Terra (Scenesys ID: 1761)
"I realize I have some kind of anticipated obligation to provide witty banter in an effort to distract you from my ultra secret super move that will result in your losing control of the situation."
Full Name:
United States of America (Green Card)
New York
Other Information
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
26 June 2006
Christina Ricci
160 cm
46 kg
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
"We Will Rock You" by Queen
Atlee is a recent arrival who has recently taken up the mantle of the heroine Terra. She first appeared as a mysterious dark-haired teen who showed up in various places around the world, saving lives but disappearing as quickly as she had arrived. While her origins are unknown, she has demonstrated powerful geokinetic abilities by manipulating earth, rock, and mineral materials in the pursuit of saving lives and helping people. Since moving to New York, she has only recently begun to go by the name Terra in public. Though she is starting to become better known due to her exploits, she still tends to shun the spotlight when possible, though it's unclear if this is out of a desire to avoid glory, publicity, or simply shyness.
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Standing a little over five feet tall, this teenage girl has plenty of curves in all the right places. Her black hair is cut into a short bob with combed-over bangs. Prominent eyebrows arch over big, brown eyes. Her face is rounded with a pert nose and full, red lips. Cosmetics? What are cosmetics? Expressions are bold and almost exaggerated, as if she were still practicing some of them.
She's wearing what looks like a gymnast's costume, at least the bodysuit. Long sleeves with white fingerless gloves, the snug fabric clings to curves that would be better suited for a varsity cheerleader than a gymnast. Coverage is adequate for decency while remaining comfortable. The neckline is cut low to show cleavage, and the only accents against the black are a wide stripe of white across the chest and another down the front. Like a capital 'T'. Black boots rise to just above the knee with practical soles rather than heels. Like the bodysuit there are white stripes around the top of each, with another down the front for another pair of 'T's.
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In the time before humanity, the body of a dead astronaught god crash landed on Earth. It sunk deep into the earth, and over time the Stratans evolved inside it. The being's armored suit protects their civilization, and its blood sustains both the city and its people. Long has the Elder Council watched as the human surface dwellers developed and grew.
Time and time again the Stratans sent champions to the surface to protect both the Earth as well as Strata. Atlee was the latest of these champions, due to her rare genetic alteration that gives her geokinetic powers. In order to make her transition easier, the Council modified her original form to look like an appealing human female.
Atlee worked with various heroes on the surface, defeating an assortment of monsters and villains. She would pop up when the need was dire, save the day, and then disappear again. After one such encounter Power Girl took her back to a private lab and had her tested, where it was discovered that she's a genetic match for Tara Markov. Atlee was later captured and forced to fight in gladiator combat before escaping.
Renewing her friendship with Power Girl, Atlee is still trying to figure out human social culture. To help with that, she works as a waitress at a diner when not doing hero things.
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Atlee isn't human. When in doubt, come back and read that again. She's trying to understand why humans do what they do, but at the end of the day the girl simply judges situations by different standards. Her concept of morality is a bit different, as a result. Atlee sees good and evil as black and white concepts. Being one of the good guys, she has no problem whatsoever with punishing bad guys. Is torture okay? It is if they deserve it. Killing bad guys? Again, if it's necessary. Why heroes insist on locking up villains only for them to escape again makes absolutely no sense to her. Atlee was sent to the surface to save the Earth as a hero, and she takes her purpose very seriously.
Atlee is trying to understand human social culture as well, and some of the concepts are difficult for her. Modesty, for one, and clothing for another. It's not that she's an exhibitionist, she just doesn't see the point of, well, covering up. Atlee isn't shy about asking questions, either. Sometimes loudly, in public, about subjects that most humans would consider to be awkward. She needs to work on her expression filters.
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If Atlee does manage to get herself injured, she can heal herself by slipping into a self-induced coma. After being submerged in lava and suffering surface burns, she healed herself in this way after a few hours. Even without resorting to this technique, Atlee heals about twice as fast as a normal human if she's injured.
