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|FullName=Lin Yaozu
|Occupation=SHIELD agent
|Education=Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics
|DOB=18 August 2000
|Height=177.8cm (5'10")
|Weight=77.1 kg (170 lb)
|Actor=Wayne Liu
|Song=Imagine Dragons -- Believer
|Profile=SHIELD field agent. Martial artist. A team player who generally follows orders and tries not to get himself hurt or killed in the process.
===Current Player Approved: N/A===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
The figure of this person is mostly humanoid in shape however is mostly covered in midnight black feathers. The head looks like an owl's, rounded in shape. There are two ear tufts that are sometimes upright and sometimes laid flat, depending on the mood that happens to be present, located at either side of the top of what would be his forehead. Black hair frames his face and is tamed into a neat and tight braid that reaches the small of his back in length. There are wisps of hair that hover near the edges of his face. The eyes are round and large, green-flecked hazel in colour. The beak is narrow and pointed, a dark amber in colour.<br><br>His arms are covered with feathers down to his elbows. From there, the skin is a bit pebbly, like a bird's would be, and a dark amber in colour. He has four fingers on each hand, and a thumb, each of which has a retractable talon that's a creamy white colour. His two legs have the shape of a bird's and he walks on his toes, upright and with the heel off the floor. That heel is feathered, and from there down over his feet is again the pebbly skin in a dark amber colour. He has four toes, long and sturdy and dexterous, two facing forward and two facing back, each of them tipped with a wickedly sharp talon. He wears no footwear.<br><br>He's around 5'10" in height, and he's covered in midnight black feathers. There are times when those feathers seem to have an iridescent sheen to them, depending on the light and angle. His wings are large and start at his shoulders, arching up to be taller than what he is in height before sweeping down. The longest feathers of them are only a few inches above the ground. When spread, his wings are a bit narrow but long, built for agility and speed. His tail is mostly hidden by his wings and is slightly longer than what they are.<br><br>He wears a pair of black tactical cargo pants that have been tailored for his physiology. He wears a long sleeved dark green shirt that has also been designed with his physiology in mind so that it doesn't interfere with his wings at all.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Lin Yaozu is from a mixed family that lives in China, where he was born and raised. His mother is Chinese (an accountant) and his father is Japanese (a lawyer), and the family has accumulated a fair amount of wealth. They are a normal family, and Yaozu is the only child that they have (as far as he knows). Yaozu was sent to a private school for his education. He made friends and studied hard not only to do well but also to make his ancestors proud. He became involved with martial arts at a very young age, encouraged to follow in his parents' footsteps. He trained hard, some days for multiple hours at a time, wanting to make not only his parents proud of him but also wanting to honour his ancestors. <br><br>Over time, he earned a black belt in both karate and kung fu, and has learned well how to use bladed weapons (preferring a katana and wakizashi combination) and has also learned a variety of other weapons that are common to those martial arts. When his parents suggested that he learn music, learn to play an instrument, he easily agreed and started taking lessons for the violin with a teacher of their choosing. <br><br>He graduated high school and went on to university, graduating with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics, with honours. While he was in university, he was recruited by the SHIELD Beijing office, at a martial arts tournament which he had won. He accepted the position that he was offered and moved to Beijing. <br><br>SHIELD saw to his training so that he would be able to serve as a field agent. He was trained in firearms and picked up the skill fairly quickly. He was also trained in various law enforcement techniques which involved crowd control, use of pepper spray, proper use of batons and tazers as well as other non-lethal weapons, investigations, and the use of protective gear. It also covered vehicular pursuits with a variety of at speed maneuvers, and entering a building after a suspect. <br><br>Over the next years, he went on a number of missions with the Beijing team. The most recent mission that he was sent on went slightly off track. It was a small recon team, meant to just gather information from some manner of laboratory. Some members of the team were killed, he was tased a couple of times and captured. He was kept sedated to keep him from escaping and fighting -- it seemed someone had paid attention to his skills. He was given multiple injections of mutagenic viral matter which seemed to cause nothing to happen. He was cleared to go back on duty. At his parents' suggestion that he should see more of the world (that's what they told him), Yaozu put in for a transfer to the NYC division and was approved for it. And so, he travelled to NYC and to the SHIELD base there. <br><br>This is where Yaozu's story picks up, and this is where the mutation begins, the dormant mutagenic viral matter becoming active quite shortly after his arrival.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Yaozu is generally protective of his teammates, friends, and family. He cares about people regardless of whether they're powered or regular and will try to keep them from harm's way. He's a bit stubborn, he has a temper but tries to keep it under control. He can fight when he has to, and will if the situation calls for it. He tries to be the best person he can be, to honour his ancestors and make his parents proud. He'd rather wound opponents than kill them if given the choice.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flight:'''</span>
