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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Thomas Raith |Color=#333 |TextColor=#c1c1c1 |Char_id=7044 |Img=http://wickedhorror.thunderroadinc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/matt-bom...")
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|Song="Need Somebody To Love" by Jefferson
|Song="Need Somebody To Love" by Jefferson
|Profile=To those who don't know him Thomas comes off as an overblown, egotistical hedonist whose only concerns in life are getting women, getting drunk, and very likely getting women drunk. Those that do know him however... well to be honest, the opinions aren't that different. Still to he tends to be to be a true friend, fiercely loyal to anyone he considers family and friends...if still an overblown, egotistical, hedonist. Only those who are the very closest to him, such as his sister Lara know that that is a facade. He is intelligent and devious. A shadow player in a game where the players remain hidden by default.
|Profile=To those who don't know him Thomas comes off as an overblown, egotistical hedonist whose only concerns in life are getting women, getting drunk, and very likely getting women drunk. Those that do know him however... well to be honest, the opinions aren't that different. Still to he tends to be to be a true friend, fiercely loyal to anyone he considers family and friends...if still an overblown, egotistical, hedonist. Only those who are the very closest to him, such as his sister Lara know that that is a facade. He is intelligent and devious. A shadow player in a game where the players remain hidden by default.
|Description=The paleness of the man's skin is easily the first thing one would notice when looking at Thomas. Not snow white of course, but ethereal almost. His hair in contrast is the blackness of sin. Long waves of ebony silk that fall about his shoulders and down his back. His blue gray eyes seem as though to be deep pools that can pull a person in and drown them. Perfectly clean shaven, his face is otherwise baby smooth with lips puled into a smirk that whispers of secrets. <br><br>Stretched over his lean body he is wearing a white sleeveless t-shirt that may as well have been painted onto his torso. The thin fabric does nothing at all to hide the defined muscles of his pecs and abs. His arms have the look of strength and power, while his hands are somehow both strong and soft. Like Sandpaper wrapped in velvet.<br><br>His narrow waist is wrapped in a black webbed belt, and the belt is laced through black jeans. Like the shirt, the jeans seem custom designed to accentuate more then conceal. Every movement seems to show off the muscles of the man's lower body, drawing the attention he seems to crave. White sneakers on his feet complete the look of a man with utter confidence in his appearance.
|Description=The paleness of the man's skin is easily the first thing one would notice when looking at Thomas. Not snow white of course, but ethereal almost. His hair in contrast is the blackness of sin. Long waves of ebony silk that fall about his shoulders and down his back. His blue gray eyes seem as though to be deep pools that can pull a person in and drown them. Perfectly clean shaven, his face is otherwise baby smooth with lips puled into a smirk that whispers of secrets.  
|History=Thomas was born the youngest (and currently only living) son of Lord Raith to Margaret Gwendolyn LeFay (deceased). His mother left his father, and subsequently him when he was very young. He would learn later that this "betrayal" had enraged his father and the man set out to kill her. He succeeded. The only reminders of her that Thomas has is a silver pentacle amulet she left with him and the portrait his father made of her. <br><br>Like most of the White Court, Thomas knew nothing about the Supernatural as he grew up. He had as normal a childhood as a young boy could have when one is the child of an extremely wealthy and eccentric man. His older sisters doted on him, though he himself was nowhere near as physically attractive as his family members. It wasn't until a little after his twenty-first birthday that everything changed. Everything.<br><br>He never even knew her name. For many years later, that fact always struck Thomas as a little sad. She had gone by the stage name "Kandy Kane" at the strip club his father had taken him to, but certainly that's not what her parents had named her. It's not what the people who loved her called her. The act, that first feeding is all a blur to him. He remembers wanting her. And more then that he vividly remembers her /wanting/ him. Not in the faux way all strippers pretend to want their clients but with an uninhibited needful desire. Thomas took her. He took every drop of her and left her nothing but a husk. It was only later, well after Lord Raith had disposed of the young woman's body that the truth of what Thomas was, and what it meant to be a Vampire of the White Court was revealed to him. He was taught that people are cattle. Food. Taught how to use his Hunger, capital H, to make him better then he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster. *cough*<br><br>After the truth of his nature was revealed to him, a number of disturbing pieces fell into the puzzle of Thomas Raith. He learned that every single male child his father ever sired had died under less then natural circumstances. He learned that his sister, Lara was a member of secret war for the very memory of mankind, and he himself was press ganged into it's cause. Most of all he learned that he had a little brother. Half brother anyway, named Harry Dresden. It seemed after she had left his father Thomas's mother had married Malcolm Dresden and had a son, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Poor kid. Worse Lord Raith took this insult with supreme fury. He murdered Thomas and Harry's mother, seeming to shrug off the powerful Sorceress' Death Curse. Thomas understood at this point that any upraising against his father would be tantamount to suicide. So he began to construct a facade of the hedonist, shiftless, no account. Staying far under his father's radar, and watching. Waiting for the moment when he can act out against one of the most powerful Vampires on the planet.
