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|FullName=Qing Liansong
|Occupation=Genetics & virology
|Education=Bachelor's Degree in Biology & Chemistry, PhD in Virology & Genetics, MD
|Quote="Really? Seriously? C'/mon/ mate! Isn't that just what I said was going to happen?"
|DOB=04 Apr 1994
|Height=187.96 cm (6'2")
|Weight=79.38 kg (175 lb)
|Hair=White feathers
|Eyes=Pale blue
|Song=Ask Heaven - Liu Yuning - Word of Honor OST
|Profile=Scientist. Doctor... in a pinch. Virologist and geneticist. One of Shield's scientific minds. Smart and never forgetful, but always there for his friends. Oh, did I mention? He's a bird. Mutie. Where the shape and brain comes from, I reckon.
===Current Player Approved: N/A===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
This.. does not look like a human at all, though it is mostly humanoid in shape, but is covered in feathers. The head is rounded and looks like an owl's, with two ear tufts that are sometimes upright, sometimes back. The eyes are large and round, and crystal blue in color, and oh so expressive. From happy to sad, from surprised to angry and everywhere between. And those 'ear tufts' tend to add to whatever expression his eyes hold. The beak is narrow and pointed and pink. With aboriginal designs painted onto it. The left holds a tiny, Aboriginal style, rainbow serpent. The right side holds an equally rainbow, but Chinese style, phoenix.<br><br>He has arms, covered in feathers to his elbows. From there, the skin is pebbly, scaled, like a bird's, and pink. He only has four fingers on each hand, and each are long, very dexterous looking, and tipped in pink talons. His two legs appear to be shaped like a bird's, and he walks on his toes, upright with the 'heel' off the floor. There are feathers to that 'heel', and scaled, pebbly skin from to the tips of his toes. His toes are like his fingers. Four on each foot, long and looking dexterous, and tipped in pink talons. He wears no shoes.<br><br>This 'bird' has snow white feathers, as is befitting his albino nature. His wings are huge, starting at his shoulders and arching up taller than his head, then sweeping down, the longest feathers only inches from the ground. His tail is is mostly hidden by the wings, and is as long as they are.<br><br>He wears clothing. Slacks of black. A dress shirt of white. Often a white lab coat over it all. On the leading edge of his wings, just below the end knuckle before his primary feathers is what look like thick titanium bracelets. On the left, that rainbow serpent. On the right, that Chinese phoenix.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Song was always the odd man.. bird.. out. Being born white rather than grey or brown meant he got picked on by not only his family flock, but also by people, full humans, outside of it, mostly those kids in school with him. Him having a genius level intellect and a memory that would not let anything go, didn't help. In fact, that made things worse. This led to him winding being pretty sarcastic when in stressful situation.<br><br>Despite this, he loves his family. And curiousity about why they look like owls and nobody else in the city does, this led him into the field of science. Biology, chemistry, virology, and genetics, as well as mathematics. In school, he studied them all, as well as the arts. Early in high school, tired of being picked on all the time for his white feathers, he started dying them black. In university, he started dying or painting his flight feathers different colors, and painting symbols or designs on his beak. His feathers always match the colors of whatever designs he sports at the time.<br><br>At the age of sixteen, he graduated high school and went to university. His memory and intelligence allowed him to excel in his studies. By the time he was twenty, he had Bachelor's degrees in both Biology and Chemistry. Twenty-four, and he secured PhDs in Virology and Genetics. At thirty, he finished his residencies for both the PhDs and secured his MD certification for both.<br><br>Shortly after securing the MD, Song was approached by Shield, the branch right there in Sydney. And so he started working in a lab for Shield. Who in their right mind would say no to the best equipment and research opportunities on the market? Even with such advantages, he still hasn't really unlocked the mystery that is his family's mutations. The mutation is too bound up with their human DNA to properly unlock and remains a mystery.<br><br>For the last four years, he'd worked with Shield, Aus style. Now, he's been transferred to the USA, to their branch in New York City. To another lab, with a new set of people to get used to him and his ways, and he theirs.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Song is prickly and stubborn, and quite often sarcastic. This is something that seems to go along with people who are very intelligent a lot of the time. But despite that, he has a good heart and he genuinely cares about people. If it came down to saving an innocent, he would do so with no hesitation. Thankfully, that usually means coming up with this cure or that medicine rather than laying his life on the line. When he's not being prickly and stubborn, he's often cheerful and can be fun to be around. Even then, though, he's usually at least a little sarcastic. While it is relatively simple to annoy him, it's harder to make him truly angry. And when that happens, the anger, or irritation, is usually back to being cheerful fairly quickly. He's also a prankster. He's never met a prank he didn't like, but he has strict morals when it comes to pranks. He won't ever pull a prank that will cause harm to someone.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flight:'''</span>