Not all creatures blessed with wings can fly. Thanks to the large (and strong) wings he has, and the hollow bones his mutation has caused, Yaozu can. He's not the fastest of the flying things, but he's pretty quick and maneuverable. He has both agility and speed, able to turn on a dime, his wings having a better shape for that. He can drift on thermals for periods of time but not for too long at once. His top speed is something that can be maintained for about half an hour, and he can do quick bursts or sprints of speed. He can also take fighting into the air, if he needs to.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Owl Adaptations:'''</span>
Yaozu's mutation has given him an owl's senses. <br><br>Sight: His eyes are a hybrid between human and owl and are able to move in their sockets. He can see extremely well, either close up or at a distance. He can focus his eyes to a very small degree. Not quite to the degree a microscope can, but if he's very high in the air then he can still see clearly what is on the ground. He can also see very keenly in either light or darkness. <br><br>Flexible Neck: Yaozu can turn his head almost upside down -- nearly all the way around, but not quite. He can also turn it 135 degrees in either direction. This is because he has 14 vertebrae in his neck. <br><br>Third Eyelid: This is a nictitating membrane, a thin layer of tissue that is clear. It closes diagonally from the inside to the outside. It cleans, moistens, and protects the eyes, especially when in flight. <br><br>Ears: Yaozu's ears have changed to be like an owl's rather than a human's. They are placed asymmetrically on his head, and are slightly different sizes. This allows him to receive sounds at slightly different times, granting him an exceptional ability to pinpoint the location of a sound. His flattened face funnels sounds to his ears, magnifying them. <br><br>Language: He can understand and make himself understood to owls. <br><br>Silent Flight: Because of the way an owl's feathers are, with the leading edges stiff fringes like a comb to reduce turbulence and the trailing edges soft ridges, this reduces turbulence further. The rest of the wings are covered in fine downy feathers that can dampen sounds even more. <br><br>Fingers and toes: Normally, two face forward and two face backward. Yaozu can swivel one of the back toes to the front when necessary. He can also lock his toes around an object. Maximum grip, minimal effort. Yaozu has the normal four fingers and thumb that a human would (save for the appearance of them), and these have retractable talons that he can use for fighting. <br><br>Avian Airsacs: Yaozu's breathing is extremely efficient because of having a combination of air sacs and lungs. This helps when flying at speed or at high altitudes. <br><br>Hollow Bones: Because of the nature of how bird bones are hollow, they are made of a denser material than other bones. The hollow bones are not to help with flight by making him lighter but instead to help with oxygen intake. This also helps to give him greater endurance in fighting. <br><br>Wings: Yaozu has wings. Not only are these great for being able to fly but they're an extra set of appendages with which to fight.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Regeneration:'''</span>
Yaozu can regenerate from wounds and broken bones in about one-third of the normal time frame. He can also regenerate from lost limbs though this takes a significant period of time to accomplish depending on what is being regrown. A finger, for example, would take a shorter time period than an arm/wing/leg which could take a number of months. Decapitation is permanent and cannot be healed with this ability.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Awareness:'''</span>
Though not an expert yet, Yaozu is quite good at maintaining a situational awareness of his surroundings. He nearly always does a quick scan of a room when he enters, making mental note of doors and windows, hiding places and other such details. He also attempts to keep an eye on any antagonists should a fight end up coming about.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Firearms:'''</span>
Yaozu has been trained to use a variety of firearms. He's also been trained on the proper maintenance and upkeep of them as well as their safety procedures.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Knowledge:'''</span>
Yaozu has been schooled at a private school. Then he went to university and achieved a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, with honours standing.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Languages:'''</span>
Yaozu fluently speaks (and can write in) Japanese, Chinese, and English. He has learned some general Russian and Hebrew but is not fluent in either of these.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Martial Arts:'''</span>
Yaozu is a black belt in both kung fu and in karate. In the course of his training, he has also learned to use various and assorted weapons associated with both martial arts. He tends to favour a wakizashi and katana combination for bladed weapons, and a heavy bo staff. He is also aware of the use of pressure points for a variety of different effects. He can also use his wings and talons (on either hands or feet) as weapons.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Meditation:'''</span>