Stretched over his lean body he is wearing a white sleeveless t-shirt that may as well have been painted onto his torso. The thin fabric does nothing at all to hide the defined muscles of his pecs and abs. His arms have the look of strength and power, while his hands are somehow both strong and soft. Like Sandpaper wrapped in velvet.
His narrow waist is wrapped in a black webbed belt, and the belt is laced through black jeans. Like the shirt, the jeans seem custom designed to accentuate more then conceal. Every movement seems to show off the muscles of the man's lower body, drawing the attention he seems to crave. White sneakers on his feet complete the look of a man with utter confidence in his appearance.
|History=Thomas was born the youngest (and currently only living) son of Lord Raith to Margaret Gwendolyn LeFay (deceased). His mother left his father, and subsequently him when he was very young. He would learn later that this "betrayal" had enraged his father and the man set out to kill her. He succeeded. The only reminders of her that Thomas has is a silver pentacle amulet she left with him and the portrait his father made of her. <br><br>Like most of the White Court, Thomas knew nothing about the Supernatural as he grew up. He had as normal a childhood as a young boy could have when one is the child of an extremely wealthy and eccentric man. His older sisters doted on him, though he himself was nowhere near as physically attractive as his family members. It wasn't until a little after his twenty-first birthday that everything changed. Everything.
He never even knew her name. For many years later, that fact always struck Thomas as a little sad. She had gone by the stage name "Kandy Kane" at the strip club his father had taken him to, but certainly that's not what her parents had named her. It's not what the people who loved her called her. The act, that first feeding is all a blur to him. He remembers wanting her. And more then that he vividly remembers her /wanting/ him. Not in the faux way all strippers pretend to want their clients but with an uninhibited needful desire. Thomas took her. He took every drop of her and left her nothing but a husk. It was only later, well after Lord Raith had disposed of the young woman's body that the truth of what Thomas was, and what it meant to be a Vampire of the White Court was revealed to him. He was taught that people are cattle. Food. Taught how to use his Hunger, capital H, to make him better then he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster. *cough*
After the truth of his nature was revealed to him, a number of disturbing pieces fell into the puzzle of Thomas Raith. He learned that every single male child his father ever sired had died under less then natural circumstances. He learned that his sister, Lara was a member of secret war for the very memory of mankind, and he himself was press ganged into it's cause. Most of all he learned that he had a little brother. Half brother anyway, named Harry Dresden. It seemed after she had left his father Thomas's mother had married Malcolm Dresden and had a son, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Poor kid. Worse Lord Raith took this insult with supreme fury. He murdered Thomas and Harry's mother, seeming to shrug off the powerful Sorceress' Death Curse. Thomas understood at this point that any upraising against his father would be tantamount to suicide. So he began to construct a facade of the hedonist, shiftless, no account. Staying far under his father's radar, and watching. Waiting for the moment when he can act out against one of the most powerful Vampires on the planet.
|Personality=Thomas is a study in conflicts. On the surface he is a shiftless hedonist whose concerns in life are flirting, feeding, and...some other activities that start with the letter f. He drinks too much, listens to music too loud, avoids and any semblance of responsibility like it was a love note between Romeo and Juliet. It's an act, but it's an act the man wears well. Beneath it, he is deadly intelligent, cunning and fiercely passionate. In a species where love is toxic, he has the conviction to want it for himself and to protect it for others.
