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Revision as of 02:00, 6 October 2017

Norman Osborn (Scenesys ID: 1426)
"The Goblin KING on DUSTED THRONE, declares a FAIR of BLOOD and BONE!" -The Green Goblin. "Oh... I wouldn't worry about that. I'm NORMAN OSBORN. I have a WAY of getting what I want." -Upstanding citizen, Norman Osborn.
Full Name: Norman Virgil Osborn
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Occupation: Ex-CEO Oscorp, Venture Capitalist
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Henc Street Level
Other Information
Apparent Age: 43 Actual Age: 43
Date of Birth 2 January 1982 Actor: Glen Howerton
Height: 181 cm (5'11") Weight: 84 kg (155 lbs)
Hair Color: Reddish Brown Eye Color: Dark Green
Theme Song: Giuseppe Verdi - Dies Irae


From Oscorp founder/CEO and NYC power-player, to masked terrorist, then finding his reputation utterly ruined; Norman Osborn has experienced the highs and the lows. His exposure to the untested OZ formula left him both immensely improved physically, and dangerously unhinged mentally. The lunatic whispers of the Goblin, paired with an unhealthy obsession with NYC's resident web-slinger, left him unceremoniously unseated from the head of the company he built.

Gone from the public eye for years, there are only theories and conjecture regarding any relationship between Osborn and the villain known as The Green Goblin (presumed dead after his last appearance). Oscorp now a mere shell of what it once was since Norman's firing as Chief Executive, there are rumours circulating that vast sums from long-dormant bank accounts have been finding their way to prestigious and powerful individuals in the political and business worlds.



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