Atlee can essentially fly by controlling rocks that she rides or stands on. There are some limitations, however. While she can't actually fall off of the rock, Atlee is limited to subsonic speeds while flying with this technique. She also needs to stay at a low enough altitude so that she can breathe. It's like running for her, too. So over long distances she needs to pace herself with the speed.
Atlee is a Geokinetic, which means she can manipulate the earth itself. This includes shaping and moving individual rocks as well as massive ground formations. Her control is quite fine, down to the level of manipulating individual grains of sand in a storm. Control comes from her ability to *sense* things within the earth or made of earth as well. Because of this, Atlee can hit multiple targets with separate boulders without actually seeing them. Atlee's control also extends to nearly any mineral or crystal in addition to rock and dirt and sand. While the limitations aren't known, her power is sufficient to lift something the size of Manhattan off the ground (about 25 square miles in area, plus depth). This mass limitation is also a function of how well-rested she is at the time. The range of her power sense is roughly equivalent to her line of sight. (I.e. - she can't manipulate rocks on Earth if she's, say, in orbit around Jupiter.)
Stratans are quite durable, and Atlee is no exception. While she isn't invincible, she can be knocked quite a distance and get up again without injury. She's also resistant to heat, and can survive for a short time in lava without suffering any ill effects. Consider her to be just short of bulletproof, in general terms.
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Atlee is from Strata, an ancient civilization living far beneath the earth. Their technology is far advanced in comparison to the human race's. This technology gives Atlee a much better understanding of the physical world than the humans around her. Since she's an ambassador, however, she can't actually tap into this tech and use it without approval of the Stratan Elder Council.
Atlee isn't really an expert at fighting with her fists, but she's picked up more than a few pointers from earth heroes. She can hold her own against someone of similar strength and speed, and of course she uses her powers to cheat.
This one is a work in progress. Atlee is still learning all the nuances of Earth's pop culture, but she's learning enthusiastically and picking up more every day.
As a native of Strata, Atlee is as well-versed in the culture of her homeland as a kid from Brooklyn knows his way around New York City.
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One of the Elder Council of Strata, Aurla is also Atlee's personal friend and advisor. An intellectual, Aurla has been watching the human race since it began. She was one of the group who sent Atlee to the surface to protect the Earth. Aurla has healing abilities and is very helpful, especially if Atlee asks for it.
Atlee's costume is made from Stratan tech, with its primary asset being its durability. The fabric is about double the strength of ballistic materials, both from a tensile standpoint as well as abrasion resistance.
Atlee worked as a waitress in a diner on Key West, so she's comfortable waiting tables anywhere she happens to be living. She doesn't make a lot of money, but it's enough to pay rent and go to the movies.
As an ambassador from Strata to the surface world, Atlee has access to Stratan tech and backing. However since a major part of her assignment is to remain discrete, any such aid comes with a lot of restrictions. (Anything above Earth-level tech requires staff approval.)
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She may look like a human and she is trying to act like a human, but Atlee simply isn't one. Stratans have different values and a different culture. Atlee's primary purpose on the surface is to protect the Earth, mostly by keeping the humans from destroying it as well as themselves.
Before Atlee was sent to the surface her form was modified to be, they felt, more appealing to the surface world. They succeeded in making Atlee look like a beautiful young human female, which sometimes attracts more attention than she would like.
While Atlee CAN put herself into a coma for healing, there's a downside. While healing herself in this manner, the girl is vulnerable and unable to protect herself.
It's not that she's exactly naive, but Atlee just really doesn't know much about the surface world. She's learning, but she really doesn't understand humans or their customs all of the time. This has led to awkward situations.
Atlee is confident in her abilities and she knows that she's a powerful Geokinetic. However she isn't all-powerful and she often acts before fully thinking things through. So far, at least, she's been (mostly) able to get herself out of any trouble she gets into.
While Atlee's power is certainly impressive, there are limits as to how far she can push herself. Her endurance is about double that of a typical human's, which means that moderate power use would be similiar to jogging for her. Raising an island? Extending a land bridge out 25 miles? Flying at top speed? Definitely more like a sprint. And she'll need to rest accordingly.