|Personality=Thomas is a study in conflicts. On the surface he is a shiftless hedonist whose concerns in life are flirting, feeding, and...some other activities that start with the letter f. He drinks too much, listens to music too loud, avoids and any semblance of responsibility like it was a love note between Romeo and Juliet. It's an act, but it's an act the man wears well. Beneath it, he is deadly intelligent, cunning and fiercely passionate. In a species where love is toxic, he has the conviction to want it for himself and to protect it for others.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''COME HITHER'''</span><br>White Court vampires can exhibit a form of mind control over their prey. It's effectiveness is variable. True Love can nullify it completely. Being of opposed sexual orientation will greatly weaken the effect, as can merely having a preternaturally strong level of will. In contrast, those he has fed on previously become easier for him to manipulate. <<This Ability is 100 percent OOC consent based>><br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FEEDING'''</span><br>When Thomas is feeding on someone, it more or less short circuits their brain. He draws out their life energy while dumping pleasure into their bodies. Even those who know what is happening are rarely able to exert the willpower to pull away. It requires exceptional willpower to do so, and those with supremely potent force of will may be able to resist the feeding entirely. While Thomas prefers lust to other emotions, such as the pain and fear favored by those of Houses Skavis or Malvora, it doesn't mean that he /can't/ feed on them at all. But where with Lust he is replenishing the emotion as he drains it, if he feeds on fear or pain he is draining it off without returning a reserve. In the short term this can be beneficial to the doe or buck as it lowers the levels inside them, leaving them often better able to handle an immediate trauma, There are however several negatives. For the one fed upon, they will feel lethargic, having been drained a significant part of their life force without replenishment and also they will, likely for several days, have trouble "feeling" the emotion in question at all. For the Vampire, specifically Thomas there are also problems. First there is the "taste". While he likens Lust and Passion to "Rich hot cocoa", Pain is closer to three day old burnt coffee and Fear like straight lemon juice. Then there is the actual sustenance itself, which agrees with his system about as well as a large Mexican meal would agree with someone who has never even had a taco.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPER AGILITY'''</span><br>While tapping his Hunger, Thomas has a level of speed and Agility that far out pace normal humans. This would allow him to achieve speeds of between 40-60 MPH and to dodge blows from most trained fighters.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPER STRENGTH'''</span><br>While tapping his Hunger Thomas can access supernatural levels of strength. This has been demonstrated with the ability to twist two barbell handles around one another, a feat he preformed when his reserves were in fact at their low point.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''COME HITHER'''</span>
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''MARKSMAN'''</span><br>When tapping his Hunger Thomas is as skilled as any human marksman, gaining the innate focus and precision required to hit small targets at fairly long distances. This ability translates well into both handguns and long barrel rifles.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SOCIAL'''</span><br>Thomas is a social butterfly. He is normally able to talk to complete strangers with ease and can, more often then not, get them to say far more then they ever intended. Most people, regardless of gender or age, find him charming and extremely pleasant company. Like most things however familiarity can quickly and greatly lessen the effectiveness of this, and of course some people will be wholly immune.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''STYLE'''</span><br>Thomas has an innate skill to make anything he wears, regardless of how it would look on someone else, look like some sort of chic fashion statement. His wardrobe is a mush-mash of $5,000 suits and $5 t-shirts, though once he puts it on it almost always looks like custom made.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''WEAPONS MASTER'''</span><br>When tapping his Hunger Thomas is an expert at hand to hand and using short bladed weapons. He prefers a cavalry saber and a kukri knife.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATTRACTIVE'''</span><br>Like most of his kind, Thomas has an almost unnatural level of physical attractiveness. He is best described as beautiful, even more then handsome. He's been referred to as "The Greek God of Bowflex" and also "The Patron Saint of men's underwear models", by a smart ass who will remain nameless.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''BLUE MOON'''</span><br>The Blue Moon is a Jazz club, for which Thomas is owner and operator. It also serves as Thomas's primary hunting ground. It is a throwback to the 1920's-30's speakeasy, with live jazz music, dancing, cigar girls, and top shelf liquor.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''CARS'''</span><br>Thomas has access to a small fleet of (all white) cars, including Sports cars, Luxury cars, and a Hummer. These cars technically belong to House Raith, but he has unlimited access to them.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''STYLE'''</span><br>Thomas is one of those blessed few that no matter what he wears it looks great on him.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''WEALTH'''</span><br>Thomas can draw on the finances of the Raith Family, which like most old Vampire Families is quite vast. In the books he was able to pay off one of the most skilled and dangerous assassins in the known world with his personal savings.
