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|FullName=Wynonna Earp
|FullName=Wynonna Earp
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|Occupation=The Heir / BPRD Agent
|Occupation=The Heir/BPRD Agent
|Groups=[[SHIELD]],  [[Adventurers]], [[Dark Universe-OOC]]
|Education=High School Dropout
|Groups=[[Dark Universe-OOC]]
|Quote=Doc: "Careful, Earp. Doing whats right, even in the face of ridiculous odds ... you are beginning to sound like a hero."
|Quote=Doc: "Careful, Earp. Doing whats right, even in the face of ridiculous odds ... you are beginning to sound like a hero."
|Weight=135 lbs
|Height=170 cm (5'7")
|Weight=62 kg (135 lb)
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|Song="Tell That Devil" by Jill Andrews (Cover)
|Song="Tell That Devil" by Jill Andrews (Cover)
|Profile=Wynonna is the troubled heir and great-granddaughter of the famous Wyatt Earp. A High School dropout with a penchant for rebellion, hard drinking and bad decisions, she is hardly the best choice for the position. Tasked with fighting evil, she sends the wicked back to Hell, or puts other beasties down. A member of the BPRD, which is the basement-dwelling ne'er-do-well branch of SHIELD.
|Profile=Wynonna is the troubled heir and great-granddaughter of the famous Wyatt Earp. A High School dropout with a penchant for rebellion, hard drinking and bad decisions, she is hardly the best choice for the position. Tasked with fighting evil, she sends the wicked back to Hell, or puts other beasties down. A member of the BPRD, which is the basement-dwelling ne'er-do-well branch of SHIELD.
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
To call Wynonna stubborn would be an extreme. She could be horrifically tortured and not give up the needed information. She is very resistant to mind control and telepathy (But the strongest can still get through, though it is hard.) One of the only ways to make her given in is to threaten loved ones or innocents, but...you probably won't like it when she comes for you afterwards.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
This pretty woman looks to in her late twenties or so. She is a nicely built 5'7". She has a nice body with a hint of tight and firm muscle to it, though she is far from bulky. Her hair is brown and tumbles just past her shoulders. Her skin is fair, and she has deep blue eyes. Her full lips tend to be made for smirking or scowling, and she wears light make-up, if that. She doesn't really need it, as she is quite the natural beauty.<br><br>    She tends towards tight jeans, and worn, battered boots. Various simple t-shirts or blouse tops and a black leather jacket with light fringe. When she can manage it an 1800's Colt .45 Peacemaker rests on her hip. When carrying in public is not allowed, it tends to be hidden on her somewhere.
Wynonna has done some bad things, and she has learned from them. She hasn't learned NOT to do them, but she has learned some useful skills! She can pick a lock in no time, and can crack a safe, hot-wire a car, and all sorts of other wicked things. She is VERY good at picking pockets and similar sleight of hand.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Wynonna has left a...rough life. She is the great-grantdaughter of the legendary Wyatt Earp. To put it simply, she is the heir to a great and terrible purpose. Wyatt killed a lot of terrible people before settling back east near Bludhaven, and the forces of darkness do not forget, or forgive. He died, eventually, but his actions had consequences. The forces of light blessed the family, just as the forces of evil wanted them dead. Earp's blood was chosen for an inheritance of purpose and power, making the eldest of each generation into the Heir. When his son died it became his son, and when Wynonna's dad and older sister died...it became her.<br><br>Using the blessed gun Peacemaker, the Earp heir fights the forces of darkness, banishing things that SHould Not Be Here back to their own dimensions or planes of damnation. Her dad was a brutal, drunken man, and he trained Wynonna's elder sister harshly. In the end, when Wynonna was a kid, evil managed to get onto the property and dragged off her elder sister and dad, and Wynonna shot her dad to save him from torture. Her life pretty much fell apart at that point, and she ended up being expelled from High School. Drunken, lewd and violent acts made her a pariah in her community, along with her family.<br><br>Eventually she left home, and she took to the road. She lived a life skirting the law or outright breaking it, until finally returning home for a funeral. It was there that she was forced to take up Peacemaker and her role as the Heir. It has been a struggle, but eventually being brought into the BPRD has helped...a bit. Now she fights evil across the world...but primarily in her own, dark little corner of it, while juggling her many, many problems.