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Was that an earthquake |
August 6th, 2018 |
Terra and Havok investigate the 125th street fault line and early morning earthquakes. They discover the cause - a bevy of HYDRA agents had captured an alien with geokinetic powers <Earthquake of the Shi'ar>. They were doing experiments on him. They free the alien, the agents fled, and the heroes also fled then went for pancakes.
A Day in the Life |
July 13th, 2018 |
Summary needed
Signing at the Flatbush Shopping Center |
June 4th, 2018 |
Atlee meets Mason, who learns about her geokinetic abilities and can't seem to help but pepper her with questions.
Coming out, stepping up! |
June 2nd, 2018 |
Andrea puts on a charity concert for suicide prevention awareness and gets attacked by the Friends of Humanity. Several heroes step up to protect the park.
Down in the Dark |
October 7th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Darkseid's Last Stand |
September 30th, 2017 |
The battle continues ... and the heroes rally against the monstrous threat that is Darkseid.
After Apokolips |
September 30th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Apokolips Now: The Furies Final Frenzy |
September 20th, 2017 |
The Furies return to set a trap for the heroes who defeated him on the eve before ... but are surprised.
Shifty Salvage |
September 17th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Apokolips Now: The War Begins |
September 16th, 2017 |
The forces of Apokolips begin to arrive; Metropolis is the landing point for Ground Zero.
Falling Stars |
September 14th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Barda's Big Entrance |
September 13th, 2017 |
Big Barda appears, to warn of the eminent approach of Darkseid, and Power Boy reveals himself.
My House Is A Very Very Fine House |
September 3rd, 2017 |
Summary needed
Fly, My Pretties! |
August 25th, 2017 |
Summary needed
A Matter of Heart |
August 21st, 2017 |
Summary needed
Sand and Foam |
August 21st, 2017 |
Traci, Paisley, and Atlee finish cleaning up the beach and reunite after the monster visit.
We Are Legion |
August 20th, 2017 |
Sometimes even superheroes need to play.
Nature Puts Down The Folly of Man |
August 19th, 2017 |
A huge monster emerges out of the sea, and many heroes join to turn it back.
A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts |
August 10th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Log 1825 |
August 4th, 2017 |
Summary needed
They Sell Spatulas! AND THATS ALL! |
August 4th, 2017 |
Summary needed
The Cryptid Cakewalk |
August 2nd, 2017 |
A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground.
Anything Could Happen! |
August 1st, 2017 |
Summary needed
Suspicious Rocks |
August 1st, 2017 |
Summary needed
A Little Bit Earthy |
July 27th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Mister Kord's Wild Ride |
July 26th, 2017 |
Ted Kord attempts to unveil a new subway technology ... with catastrophic results. Luckily, Atlee is on hand to help mitigate the damage caused.
A Volcanic Uproar |
July 24th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Atlee & Me ... Makes Four |
July 23rd, 2017 |
Atlee shows Luorno the beauty beneath the surface.
Don't Take Them for Granite |
July 21st, 2017 |
Summary needed
To Rave Or Not To Rave, That Is The Question |
July 17th, 2017 |
Sadie takes Atlee & Luorno to their first rave.
SO There We Were, Floating On A Rock ... |
July 15th, 2017 |
Atlee tastes ice cream for the first time after meeting Traci 13 & Paisley, a continuation of a former scene.
Odd Men Out |
July 12th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Dine and Dash |
July 7th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Kesta |
July 4th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Log |
July 3rd, 2017 |
Summary needed
The plight of Fear and War finale |
June 30th, 2017 |
Ares and Phobos' battle brings them to the exterior of the Triskelion
Shall We Dance |
June 27th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Central Park Booster |
June 25th, 2017 |
Summary needed
A Stroll in Central Park |
June 19th, 2017 |
Traci & Atlee meet for the first time. Adorkable ensues.
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