White Court vampires can exhibit a form of mind control over their prey. It's effectiveness is variable. True Love can nullify it completely. Being of opposed sexual orientation will greatly weaken the effect, as can merely having a preternaturally strong level of will. In contrast, those he has fed on previously become easier for him to manipulate. <<This Ability is 100 percent OOC consent based>>
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FILICIDE'''</span><br>All of Lord Raith's male children have died under "questionable circumstances". Best not to dig too deeply there.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''HUNGER'''</span><br>All of Thomas's powers and abilities are tied directly to his Hunger; a sort of symbiotic demon that needs to be fed regularly. If he draws too much on his powers the demon will take hold and Thomas will gorge himself, likely killing whomever it is that he feeds upon.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TOO PRETTY'''</span><br>Thomas can not turn the Glamour that makes him attractive to others off. This can lead to undesired attentions from people including complete strangers. <<100 percent OOC Consent based, of course.>><br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRUE LOVE'''</span><br>Like all members of the White Court, Thomas can not feed from or even touch someone who is truly in love and is loved in return. Even symbols of love, a rose or wedding ring can be dangerous. It should be noted however that True love of this kind is exceedingly rare. Any sort of betrayal or infidelity can rupture it, as well as the feelings being less then genuine.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''UNSATIATED'''</span><br>Thomas, unlike other members of the White Court adopts a more "Eat to live," rather then "Live to eat" philosophy. To that end he is very rarely operating at the fullest levels of his powers. The main reason for this is that Thomas doesn't use his Hunger to force the compliance of his prey, and he never takes more of their life essence then he needs. He described this in the books as being like going for a long hard run along the beach, being allowed a single sweet drink of cool water, then having the bottle swatted out of your hand. It's frustrating, exhausting, infuriating...and completely necessary to keep claim of his own soul.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FEEDING'''</span>
When Thomas is feeding on someone, it more or less short circuits their brain. He draws out their life energy while dumping pleasure into their bodies. Even those who know what is happening are rarely able to exert the willpower to pull away. It requires exceptional willpower to do so, and those with supremely potent force of will may be able to resist the feeding entirely. While Thomas prefers lust to other emotions, such as the pain and fear favored by those of Houses Skavis or Malvora, it doesn't mean that he /can't/ feed on them at all. But where with Lust he is replenishing the emotion as he drains it, if he feeds on fear or pain he is draining it off without returning a reserve. In the short term this can be beneficial to the doe or buck as it lowers the levels inside them, leaving them often better able to handle an immediate trauma, There are however several negatives. For the one fed upon, they will feel lethargic, having been drained a significant part of their life force without replenishment and also they will, likely for several days, have trouble "feeling" the emotion in question at all. For the Vampire, specifically Thomas there are also problems. First there is the "taste". While he likens Lust and Passion to "Rich hot cocoa", Pain is closer to three day old burnt coffee and Fear like straight lemon juice. Then there is the actual sustenance itself, which agrees with his system about as well as a large Mexican meal would agree with someone who has never even had a taco.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPER AGILITY'''</span>
While tapping his Hunger, Thomas has a level of speed and Agility that far out pace normal humans. This would allow him to achieve speeds of between 40-60 MPH and to dodge blows from most trained fighters.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPER STRENGTH'''</span>
While tapping his Hunger Thomas can access supernatural levels of strength. This has been demonstrated with the ability to twist two barbell handles around one another, a feat he preformed when his reserves were in fact at their low point.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''MARKSMAN'''</span>
When tapping his Hunger Thomas is as skilled as any human marksman, gaining the innate focus and precision required to hit small targets at fairly long distances. This ability translates well into both handguns and long barrel rifles.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SOCIAL'''</span>
Thomas is a social butterfly. He is normally able to talk to complete strangers with ease and can, more often then not, get them to say far more then they ever intended. Most people, regardless of gender or age, find him charming and extremely pleasant company. Like most things however familiarity can quickly and greatly lessen the effectiveness of this, and of course some people will be wholly immune.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''STYLE'''</span>