Wynonna is no Constantine, but she knows her stuff. Mostly. Okay, only kind of. Most of her occult knowledge has been gained in the field, or from past cases. She is no expert. Thankfully, she learns quickly, and she has a pretty great research team in the BPRD. What she doesn't know herself can often be learned from them.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Wynonna is a hot mess, but at least she TRIES. She has a heroic heart, though it is buried under a lot of envy, hedonism, sloth and anger. She is prone to hot-headed decisions, though she has gotten better over the years. She can lose her temper and do something stupid, and she has done some BAD things over the years, though most were before she became the Heir. She can be ruthless in her pursuit of her duty, but she is not heartless when it comes to non-evil supernaturals and similar. She has to work with some, afterall. She struggles with her role often, and has issues with authority, but...as I said...she tries.
One of Wynonna's most powerful skills is her ability to push buttons. The woman knows exactly what to say to get a rise out of almost anyone. Hell, she could turn a Buddhist Monk into a cursing maelstrom of violence. The bad thing is that this anger is usually directed at her. Still, knowing how to push buttons CAN be useful. The problem is that she doesn't always know how to turn it off.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Willpower:'''</span>
To call Wynonna stubborn would be an extreme. She could be horrifically tortured and not give up the needed information. She is very resistant to mind control and telepathy (But the strongest can still get through, though it is hard.) One of the only ways to make her given in is to threaten loved ones or innocents, but...you probably won't like it when she comes for you afterwards.
Wynonna is not an expert martial artist, but she is brutal in a fight. She's had some training by the BPRD, but most of what she knows was learned in bar brawls and back-alley knight fights, or in the thick of it. She is a dirty fighter, and is actually very capable. She will end up with black eyes and cut lips and similar, but she can hold her own against some surprisingly tough foes, including very strong supernatural threats. This includes her marksmanship, which is good, and using knives and similar melee weapons.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Larceny:'''</span>
Wynonna has done some bad things, and she has learned from them. She hasn't learned NOT to do them, but she has learned some useful skills! She can pick a lock in no time, and can crack a safe, hot-wire a car, and all sorts of other wicked things. She is VERY good at picking pockets and similar sleight of hand.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Occult:'''</span>
She spent a summer fixing up motorcycles and some old cars, and it stuck with her. She is more skilled with motorcycles, but can fix up a car if the need arises. In addition, she is a VERY good driver. She can handle some insane car chases, but really shines on a bike. She can push a motorcycle to its limit, and take insane turns and survive. She can even fire Peacemaker or similar while driving. She is a terror.
Wynonna is no Constantine, but she knows her stuff. Mostly. Okay, only kind of. Most of her occult knowledge has been gained in the field, or from past cases. She is no expert. Thankfully, she learns quickly, and she has a pretty great research team in the BPRD. What she doesn't know herself can often be learned from them.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Pushing Buttons:'''</span>
She has a Harley-Davidson Sportster Screamin Eagle 1200 that she has dubbed 'Black Beauty'. She loves this bike, and will reign hell down on someone who messes it up. She can drive like crazy, but is even better on this bad boy, pushing Black Beauty to the limits and beyond again and again.
One of Wynonna's most powerful skills is her ability to push buttons. The woman knows exactly what to say to get a rise out of almost anyone. Hell, she could turn a Buddhist Monk into a cursing maelstrom of violence. The bad thing is that this anger is usually directed at her. Still, knowing how to push buttons CAN be useful. The problem is that she doesn't always know how to turn it off.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Scrapping:'''</span>
Wynonna is not an expert martial artist, but she is brutal in a fight. She's had some training by the BPRD, but most of what she knows was learned in bar brawls and back-alley knight fights, or in the thick of it. She is a dirty fighter, and is actually very capable. She will end up with black eyes and cut lips and similar, but she can hold her own against some surprisingly tough foes, including very strong supernatural threats. This includes her marksmanship, which is good, and using knives and similar melee weapons.<br><br>
Wynonna belongs to the BPRD, or the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, which is a shady, supernatural branch of SHIELD and WAND and all that. The BPRD is a small branch of SHIELD that literally and metaphorically exists in the basement. It is filled with people who wouldn't quite...fit the rest of the organization. People that are too weird, too supernatural, or too off-kilter. Malcontents, rebels and literal children of the Devil. They have a reputation for being a big spooky, or troublemakers, and tend to have a lot of SHIELD either trying to not have anything to do with them, or keep a close eye on them. They are the spooky underdogs...and some, like Wynonna, wouldn't have it any other way.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Vehicles:'''</span>
She spent a summer fixing up motorcycles and some old cars, and it stuck with her. She is more skilled with motorcycles, but can fix up a car if the need arises. In addition, she is a VERY good driver. She can handle some insane car chases, but really shines on a bike. She can push a motorcycle to its limit, and take insane turns and survive. She can even fire Peacemaker or similar while driving. She is a terror.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Black Beauty:'''</span>
Contrary to popular history, Earp moved east with his family and settled on some farmland outside of Bludhaven. There is an old farmhouse and a lot of pretty much unused land and a barn and such there. She keeps it up to date as best she can, and she lives there most of the time. A lot of people do not know about the place, and it is warded against evil incursion. Basically, non-human creatures (This also means mutants and metahumans are okay) who mean her harm cannot cross the threshold at the wooden fence, and bullets and attackes fired into the estate are blocked there. A group of humans or mutants with machine guns, however, can wander in and open fire.