Not all species with wings are able to fly. Song, however, is. His huge wings coupled with the hollow bones of his family grouping, shared with birds around the world, allows him full flight. Those huge wings allow him to be fairly quick in the air, but not rated among the fastest. He is somewhere in the middle of the avian world for maneuverability. He can turn well in the air, but not on a dime. However, what he can do is stay aloft for quite a long time. It's the size of his wings. Spread them out and he can glide on thermals for what seems forever. For distance, he has great stamina. Or, at least, until he has to come down for food or water, unless he has them with him. Ask him to go as fast as he can, and he can't sustain that for more than half an hour. Endurance is far more his thing than speed.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Mind:'''</span>
Intelligence: Song was born with one of those semi rare genius level minds. This has allowed him to achieve fairly high level things of learning in his lifetime. However, because of this he often doesn't know how to relate to people and can easily say things that offend them without meaning to do so.<br><br>Memory: Perhaps this comes from a mutation, or perhaps it's simply part of what he was born with. Song does not forget anything. Coupled with his intelligence, this made schooling fairly easy. It is also very handy in research.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Owl Adaptations:'''</span>
Song's mutation has given him an owl's senses.<br><br>Sight: He can see very, very well. He can focus his eyes to a very small degree. Not quite to the degree a microscope can, but if he's very high in the air, he can still see clearly what is on the ground. He can also see very keenly in both light and darkness. only about 70 degrees is binocular vision. The rest of the 110 degrees of vision is right or left monocular vision.<br><br>Flexible Neck: Song can turn his head 135 degrees in either direction, as well as almost upside down. Nearly all the way around, though not quite. This is because he has 14 vertebrae in his neck.<br><br>Third Eyelid: This is a nictitating membrane, a thin layer of tissue that is clear. It closes diagonally from the inside to the outside. It cleans, moistens, and protects the eyes, especially when in flight.<br><br>Ears: Song doesn't have ears like humans, but like an owl. They are placed asymmetrically on his head, and are slightly different sizes. This allows him to receive sounds at slightly different times, granting him an exceptional ability to pinpoint the location of a sound. And his flattened face funnel the sounds to his ears, magnifying them.<br><br>Language: He can understand and make himself understood to owls.<br><br>Silent Flight: Because of how an owl's feathers are, with the leading edges stiff fringes like a comb to reduce turbulence, and the trailing edges soft ridges, this reduces turbulence further. The rest of the wings are covered in fine downy feathers that can dampen sounds even more.<br><br>Fingers and toes: Normally, two face forward and two face backward. Song has the ability to swivel one of the back toes to the front when necessary. He can also lock his toes around an object. Maximum grip, minimal effort.<br><br>Avian Airsacs: Because of the combination of these air sacs and his lungs, Song's breathing is extremely efficient. This helps when flying at speed, or at high altitudes.<br><br>Hollow Bones: Because of the nature of how bird bones are hollow, they are made of a denser material than other bones. The hollows are not to help with flight, but to help with oxygen intake.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Artistry:'''</span>
From pottery to painting, even embroidery, if Song really wants to, he can sit down and make at least passable attempts. He's best at painting and drawing.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Feather Imping:'''</span>
Being an owl, and capable of flight, made this necessary. Feathers break. Too many feathers break, or they're too short, and flight cannot be sustained. Knowing how to repair feathers can mean being able to fly, or being grounded until the feathers grow back in, a process that takes about two months.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Knowledge:'''</span>
Song is well versed in many things. Including the arts and sciences. Mathematics, chemistry, biology, virology, and genetics. He has Bachelors Degrees in both Biology and Chemistry, as well as. PhDs in Virology and Genetics.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Languages:'''</span>
Song speaks both English, in the Australian dialect, and Mandarin Chinese.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Medicine:'''</span>
Song is a certified MD, board approved. While his specialties are Virology and Genetics, he is well versed in tending to wounds and illnesses in humans and his mutant owl people. He can do anything any other doctor can do, up to and including stitching wounds or setting bones. Just don't ask him to perform surgery. A surgeon he is not.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Shield Training:'''</span>