Thomas has an innate skill to make anything he wears, regardless of how it would look on someone else, look like some sort of chic fashion statement. His wardrobe is a mush-mash of $5,000 suits and $5 t-shirts, though once he puts it on it almost always looks like custom made.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''WEAPONS MASTER'''</span>
When tapping his Hunger Thomas is an expert at hand to hand and using short bladed weapons. He prefers a cavalry saber and a kukri knife.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATTRACTIVE'''</span>
Like most of his kind, Thomas has an almost unnatural level of physical attractiveness. He is best described as beautiful, even more then handsome. He's been referred to as "The Greek God of Bowflex" and also "The Patron Saint of men's underwear models", by a smart ass who will remain nameless.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BLUE MOON'''</span>
The Blue Moon is a Jazz club, for which Thomas is owner and operator. It also serves as Thomas's primary hunting ground. It is a throwback to the 1920's-30's speakeasy, with live jazz music, dancing, cigar girls, and top shelf liquor.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CARS'''</span>
Thomas has access to a small fleet of (all white) cars, including Sports cars, Luxury cars, and a Hummer. These cars technically belong to House Raith, but he has unlimited access to them.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''STYLE'''</span>
Thomas is one of those blessed few that no matter what he wears it looks great on him.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''WEALTH'''</span>
Thomas can draw on the finances of the Raith Family, which like most old Vampire Families is quite vast. In the books he was able to pay off one of the most skilled and dangerous assassins in the known world with his personal savings.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FILICIDE'''</span>
All of Lord Raith's male children have died under "questionable circumstances". Best not to dig too deeply there.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''HUNGER'''</span>
All of Thomas's powers and abilities are tied directly to his Hunger; a sort of symbiotic demon that needs to be fed regularly. If he draws too much on his powers the demon will take hold and Thomas will gorge himself, likely killing whomever it is that he feeds upon.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TOO PRETTY'''</span>
Thomas can not turn the Glamour that makes him attractive to others off. This can lead to undesired attentions from people including complete strangers. <<100 percent OOC Consent based, of course.>>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRUE LOVE'''</span>
Like all members of the White Court, Thomas can not feed from or even touch someone who is truly in love and is loved in return. Even symbols of love, a rose or wedding ring can be dangerous. It should be noted however that True love of this kind is exceedingly rare. Any sort of betrayal or infidelity can rupture it, as well as the feelings being less then genuine.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''UNSATIATED'''</span>
Thomas, unlike other members of the White Court adopts a more "Eat to live," rather then "Live to eat" philosophy. To that end he is very rarely operating at the fullest levels of his powers. The main reason for this is that Thomas doesn't use his Hunger to force the compliance of his prey, and he never takes more of their life essence then he needs. He described this in the books as being like going for a long hard run along the beach, being allowed a single sweet drink of cool water, then having the bottle swatted out of your hand. It's frustrating, exhausting, infuriating...and completely necessary to keep claim of his own soul.

Revision as of 23:57, 20 December 2018

Thomas Raith (Scenesys ID: 7044)
"Let's get something clear up front. I'm not Harry Dresden. Harry's a wizard. A genuine, honest-to-goodness wizard. He's Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull, with a big leather coat and a .44 revolver in his pocket. He'll spit in the eye of gods and demons alike if he thinks it needs to be done, and to hell with the consequences -- and yet somehow my little brother manages to remain a decent human being. I'll be damned if I know how. But then, I'll be damned regardless. My name is Thomas Raith, and I'm a monster."
Full Name: Thomas Raith
Gender: Male
Species: White Court
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Hedonist. It's a full time job.
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Bludhaven
Education: Home Schooled
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 14 February 1992 Actor: Matt Bomer
Height: 193 cm Weight: 80 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark Blue
Theme Song: "Need Somebody To Love" by Jefferson


To those who don't know him Thomas comes off as an overblown, egotistical hedonist whose only concerns in life are getting women, getting drunk, and very likely getting women drunk. Those that do know him however... well to be honest, the opinions aren't that different. Still to he tends to be to be a true friend, fiercely loyal to anyone he considers family and friends...if still an overblown, egotistical, hedonist. Only those who are the very closest to him, such as his sister Lara know that that is a facade. He is intelligent and devious. A shadow player in a game where the players remain hidden by default.



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