She has a Harley-Davidson Sportster Screamin Eagle 1200 that she has dubbed 'Black Beauty'. She loves this bike, and will reign hell down on someone who messes it up. She can drive like crazy, but is even better on this bad boy, pushing Black Beauty to the limits and beyond again and again.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Bprd:'''</span>
Wynonna belongs to the BPRD, or the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, which is a shady, supernatural branch of SHIELD and WAND and all that. The BPRD is a small branch of SHIELD that literally and metaphorically exists in the basement. It is filled with people who wouldn't quite...fit the rest of the organization. People that are too weird, too supernatural, or too off-kilter. Malcontents, rebels and literal children of the Devil. They have a reputation for being a big spooky, or troublemakers, and tend to have a lot of SHIELD either trying to not have anything to do with them, or keep a close eye on them. They are the spooky underdogs...and some, like Wynonna, wouldn't have it any other way.<br><br>
The BPRD supplies her with some pretty decent field gear. Basic military gear, within reason, can be acquired. Assault rifles and SMGS, other pistols, shotguns and the like. Various kinds of grenades, gas masks and breaching gear, etc. She isn't Batman or anything, though. She also has access to basic occult gear, such as warding necklaces, rings that sense ghosts, and similar supernatural weirdness. Being the BPRD, though, these items often have weird histories or odd costs.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Earp House:'''</span>
Contrary to popular history, Earp moved east with his family and settled on some farmland outside of Bludhaven. There is an old farmhouse and a lot of pretty much unused land and a barn and such there. She keeps it up to date as best she can, and she lives there most of the time. A lot of people do not know about the place, and it is warded against evil incursion. Basically, non-human creatures (This also means mutants and metahumans are okay) who mean her harm cannot cross the threshold at the wooden fence, and bullets and attackes fired into the estate are blocked there. A group of humans or mutants with machine guns, however, can wander in and open fire.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Equipment:'''</span>
Peacemaker is a Colt .45 that was made infamous in the hands of Wyatt Earp himself. It is the gun he used to gun down the majority of the scum he dropped (Regardless of real life history!). By all looks it is a normal, old Peacemaker kept in fantastic condition, with a flourished and decorated grip. It is magical, however. Any creature of 'evil' that picks it up or touches it is horrible burned by it, for one. This includes most supernatural types, even if they are not ACTUALLY evil. This also includes individuals from other dimensions, as it generally assumes they are from Hell or the Dark Dimension, or similar. In addition, the gun will never fire for someone who is not the heir. It will just click over to the next chamber.
The BPRD supplies her with some pretty decent field gear. Basic military gear, within reason, can be acquired. Assault rifles and SMGS, other pistols, shotguns and the like. Various kinds of grenades, gas masks and breaching gear, etc. She isn't Batman or anything, though. She also has access to basic occult gear, such as warding necklaces, rings that sense ghosts, and similar supernatural weirdness. Being the BPRD, though, these items often have weird histories or odd costs.<br><br>
The gun never runs out of bullets, and if the chamber is checked it is unloaded. When fired at non-supernaturals it acts like a normal Colt .45, though the bullets tend to punch through all manners of mundane armor with more ease. It will not shoot through adamantium or anything like that, though. Come on, now. Against 'evil', in the dimensional or supernatural sense, however, it is different. The barrel lights up red when going against evil, which also helps identify creatures from wicked dimensions, whether in their own form or possessing. A bullet against them punches through the strongest supernatural armor, and is capable of dropping things of otherwise insurmountable invulnerability. If a creature from another dimension, or the afterlife is killed with the gun, they are banished back to their home dimension...and find it almost impossible to return, as it wards them against doing so without INCREDIBLY strong magic. Finally, the gun can should incoporeal things, like unmanifested creatures or ghosts.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Peacemaker:'''</span>
Peacemaker is a Colt .45 that was made infamous in the hands of Wyatt Earp himself. It is the gun he used to gun down the majority of the scum he dropped (Regardless of real life history!). By all looks it is a normal, old Peacemaker kept in fantastic condition, with a flourished and decorated grip. It is magical, however. Any creature of 'evil' that picks it up or touches it is horrible burned by it, for one. This includes most supernatural types, even if they are not ACTUALLY evil. This also includes individuals from other dimensions, as it generally assumes they are from Hell or the Dark Dimension, or similar. In addition, the gun will never fire for someone who is not the heir. It will just click over to the next chamber.<br> The gun never runs out of bullets, and if the chamber is checked it is unloaded. When fired at non-supernaturals it acts like a normal Colt .45, though the bullets tend to punch through all manners of mundane armor with more ease. It will not shoot through adamantium or anything like that, though. Come on, now. Against 'evil', in the dimensional or supernatural sense, however, it is different. The barrel lights up red when going against evil, which also helps identify creatures from wicked dimensions, whether in their own form or possessing. A bullet against them punches through the strongest supernatural armor, and is capable of dropping things of otherwise insurmountable invulnerability. If a creature from another dimension, or the afterlife is killed with the gun, they are banished back to their home dimension...and find it almost impossible to return, as it wards them against doing so without INCREDIBLY strong magic. Finally, the gun can should incoporeal things, like unmanifested creatures or ghosts.
