Revision history of "16476/What does hell have on Deadpool"

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  • curprev 12:46, 26 October 2024Liu talk contribs 16,542 bytes +16,542 Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/08/12 |Location=Alleyway, Clinton |Synopsis=Spawn and Deadpool compare pain. The answer may surprise you. |Cast of Characters=106, 1490 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:106|Deadpool (106)}} has posed:'''<br>In the dim, grime-coated labyrinth of the dark alley, shadows danced across the litter-strewn ground. The alley was a grotesque tableau of urban decay - overflowing trash cans, scattered debris, and the pungent aroma of rotting..."