources=<span style="color:#F8F8FF">'''MIGHTY SHIELD'''</span><br>Hand crafted from a vibranium-steel compound this shield is neigh indestructible. Its construction makes it a perfect throwing weapon able to function as a boomerang, and even bound off of surfaces in ways normally impossible. It can also absorb extreme heat or cold without changing the temperature of the opposite side, as well as nullify most kinetic impact.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''SHIELD'''</span><br>SHIELD is a pretty good resource, whether it is manpower, money or materiel. He's got access to almost all of it at some point or another. With a request, or more correctly, a requisition, he can gain access to almost anything from a ride on a helicarrier to signing out a Quin.<BR><BR><span style="color:#EE204D">'''UTILITY BELT'''</span><br>A small collection of tools and munitions containing: A first aid kit, smoke, flash, and fragmentation grenades, a lockpick set, military cable, repelling kit, and a gun cleaning kit.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#F8F8FF">'''FISH OUT OF WATER'''</span><br>A man out of time, lost to his own era now so far from home that he doesn't even recognize it. The world has completely left him behind, and Cap knows it. He's not even sure if he wants to join back into the world, or just fade from it. He can't even find solace in the retirement homes.<br><br><span style="color:#1F75FE">'''SYMBOL OF HOPE'''</span><br>Cap's become more then he ever wanted to. A legacy spiralled out of control with films, books toys, and TV shows. He wants to live up to the hype surrounding him, but he's not sure he ever can. It also means that it's next to impossible for him to go without being recognized by someone. His whole identity even as Steve Rogers has been turned into a pop culture symbol.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Born on the Fourth of July in 1918, Steven "Steve" Grant Rogers spent his childhood in a state of constant sickliness. Pale, underweight, scrawny and yet scrappy as an alleycat, he was found at least one a week needing assistance (if not rescue from punishment) through his best friend, Bucky Barnes. Thus was forged a bond of brotherhood in name if not in blood. The loss of his father when young to mustard gas overseas and then his mother to disease only honed Steve's belief that bullies must be resisted and self-reliance is central above all else.<br><br>Not to be left behind after Bucky successfully enlisted, the repeated failed attempts caught the attention of a recruited scientist from the secret government agency, SHIELD. In partnership with the Army, Steve became a guinea pig for a serum intended to create the perfect soldier. The Super-Soldier serum was successfully imbued within him and what emerged from the birthing machine was a powerful example of peak health and physical capability in stark contrast to the stunted young man who entered. From propoganda to an active combatant on the field, Captain America became the bane of the Nazis and their secret scientists. Rescuing Bucky from the confines of a facility deep in Nazi territory brought temporary joy; gravity ripped it from him just as quickly, it seemed. It then became a race to keep the genocidal leader of HYDRA, Red Skull, from destroying the eastern seaboard of America. The destruction was averted, but at the cost of Steve himself, who disappeared into the malleable ice of the Arctic circle, thought lost for all time.<br><br>However, it wasn't to be. SHIELD, decades later, recovered him and his shield. Carefully revived from a form of cryogenic sleep, Steve emerges into a new world indeed. What has he left behind? Who has he lost? The man has some catching up to do and a consensus or two to meet with ideals that seem to run counter to current society.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Anyone calling Steve a 'fuddy duddy' isn't entirely incorrect. While he's certainly able to crack a joke and smile, he's got few serious personal attachments in his life in this modern era. His quest to remain loyal to his beliefs has cost him much. The struggle to fit in and occasional clash with antiquated vs modern idealism makes nothing simple for him. Some call him 'stubborn' and that he has a 'my way or the highway' mentality; others see it as admirable that he never backs down. Is it confidence or stupidity? Regardless, he'll work to the bitter, bloody end to keep the dream of freedom alive, even if it means nearly killing himself in the process - a trait for his enemies to fear.<br><br>A lack of a dating life means he's dating his work instead, and being a soldier attracted to the inherent conflict within the world, it makes it difficult to find meaningful connections with the man. Peace is hard thing to grasp for a workaholic and a man left with few people who have 'shared life experience'. Those few attachments he has are his world and he'd ride into hell, guns blazing, to vouchsafe them. <br><br>The Captain can enjoy short periods of quiet, however. He finds solace in his art and in exercise, where his busy mind can settle to smooth focus rather than be tizzying after the unvariably-upcoming issue with his name stamped on it.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Pseudo-Immortality:'''</span>
The serum allows Steve an appreciable immortality in that he does not age as well as recovers quickly from injury. This also grants him some immunity to Terran diseases, drugs, and intoxicants.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Quick Learner:'''</span>
The Super-Soldier serum also enhanced his mental capabilities. With a penchant towards analytical thought patterns that goes hand-in-hand with accelerated efficiency of thought, he won't be stymied by a novel situation or object for long. Eidetic memory also aids (and hinders during flashbacks).<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Strong-Willed:'''</span>
What stubbornness possessed the man before the serum's application has only been strengthened. This grants him a near immunity to stresses that might break a lesser man, such as mental control. His force of will can be overridden, but not for long and at such a severe risk of retaliation once he escapes it that it's a deadly approach to try with him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Serum:'''</span>