Wynonna isn't dumb, but she does dumb things sometimes. She is given to recklessness, hedonism (Primarily drink and sloth), and a terrible temper. She can often get into really bad situations due to her own decisions...and it doesn't seem to be an issue that is going away anytime soon.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Bad Decisions:'''</span>
Wynonna isn't dumb, but she does dumb things sometimes. She is given to recklessness, hedonism (Primarily drink and sloth), and a terrible temper. She can often get into really bad situations due to her own decisions...and it doesn't seem to be an issue that is going away anytime soon.<br><br>
There are a LOT of evil things that want her dead. Several different domains of Hell, including the one she primarily deals with (AKA the standard Christian one) want to put her down, along with her whole family. In addition there are numerous monsters out there, or just bad people, who want to hurt or kill her. On top of that, she has hurt a lot of folks in her past for being a selfish jerk, and it can come back to bite her.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Enemies:'''</span>
There are a LOT of evil things that want her dead. Several different domains of Hell, including the one she primarily deals with (AKA the standard Christian one) want to put her down, along with her whole family. In addition there are numerous monsters out there, or just bad people, who want to hurt or kill her. On top of that, she has hurt a lot of folks in her past for being a selfish jerk, and it can come back to bite her.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Heir:'''</span>
Wynonna is The Heir, which means she carries the legacy and curse of the Earp family. Peacemaker only works for her, and she is the one who can send demons and possessions and similar straight out of this dimension with a well-placed bullet...but it means she carries the weight of the obligation. She can't escape the job. If she throws Peacemaker away, if will find her again (If an enemy doesn't). Trouble has a habit of finding her. She cannot have a normal, happy life.
Wynonna is The Heir, which means she carries the legacy and curse of the Earp family. Peacemaker only works for her, and she is the one who can send demons and possessions and similar straight out of this dimension with a well-placed bullet...but it means she carries the weight of the obligation. She can't escape the job. If she throws Peacemaker away, if will find her again (If an enemy doesn't). Trouble has a habit of finding her. She cannot have a normal, happy life.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Ptsd:'''</span>
Wynonna has done and seen some bad things. This includes shooting her father in the head. She has nightmares pretty much every night, and rarely, if ever gets a good nights sleep. Sometimes this bleeds into her waking days, but not as often.
Wynonna has done and seen some bad things. This includes shooting her father in the head. She has nightmares pretty much every night, and rarely, if ever gets a good nights sleep. Sometimes this bleeds into her waking days, but not as often.}}
[[Category:SHIELD]][[Category:Adventurers]][[Category:Dark Universe-OOC]]
[[Category:Dark Universe-OOC]]

Revision as of 05:13, 25 October 2019

Wynonna Earp (Scenesys ID: 1409)
Doc: "Careful, Earp. Doing whats right, even in the face of ridiculous odds ... you are beginning to sound like a hero."
Full Name: Wynonna Earp
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: IDW (FC)
Occupation: The Heir/BPRD Agent
Citizenship: American
Education: High School Dropout
Status: Dropped
Groups: Dark Universe-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: Actual Age:
Date of Birth Actor: Melanie Scrofano
Height: 170 cm (5'7") Weight: 62 kg (135 lb)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Tell That Devil" by Jill Andrews (Cover)


Wynonna is the troubled heir and great-granddaughter of the famous Wyatt Earp. A High School dropout with a penchant for rebellion, hard drinking and bad decisions, she is hardly the best choice for the position. Tasked with fighting evil, she sends the wicked back to Hell, or puts other beasties down. A member of the BPRD, which is the basement-dwelling ne'er-do-well branch of SHIELD.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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