Song has been trained in the basics of SHIELD Techniques. This includes basic self defense, hand to hand training, and firearms training. Law enforcement techniques have been taught, investigation, crowd control, the proper use of batons, pepper spray, and tasers. How to drive a car at speed in pursuit of a suspect. What to do upon entering a building after a suspect. The proper use of protective gear.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''College Friends:'''</span>
There are a number of people from his college days Song can call on if he needs to. Most of them are in Australia, but a few moved abroad, and none of them would hesitate to travel to him if he needed them.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Degrees:'''</span>
With the schooling and degrees Song has, if something ever happens and he has to leave Shield, he won't be without work for very long.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Family Flock:'''</span>
Despite having been picked on growing up for being different than the rest of his flock, Song knows he can always count on them to be there for him if he needs them. They are neither rich, nor poor, but fall somewhere in between.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Shield:'''</span>
Having been a SHIELD agent for a number of years, when things get tricky he can always call on them and their resources
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Flight Feathers:'''</span>
Song's flight feathers are vulnerable. If they get broken or plucked out, it takes about two months to grow back in. Too many flight feathers get damaged, or removed, and Song will be grounded for the two months it takes to grow them back in. This is where feather imping comes in. Damaged feathers can be repaired if one has the knowledge.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Hybrid Physiology:'''</span>
Because Song is a mutant owl, his physiology is a bit owl and a bit human. If he's injured or ill, this needs to be taken into account. Damage to the air sacs can damage his ability to breathe. Likewise, he is more susceptible to viruses and toxins and the like.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mind:'''</span>
Intelligence: Because of how smart he is, Song often has a hard time relating to people with a more average level of intelligence. He doesn't share the same interests or goals in life. This can make it hard to interact with people at the best of times, and impossible at the worst of times.<br><br>Memory: Because of his incredible memory, Song never forgets anything. This means the bad memories along with the good ones. This can lead to PTSD-like reactions in certain situations.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Owl Adaptations:'''</span>
Fixed Eyes: Because of his mutation, Song's eyes are not round, but tubular in shape. They are completely immobile and cannot move in his eye sockets. What that means is that he has to turn his head to be able to see. If his head is stuck, his vision is limited to what he can see in the direction his eyes are pointed.<br><br>Sight: Because of the nature of his owl eyes, Song cannot clearly see anything within up close. So for close vision things, he has to wear glasses or specially made contacts.<br><br>Flexible Neck: Because he has 14 vertebrae in his neck, if he is struck wrong, it is more susceptible to sprains or breaks.<br><br>Ears: Because of how sensitive his hears are, Song is exceptionally sensitive to large or very sharp sounds. They can cause a variety of reactions, ranging from going deaf temporarily, to being stunned or unconscious, depending on the sound and the severity of it.<br><br>Fingers and toes: Because he only has four, and with talons, sometimes this can make gripping things... interesting.<br><br>Avian Airsacs: Because of the efficiency of the combination of lungs and airsacs, this makes Song very sensitive to dangerous things in the air. He'll be the first to detect any foulness or toxicity in the air, usually by passing out as it affects him more quickly than it will a human.<br><br>Hollow Bones: Because of the reason bird bones are hollow, to help with oxygen intake, if there is damage to a bone, or the loss of one, it can affect his ability to breathe properly, or as efficiently.

Latest revision as of 12:55, 26 July 2022

Song (Scenesys ID: 9887)
"Really? Seriously? C'/mon/ mate! Isn't that just what I said was going to happen?"
Full Name: Qing Liansong
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Genetics & virology
Citizenship: Australia
Residence: Sydney/NYC
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Biology & Chemistry, PhD in Virology & Genetics, MD
Status: Shelved
Groups: SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 04 Apr 1994 Actor: N/A
Height: 187.96 cm (6'2") Weight: 79.38 kg (175 lb)
Hair Color: White feathers Eye Color: Pale blue
Theme Song: Ask Heaven - Liu Yuning - Word of Honor OST


Scientist. Doctor... in a pinch. Virologist and geneticist. One of Shield's scientific minds. Smart and never forgetful, but always there for his friends. Oh, did I mention? He's a bird. Mutie. Where the shape and brain comes from, I reckon.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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