Erskine's serum brought Steve to the pinnacle of human strength and speed, agility and durability. Now able to lift up to four tons, he can also jump 20 feet from a moderate running start. He can keep up a run at a steady 30 mph for days at a time and sprint upwards of double that speed in short bursts. He is able to dodge bullets given forwarning; small-calibre bullets will slow him down, but not stop him. Impact damage from things like explosions and blunt weapons will stun him, but not keep him down; you could break a wooden bat over the man's head and he'd stumble upright again. The serum also grants him speedier healing. A broken bone might take only days to knit together and split skin wounds even less time.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Artist:'''</span>
In his free time, Steve takes pencil to paper and sketches out whatever suits his fancy. Midway between realism and cartoonism, he could have a career as an illustrator if he could simply sit still.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Masterful Combat:'''</span>
The Army made sure he was trained before he was unleashed. Steve has great skill in multiple types of boxing as well as martial arts and weapons-handling such as firearms and swords. He is deadliest with his Vibranium shield in play.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Multilingual:'''</span>
Fluent in multiple languages such as English, German, and Russian. He has street-conversational strength in French and Italian, though his East-Asian languages are rusty at best. Alien languages are beyond him unless actively learned.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Tactician:'''</span>
Military experience both on and off the battlefield, in past and present, allows Steve to quickly formulate effective plans. He's quick to grasp current technology and basic survival instincts to aid him in a fight.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Bucky Barnes:'''</span>
If there's someone who's always been there for Steve, it's Bucky Barnes. He knows that the man would show up, come hell or high water, to aid him in an issue. This loyalty can be a weak point in turn (see Weaknesses). He's with him to the end of the line.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Motorcycle:'''</span>
If pushed, Steve might reveal that 'Bessie' is his girl, if you will. The refurbished Harley and Davidson Military EL Knucklehead in cherry-pie-red with chrome and cream accents might look like a collector's item, but its internals are all modern. If he wants to get somewhere fast, he'll get there on this bike.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Uniform:'''</span>
Fitted to move, the navy-blue fabric is a durable weave of Kevlar and other materials that grant moderate resistances to shock, temperature extremes, and impact. While it can stop edges (knives, glass), it cannot stop heavier-grade bullets. The utility belt holds survival items.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Vibranium Shield:'''</span>
Known the world-round, the Vibranium shield sporting the white star is a feat of engineering. Durable and aerodynamic, Steve has owned it long enough to become skillful in bouncing it off surfaces in nearly-impossible ways. It's also useful for stopping bullets and plowing through objects (and people).<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Who You Know:'''</span>
You don't become the bane of the Nazis over several decades without attracting attention. With both SHIELD and the Avengers in reach, as well as other factions on Earth, Steve is never without someone to ring if he needs assistance.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Bucky Barnes:'''</span>
Behind the emptiness of Winter Soldier's eyes is Bucky Barnes. Steve knows it, but how to make Bucky realize it? The ultimate foil and possibly ultimate weakness, the Captain is convinced that if there's anyone who can get through to his oldest friend, it's him -- and no one else. Threaten Bucky, you threaten him. Anyone who knows this can use it against Steve.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Noble Or An Idiot?:'''</span>
Steve can be incredibly frustrating to deal with when he won't back down from his beliefs. It brings him into conflict with politicians and his teammates alike. He will go down with the ship if it means saving lives.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Outdated:'''</span>
The world has changed around him. Is he an indomitable flame of an antiquated ideal? Or should he be put out to pasture with the remaining survivors of the World Wars? Steve runs into this with frustrating regularity and weathers it to the best of his abilities, learning what he can of modern society as fast as he can.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Public Eye:'''</span>
It's hard being Captain America. Sometimes, a guy just wants to go get a coffee without someone tapping on his shoulder and asking for a selfie or an autograph or to ask him a question he's been asked thousands of times before. Steve's gotten better about checking himself in public in terms of his abilities when he's not on-duty, but it's impossible to remain entirely disguised.
[[Category:Justice League]][[Category:Avengers]][[Category:SHIELD]][[Category:Adventurers]]
[[Category:Avengers]] [[Category:SHIELD]]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 17 February 2024

Steve Rogers (Scenesys ID: 112)
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the River of Truth and tell the whole world--No. You move."
Full Name: Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (EFC)
Occupation: Hero, Super-Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Avengers Mansion (Upper East Side, Manhattan) and 569 Leaman Place (Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn)
Education: Army, self-learning
Status: Dropped
Groups: Avengers, SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: Actual Age: 113
Date of Birth 4 July 1918 Actor: Chris Evans
Height: 188 cm (6'2") Weight: 100 kg (220 lb)
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Triumphant Return" by Alan Silvestri


From a pale and sickly 'lab gerbil' to America's 'First Avenger', Steve Rogers - better known as Captain America to the public eye - is a man out of his time. After spending several years in a state of frozen sleep, he's been revealed to modern society. While the world has changed around him, his belief that freedom is for all has not.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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