Yaozu is skilled in the practice of meditation. It serves wonders for helping to keep a calm mind and soul.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SHIELD Training:'''</span>
Yaozu has been trained in SHIELD techniques. He excelled in the self defense and hand to hand training, as well as the firearms training. He's also been trained in law enforcement techniques, investigation, crowd control, the proper use of batons (for SHIELD's purposes, though he was aware of their martial use previously), pepper spray use, and tasers. He's been trained in vehicular pursuit of suspects and various driving maneuvers for use at speed. The proper use of protective gear has also been covered, as has the proper procedure for entering a building after a suspect.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Violin:'''</span>
Yaozu has taken violin lessons for a number of years. He plays extremely well and could have pursued a career in music. He can play musical pieces by ear or read music.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Degree:'''</span>
Yaozu has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, so if he were to ever need to leave SHIELD then hopefully he would be able to dust off the degree and put it to use.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Family:'''</span>
Yaozu's parents are still in China. Since he's an only child, there's very little that they wouldn't do to be able to help him in any situation whether it's in monetary means or providing something he needs.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Shield:'''</span>
Since he's been a SHIELD agent for a number of years now, if he ends up in a bind that he can't get out of then he has the option of calling on them and their various resources.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''University Chums:'''</span>
Some friends are willing to do more than others. If there was a need, Yaozu has at least a couple of them that would be willing to help him in a bind. They do, however, still live in China.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Weapons:'''</span>
Yaozu has amassed a small personal arsenal of weapons. Most of these are of a martial variety, given his interest in martial arts. Some of them are firearms and the associated ammunition for them.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Flight Feathers:'''</span>
Yaozu's flight feathers are vulnerable. If they become broken or plucked out then it takes about two months for them to grow back in. If too many flight feathers get damaged or removed, then Yaozu will be grounded for the time period it takes for the feathers to grow back in. Damaged feathers can be repaired if one has the knowledge.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Hybrid Physiology:'''</span>
Since the mutation, Yaozu's physiology is part owl and part human. If he's injured or becomes ill then this needs to be taken into account. Damage to the air sacs or his bones can damage his ability to breathe. He is more susceptible to viruses, toxins and various other airborne things. This also applies to drugs such as anesthetic and other things which are gaseous in nature.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Iridescent Feathers:'''</span>
Some of the feathers across the front of his chest have an iridescent sort of shimmer to them. This depends on the fall of the light and on the angle that they're viewed from. What colour the shimmer happens to be is a physical manifestation of the mood that he's in.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Owl Adaptations:'''</span>
Sight: His eyes are a hybrid between human and owl. This makes for a different physiology if his eyes were to become hurt or damaged in any way. <br><br>Flexible Neck: He has 14 vertebrae in his neck, so if he is struck wrong then it can be more susceptible to sprains or breaks. <br><br>Ears: Since he has the hearing of an owl, this has made his ears extremely sensitive. Especially to large or very sharp sounds. They can cause a variety of reactions, ranging from going deaf temporarily, to being stunned or unconscious, depending on the sound and the severity of it. <br><br>Fingers and toes: There are only four, with talons, so this can make gripping things a bit on the interesting side of things. <br><br>Avian Airsacs: Yaozu is very sensitive to dangerous things in the air due to the efficiency of having both lungs and air sacs. He'll be the first to detect and be affected by any foulness or toxicity in the air, the latter of which is usually by passing out. <br><br>Hollow Bones: Due to his hollow bones assisting with oxygen intake, if his bones become damaged or if he has a limb amputated then this can affect his ability to breathe properly and efficiently.

Latest revision as of 14:35, 4 March 2023

Yaozu (Scenesys ID: 9897)
Full Name: Lin Yaozu
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: SHIELD agent
Citizenship: Chinese
Residence: NYC
Education: Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics
Status: Shelved
Groups: SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 28 Actual Age: 28
Date of Birth 18 August 2000 Actor: Wayne Liu
Height: 177.8cm (5'10") Weight: 77.1 kg (170 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: Imagine Dragons -- Believer


SHIELD field agent. Martial artist. A team player who generally follows orders and tries not to get himself hurt or killed in the process.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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